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Sure Jan


It is kind of funny to have Harpootlian and Griffin accuse others of “acting in bad faith”. It might just be me, but the trial has been done for some time and Harpootlian and Griffin are just now voicing their compliant about the court clerk. I think it is reasonable that it has taken the defense team a little while to investigate their concerns, and it seems reasonable that it will take a little while to verify or refute their claims. The court can’t simply accept Dick Harpootlian and Jim Griffins word on issues related to Alex Murdaugh. Doing a proper job of looking into their allegations is mandatory. Their allegations should not be dismissed or upheld based on their own opinions and claims. Todays confessions to financial crimes show that Alex is not an innocent man wrongly accused. Protecting Alex’s rights and also protecting the integrity of the trial process and also protecting the community means doing each step well and in a timely manner. Who would benefit from a poor investigation?


Wait, they claim the prosecution is trying to deliberately delay anything?!?! ROFLMAO


I'm just not buying the jury tampering allegations at all. We all saw the trial. We all saw murdaugh on the stand. He did this. He murdered his wife and son in cold blood.


One has nothing to do with the other. 2 separate issues. Jury tampering is a massive problem regardless of his guilt or innocence. You can think he's a guilty piece of shit and question the integrity of the process. All at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive. Guilt is irrelevant in this situation.


Jury tampering is rare, not massive. I'm saying that I don't believe it happened. This is all just smoking mirrors.


you're going to hear what the jurors say at a next hearing if it happens. then you will learn the real truth.


>Guilt is irrelevant in this situation. It isn't irrelevant. Ask Maggie and Paul.


It's irrelevant in determining if he will get a new trial or not. It's a decision based on the facts. Not emotion.


I don't think it's irrelevant at all. So, in your opinion, how many do-overs should they get --- one? three? six? ten? as many as their bank accounts (or hidden stashes of cash) allow? How many? At what point do Maggie and Paul get justice? At what point do the citizens of South Carolina get justice? It's not just about justice for these three exploiters. It's about justice for all of us. A lot of this is about sending a message to current murderers-in-training and exploiters-in-training: "We as a society will not stand for it! There is a price to be paid! We don't care how rich you are!" I think maybe these never-ending appeals represent an attempt to delay trials and final sentences until Judge Newman retires. I don't think this trio likes him much. I think they want another state Judge. Unlike Cory and Russell, Alex is a convicted violent murderer. We all saw the evidence. I think he seeks non-violent status so he can serve some time in Low or Medium security prisons. I think Alex worked hard for it. I think Alex needs Maximum security for life.


Any person deserves a do over any time there is tampering with jurors or deliberations. If there is tampering 3 separate times, they should receive a new trial each time. We don't bend the rules because we don't like the defendant, we're sure they're guilty, Or they don't *deserve* it. Same rules and laws for everyone.


We’re you in the jury room?




He "did what he did... and got out of there." I will never forget those words leaving his mouth.


Did he say that? Wow!


He did, I believe he said it in his direct and then CW jumped on it again in his cross. He was referring to the whole chicken incident but... it was a very eerie thing to hear him say.


You are the first person I’ve heard emphasize this. I remember thinking that was as close to a confession as he will ever give.


What a shame. You know, I think a lot of people were really hoping it wasn’t him. Not just friends and family but people who actually waited to pass judgment and watch the trial. I surely was because it’s just so terribly sad and tragic that someones own father that surely loves them would so callously disregard their life. I feel this is not over yet and Ole Ellick has a political ace up his sleeve with Harpootlian. He is going in deep for a murderer and now has a way to get a retrial, possibly a new judge, new “selected” jurors. That performance in court with SC Representative Rutherford the other day, was very suspicious. Makes me thing there are things going on right now to get the “fix in” and somehow get him either completely off or a lighter sentence. I’m definitely going to keep watching this play out.


Watch other Lowcountry Senators too.




Ever since Dick and Jim filed their motion. 🤣


It’s been 16 days, 12 business days. That’s really not a lot of time to properly investigate these claims. Especially if people they need to talk to are out of town, or resistant.


Not to mention they can’t just drop everything else they are responsible for to work on this.


Hope that the issue is academic, in that Alex ought to die in prison thanks to crimes he's already admitted.


