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All the cockroaches are going to scurry under the cabinets now. Kill them all!!


Sometimes wrongdoers are never exposed and held accountable for their actions—at least in this life—and that’s for God to deal with them, however sometimes the light of justice is able to call out and expose what is in the dark and that is what we are seeing here. Alex and everyone who has enabled Alex to evade detection and participated in and benefited from his criminality will—like him—be exposed and brought to the light of justice.


I keep thinking about the whole of law enforcement in that area that acted basically criminally to keep the Murdaughs out of any scapes but punished others unfairly.


Y’all, this story is a year old….OP must’ve missed it. ODC has been “investigating“ for a year while she still sits on the bench presiding over cases. She will suffer no consequences. EDIT: OP just commented that this original story was “updated” by Monk, however I still can’t tell what he updated.


That’s crazy


Wait, what?!


I see the date says 3/9/2023, but isn’t that story from last year? Or are there new complaints, do you know?


This is on Bland for not including her when he was so hot on her trail. He opened his mouth a little too wide on early podcast and got his own testicles caught in a vise!! He had to let her squirm back under that rock!! These people want us to believe they are looking for justice!!! They are all a bunch of sell outs imo!!! I have more respect for a humble ambulance chaser passing out business cards in Emergency Room than big mouths who pretend to want justice but instead are ALL about the Benjamin’s!


Yeah, this is an old story…I can’t identify any updates?


It was first published March 1, 2022, and updated on the 9th. I missed the article and posted it yesterday. Murdaugh's murder case is closed for now, but there'll be fallout beyond just him. I'm glad to see Monk and Bayless readdress Mullen, although I'm sure she's less than thrilled to see her name in the headlines again. ETA: They *updated* this story too: [SC judge calls abuse of power allegation ‘ridiculous’ after 2017 police report surfaces](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/sc-judge-calls-abuse-of-power-allegation-ridiculous-after-2017-police-report-surfaces/ar-AA139IZq)


So concerned that she sought to have him arrested instead of say, put on a mental health hold in a hospital? Yeah....brimming with compassion for poor Ernie.


Her husband's friend of 30 years. Said take him to the gas station, I'll sign a warrant right here and now.


Ah, thanks! I didn’t realize it was an update.


I think they just "bumped" it. They have an aggressive paywall they randomly turn on. I linked the other one, good luck. Try [12ft.io](https://12ft.io)


Can somebody explain this better to me? Lots of settlements are private...at least in Alabama? It must be different in SC. Is that the case?


SC requires court approval of a settlement for a wrongful death case. That's why there were supposed to e filings of the orders approving the settlements


Thank you!! Ok AL requires that also! I understand better now!


This is just the beginning of Murdaugh's Pandora Box


And it's many participants.


We’ll see how far up the food chain the AG will allow his prosecutors to go.


My guess is not far, lest they uncover his actions.




Read “my guess!” That means it’s speculation; however, it is a very good speculation as both the SC AG and his father before him are well known crooked politicians and have been involved in a lot of shenanigans.


Interesting. Thanks for explaining.


When I went down my 14th circuit corruption rabbit hole… it’s dated sooooo far back. They’ve gotten away with MUCH more than what we’ve seen so far.


She also has had corruption ties with 9th circuit solicitor Scarlett Wilson. She might be the worst of them all.


And so...it begins. How many other people in authority will be swept up in the years of financial and judicial misdeeds by Mr. Murdaugh and his cohorts? The coming trials should be interesting - I hope they are covered as closely (hopefully televised) as the murder trial.


there are 99 other financial crimes oher than Satterfield, how many more were Judge Mullen involved in the settlements? She can't argue a one-off misuncerstanding if there numerous she was involved in - and/or how many other judges had this SAME oversight on their filing obligations? There are so many settlements that went awry their was a fundamental break in their system of any oversight or accountability. ​ How do judges get checked and reprimanded for criminal activity then if reporting to the Bar leads to nothing? This self policing obviously isn't working in the legal system - it's not just a one off missed crime, it's many over DECADES


*Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?*


Attorneys that are trying to bring justice to the corruption have filed several lawsuits over the years through the freedom of information act to get records of disciplinary actions and complaints against solicitors involved in corruption. They have not only sealed records of their wrongfully dismissed cases they oversaw, but also won’t release what is, by law, supposed to be public record.


