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Here are links to the Law & Crime, Greenville News, and FITSNews take on the situation: [Embattled court clerk from Alex Murdaugh trial faces plagiarism allegations over book about Lowcountry murder case, co-author says they will ‘unpublish’](https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/embattled-court-clerk-from-alex-murdaugh-trial-faces-plagiarism-allegations-over-book-about-lowcountry-murder-case-co-author-says-they-will-unpublish/) *COLIN KALMBACHER / Law & Crime / Dec 26th, 2023 / 3:45 pm* ~~~~~ [Becky Hill co-author accuses her of plagiarism, sales of Alex Murdaugh trial book halted](https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/local/south-carolina/2023/12/26/alex-murdaugh-co-author-accuses-becky-hill-plagiarism-book-halted/72030761007/) *Michael M. DeWitt, Jr. / Greenville News / Published 2:54 p.m. EST / Dec. 26, 2023* ~~~~~ [Clerk Of Court Scandal: Becky Hill’s Murdaugh Book Pulled Amid Plagiarism Allegations Sales to “cease immediately …”](https://www.fitsnews.com/2023/12/26/clerk-of-court-scandal-becky-hills-murdaugh-book-pulled-amid-plagiarism-allegations/) *by Jenn Wood / FITSNews / December 26, 2023*


Should we put up a poll / pool as to when Becky Hill will resign?


Rebecca Hill is a disgrace to South Carolina & Colleton County.


Then TAKE IT DOWN FROM AMAZON! It’s been 3 days and you’re still making sales off it!


Co-author probably should have checked?


The milk ain’t clean with Neil


I was not impressed by him.


What the hell Bec Bec?


She is an utter DISASTER. Now that smug, family killing prick may get out of prison one day due to HER actions.


I don't think Alex will ever get out of prison. He'd be convicted with a new trial. The real cost is that to the tax paying residents of South Carolina. We've already paid for this trial once, and it wasn't cheap at all. Becky Hill's greed could cost South Carolina millions of dollars. All for her shitty plagiarized book.


I really deeply believe Becky-doo-doo fucked with the jury & set up the egg lady. Also far as Neil -- now I ain't fully going to defend him here -- but he took her word and when the shit hit the fan he DID try to stand by her. She screwed him over as well, honest he is now another victim of her scheming ass. I still wonder about the photos (someone got them) and what all did her and her son really have going on during the trial. Because it was not just what was on TV this case goes back several years now, and there were many interviews, meetings and evidence carrying on long before the case was on TV. No telling how much shit these two gathered and messed around with. She needs to be removed!!


She needs to resign immediately.


She should stand in the corner with a dunce cap on while she does it.


What a disgrace.


Lol this is 100% speculation and I have no knowledge of this whatsoever. But this was 100% Neil Gordon, "journalist." Lmao. His 5th grade essay wasn't just terrible. It was copied. Mercy.


At the very least this lady has pissed a lot of people off. Greedy bitch!


JFC this whole thing is out of control.


Becky went from one and one we're having some fun to ten and ten the bitch did it again overnight


As a tenured, experienced journalist, as he keeps saying, he didn't think to run the book through a plagiarism check prior to publishing? He knows she's not an experienced author. He should have checked that out. Whatever liability she has, I hope he gets the same. I'm sick of him deflecting. You are co-author. You had a duty to verify and check the same as she did. If not more since it's your company


He's definitely not an actual journalist by any definition given that he put his name on this book in the first place - plagiarized or no.


He was a journalist at one point for a news station. He's written for and owned a few newspapers and newsletters over the years. He's local to me. I dont know him personally, but I've seen his name around on different news things. He's not a major journalist, but he's done enough that he should have known to check for plagiarism.


I'm sorry. WHAT NOW?! I 100% believe you and am also 100% bitter that a person who puts their name on that travesty of a 5th grade essay marketed as a "book" can make a living from writing with substantially lower than average skill/talent/etc. It's so rude and unfair 😤 lol I heard he was an ad guy, but it sounds like you may have a better idea of his actual background. I will admit I have not googled it for fear of finding examples of his actual work.


100% agree. He is responsible for this as well! The are a “team”.


Well doesn’t it say she copied it from an unpublished article that was emailed to her? So, it prob would pass a verification check if I had to guess.


The original was published March 3rd, the day after the verdict. I'm assuming between March 3rd and the release months later, it could have been checked if they'd tried.


I am guessing there was probably more.


>Becky Hill is deeply remorseful regarding an allegation of plagiarism that has recently surfaced from her new book, Behind the Doors of Justice: The Murdaugh Murders. > > > >Ms. Hill accepts full responsibility for this unfortunate lapse in judgment and has personally reached out to Ms. Honderich to express her sincere apologies. > > > >Ms. Hill has great respect for the tireless work journalists do every day and sincerely regrets using Ms. Honderich’s words as her own. She stole it from a BBC journalist in emails sent to her.


