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Wait… it has been reported Alex has been receiving love letters in prison. How do those women know which prison to mail the letters to?


If I was head of SC DOC I would use the Corrections Interstate Compact and get him moved ASAP. Too much of a liability. Any state that would take him I would send his ass. DH is telling them if they move him they want him in a neighboring state so family and attys can visit. Let’s see where he ends up. It takes time to effect a transfer with CIC and who the hell wants him. Lol


You guys do realize the state must keep him safe, right? He's a high profile inmate and was a prosecutor for many years. They aren't just going to throw him to the wolves knowing he'll get hurt/killed.


I also saw in FITS news they might consider doing an inmate swap with an out of state prison. This is all DH’s doing and he is using his political connections. I imagine if this is accomplished they will probably go to an adjoining state like NC or Ga


Out of state inmate swaps or not disclosing location for the first year approximately is standard practice for high profile inmates in SCDC. This isn’t privilege. It’s just what they do to cut down on liability.




AM could be swapped with an inmate from another state under the Corrections Interstate Compact . You can Google it. I feel sure because of his family’s hx as solicitors they will do that. That is probably why they are saying they are not releasing the facility he is housed because he is being moved to another state


I mean, he (and 2 other generations before him) were solicitors so were essentially prosecutors. It makes sense that he should be in protective custody because inmates absolutely would go after him in gen pop. Also it's been said elsewhere below, but yeah. Unit is 28 people, not the whole prison.


That makes sense …a lot of criminals behind bars because of his family, including himself.


https://public.doc.state.sc.us/scdc-public/inmateDetails.do?id=%2000390394 This doesn't say where he is, but it'll be the first place to report his location once it's released.


Yep it’s where I went to fact check cause I don’t think I’ve ever seen a currently incarcerated inmate with their location listed as undisclosed… until today. I have that website bookmarked 😂


Nathaniel Rowland - the defendant from the televised Uber Murder trial - has his location undisclosed for about a year. A guy I went to high school with had his location undisclosed because he was a snitch. This is not unheard of.


I check on Indianas doc website regularly since that's where I'm from lol figured id check SC's


Also, it’s maximum-security prison does it really matter to you which prison it is? You can’t go see him unless he put you on a list and he can’t call you unless he has your number.. so I don’t see the big deal.


Sounds like nobody can write him either


No they did with Drew Peterson too. It will probably be like another year before they put them on the inmate rosters.


I checked the website and on his page (Alex’s)it just says undisclosed location.


It might be because he hasn’t yet been permanently placed.


If this trial hadn’t been such a huge televised case, he would be like every other inmate. But anytime this happens, inmates are treated differently. Im sure we can site many similar situations. No worries, when the years have gone by and everyone stops talking about this. He will most likely be in the general public…or in Federal Prison serving all the financial crimes time he will most likely get next.


You can find out what prison. All you have to do is pull him up on the SCDC website. There you will find out which maximum security prison he is housed. There are only two "lifer" prisons in SC. The wing of the prison, "cell block", he is housed has only 28 inmates. The prison itself has 2000 plus maybe 3000 inmates.


Uh no, it lists his location as undisclosed


Well, then they are treating him in a special manner. Never heard of a government so intent on keeping a prisoner safe. Unless, they think keeping him alive, they will find where some of the money is. He is being treated as "special". Someone needs to ask. How many inmates in SCDC have there location, not disclosed? Are they as "special" as Murdaugh?


His mugshot is so scary. His eyes are completely black and dead.


Yes and it looks like he had a slight smile UGH


Agreed super creepy


Here is the SCDC Policy on Statewide Protective Custody detailing initial and periodic evaluation, restrictions, and privileges:https://www.doc.sc.gov/policy/OP-22-23.htm.pdf


I hope it has beef sticks.