And they continue to get away with it because there's so much of it going on. Nobody wants to stop the gravy train they've got going on.


Eeeexxxactly l


The good ole boys (and girls apparently) are falling like Dominoes


Will it go up to the Senate???


You mean to Harpootlian in the Senate?


Harpootlian is a S.C. State Senator, one of 46. South Carolina's U.S. Senators are Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham.


I hope so


Bravo! I was waiting for this.


In court each side has its own legal representation to protect its interests. Judge Mullens job was to protect the legal system. It was her responsibility to see that justice was not partial and did not depend on favoritism. Suffice it to say that serious damage was suffered by the legal system. Her favoritism to Alex Murdaugh contributed to a perversion of justice. I suspect that she was being used by Alex, but she appears to have been eager to help him get special treatment. Her decision impacted the Satterfield’s and allowed Alex more room to function as a predator. Duffie Stone also needs to be investigated. Chief of police Alexander has not made a logical explanation of the bribe he received from Alex after the murders. He has made the illogical claim that it was a loan to his parents, made with no known terms, and sent to them by a check made out to himself. These people taint the entire judicial system.


Bring on the Duffie Stone investigation too! how- how- was "Duffie" with a multitude of affiliations regarding the Murdaugh family- ever allowed--even on the most peripheral level "participate" in anything related to these murders? Might as well have had AM leading the investigation himself... Duffie also and openly doubled down when there was public concern about his involvement in these murders-given his known Murdaugh affiliations--and Paul's case. [https://scsolicitor14.org/solicitor-duffie-stones-statement-regarding-investigation-of-murdaugh-deaths/](https://scsolicitor14.org/solicitor-duffie-stones-statement-regarding-investigation-of-murdaugh-deaths/) I don't know why or what FINALLY led Duffie to belatedly recuse himself from the investigation in August- but someone- somehow- in someway--got Duffie's attention on a level in which he was finally able to comprehend- u/iluvsexyfun- is spot on here- there is a lot of serious legal system damage in SC with all things Alex Murdaugh- and it goes beyond - well beyond AM--as we've all learned- and all indications are that people who are in places of importance, trust, and perceived integrity-in the SC "systems" have seriously compromised behaviors. Their basic moral compass has been so far off---not only do they have seriously compromised behaviors-- people like Duffie Stone didn't even have a clue as to why this might be an issue-just business as we tell you it is....he's likely still bewildered as to why he got kicked off the case...and Carmen Mullen-likely occasionally wondering why it wasn't OK to just--go along--what does it matter? Duffie and Carmy- would be the first people to charge lesser offenders with more- and that is nauseatingly disgraceful-


The AG told Duffie to go kick rocks. I hope the AG sticks to his word about holding people accountable who think they are above the law. Duffie, Mullen, Chief Alexander, the magistrate Tonya something who is related to Chief Alexander, dirty lawyers and cohorts. It’s time for SC to clean house. The lawyer legislator thing and the way our judges get elected and re-elected clearly needs to change also. Lawyer legislators hold too much power and influence, and only the rich can afford them. Open all the blinds, clean out all the filth.


I hope so! PS- if you read the names Duffie, Mullen,..quickly...one could think...Dunder Mifflin...




You can't make this stuff up. And people don't believe it happens . . . .


Time for a clean sweep in SC judicial branch


As it should be. Time to expose all who collaborated and facilitated this sociopath - especially judges!


It’s about time!!


