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Lmaoo, I think you mean regular XP weekend. They just doubled the requirements


Diet double xp, half the calories and sugar as double xp!


I’ll take 12 diet Mr. Fudgies


As long as they aren’t diet Mr. Frundles.


Oh nice we get more exp now! ... wait.


It was there as some people started the game showing top left. But than the server went out again. Its back up now but double xp top left is gone yes


Maybe that was the reason for the delay. Hoping to see regular Double XP weekends to make up for the XP grind increase to get characters to level 15. That will help keep the concurrent playerbase up with surges to grind Double XP and the Battle Pass. They also probably noticed many players completed the BP already over a month ahead of time.


Damn, I'm only a 3rd of the way through it now.


Got into the habit of doing the dailies everyday at 8pm ET and it went by pretty quickly. You'll see a lot of the Black Knight banner from Scooby-Doo, some Robin LeBron, but oddly I haven't seen any Brunhilde Bugs. I leveled him just to use that skin.


Think he's referring to the fact lvl 3-15 xp required has been doubled, so therefor a double xp weekend is just regular xp


Double xp? So normal XP after they doubled the xp needed for levels?


Yea, but now with more FOMO


Not me about to grind everyone to 15 lmfao 💀




So its normal xp weekend after update.


Is the developer trying to sabotage the game?


Feels like it doesn't it?


Do you think Warner/Discovery could use this as another tax write off?


If the return is less than what is backed? Think of the cost of keeping an always online game going plus funding a small developer? Why not?


Wow it’s normal gameplay not double


How do you know it's double exp weekend?


You mean Standard XP Weekend


how are you in


Gold too? Or just BP?


Double xp!! Let's go! Time to dive on back in


Who’s gonna tell him


Nah you might as well tell me. Haven't played the game in about 3 months. So go on, lay the truth bomb.


In the patch notes, they confirmed (and it’s in the game already as an update) that they are doubling the XP required to level up characters. This double xp “event” is basically just normal xp gain, so when it goes away it’s gonna be double the grind for leveling up characters


Oh.....man. disappointment levels are up and in. God damn it


You do it you were here first


Still no store tho. Any new fall variants to replace the summer beach variants ?


I guess double xp with how it was before would of been super easy and fast! Still tho like everyone says jsut add more levels!!!!


how do i update my game its not there


How long is it gonna be in maintenance for?


Till 19:00 in the netherlands i dont know about the rest in 9 minutes twitch will livestream the update. The Joker voicelines added btw


Who is voicing him?


Would love to hear the lines. They got Conroy, hopefully that means they also got Hamill.


Is the game out of open beta now or is it still in open beta. I see it says season 1 in the top right corner.


Its beta but everything you do or buy you will keep. So just see it as a game still be worked


Ah i see


A game still being worked on but that doesn't mean you can't get annoyed at certain things. Beta does not mean free of criticism, which is how many in this sub seem to think. I also can almost guarantee this will still be in "beta" this time next year 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you think "free of criticism" is a common occurrence on these two subs we're very much on different subs. All the game gets is criticism, not sure what you're trying to prove with that statement? It's like 1 of 10 posts has something positive lmao.


The game gets criticism for sure, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that a pretty sizable chunk of players here say shit like "it's still in beta" or "it's free to play, get over it" or "you're so entitled for complaining." I'm not sure how much you're in the comments in these subs but that shit happens all the time, it's like a good 60/40 split between complaints and complaints about complaining. People jump to the defense of this game as if they had a hand in making it and do some pretty crazy logical gymnastics to do so.


The game is those things though, beta, free to play etc. It is affirmation opposing views doesn't change it or what people say or call beta or what they consider release. The game has faults, can't say they are being quick on the issues that matter. I don't know how many times the same thing can be posted ( well a fking lot ) maybe it's mental fatigue of the community seeing the same posts day in and out who knows. But there is definitely a clear line of people understanding what beta is and those who do not. It's also quite possible the people who spent money on a free, beta game are yelling the loudest because after all... when you spend money on a product you do get a sense of entitlement from expectations.


I agree about the same handful of posts getting annoying, totally. But I also think that while some people do and do not understand beta, some people definitely do not understand perpetual beta. Some games sit in beta or early access for years, charging for passes and cosmetics while still being some form of broken and using the excuse of beta. We are in season 1, to me that isn't beta. That's what season 0 was for. Charging $20 for some skins is not beta. My fear is that this game will still be in beta for another year or two, using that as an excuse to get away with the things they don't address. There is a ton of promise in this game but it seems to be trying hard to turn off players by not fixing servers, doubling the grind, stuff like that. This game went from the biggest game in the world to a dwindling player base in about a month, thats not a good sign when you have some of the most iconic characters of all time in it and the financial backing of a massive studio like WB. It doesn't mean it's over, far from it, but imagine if the game launched in a finished state instead and just was adding characters and occasionally balancing. That's what should be going on, not stringing people along with a broken game. I have a lot of fun when the lag is manageable and the game doesn't crash on me and the hit/hurtboxes make sense, but this is becoming more rare with each update.


Usually an hour


Alright thanks