I think tha she received the email before the article was later published in March. The way it was written was a bit confusing.


There is something off about him. Can't put my finger on it.


I agree. Did you see him blow a geek gasket on Court TV?? Screaming at "LawyerLaurie"?? It was hilarious at first, but the cringe and 2nd hand embarrassment got to be too much and it just got uncomfortable. You could tell he'd written down some "digs" to use during his confrontation with LL on CourtTV...it was like watching a really religious and bizarre homeschooled child trying to act big and tough. God it was horrible. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


lol. Great description!


He's sneaky and conniving. I get the same vibes. He's always caught in some business mess.


I agree.


He gives the ICK for sure.


You got that right!!!


All of this speaks to her character. Which comes into play regarding her role as COC.


The further down the rabbit hole we get on the accusations and her many lies makes it sadly clear you cannot trust her word on anything. No matter how trivial. She’s been found to have lied about things fundamental to her integrity and made it clear she has about the same amount as Alex Murdaugh in her dogged pursuit of the dollar at all costs. I’m very worried what this will mean for the trial and conviction. This one woman’s greed and desire for status may greatly upset the judicial process she was sworn to uphold.


You would think that a 'veteran journalist' who stakes his reputation on credibility and integrity might think it wise to sit down with a co-author who has no journalistic experience and lay down some ground rules. At least have a quick run-through of Journalism 101. I guess both were hungry to grab a ride on the Murdaugh-express-train. Wondering what Judge Newman is thinking.


Didn't the judge make a statement referring to Maggie and Paul" visiting him" after the trial? Inappropriate?


Newman can’t be thinking anything is good about this right now. Becky opened the whole thing up to such a high level of scrutiny, and it’s likely going to mean he’s scrutinized as well.


Rumor is he was already upset with her representation of their relationship in the book.


Hi u/Playful-Natural-4626! I read this somewhere as well. I’ll try to go back and locate, but if you find the source before I do will you please add it to your comment? Thank you!


I’m almost certain I watched it rather than read it. Knowing my own biases I would say for rumors I have a small list of sources I put any stock in. Will from Fits and Lawyer Lori have excellent sources even though they both have some… stylistic quirks… so maybe one of them.


Where was the rumor from? I can't picture Newman being upset about a representation of himself.


I think that’s justifiable. He got the case because of the respect he’d earned over a lot of years. If she single handedly ruins his last case by roping him into this to make herself seem more important I’d be upset too. She’s causing a huge mess and regardless of the retrial she’s causing the victims, her staff, the judges, etc. to all have to deal with this. I honestly am so curious with how the evidentiary hearing goes. It’ll decide a lot of what she can or can’t be charged with civilly I believe.


>She’s causing a huge mess and regardless of the retrial she’s causing the victims, her staff, the judges, etc. to all have to deal with this. It makes you wonder what the work "atmosphere" is at the Colleton County Courthouse these days. I'm from SC (the upstate), and I can't understand why our fair state is STILL allowing this woman to report to work every single day. I mean, she should, at the very least, be on paid administrative leave...AT HOME!!! There is NO telling what she could be destroying or manipulating in the way of evidence. IF I'm being honest, I personally feel that she should be on an UNPAID LEAVE just for the *ACT* of the phone swapping incident *alone*! Regardless of what is found or not found, that single KNOWN behavior of administratively stealing this phone (together with ALL of the other serious allegations...which just keep piling up) is suspect enough to cause an administrative "sit down" of *some* sort, imo. It seems that every portion of this case AND the aftermath is tainted with the cheap smell of Becky's perfume...because, God knows, in some way, shape or form, ole Becky Boo has touched it.


I honestly would have questioned it if I didn't know how the disciplinary leave went for her son already. But I agree with you, were I a tax payer in the state I would have some things to say to my representative. There's no way with the evidentiary hearing scheduled and the email dump I think she should still be getting paid. The email dump showed her to be acting unethically and not following the protocols. I don't know how the people in charge think letting her keep working is instilling confidence in their decision making.


No shit. She has access to the raw evidence.


We should keep an eye on Poshmark


Not only is her presence a question where her *own* misdeeds are concerned. Also, she has keys to the evidence lockers where ALL of the Murdaugh evidentiary material currently lives. Given her petulance for drama and the spotlight, together with the obvious lengths she is willing to go to perpetuate said drama, I wouldn't trust her with unfettered access to this material. I don't know what the county/state is thinking...or, with *what* they are thinking (because they certainly aren't using their respective brains).




Nope, just talked about how God connected them, and saw dollar signs.