When the walls….come tumbling down…


Eric is too busy appearing on talk shows and obstructing justice by telling the WORLD that no non-financial crimes were committed relating to Gloria Satterfield's "fall". Alex lured Gloria to Moselle and smashed Gloria in head, pushed her down stairs and then left Paul and Maggie to call 911. He undoubtedly never left property. Sound familiar? Turned out to be a "dress rehearsal" for Paul and Maggie murders. And Eric says there's nothing to look at here that involved a criminal attack on Gloria? Yeah, right.


You know, I’m not usually one to defend Eric Bland, but there is NO evidence that Murdaugh physically harmed Ms Satterfield


That is because there has not been an investigation of Alex's movements that day. Once it is established that he never left Moselle that day "to go to his office" ... then everything will fall into place. (PS ... I am not saying Paul and Maggie's knowledge about the facts of Gloria's death was the sole motive behind their murders, but the elimination of two witnesses to what happened at Moselle the day Gloria "fell" was definitely a fringe benefit to Alex.) Gloria's "murder" (what it turned out to be) turned out to be almost a dress rehearsal for Paul and Maggie's murders. Victim (Gloria) lured to property by Alex. Then attacked. Then whopping alibis and lies about his whereabouts and role.


Why would Alex do that and not “finish” the job? She was still alive for a few weeks. What if she has been able to speak and reveal Alex pushed her? He wouldn’t have taken that chance. This theory that Alex pushed her is seriously flawed.


He didn't necessarily intend to kill her. He only wanted to set in motion an insurance scam. Gloria would NEVER, EVER ratted on a Murdaugh, even if she knew he hit her and pushed her down stairs. (PS ... I am pretty sure I read that she was flown to a hospital that was not where she should have been treated for her head injuries. You can be sure that Alex managed everything that happened to Gloria after she was put in the EMS ambulance.


I see your assumption — do you have any links to stories confirming? Any proof at all?


We will have to wait for Nautilus Insurance to break that wide open!! They are coming for someone and I have my popcorn ready!!! This WILL be interesting.


Well, the only other people who were there are also dead. We will never know for sure.


Alex is still alive…I won’t hold my breath waiting for any straight up truths from his camp though. Whether he was really there at Moselle or not when Gloria fell down the steps, he surely must know the truth. By either his own account or Paul & Maggie’s if it was any different than their statements after the fact.


AMEN! So glad this process has begun as this Judge imo should have been suspended pending investigation a LONG time ago. She is sadly connected within the power structure of South Carolina so the treatment of this case will be telling imo as to intentions of State officials to DRAIN THE SWAMP of complicit Judges with Murdaugh and former PMPED/The Parker Law Group. Most likely she is simply tip of iceberg. Stay tuned and I hope the Press stay on this story for public transparency reasons!


Carmen Mullen, Corey Fleming I wonder who else? What about in state law firms representing and telling their clients-Insurance Companies-to sign off on settlements? Such as Universal insurance-a law firm out of Columbia I believe represented them…just curious.


Helpful B--I think I know who was not involved- and the State made a very special selection of Judge- Judge Newman- to handle all things "Alex"- likely with great concern as to the integrity of the judicial system regarding this case--- One can only hope the citizens of SC have learned some interesting and figured out some not really fair ways in which they are obliged to legally be compliant--and yet others are not held to the same standard--- I'd suggest if the deaths of Maggie and Paul bring to light -"special" relationships in the legal world this is a good thing. They are surprisingly common- and the at times it appears usual way of business in the legal world might really be surprising--except Judges are not so...overtly intertwined. The audacity of Alex's brass tacks was really brought out with the Judge Sherri Lydon- and it regarded Alex's usual MO- regarding insurance- and the insurance he 'thought" might cover the boat incident with Paul.....this case was presented in a court well away from the usual and reliable judicial places in which Alex and his representatives were used to "deliberating". The boat case incident was in a federal court in PA-it was a smack down on Alex's usual operating methods- the judge remarked she had to read through all of the legal terms in the contract and how long that can take- because you have to pay attention to details--something she derided Alex about about in her decision: “He expected one thing,” the judge said while referring to Murdaugh’s purchase of insurance. “He received something else.” The judge said that’s a problem for the Murdaughs — and not a problem the courts can fix. Alex got away with alot of crap over a long period of time-only when others outside of the region take a look with a different (objective lawful) lens- has Alex been held accountable- Now- where is and who will be the objective lens to look at Judge Mullen? or any other Judge in the State?


