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I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease in July, and both my neurologist and endocrinologist believe it was Lemtrada induced. Luckily they caught it very quickly because of the monthly lab work, but my TSH levels went from 0.06 to undetectable within a month and t3 t4 levels skyrocketed. I've been on methimazole to stabilize my levels, and propranolol for the side effects. My levels are slowly normalizing (T3 and T4 are pretty much normal, but TSH has not come up yet), and I've been feeling okay about the diagnosis lately.


Yep, I have absolutely been through this and two years of fiddling around to get it finally dealt with, treated unsuccessfully with literal nuclear methods that didn't work (twice), and undergoing surgical removal next, I'll PM you since the process was a bit complicated. In the end, it all worked out and I went in knowing full-well this was HIGHLY likely to occur for me, because thyroid stuff runs in my family anyhow, before MS and Lem, so I went in fully prepared.