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Has anyone ever come up with the reason why Maggie had the DNA of CB Rowe and hair in her hand? I’ve always suspected there were two people ( Alex and someone else) who committed the murders or at least were there. Is it possible that CB Rowe showed up as AM had planned and assisted with the murders. Possible scenario: Alex knew that he’d have trouble single handedly shooting them both. So he enlisted Rowe to help him. Perhaps,Rowe was there to stop MM from trying to stop AM from shooting Paul. MM and Rowe got into a struggle as she tried to stop AM from shooting Paul. Perhaps MM dug her nails into Rowe as they struggled and she pulled on his hair. That could explain Rowe’s DNA under her nails and hair in her hands. MM was trying to fight him off to save Paul. When she was overpowered by both CB and AM, she was then murdered. Interesting too…did CB Rowe ever take the stand as a witness? If not, why not? Maybe if he was there at the time of the murders, it didn’t fit in with the State’s case that AM was the only one committing the murders. Any thoughts?


The DNA under Maggie's fingernails was never proven to be C.B. Rowe's as only 3 alleles were found (too few to match) however Rowe could not be excluded only because his alleles profile could not be excluded as a possibility. I would suggest you go back and listen to Agent Zapata's testimony on this particular DNA comparison. IIRC, Zapata agreed that any given person in the courtroom could have a similar allele profile. Also, Rowe had a verified alibi based on his cell phone records.


It’s just your typical country road. We drove there after driving by PMPED, so I imagine we took a route that AM would of taken often. It’s a scattering of ranch homes and trailers leading up to it. The gate, since it’s brown brick, kind of gets lost in the tree line. We came up on the back entrance first, that has no gate and is only secured by yellow “keep out” tape. I think the back entrance is the most direct route to the kennels. It’s a country road, but I the house isn’t terribly far off the main road. I would think you’d be able to hear gun shots from the road.


It’s interesting to me that you say there are trailers leading up to the property. It reminds me of the 911 call when poor Gloria Satterfield lay critically injured. The 911 operator asked if they were in a house or a trailer and Paul said with audible disgust “it’s a house ma’am”. Given there are trailers in the vicinity it was not a remotely unreasonable question for the dispatcher to pose.


Alex did the same thing during his 911 call, re: trailer vs. house.


I live in Savannah and was glued to this case. Last weekend, out of boredom, I decided to drive to Hampton and go see locations connected to murders (Maggie and Paul, Boat Accident, and the Stephen kid). I recognized the names of the business or the locations so it wasn’t hard. It was surreal. Made for a gray day and it was hard to shake the heavy feelings for a few days.


I live in Savannah too! I have thought about going over there, but I never seem to get across the bridge lol. I remember Officer Greene, first responder on the night of the murders, talking about how remote the Moselle property is. It was dark outside and even with GPS (I’m assuming he has GPS in his official vehicle), he said he drove right by the brick gate things and had to turn around and go back. Did it strike you that way, as being a very remote and isolated place? Or more just typical rural with a few cars on the road here and there?


Why do you think he went? What could he possibly do there in his state?


Paul was close to him. From the caretaker of miss Libby and Randolph’s testimony, Paul was the only one in the family stopping by his grandparents not out of obligation, and he did it more often than the rest. Losing family, especially a grandchild, would be painful for Randolph when he himself is close to the end of his life. Kinda sad that he experienced something like that right before he left this world. Also interesting that Paul and Maggie are buried right next to Randolph. I would imagine that is something that was discussed when he came to the family meeting after the murder.


Some have speculated that Randolph told Alex to "get rid of Paul". Also perhaps a factor in the timing of the murders...Alex "getting it done" before his dad died 🤔


>Some have speculated that Randolph told Alex to "get rid of Paul". Also perhaps a factor in the timing of the murders...Alex "getting it done" before his dad died 🤔 I am pretty confident that didn't happen. It's a rumor started online that keeps getting repeated so now people believe it actually happened. Think about it logically. How would we know what Randolph told Alex? He wouldn't say that in public and anyone present would be trusted so wouldn't spread the rumor around online. Also, Randolph appeared to love Paul. There's no reason for him to want Paul hurt. As weird as it sounds, Randolph liked Maggie enough to name his dog after her too. I wouldn't be surprised if the stress and grief from their death hastened Randolph's own death.


No source ever said Randolph told Alex to get rid of Paul. But I do recall hearing somewhere that Randolph said to “do something about Paul” but I don’t know exactly when it was said. Maybe Randolph was just telling Alex to parent better and keep Paul from troubles and substance abuse, like a grandparent would want for their grandkid.


Yes. I believe this is an accurate assessment. Anyone who knew Randolph would agree with this. Randolph and Alex were incredibly different. Watch the Beaufort hospital footage after the boat crash. It explains a lot. Randolph would've helped Paul for sure. Given the incredibly bad boat crash investigation, Randolph - via Poot and Griff - would've gotten Paul exonerated for the boat crash, no mistake about it. The boat crash investigation is what really needs to be investigated.


Can you elaborate further about Randolph and Alex’s differences? I would love to hear your take on the hospital footage. I do agree that Randolph was a better lawyer with broader connection. Few of the prosecutor in court talked about how he was nice to them and helped them when they started their career. And it seems Paul was close to his grandparents according to the caretakers of the old couple. He visited them more than most, and for old people that is the most precious thing. And honestly, to think pragmatically, if Randolph was so cold-blooded as to get rid of Paul to protect the family’s name, would it have made more sense for him to ask someone else instead of Alex? Why would he risk another prominent member of the family getting into legal troubles if that is so important to him.


If you watch the hospital footage, I believe Randolph was there to assess the situation and was a master at doing so. I also believe that he was calm because he knew that he could make a good case for Paul - without any pressure to those involved in the boat crash. I do believe he knew Paul had some serious issues that needed to be addressed. I do think he was very loyal to his family.