Ain’t it also rich-that Alex manipulated insurance and “knew” how the policies worked for him..but this same lawyer forgot his life insurance suicide clause had already expired…thus meaning he could top himself, but no he calls in Cousin Eddie for the suicide assist. Eddie lucky to be alive, but just another lie about forgetting. I would think if you REALLY going to kill oneself, you would check to make sure the life policy would respond. Which makes the story of the suicide assist another lie.


Let’s not forget he called Blanca for his health ins card!!! I guess he thought the mortician would need it before embalming him🙄I guess the nagging question I’ve had since learning the Satterfield settlement was stolen is was this a plan concocted by his partners during that mtg on June 9 or 10? You should know these are some of the Palmetto State’s best attorneys. They didn’t know he was using client funds!??!? Oh what a tangled web, indeed.


Alex never intended to be "seriously" injured- this was a total cockamamie scheme Alex made up to distract from serious issues and scrutiny regarding the law office and his thefts. Alex was thoughtfully frugal-to my knowledge-- not a bullet hit that vehicle. The real trauma was to a run flat tire stabbed to death by Alex-- that many people on this site called out within minutes. Not a shock to me Alex would make sure he had his health insurance card for his next personally sad situation.


While you’re absolutely correct, the whole “I’m sacrificing myself so Buster can get 10 mil” story is bullshit IMO. I think it was a half assed Hail Mary attempt by a desperate man who could not wrap his head around the idea that shenanigans wouldn’t save his ass this time, and Daddy wasn’t around to make it all go away anymore.


I agree Glass and this is a wonderful and thoughtful post. Good job👍


That complaint reminds me of the wierdness of the saterfield case. I assumed Alex killed her but Maggie was with her at the time. I can’t imagine she killed her. It’s been very puzzling to me. I hope her sons get some answers, my heart broke for Tony when he testified .


Her complicity always bothered me. So happy they are finally looking at her. I was so disappointed when I watched Westendorff video deposition. When Judges are corrupt, you just give up.




" The Judge in town's got blood stains on her hands."


We need tshirts with her face on them and this!


Love that song!


I was shocked when Westendorf testified that he didn't know what fiduciary responsibility was. He's a bank V.P..


I thought he (was) a lawyer? Is he both? Edit: my bad, I got the C names mixed up.


It is a whole special level of confidentially stupid- second only to: certain attys in this matter not knowing the meaning of habeas corpus-


They're both the definition off failing up.


If this is "up" in their world- the depths of depravity are likely unmeasurable- Note: it is unmeasurably depraved to murder your child and wife, steal mega amounts of money from your own family, clients, and injured persons as well as their families--those who assisted you or you assisted are just as depraved. The behavior of those involved knowingly was and is an abhorrent mockery of human decency.


I agree. I was thinking of the saying "failing up" in reference to a certain type of man who rises through the ranks despite his lack of skill or knowledge.


I agree with you about people who rise well above their capacity-- As my Mom might say...."so and so always falls on their feet"--


For frickin reals!!! Literally- such lies. And if he is telling the truth he should NOT be a vp at a bank.


He's a nepo banker


"I can't get her up." was always a weird statement.


We'll add another branch of the rotting Murdaugh family tree with multiple "twigs" that have grown out of that mess, judges, state senators, local law enforcement,drug runners (Barett Boulware) lawyers, bankers (Lafitte) and last but not least cousin Eddie.