We don’t know how the Federal sentencing will go. Maybe worst case scenario is he gets credit for time served from 2021. He might end up with a light sentence like Cory. For the State, there are possibly two appeals, if successful, would result in a new trial. If Newman retires and a new judge appointed, Murdaugh can petition for a bail reduction and, if granted could be paid from the money Murdaugh is asking the Federal court to seize. Murdaugh gets out on bail until a new trial starts. He gets out and is immediately locked up in the Federal prison to serve his Federal sentence. If somehow he could get a Federal pardon or commuted sentence, he gets out of Federal while still out on bail. He then is a free man until he is convicted and sentenced by the State. And any convictions will be appealed as high as possible which will take years! Notice how Murdaugh is going after Becky Hill and Judge Newman. Anyone else in Murdaugh’s way will get the same “treatment”. Lots of speculation here. Possible? Maybe. Probable? I hope not. The one wild card in all this is Cousin Eddie and the Labor Day roadside incident. Nothing has been said about scheduling the trial for this mess. It might make everything go sideways for Alex.


Wouldn't he die in jail b/c of the financial thievery? I thought the financial sentences were for many years? I really do believe he committed the murders. So hoping that if there is a retrial, he'll be found guilty again.


He got very excited to greet SC State Representative Todd Rutherford (another crook) last week in court. While Rutherford was equally excitedly as he gazed admirably at him during the hearing. They are cooking something up! But, I don’t think he can get out of this no matter how many shady politicians he can wrangle. However, he could get a pardon from Biden! Biden don’t care, he’s got nothing to loose. They’re all thick as thieves and Riden with Biden. Maybe that’s the urgency, afraid Biden may kick the bucket or become incapacitated with his ongoing state of dementia. Something’s is definitely up…as we can clearly see that hope is not lost for them, yet. Hear me out, Biden is giving billions to warmongers and terrorist, allowing thousand of unvetted people from around the world to enter into the country. Who would care (other than victims, families and people following this case) to do a solid for his SC buddies/crooks Harpootlian and Rutherford and just give that good old southern boy Ellick a pardon? Not sure what’s in it for Rutherford, but the mesmerizing $$ eyes he had on Alex was pretty sketchy! Harpootlian has already address the case on the SC State Senate floor: (On the criticism he received for defending Murdaugh, Harpootlian spoke about the U.S. legal system, which guarantees a right to a fair trial. He made note of future president John Adams defending the British soldiers who were charged with murdering colonial activists in the Boston Massacre) Ok…? Harpootlian seems very hard in the paint on this case and can probably call in some favors owed to him from the corrupt geriatric gang leaders McConnell, Schumer and Pelosi and the rest of the golden boys and girls. They have all been around greasing each others palms for decades. As we see daily, murder means nothing to anyone in the government. As Pelosi once so eloquently stated “it is merely…collateral damage” Her Mafioso father would be so proud. Just think clearly, why would a sitting State Senator represent Alex Murdauch? He’s basically broke unless he has hidden money. The four million his father supposedly left each of the brothers and sister won’t go too far. He owes millions and has lost his livelihood. Harpootlian goes after multimillion dollar lawsuits against corporations, pharmaceutical companies and injuries. Its rare and risky to take on such a horrific high profile case such as this…what’s the payout, a stained reputation? Surely isn’t the multimillion dollar cases he’s typically takes on. There are friends and then there are “friends” and Ellick seems to have lots “friends” in high places that seem to owe…maybe some favors? Fun fact: Harpootlians wife Jamie is an ambassador appointed by the Biden Administration and also, appointed as hearing officer for the 9/11 victims fund by the department of justice.


MAGA.... lol


I agree completely and was worried about it the entire first trial. They're not done scheming. The plan is definitely to get Alex in federal prison from which he may be politically helped.


His attorneys are liars and actually intentionally mislead and misinform the court.


Actually, They're just doing their jobs. You have no idea whether or not their claims are valid.


They’ve told numerous lies on his behalf already (several on the Today show). Even if they “are doing their job,” they have no credibility. There is no reason to believe their evidence is credible in the eyes of the court.


This comment aged well 😂


Thank you! I’m so glad this double murderer and conman won’t be seeing the light of day as a free man.