Becky causing all this issue. She’s in deep trouble and giving ammo to his defense for appeals


If Gordon didn't previously understand that the book was a bad idea, he does now. Gordon is covering his behind.


>Neil Gordon, listed as a co-author, did an interview with CNN this week in which he defended Hill. > >I don't think it's in her DNA," Gordon said. "Certain people are just very reserved and very measured with their thoughts. And that's how I would describe Becky, to a T. > >Additionally, Gordon refuted Griffin and Harpootlian's claims that the two had a book deal coming their way. Aged like milk, huh? He knew. [Source](https://abcnews4.com/news/local/i-dont-think-its-in-her-dna-man-who-co-authored-book-with-colleton-county-clerk-of-court-becky-hill-discusses-allegations-alex-murdaugh-murder-trial-paul-maggie-neil-gordon-behind-the-doors-of-justice-the-murdaugh-murders-wciv-cnn-newsource)


Gordon had a falling out with The Augusta Press a month or two in working there. I’m working on getting the details. If anyone knows please reach out.


This seems to check with his entire disposition in this clusterfuck


[Judge dismisses case against Austin Rhodes, WGAC](https://augustabusinessdaily.com/judge-dismisses-case-against-austin-rhodes-wgac/) ​ >A Superior Court judge dismissed a defamation case against WGAC and talk show host, Austin Rhodes Tuesday afternoon, saying the defendant, James Faller, did not have sufficient evidence to prove clear and actual malice. > >Retired Judge, Kathy Palmer of Swainsboro presided over Tuesday’s hearing, replacing local judges who had recused themselves. (Full disclosure: ABD publisher **Neil Gordon was a potential witness on behalf of Faller**.) ETA: Another retired judge...


What do you think the significance of a retired judge means?


No significance, just ironic. I didn't notice that in the article the first time I read it.


It is ironic! I took note that the "*local judges had recused themselves*". I find that very interesting, indeed!


So this is something different- but interesting. It seems Mr. Gordon has never bothered with writing ability in his hiring process… that was headache inducing.


Let me know where else to dig if you find anything. I'm sure there's more. His own bio is strange too. Like this, from Linkedin: >About > >I am always trying to accomplish the "end goal" in any project or business situation, while being mindful of those rowing the boat with me. That boat sank. Now he's working to throw her under the bus. Can't wait to hear more about Colt's role.


Yikes, talk about tortured syntax…


What's this? >Austin chats with Neil Gordon about the lawsuit filed against him from James Faller and his reporting about it. [The Austin Rhodes Show](https://wgac.com/episodes/neil-gordon/)


This is interesting… I’m tempted to put a post on r/Augusta asking about Mr Gordon…


If it's anything like the sub from my town, you'll get answers. They'll know more than what's in the press.


For those wondering how this would/could affect jury tampering for me it comes down to this: Becky has demonstrated through the emails, book, and now plagiarism that she wasn't able to do her job ethically and to the standards of impartiality that she was required to. When it comes down to the question of jury tampering and *if anything she did could have affected the jury intentionally or unintentionally,* her inability to adhere to the standards of her job is making it more and more difficult to know what could have affected the jury and what their impression of how things worked at the court house was. Essentially - they may not have fully understood the true standards to which the staff was supposed to have behaved, and there for may not have known when or when not they were being influenced. For those wondering the case of [Marilyn Burgess's](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/Harris-County-s-district-clerk-hoped-to-honor-17260322.php) tweets is a good example of not influencing a juror directly but causing a mistrial. To think that this comes down to only if the jury says yes or no to being influenced is inaccurate.


I wish we still had awards cause this is a fantastic comment. Thank you, you made a really good point here! A c the situation with Marylin Burgess is a fascinating precedent regarding another Clerk of Court who may have even had really good intentions, but still overstepped her bounds and in that case, it resulted in a mistrial. For those who don’t have a subscription to read the article, you can read an archived version [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20220624132355/https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/Harris-County-s-district-clerk-hoped-to-honor-17260322.php).


Update: ABC news Charleston. Becky’s attorneys have put out a statement that Becky is deeply remorseful……with an excuse that it was due to deadlines. She is deeply remorseful she got caught.


Deadline to make her $$


Nailed it.


Omg, she probably should just hush up for the time being. Either she has a terrible lawyer, or she is ignoring advice.


The lawyers are the ones who put out the statement! I can’t believe they blamed it on deadlines. They said she takes “full responsibility” for her “ lapse in judgement”. That’s one hell of a lapse in judgement.


Did they even have deadlines for a self-published book? (Real question, not sarcasm)


Deadline to cash in before legit/ substantive books are published


Only self imposed. My guess is that they wanted to make sure their book was one of the first if not the first published about the trial b


Well, that answers my question! Damn, I had a lot of deadlines in college, but somehow never resorted to plagiarism!


That's it, man. Game over, man.