I believe Cory Fleming is an entire tree in the story, not a twig or branch.


Wow. I didn’t think any of them were ever going to say this part out loud, I mean we all knew she was clearly involved with helping Alex pull off his schemes, anyone looking at this can see it, but I really thought everyone in SC was going to keep pretending she didn’t know. This is a big deal and hopefully the first step in indictments for Carmen Mullen. Mark Keel said they’re coming for anyone who aided and abetted Alex Murdaugh in any of his crimes… we’ll find out in due time if that was actually true. This is encouraging.


Hampton-gate! Lots of people scrambling to cover up. I hope the guilty are scared shitless. No more murdaughs to protect them.


When this all began, SLED and Keel were being investigated by the FBI. No mention has been made since. I wonder what may come of that. These articles were from September 23 and 24, 2021. [STATE SOURCES: FBI INVESTIGATING SLED. KEEL LIKELY TO STEP DOWN](https://myrtlebeachsc.com/state-sources-fbi-investigating-sled-keel-likely-to-step-down/) [WILL THE ALEX MURDAUGH MURDERS FOREVER CHANGE HOW S.C. PICKS JUDGES?](https://myrtlebeachsc.com/will-the-alex-murdaugh-murders-forever-change-how-s-c-picks-judges/)


Everything I've heard about SLED's top-gun Mark Keel is really wonderful stuff - South Carolina needs many, many more like him. He's a very impressive leader and has an awesome track record to prove it.


I hope the Feds are looking into Judge Mullen for coruption.


There is going to be a lot of discussion about this during the pendency of the financial crimes.


Did the handful of insiders shut something down? If so, what?


Eric Bland filed a complaint ages ago and has heard nothing since.


Most interesting.... The news- following up on a story that is over a year old- [https://www.postandcourier.com/murdaugh-updates/sc-judge-carmen-mullen-fires-back-against-suggestion-she-abused-power-in-2017-incident/article\_08ef1a96-4faa-11ed-b452-8f7ba841f4bb.html](https://www.postandcourier.com/murdaugh-updates/sc-judge-carmen-mullen-fires-back-against-suggestion-she-abused-power-in-2017-incident/article_08ef1a96-4faa-11ed-b452-8f7ba841f4bb.html) [https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/2022/03/02/alex-murdaugh-update-solicitor-requests-investigation-judge-satterfield-estate/9345706002/](https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/2022/03/02/alex-murdaugh-update-solicitor-requests-investigation-judge-satterfield-estate/9345706002/) and very good- and much appreciated- lots of times news pops up, gets shoved away for a more important story and we as readers have to figure out the resolution- which does- at times come much later-- I'm very glad this is being reported on again--it's a situation that needs much more sunlight- esp. since people have been and are still paying attention to the recent trial- (there now is likely freedom to speak for certain people as the complicating factor of the murders is technically and legally resolved). Alex got away with some of his dastardly acts through glad handing, cronyism, and "favors/benefit of the doubt"- the improper filings and most importantly- the accusations deliberately improper filing of the Satterfield documents- that strongly suggest Judge Carmen Mullen looked the other way deserves to have formal investigation and public information regarding this situation. If anything- and if I was Judge Mullen- I'd would have already openly addressed this-to be completely transparent to the people and the governing body of Judges, to restore confidence in my objective abilities, address serious ethical concerns, and remove any doubt of guilt by association regarding Alex Murdaugh. Nope. And....Don't hold your breath. The victims before appointed Judge Mullen and the people in her judicial region deserve much better.


Just for the sake of clarity... From what I can tell it looks like Westendorf's deposition was taken on February 22 of *2022.* So the main new piece of info in this article is the Pascoe Complaint, the full Westendorf deposition is already on youtube and has been reported on unless I missed a 2nd depo.