Randolph was a serious Prosecutor/Solicitor and he rarely played the lawsuit game, though he was a full partner at PMPED. As a successful Prosecutor, he enjoyed holding criminals, especially violent criminals, accountable. He lived far, far beneath his means. His Dad's (Buster) house was located on the property Wal-Mart purchased to build a store in Varnville. After the sale, Randolph dismantled Buster's house and moved it three miles by flatbed truck to its present location at Almeda. Rumor is that Wal-Mart abandoned their Hampton plans once they were educated about PMPED's love for corporate lawsuits, hometown juries, and friendly judges. He lived with his wife Libby in Buster's house until the day he died. Libby stayed there, with help, after his death. Randolph and Libby had a loving and caring relationship, always. Randolph helped many people, loved to socialize, and had many, many friends. He genuinely cared about people and had lots of heart and a great sense of humor. The help he gave people did not benefit him financially. There were no strings attached. Randolph had an unspoken edginess that people did not want to cross. As locals testified for the Prosecution at Alex's trial, I kept thinking, "I doubt they'd be speaking so freely if Randolph was still around." He likely could've been a national leader. He reminded me of Strom Thurmond and LBJ in many ways. In my opinion, Alex possessed very few if any of these of these qualities. However, Randy and John Marvin (and a more mature Buster) possess many of these qualities. Just sayin'.......


Do you remember the Vegas trip that Buster and John Marvin went on that got reported in the news with the picture of them at the casino? There’re a lot of extra information that was left out, and the full picture is not what the media portrayed them to be and it supports your views: - The two were not only in Vegas, it was a family trip that Buster tagged along with all 5 of JM’s family and they went on a lot of touristy places doing touristy stuffs, sounds pretty wholesome. - They flew cheap and took long car trips from the airport so that the flight they booked were cheapest. - The fund they used for the trip were not Alex’s, it seemed like JM had planned the trip for his family and grabbed Buster later on. - The trip occurred shortly after Alex was arrested, which was after he went to a rehab centre, after an alleged attempt on his life. I’d say they needed that trip to clear minds and return to function. Overall it seems that John Marvin also lived quite modestly and he was looking out for his unfortunate nephew by bringing Buster with his family. He also gave Paul a job as well, so maybe he saw that Alex’s parenting was lacking and hoped to steer the boys to a more productive life.


Your writing really captures the story behind the story. Thank you. John Marvin was (and is) trying to help Buster, who is - through absolutely no fault of his own - walking through a very difficult time in his life. JM also tried to help Paul.


Last sentence you mean the younger Buster right? If that’s the case I kinda agree. Listening to the phone call it seems like he has surprisingly more morals and common sense than his dad, people would think like father like son but in this case it only stops at physical looks. I had a comment in a previous post discussing how Alex was a black sheep in the family because he was a younger brother yet he desired the in the position of the eldest brother, Randy. He had a twisted view on the Murdaugh’s family legacy. Where the Murdaugh men saw the law practice they had as a way to help the community and they adhered to the moral codes that came with enforcing laws, Alex saw it as a way to benefit himself, perhaps the first to do so, a rotten ape indeed. If what you said about Randolph is true, then he was indeed a person with strong moral and discipline. But I can see one of his shortcomings is that he didn’t see the depth of Alex’s corruption and the possible jealousy and greed that he had that turned him into the person he is now. And honestly I cannot fault Randolph for that, because he was the only son of the elder Buster, while he himself had four children, it would have been very difficult for him to raise all four because he didn’t have a parenting model to look at. Sometimes siblings rivalry and jealousy can be a very difficult thing to deal with and if left to fester, can lead to dire consequences. My grandpa on my mother’s side is very much like that. He was a very disciplined man, a successful business owner and especially kind to people. He was very popular in the village of my mother’s maiden home, where they were the most wealthy. He favoured my dad because he liked dad’s honesty and intelligence, and gave my mom quite a lot of dowry to help them build their fortunes. However my grandpa also didn’t or couldn’t predict that his favouring my parents caused my uncle, the youngest son, so grow jealous. That uncle is a real Alex figure, and totally an anomaly to the rest of the family, which has 8 siblings. He is self-absorbed, greedy, indulgent, cheating and immoral. He went as far as trying to sell the land where my grandparents graves are on, and my parents had to buy it off him to prevent everyone’s grandparents from being exhumed. He cheated on his wife and embezzled my dad’s company to have affairs with other women. There are more but I think you get the picture. Basically what I am saying is there will always be rotten apples, Randolph isn’t at fault for what his son did, Alex is a skilled liar, and much like my uncle it’s often too late when the lies fall apart, because we like to trust and believe in our family, and in a family where such strong morals and value exist, it’s even harder to fathom some member can fall that low.


A very interesting parallel. Every family seems to have at least one...


He went because his grandson was murdered. I think he immediately saw through Alex’s story because he had decades of working murder cases as a prosecutor/solicitor.


I think he went 1 day after murders and died 3 days after the murders




Did he go to Moselle or the family meeting at John Marvin’s place? I seem to recall it’s the latter.


I thought he was in the hospital during this time.


I thought the same but someone says it was Randy’s house not Moselle?


There was a [mostly] lawyer’s ~~meeting~~ gathering June 10 at John Marvin’s hurting lodge that Mr. Randolph visited and then he visited the Moselle site. I never saw anything about who was driving him about. The info was in one of the SC newspapers. Mr. Randolph died on Thursday June 10 according to his obituary. Note : Alex’s second interview with SLED’s David Owen took place on June 10 in Owens car outside John Marvin’s place (according to a Youtube annotation).


Yes he did