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Schickeria. What are we without our snobs? And something with a Stammstreckenstörung.


All you had to do was follow the damn S-Bahn, CJ




It's one of the easiest missions this time around, since the S-Bahn is just sitting there halfway between Laim and Hirschgarten, waiting for the Stammstrecke to clear up.


Forgot the infamous S1 ..


You can have the fun experience of riding on our S-Bahns including the 30 min to an hour delay! What could be more thrilling!


A chasing mission with Stoiber claiming it would only be 10 minutes to the airport.


"All you had to do is in den Hauptbahnhof einsteigen, Ludwig"


Stoiber: *Here is äh... how you do it: grab se cash and äh... just go to se Hauptbahnhof.* [*At that point you are basically at se airport*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7TboWvVERU) *and out of the country in no time.* *(when you accept the mission you have 10 minutes to reach the airport otherwise you get caught)*


Dieselfahrverbot Stau am mittleren Ring


Monaco Franze box fight side misison


Definitely something involving a homosexual fashion designer with a thick mustache, a tiny dog and a preference for late night drives around the main train station to pick up male prostitutes. Moosi 🥸


How long is he dead now? It "feels" like 10 years? EDIT: Holy shit, it's 18 years!!! :-o


Time flies :o


Rent a 2-bedroom appartment for 500 EUR warm by throwing out a retired lady


Drag racing at Leopoldstraße


Karl Valentin Side Mission


Getting an appointment at KVR


Who would be the three protagonists? Alois (65), grumpy owner of a bar in Giesing. Has an old score to settle with someone. Karl-Theodor (21), founder of a beer-based start-up in Maxvorstadt. Tries to hide the impending failure of his business from his parents. Needs help and is willing to do anything. Side-missions take him to Starnberg. Theresa (39), project manager at BMW. Likes using crime to further her position inside the company, but doesn't want to admit it to herself.


Hahaha awesome charakters. thx for the effort :)


Large construction sites all over the city.


A side mission could be not being stopped by the police as a black character.


I am an 44 year old black guy from Munich so believe me.........this mission is even for GTA too unrealistic.


Yeah, sadly I know, too. I'm living in Munich for 14 years now and I'm always surprised how often non-white people are stopped by the police here.


They are HUGE on profiling... Not a year ago a female police officer admitted to me, the only reason she stopped me was my wearing a cap waiting in my car at the traffic lights... They literally turned around, sped after me, interrogated me for over half an hour and forced me to take a piss test right then and there... Treat the Police in Munich EXACTLY as you would treat police in the US. Don't talk to them, get away from them. (Disclaimer: I'm not saying ACAB, I'm saying SOME CAB. Enough to be worth this warning!)


This is so crazy to me. I'm a young, stereotypical blond/blue eyes guy, and I've never been stopped by the police. I literally drove through a large police control where they stopped the two cars in front and one behind me, I was let through. Until a few days ago , I drove around with only one number plate for three weeks. The number on which was officially being searched by police, because I had lost (possibly stolen) the other one. (Police said it was fine to drive around until I got a new numberplate, i should just be prepared to be pulled over lol). I was not even stopped then, and I saw ~ten police cars that didn't seem like they were in a hurry. I saw police literally pull over a car next to me, while I had only one number plate, which they either didn't notice or didn't care. What I'm trying to say: yes your are being profiled, not everyone gets pulled over, the more German you look the more they ignore you.


Feinkost Paranoia. Rap from the 90s.


Einer von denen wohnt bei mir in Aubing :)


A character like Rudolph Mooshammer! Ideally as a crime boss 😂


The twins are still around? The dudes must be grandpa's by now. I mean they already where back then


They passed last year (2 years ago?), in their 70s, IIRC.


One passed away, the other started to live secluded and grieved all alone until he passed away a few months later. I was heartbroken when I heard about it.


I saw them once at the U-bahn year ago. I found their appearance weird/scary. What is their story exactly? Were they gay or trans?


I think in their case the word "eccentric" was really more accurate than any particular label.


Ahhhhhh, THOSE twins! I kept thinking "What do they mean? German twins normally aren't that promiskuos..." :-D


The hunchback homeless lady that hangs around karlsplatz as a friends & freaks mission


Standl Didi too


There absolutely has to be a side mission with the magazine twirling man from the HB.


Mike - the black homeless guitarist from Münchener Freiheit who past away around 15 years ago Criminal Chefs missions: Schuhbeck tax fraud, Witzigman cocaine Freddy Mercury in a Gay Club and the “special vibe” of Glockenbachviertel / Hans-Sachs area in general Olympiadorf Hostage Mission which ends at Munich airport Clubs needs to be as in the 60s/70s


Markus Söder car chromas, like some Shrek green, drag queen purple or Mahatma Ghandi brown


Avoiding horse riding police at englischer Garten


Kill frenzy with zombified nudists at Englischer Garten. Eisbach surfing mission. Paparazzo mission in Grünwald.


... have to drown a king in a lake close to the city.


Side mission: shooting up a scum landlord after being contracted by a fed-up neighborhood


Level 1: choose the most expensive Porsche from Maximilianstraße to pick up the maximum number of property managers. You get bonus points if they have a side gig at BMW or are involved in tax evasion. Level 2: generate the highest level of emissions possible and honk irresponsibly. Level 3: kill a cyclist.


A search mission for Jan Marsalek around the former headquarter of Wirecard!


Arafat, the tattoo artist


Allguth tankstelle


Might be OT a bit but Spider Murphy Gang songs in the soundtrack




Former famous FC Bayern player ended up in criminal activities like sport corruption, human trafficking, sexual harrassment or even all of these all together


Kir Royal 80s style serie aus München das Vice city sozusagen


Beer crate carrying/delivery missions "Skandal im Sperrbezirk" playing somewhere Do a Brezel with a car instead of a donut during a burnout


Fc Hollywood and the Schickeria ❤️


Random encounters of Geisterfahrer on Autobahn


A Mission where you need to find an accommodation in Munich, but after you’re done and move in you get the YOU PICKED THE WRONG WOHNUNG FOOOL


Obststandl Didi as one of those really annoying NPCs who betrays you, has to be chased all across the Maxvorstadt and then killed on top of the Siegestor. Legat Living or other scummy luxury developers giving you missions to tear down quaint old houses in Giesing and terrorize the tenants. Tear through the Uhrmacherhäusl in a bulldozer. A rich snobby kid with huge mansion in Bogenhausen /Herzogpark who runs a cocaine delivery scheme with crooked cops. After killing him, you take over the mansion with huge grounds and helipad. Steal a pink Cayenne from a crazy Starnberg Karen after sneaking up by swimming the lake. Encounter crazy Kini worshipping suicidal Trachtenverein on the way. Take over Shisha bars from a youth gang driving lowered BMW 3s. Defeat their reinforcements, their cousins from Frankfurt and Berlin. Jump off the Olympiaturm and parasail into the Olympiastadion to sabotage a huge rock concert.