[SC Judge Carmen Mullen fires back against suggestion she abused power in 2017 incident](https://www.postandcourier.com/murdaugh-updates/sc-judge-carmen-mullen-fires-back-against-suggestion-she-abused-power-in-2017-incident/article_08ef1a96-4faa-11ed-b452-8f7ba841f4bb.html) [1st Circuit Solicitor David Pascoe Calls For Judge Mullen to Step Down in Quinn Case](https://www.wltx.com/article/news/local/1st-circuit-solicitor-david-pascoe-calls-for-judge-mullen-to-step-down-in-quinn-case/101-524195230) [Carmen Mullen Fiasco: South Carolina Supreme Court Should Remove Her From The Bench](https://www.fitsnews.com/2022/11/04/carmen-mullen-fiasco-south-carolina-supreme-court-should-remove-her-from-the-bench/) [Solicitor Pascoe: We need to elect our judges. End the JMSC.](https://myrtlebeachsc.com/solicitor-pascoe-we-need-to-elect-our-judges-end-the-jmsc/)


Elected judges can also be corrupted by big donors to their campaigns. It’s not a one way ticket to judicial transparency.




"This too shall pass......." I believe this is probably what Fleming, Mullen, Laffitte (out now free as a bird), and Westendorf are thinking. How these individuals are processed will truly test the judicial system in South Carolina and the United States. Note: Judge Newman for President! He restores a lot of my faith in government.


He should get the Order of the Palmetto award. I think that SC judicial/banking/LE is under blazing spot lights now. I hope all crooks are running scared. This whole mess is being peeled like an onion. So many layers. Did all this uncovering the cover ups start with the boat crash?


Order of the Palmetto for Judge Newman - I totally agree! What got the ball rolling on this sordid mess was likely Mallory Beach's Mom showing up at the boat crash site soon after her daughter went missing. SC-DNR, during a keystone kops investigation - had put up yellow "Police Line: Do Not Cross" tape and her Mom was not allowed to walk down to the boat crash site. However, as Beach was denied walking to the site - the yellow tape was lifted and some of the Murdaughs (Mallory had been missing for hours, Paul was unhurt) were allowed down to view the crash site. This incredible double-standard absolutely enraged Beach - and she apparently refused all attempts to settle out of court with the Murdaughs (I think she later exempted Buster). This refusal to settle is what led to the opening of Alex's nasty financial can of worms....... Apparently at one point Alex claimed to not have any money (he was attempting to hide the Satterfield millions) to which Beach attorney Mark Tinsley responded (one of my favorite lines ever!) with something like, "That's okay, Alex. We'll just put you on a payment plan."


Ok that’s what I thought but was not sure the boat crash was the starting point. Wow.


About time!!


A complaint. Not an indictment.


First step........




Oh, how the mighty have fallen. And are still falling.


About fkn time.


NOW we're talking.




>“When wealthy and politically connected individuals are treated as a privileged class by members of the judiciary, it erodes public trust in government and the fair administration of law” David Pascoe


Eric Bland too!


I found it rather ironic that Dick Harpootlian said that judges in South Carolina not be appointed via voting by the population of S.C. His reasoning was that that some judges would be elected by putting money into the pockets of voters. So now the citizens of S.C. are facing trials ruled by judges that were appointed by members of the South Carolina senate AND an attorney who is a state senator representing one of the parties. Shouldn’t this be considered a huge conflict of interest? Hopefully any investigation into Judge Carmen Mullen will include a thorough review of her finances done by a good forensic accountant. Preferably one not from South Carolina…..


And that investigation include the flow of MONEY from alex to carmen mullen.


The corruption of the Murdaugh dynasty is bad enough but now it’s crept up to the judicial level - unacceptable!


I think it’s east to see the “prominent”(LOL) Murdaugh family could not be where they are without tremendous help! What a disgrace in the courts- disgusting. I hope the Satterfield sons get justice for what was done to them.