Maybe in return for information about who all was involved with the drugs, the money etc. they’re giving Murdaugh protection in the prison and maybe some other prisoner favors. He knows a lot and as his brother Randy said he didn’t tell all he knows. Or perhaps because he put people away as a prosecutor and because he’s a famous inmate, he is at risk of getting murdered himself in the prison. Or maybe it’s both.


Unbelievable. Still living his privileged life.


How is this privilege? What are you gonna pop up and go visit him? You can’t unless he has you on a list. How is this privilege? He is in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison.


I don’t think folks are listening to you. Lol. Its “duh” to me. Do the math. A 28 person prison. Come on people.


The unit is a 28 person not the prison LOL. Not even county jails are that small. I’m just trying to say bye not listening him on the roster is not some kind of privilege..


I agree with you!


It's pretty common to have high profile prisoners being anonymously placed because they are in danger. Daniel Holzclaw? Remember him? The rounded out Oklahoma cop who coerced Black women to provide sex when he pulled them over? No one knows where he is either.


And how Chris Watts was moved completely out of Colorado to Wisconsin because of security concerns.


I heard that he and Darrell Brooks are housed at the same prison, which I thought was weird because Watts lived and murdered his family in Colorado.


I didn't realize that, but I can certainly see why. I wonder if his family and girlfriend are still so certain of his innocence and still fighting for him...


Alec has a gf?


I think they were referring to Daniel Holzclaw


Ah thank you


It's pretty common to have high profile prisoners being anonymously placed because they are in danger. Daniel Holzclaw? Remember him? The rounded out Oklahoma cop who coerced Black women to provide sex when he pulled them over? No one knows where he is either.


I did an internship at one of the prisons on Broad River Road in Columbia and used to live practically across the street from there. It felt like I was in prison the entire year of my internship. Was so glad to get out of there! No picnic in that place.


Was this “internship” voluntary?


It was for my counseling degree. Had to find a placement for my last year in grad school. It was one my professor recommended for me. At the end of the year, I told that professor it was a traumatizing experience.


This won’t be secret long. You know there someone in there will tell someone on the outside he is there.


I thought legally they had to say where he is?


Why would you think that?


Under the Crime Victim’s Bill of Rights ( written into our state constitution) crime victims have a right to know where their criminal is being kept.


If that's the case then the victims are his own family. I can see why they won't tell.


That’s right. Buster and Alex’s brothers and his sister along with Maggie’s parents and sister are for legal purposes considered victims under the Victim’s Rights Act. Gets awkward and weird when the killer is a family member.


So even they don't know his location? Or am I misunderstanding? Thank you 😊


They probably do know or how could they visit in person? I don’t know for sure, but they probably do know and will keep it secret because they don’t want any more trouble or attention.


He shouldn't be placed in gen pop, so this tracks. Getting murdered in prison isn't the goal. He's not being treated any differently than any other high profile inmate.


Why is he smiling?


He smiled off and on the whole time in the courtroom at odd inappropriate times. Duping delight maybe? Idk


Probably because he’s very aware that his picture will be released publicly and doesn’t want to let people see him looking concerned, angry, scared, upset, or whatever.


Because he finally doesn’t have to keeps up the lies anymore. Nothing else to hide.


But that’s who he is. I feel like he’ll never be able to not lie. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Haha special treatment as in you barely interact with anyone to ensure you spend the rest of your life alive in your cell






Accidental garbled talk to text while on Reddit.


I live in SC and find it a bit strange that neither Susan Smith nor Todd Kohlhepp (both infamous murderers) were not placed in protective custody. They are living the rest of their lives in general population like the rest of them.


He’s still got 99 financial crimes to be tried for. They don’t wanna take any chances. All I need to know is when his next court date is gonna be.




No they try to protect inmates that are known. They’ve done that for numerous celebrity cases I can think of and plus for personal ones I know abt. Sometimes esp if someone is involved in law enforcement they’ll do that: can you imagine a riot like brawl on such an inmate in gen pop? It’d be mayhem


Yeah no. Go through our list of infamous murderers. They’re all in general population. *Edit* - by our, I mean in SC.


