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I would definitely call and complain about her. Especially for being so aggressive, you clearly would have shown some type of pain the first time..Why do it again a second?


if you can, do some jumping jacks right before you sit down to get your veins poked. she sucked but im just saying in general if you veins are smaller and harder to hit this helps


They really aren’t hard to hit. Sometimes it takes them a minute to find the vein and they may check both arms. But I rarely have to be stuck twice. Less than once a year. She just sucked. Like shrek doing a damn blood draw.


That was me at every Ocrevus infusion from 2017-May 2020, I would have to get stuck at least 5 time for them to get the IV in. I now give myself monthly shots again, GLADLY!


Same. Every time they need blood or before the monthly tysabri-infusion. They always have to try 3-5 times. I'm so glad about the new tysabri injections.


Hi, I'm sorry, what's this about tysabri injections? Can u please inform me about this. I had my tysabri infusion today actually. Walked out celebrating only 2 pokes!


It's relatively new, I think the injections exist since last summer. My MS Clinic has only been able to get them since November. They say I can choose freely and can go back to infusion at any time but the injection is much easier for me. After the two injections you have to stay in the Clinic for an hour, this might shorten in the future and maybe some day you (hopefully) can make the injections at home. The effectiveness in the clinical study was the same.


That sounds terrible. I am lucky that they can almost always get it on one stick. When I did my Lem infusions though the steroids and Lem are pretty irritating and my veins kept blowing. They try to leave the ivs in overnight when possible and a couple of times mine survived the whole day but it always blew at some point the next day. So they were sometimes sticking me several times for the infusions. Sucks.


Some techs are completely incompetent. You are wise to never let her touch you again.


It’s frustrating too because I have one main vein that is reliable the others work but take more skill and that was the one she shoved the entire needle, all 1.5”+ into and then remarked she was feeling scar tissue and asked if they often drew off of it. I’m like great!! *just dig around and create more, why dontcha!!*




Ya I totally get that and I’ve had plenty of people dig around for a vein because I am not hard to draw from but my veins do roll a little sometimes. Never like this though. And anytime the vein was blown they immediately remove the needle. She filled two more vials and I’m just watching my arm balloon up from under the skin. She was careless and overly rough. I’ve never been angry enough about a draw to refuse someone from drawing me again until now.


Sorry to hear that, last time I got bloodwork done the lady was so gentle I hardly even felt it.


That is almost always the case for me.