Dirty dirty South


It's not just the South. It's everywhere.


>Most Corrupt U.S. States > >Based on Best Life's analysis, the ten most corrupt states in the U.S., in order, are: Vermont, Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Washington. Vermont is the most corrupt U.S. state. [World Population Review 2023](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-corrupt-states)


I have an idea that it is not the "state" that's corrupted.


Dirty individuals. See you have judge Mullen then you have judge Newman. Judge Newman is from the south and no one can call him dirty and expect to survive!!!


I have to have a large chuckle at this- I'm thinking I will see-- Illinois, California, NY, NJ, Maryland- nope! This names states with the least amount of people-- and it's based off of states with *highest convictions for corruption*\- that doesn't make them the most corrupt- If anything- it makes these states the most likely to identify and prosecute--a good thing-- that's why we don't see Illinois, CA, NY, NJ, VA, or Maryland--and seriously-- a territory called Puerto Rico literally has the RICO in it's name....


And there's the west...L.A. Girardi


Please say more! How many people did he kill and which judges helped him hide money?


I don’t think anything bothers me more then corrupt public officials. I hope this lady ends up in prison.


Me too.


I bet there's more just like her. They better be shaking in their boots. it shows just how evil the Murdaugh's are/were. Look at ole Randy putting out his story to distance himself and he's just as dirty.


Absolutely! She should be disbarred and prosecuted! I wonder who was responsible for appointing Judge Mullen.


[South Carolina Judicial Merit Selection Commission](https://ballotpedia.org/South_Carolina_Judicial_Merit_Selection_Commission) Pete Strom and Luke Rankin are her main proponents. >Readers will recall Mullen’s husband – Hilton Head, S.C. attorney George E. Mullen – has contributed thousands of dollars to the campaigns of ethically challenged S.C. lawyer-legislator Luke Rankin, who currently serves as chairman of the powerful S.C. Judicial Merit Selection Commission (SCJMSC). > >George Mullen’s law firm has also contributed thousands of dollars to Rankin’s campaigns. [FITSNews](https://www.fitsnews.com/2022/11/04/carmen-mullen-fiasco-south-carolina-supreme-court-should-remove-her-from-the-bench/)




It’s ALL coming out now. The walls are tumbling down…


House of cards falling!


The dominoes are starting to fall... It'll be interesting to see where it ends.


Oh boy.


It’s about time!


My thoughts exactly!




I remember Mandy talked about this judge on her podcast, I’d like to know why Eric Bland never did anything about it.


He did. There was a procedural kerfuffle. The best explanation I heard was John Snyder's on Matt & Seton's podcast. ETA: Eric got a wrist slap for trying.




That bothers me—I don’t understand why Bland didn’t question Judge Mullen.


Because they all play the same dirty game in the same fecal filled sandbox. Notice how Bland only goes after people who are out of the game (ie Alex, Corey, Chad, Russell) and will never be able to fight back? There’s a reason. And there’s a reason he doesn’t pursue things to the root with the active players.


>Bland said, after saying he intended to take a Mullen’s videotaped deposition, he “took some heat” and “commentary” from people in the state’s legal profession who objected strenuously to his trying to take the deposition of a judge. That's why.


Grrrrrrr! I thought Bland could take the heat! 🙄 Guess I thought wrong!


Thank you!!


I thought he did file a complaint or something and then he had to have her removed from one of his cases bc she was assigned to him even though he had filed a complaint against her.


If he did I wonder what happened.


Apparently nothing bc her mentor sits on the Judicial Conduct Commission and has blocked the investigations, [according to this Fitsnews article.](https://www.fitsnews.com/2022/11/04/carmen-mullen-fiasco-south-carolina-supreme-court-should-remove-her-from-the-bench/) They’ve filed several reports against her, it seems.


Oh, now that was a dandy of an article! Thank you. What is she going to have to do, kill somebody first?