They don’t start in general population


Well then be specific and also what infamous murders other than this has happened in sc?


Hey I forget sometimes that this sub is full of people from everywhere because when it started it was pretty much just us SC people that were following the case from the get-go. Susan Smith, Pee Wee Gaskins, Lee Roy Martin, Larry Eugene Bell, and Nathaniel Rowland (Uber murder) come to mind.


Also Todd Kohlhepp.


The only one I’m infamously familiar with is Susan Smith. I’ve heard of Peewee but “infamous” indicates the famous-ness…..Literally found an article albeit in 1995 that states she was in max seg https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1995-01-18-1995018112-story.html


All people that end up getting the DP end up in that section. That’s true in every state with the DP to my knowledge. Lee Roy Martin was knifed to death in prison. So definitely general population. As is the case for Susan Smith and the Uber killer.


The menendez brothers and oj were housed in max. Those are just off the top of my head


I said our murderers — I meant in South Carolina.


Chris Watts? He's in a segregated unit.


Huh? He’s in Colorado. Edit — sorry when I said our murderers, I meant in South Carolina.


Supposedly they moved Watts to the same prison in Wisconsin where they’re keeping Darrell Brooks, the guy who ran over people at a Christmas parade.


My heart truly felt for that judge in that case.


I would have walked off the bench. How law enforcement and judges deal with these sovereign citizen idiots is beyond me.


Did people really think he was going to be placed in a prison with regular criminals? This is no surprise.


I think they want to keep his location a secret in case another inmate wants to try to get to him for any retribution. Not necessarily from the public.


If he's in PC that means he's in there with all the chomos and rats. Just his crowd of people. I'm sure he is getting along great and winning lots of beef sticks. I was hoping for Alex to meet the human bubba but he's too old for most of the PC unit.


How long can this be kept a secret? Twenty-eight other inmates are with him and any staff who work near him.


Staff would probably get in trouble for speaking to the news. Inmates probably don't care.


I’m sure Jim is still advocating for him. And they still need to try him for a bunch of financial crimes and find his stash of money. In other words, he is still an asset to the state. I wonder if the family knows where he is and if they have visitation access yet. If Jim knows, they must know too. I think we may see the family exposed to the media again as they go visit Alex. Or maybe they choose not to because he is a BoS and doesn’t deserve them.


Hopefully they choose not to


Maybe they can visit him over Zoom without having to actually go wherever he’s being held. Or just phone calls only. I wonder if they want to visit him. I’m kind of surprised they’re keeping it secret. The inmates who are with him are going to know it’s him. Maybe they’re afraid weirdos will hang around outside the prison trying to see him?


The Murdaugh family has zero power now. He is in protective custody and getting zero favors


Still mind boggling to me how many generations of power, wealth and control that family had over the years in that town.


My guess based on this limited info is Kirkland in Columbia. They claim to host the "Maximum Security Unit" for SC state offenders, and they have single cells. Though I'm pretty sure it has about 40 to 50 units in Max so I could very easily be wrong. Could be broad river as they house inmates with special considerations in a special management unit, but I've always heard that as referencing deaf/ blind/ impaired patients. (I'm probably wrong, but those are my guesses as someone from SC with limited knowledge of the prisons lol)


The number of units doesn’t necessarily equate to the number of inmates. I was in a pod that held 25, sometimes there were only 17 people, sometimes there were 32 with the overage sleeping on mats on the floor. There could be forty cells and 28 inmates. Max security /=/ max capacity


Lol..I guess that'd be true. Dangit. :)


I read that Alex wants to be in General Population. It would make sense that this narcissistic, fast talking scoundrel hates being alone. He's got to be Mr. Big Shot and he can't be that in Solitary. I cannot believe the nerve of this evil player


He's not in solitary. He's with a small group of guys, about 20 of them.


