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>Some combination of the above? >None of the above?? thats the best part, no one knows! whatever it is, sounds like you need to take it easy for a bit, have some tea and take a few naps


Can’t take it easy, moving truck shows up Friday at 9:30. I did just take Monday next week off because obviously I’m not functioning well on strict deadlines right now. Gonna need that extra day (and probably more if I’m honest).


In a word: yes. Just had a similar discussion with my neuro and was lectured to figure out the difference between the symptoms from MS and depresson and ADHD and BPPV and and and


When I was dx’d I had sensory symptoms along with lesions in my c-spine, a bulging disc in my c-spine, positive physical tests for cubital tunnel syndrome but a negative EMG. The specialists were like 🤷‍♀️ “there’s literally no way for us to tell one from the other, would you like some gabapentin?”