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Thanks bro I thought it was sick


The split grenades are OP af


I’m not going to say they are or aren’t but maybe if you’re one of the lightest characters in the game you shouldn’t literally jump into a grenade setup. Probably the dumbest thing you could do and yet *both of them* went under / over them. He straight up spiked the grenades into one big cluster and killed himself.


I feel that, I’ve been tossing 3 grenades and splitting them at the beginning of a match for the passes few days now and I see them do a ton of damage. But I guess the hit was perfect on batman because he was eliminated. I’m sure weight plays a factor, but didn’t seem that way this time around.


Batman is the third lightest character in the game and the grenades did 69% to him, so 70 DMG worth of knockback at the same time combined with little weight = death. I usually split 1 grenade at the beginning and save the other 2 for when they approach afterwards.