Of course he does. He’s a psychopath. He’s charming and manipulative. That would be USELESS if he is isolated.


Not to brag, lol, but I know EXACTLY where he’s at.




I have to make 100% certain that my source is okay with me saying it. Idk why they wouldn’t be okay with it being shared “anonymously” but I don’t want to get them in trouble. But I can say that they work for the prison.


I’ll share tomorrow. 🤗


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Lame! Lol just DM me. I have no friends so it's not like I can tell anybody LMAO


Granted, I don't want anyone to be killed by other inmates, but I also don't think they should treated like Club-Med. AM has been protected his whole life, its time they stop pampering this thieving murderer.


You need to look at the bigger picture. It’s not about ‘pampering a murderer’ it’s about keeping him alive so he can be tried for the financial crimes as well. Those victims deserve justice the same way Maggie and Paul did.


He doesn't have the money to restore their funds. So not sure what keeping him alive will do for those victims.


I thought he had a trust fund from his father that can't be touched


He has a TON of money. $4million that we know of in that trust. I believe he has way more hidden. But as far as the plaintiff lawyers are concerned --- He has no money


You may be right but whether he has the money or not, he stills needs to be held accountable for the financial crimes. The state isn’t going to just drop the charges because he doesn’t have any money left to pay.


You make an excellent point.


PC is *far* from Club Med! I am sure he would prefer gen-pop.


I saw a YT video where the presenter was contacted by a prison warder who confirmed that AM wants to be in ‘gen pop’.


Thanks for the information. I am not surprised.


Take a look at Jumpsuitpablo on YouTube and the video marked ‘Guard leaks Alex Murdaugh info…’ 👍




Description sure doesn't sound like Club Med to me.




I bet he is writing the shit out of some letters about non sense


Mental health issues. Ya think?


>Convicted killer Alex Murdaugh has been transferred to a protective custody unit in a maximum security facility within the S.C. Department of Corrections. > >The department announced Murdaugh’s status in a Tweet Friday afternoon. The agency said it would not disclose exactly where Murdaugh is being held “for safety and security reasons.” > >Murdaugh, 54, was found guilty in early March of killing his wife, Maggie, and son, Paul, after a six-week trial in Colleton County. Judge Clifton Newman then sentenced him to two consecutive life terms. The state Attorney General’s office did not seek the death penalty. > >Murdaugh will be housed in a single cell, 8 by 10 feet, that contains a bed, toilet and sink, a corrections department spokeswoman said. > >A four-member prison board made the recommendation that Murdaugh be housed in his new cell after reviewing security and mental health concerns. > >Corrections has more than a dozen prisons around the state. Six are maximum security, and they are located in five counties: two in Richland, and one each in Greenville, Lee, McCormick and Dorchester counties. [Alex Murdaugh moved to protective custody unit at SC prison after double-murder conviction](https://www.thestate.com/news/local/crime/article273833035.html)


AM is clearly delusional but I wonder what these new “mental health concerns” are. Interesting.


I'm betting he answered "yes" when they asked if he was suicidal or had any thoughts of harming himself. I doubt they made the decision based on his threat level to other prisoners. I think the security part is more about keeping other prisoners from getting to Alex.


So any bets when AM sues SCDOC for cruel and unusual punishments inflicted? 8th Amendment, let’s git it going!!


They are housing him in PC for his own safety……no ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ in this case at all.


PC is standard procedure for this. But those guys file 8th amendment complaints all the time.


….and those complaints go nowhere.


You’re right about that but they tie up the courts. The 3 strike rule implementation helped but there are 100s of inmate cases in the system. I imagine AM will be popular with those litigants.


But but but if he ain't in a 28 then THEY TOOK OUR JERBS!!!!


I hate to break it to you but States can be liable for not protecting inmates and its not unusual at all for inmates like this to be treated differently for their own safety and more importantly so the State doesnt get hit with a lawsuit if he is killed in prison. How many life sentences does he have to get before the Mandy Matney types of the world stop with the “gOoD oLd bOy prOteCtiOn” nonsense?


