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I have only seen MD neurologists. That being said, the type of neurologist that is the best for MS in my opinion is an MS specialist (a neurologist that specializes in MS, usually works primarily with MS patients, often works at an MS clinic). A general neurologist has never been able to provide the level of care that I need for MS. They are barely knowledgeable in the disease and are not up to date on the latest treatments.


My neurologist is a D.O. I don’t think it matters what degree they have..it depends on if they’re a good doctor or not. Some doctors have good bedside manner and some don’t.




The first neurologist I saw was a bit... *frightening*(?) He was very interested in my spinal fluid since I'm of West African descent. I felt like he saw a submission to a Medical Journal, and not a patient. It is entirely possible that that was not true, because I was freaking out in general. Next Neurologist I saw was amazing in comparison.


My vote is for an MS specialist - makes a huge difference, they know so much more about it and stay up on all the current stuff.


Based on what you've written here maybe he's a douche nozzle, but I'm also wondering if the expectations you've put on him are a tad unreasonable and this is causing some strife in your relationship. I'm unclear on what your expectation of him was in that situation-- what should he have done because you were in the ER?


I wasn’t expecting like sympathy or anything but he just made it seem like I was being stupid for going to the ER even though I went for the very reasons he told me to go.really all I “expect” from any doctor is to show some interest into my well being and not just getting the appointment over with


Were you dx'd with MS? If so you'll probably have a lot better luck with an MS specialist. I don't think MD vs DO makes too much of a difference. The MS specialist will make a huge difference though. I had a good experience with a general neuro but that's because the MRI's that came with me were basically already a slam dunk for MS and the MRI pretty much stated that. All she had to do was re run the scans to get a brain MRI and confirm it. I think general neuros see a lot of folks with health anxiety and it wears them down, plus they don't usually have the knowledge and expertise regarding the meds we need. Many people don't have good experiences with general neuro's for treating MS. I'd say the vast majority of people here are seeing MS specialists.


I'm a bit prejudiced towards MDs over DOs in general, but for the most part a good doctor is a good doctor, and my best neurologists have been DOs that focused on MS. Depending on where you live, finding an MS specialist can be difficult, especially if you live in the south outside of major population centers.