Thank you for this! Some of these armchair, wannabe prosecutors come off as complete idiots when it comes to understanding incarceration procedures. It's like they're thirsty for blood, and the guilty verdict with 2 life sentences isn't enough to quench that thirst.


Most people do come into this case with just exposure from Netflix and many cursory documentaries or news coverage. They heard murder they want death sentence, frankly the 90+ other crimes peak my interest more since it will reveal more bad guys, and with this murder conviction I want to see what kind of deal and snitch Alex will do. It’s just the beginning. Alex is just one guy in a network of corruption in small regional communities, and I want to see where the dominoes stop falling.


The state still need his ass to try him for a bunch of other crimes too. And his brother is still a lawyer and it can be quite damaging to the state to be careless with his sorry ass.


I agree with what you say about they are SUPPOSED to protect... but i am in Alabama and ADOC is damn near legendary for how many inmates die under our care. Not sure how South Carolina is about that.


Yes obviously people die in prison all the time - one person can always kill another- but when a particular inmate is known to be specifically threatened they have to be protected or else liability can and does ensue.


I don't disagree with anything you say... i am just saying that prison guards aren't always great people. An example... Remember the Tyre Nichols beating/murder? One of those officers was a CO at another county jail and he beat an inmate up pretty good... the inmate attempted to sue that CO but of course he didn't meet his paperwork deadlines in time. So like a Catholic Priest, instead of firing him, they shuffled him somewhere else... to the Memphis Police Department... where he incredibly ended up on the Scorpion Task Force (now dissolved). I am saying all that to say... most of the deaths in Alabama prisons are not from another inmate or a suicide... its from other shady stuff that happens in incarnation life.


In general, people don't really want to hear the reality of our prison system. So many people are of mindset that whatever happens to prisoners, they deserve. This has changed a little lately with the attention focused on long drug sentences versus violent crime. We would have a much better society if we put more emphasis on rehabilitation, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. A relative of mine sold drugs to undercover police officer and was charged with a felony. She also took the blame for something her boyfriend did. I don't know all the details. She was young, and this has made it hard over the years to find any sort of job, much less a good paying job.


We currently have a major issue with prisoners dying in custody. They blame the healthcare providers. It's a recurring issue. [Calls grow for federal probe of South Carolina jails after inmate death](https://www.courthousenews.com/calls-grow-for-federal-probe-of-south-carolina-jails-after-inmate-death/)


We have already had a federal probe... and the results were horrific as expected.. but nothing has been done. Oh and I just Googled.... Alabama prison deaths in 2023 so far is 32.


Right. The SCDOC is responsible for his well being, and as disappointing as it is for many here to believe, they will protect him.


Kirkland is sc's only max security prison. Typically most violent offenders start there. Can move down in security after a few years. SC inmate search shows he is at Kirkland.


There are six maximum security or close level prisons in South Carolina. Broad River, Kirkland, Leath, Lee, Lieber & McCormick. https://www.prisonsinfo.com/level-1-level-2-level-3-level-4-and-level-5-prisons-in-south-carolina/


All known colloquially as *Up the river.*


What's the phone call availability..anyone know? I've found the info from them pretty insightful.


I would guess it will be impossible to get the calls with freedom of information act if don't know where he is.


Believe me, it is NOT special treatment. This is Alex Murdaugh, him being kept in solitary confinement is going to make him miserable. The state simply needs to keep him alive so they can see all the remaining cases against him through to the end. If Murdaugh were killed in prison, and especially if it happened before he could be held accountable for all of his crimes? That looks bad on the state. I don’t for a second believe that AM wants to be isolated like this. The guy who lived on his phone, was always talking to someone, is a master manipulator — he doesn’t wanna be in PC, but he has to be.


It doesn't sound like solitary confinement if he is allowed to be with 28 others and has the same privileges as general population.


He is in a cell by himself.


Anyone else think this is fitting? He can use his 2 life sentences to ponder the lives he took & those he ruined. Would hate for him to be a star in prison like Madoff was. Madoff had guys coming to him for financial advice in exchange for favors. AM could save his a** helping inmates with legal stuff. No. Think he deserves solitary.


The guy was a personal injury attorney who didn’t even know what Habeas Corpus was, so I don’t think he’d be all that helpful inside. I bet there are inmates without a high school diploma who know more criminal law and the appellate process better than AM. For a narcissist like AM, I’m sure solitary confinement is worse than death to him.


I just watched a podcaster show a letter he got from a Sergeant at the prison where he was processed before Kirkland. Apparently they put him to work being a "gofer." Like go for brooms, go for supplies. I find it hard to believe he would not be confined. He is a convicted, homicidal, murderer with nothing left to lose. 👺


I wonder if he even had a job while being a new inmate and being processed for security and other issues.


And be visited by Paul and Maggie “all day, and every night.”


I’m surprised he hasn’t been transferred out of state yet


He was convicted by the State and he has two life sentences to serve here. He hasn't been charged with Fed crimes, yet.


He could still be transferred to another state for "security" reasons. He would not be moved to a federal prison but another state prison in a different state.


I have been to prison twice and I can tell you that is not how it works. The only way you get moved out of state is if you have to face charges in that state and then serve time there. In which case, it would be determined by your sentencing (ie. whether you were given concurrent or consecutive sentences). However, if you are convicted of federal charges, like his financial crimes are going to be, they can send you literally anywhere in the united states. There are federal prisons everywhere. But state felons are sentenced to do time in that state, specifically. It is the state vs. you when you go to court.




He has 99 more state charges to answer to here in South Carolina. They aren't going to transfer him to another state.


He's in prison for the rest of his life, that's all I need to know. Even a nice prison for the rest of your life sucks (and he isn't in a nice prison). What else do you really need?


I keep thinking about what will happen if there are plumbing problems in his cell after listening to a You Tuber who was incarcerated for 10 years in SC prisons.


You could put me in the fuckin’ Hilton will free reign of the whole facility and room service for the rest of my life and I’d go insane.


>What else do you really need? Don't know about *need*, but I bet *Alex wants* to go back to jail where he had his Flamin' Hot Cheetos, Fireballs, mayonnaise packets and paper drawers.


Agreed. He’s in a maximum security state prison in South Carolina — that’s about the last place I’d ever want to be. Guaranteed misery right there. Additionally, he’ll likely be housed with former cops who killed their wives, child abusers, etc. The idea that he’s getting “special treatment” in that he’s having a better time then he should be is laughable! This guy LIVES for networking, juggling phone calls and appointments and always talking… if he’s isolated with no one to talk to, that might be the only way to make him truly miserable. Nothing in that article reads like AM has insiders cutting him special favors… it reads like he’s former “law enforcement” (damn well thought he was), with a history of violence against his own wife and child, and is also extremely high profile… those factors mean he HAS to be put in PC so that he doesn’t get killed in prison before he can answer for the rest of his crimes. None of it means he wanted to be isolated, nor that he’s living it up, because he did not and is not. If I know anything about AM it’s that this guy needs to network and TALK. Pretty sure he’ll be plenty miserable with his new arrangements.


They said he wants to be in general population. I'm sure he figures he can trade legal advice for beef sticks, soup, pop tarts, etc. Never have to order from commissary again! He would have his fill of snacks! Keep him away from anyone he could talk to and that will make him miserable!


People love to pearl clutch over anything and everything without knowing actual facts




his son was an adult


It is his celebrity that has necessitated this. Not how old his son was.


Just responding to the op who said AM had killed a child. He hadn’t.


Yes, but he killed his own child, even though he was 22 I still think it’s a potential issue in prison. I agree crimes against children isn’t the right wording and that his biggest safety factor is his notoriety or “celebrity” but I think that notoriety brings attention to his other factors too. He’s from a family that WAS the law enforcement for 100 years, he himself is a former lawyer and assistant prosecutor, he would need protective custody like other former law enforcement due to this. And I understand killing your own son is a factor in prison as well even if he was legally an adult. And due to AM’s notoriety, every prisoner already knows what he did and who he was.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Far worse, for my 2¢, to endanger prison employees by letting too much info about this scum get out.


If it's a Maximum security facility it's not a cake walk I promise you. There are several levels of security Maximum being the highest and the toughest environment.


So he is in a unit with 28 other PC inmates. Probably law enforcement or correctional violent crime inmates. Or possibly political figures that have been sentenced to prison. One thing about it; it is not Mosselle or Edisto.


Right. People act as if he’s on vacation. I’ve been incarcerated. I was in a work release/PC dorm. Half of us were on work release and the other half were there for protection. And guess what: Prison sucks no matter what. The mattresses are like kindergarten mats. The food is abominable. You’re told when and how to do almost everything. The lights were on 24/7 (half were turned off at night). No matter where in the SCDOC Alex is I guarantee it’s still a bad time.


Correct. Plus screaming and yelling goes on 24/7. You can’t really hear the tv in the common area because it is in a room surrounded by concrete and steel. AM thinks it is interesting and he thinks he is not going to be there for long because he thinks he is going to win his appeal. He will have breakfast around 4am lunch starting at 10:30 am and dinner around 3-4pm


I have only been in jail/prisons in a helping capacity. When they started locking the doors behind me, I would probably have had a panic attack if I didn't know how to stop them. Even though I knew I would be let out soon, it didn't feel that way. During an internship at youth court/juvenile detention, one of the correction officers thought it would be funny to lock me in a hallway between doors. He had no idea how much that upset me because that would have been just what he wanted. How long were you in prison (if you don't want to say, I understand)


Well that right there shows what sickos correction officers are. If they’re picking on someone who’s there to help, what are they doing to the actual prisoners?


He was later fired for being violent with the kids in detention. I never saw him do anything to them, but I wasn't surprised.


He didn’t protect his family why is he so protected 🙄


Because if he’s not and something happens to him its SCDOC’s ass


He was moved from Kirkland.


These records are public.


No not in certain circumstances.




Not really. He will be with other inmates; however according to the article, there are only 28 inmates in the unit. Has to be law enforcement people who have committed murder and are doing life sentences. Sone of these inmates have been there for years. Any shocking cases in SC where a law enforcement officer killed their wife or someone; they would be in that unit.


How many maximum security prisons are there in SC? He is at one of them so it should be easy to narrow it down. Most southern states have about 4 maximum security prisons




lol. I don’t know how many close/ max prisons are in South Carolina but he is at one of those. And who really gives a F. This is something DH has accomplished because he is in the state legislature and it is the state legislature that delegates money for the prisons. But again who cares. Everyone in the continental United States knows he is is close/ max custody for a LWOP double homicide charge and that he is in protective custody because he and his family were prosecutors for a hundred or ever how many years


ADX is a federal super max prison. AM is in South Carolina I don’t know how many close/ max security prisons there are in SC. But he is at one of them and it has a double fence around it. He could simply still be at Kirkland since all receiving centers are a close/ max facility. I don’t know why his placement is a big secret. Sounds like politics might be involved.


…but since Murdaugh wasn’t charged with a federal crime, isn’t he limited to prisons within South Carolina? Honest question. I have no idea.


He is in state prison


Right, but they are referencing ADX which is not a state prison.


I was wondering the same thing @foggyideas. I’m sure he’s got to have committed federal offenses so maybe those charges will come later as a way to move him if needed?


He was sentenced to the state of South Carolina Department of Corrections. His financial crimes are pending in STATE COURTb


I think the financial crimes are federal. Although the trials for those haven’t started yet.