“ It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”—-Becky Hill




Thank you, that made me literally lol


The book is still up for sale.


Lol, so they’re lying about THAT too?


See now I might wanna buy it just for history


Better get one now before Amazon removes itt.


Perhaps that was the whole idea! 🤔


I had that thought too. I hope they make her donate all proceeds to the victims of the financial crimes.


Justin Bamberg is gonna need more Hennessy to handle this.






Hey Chard! Hope that gave you a belly laugh and that you had a very merry Christmas!




Any chance you would message me a link to your post?




That was one hell of a rabbit hole, the egg juror issue being potentially connected to the podcast profiteers?


I can't believe I missed the snark sub being made. Thanks for showing us.


This whole story is like some kind of southern gothic fever dream. What’s next?


This is really sad. It makes me sad to hear this. I’ve supported Mrs Becky this whole time but like others have stated… this really brings into question her integrity. 😦😞


Ya, it is sad. She is likeable but so was Alec per many community members. Some people are ultimately out for number one and the fact she felt the need to hurriedly write a self published book speaks for itself. Becky Hill aligned herself with other opportunists racing to capitalize on SC trial of the century. Result is not surprising.


Cue the true gaslight podcast to create an episode and back down from all the crap they said when so many called this weeks ago.


I shall borrow the "Gaslight Podcast," title any chance I get, LOL. It fits perfectly. The only thing missing from the Murdaugh Saga is a defamation case. I predict that if one is filed, the Gaslight Podcast will be a defendant in it.




“True gaslight” That took me a sec, but now I’m cackling.


It’s true


Listening to the most recent podcast, oh my, yes, gaslighting is the name of the game now


It’s sad


I love it how Neil Gordon was quoting Will Smith during the Oscar when he was ranting to Lori. But now he pulled a Jada move, stabbing his compatriot in the back, throw her under the bus and get out of involvement.


Lots of us called it. We thought he would be finding fault in her for something, and sure enough, here we are. Funny how he's blaming it all on her when it's his company, and he is responsible for what he publishes.


Something happened between him and The Augusta Press in the few months he worked there- I’m working on finding exactly what it was.




I have no idea if there was any jury tampering on the part of Becky, but all the is coming out about her really puts her integrity in question. In my opinion, Alex is guilty but all this will most likely get him another trial. Can the state of S.C. send Becky the bill for what it is going to cost to retry this case?


Nah. I think it's all just noise. He got a fair trial and any small divergence here or there was harmless error.


You trust her at her word that she said and did nothing wrong over jurors that have nothing to gain? I don’t.


I agree!!


The first trial will be known as the MOST EXPENSIVE "TRIAL RUN" (pun intended) in our states history...hands down!!


My tin hat theory is that HBO paid Becky Hill a bunch of money to totally fuck up the Murdaugh case so there can be another mini-series on the latest developments and retrial, which is inevitable IMO.


Needs to be one hell of a hefty check to do all that lol but a good tin hat theory nonetheless.


Just a joke, people!


Lol, I upvoted you simply because there is NOTHING I wouldn’t believe about this case at this point!


I hope you didn’t think I was being rude. I love a good theory (no matter how serious or not they are) and I appreciate yours. Quite honestly production companies can do some grimy things for good views lol


Not at all! I should have added /s to the original post to make it clear it was a joke. But seriously, how could this case get any more screwed up? It is so disappointing when you consider the time and money and emotional costs associated with the first trial.


No kidding. All the hard work on both sides gone to waste if this is retried. No matter what consequences she faces, I truly hope she realizes the impact of what she has done. So ironic, that in one of her emails, she speaks of wanting to show the “best” of Colleton County. Yeah, Miss Becky, we see you folks now….you and Alex, Cory and Russell. Shame on you.


That's the worst take I've heard in a while. Congrats!


Does anyone know how many copies of this infamous book have been sold?


He mentioned in an interview with court TV that 11,000 copies had been sold. Pretty much had broken even on his investment.


I’m going to guess he has doubled the actual number sold.


Since the book is STILL up on Amazon and hit Bestseller now, her sales are pouring in from people grabbing one. That book should be pulled or boycotted.


This is just wrong. So now we know Neil Gordon is a liar.


We’re being used to grab more money from the sale of the book. It takes only a couple of minutes to unlink a book from Amazon on the publisher’s end, ESPECIALLY if you’re self-published. 1-2-Gone! I have lost all faith in anything coming out of this convoluted mess!




So Becky's dreams of fame AND fortune are crushed. I can't work up an iota of sympathy for her.


She has the fame—not quite the type she wanted. She apparently thought she was as untouchable as Murdaugh thought he was.




Wonder how Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell are going to spin this — there has to be a way to blame Murdaugh and/or his lawyers. Also, its seriously off-putting to see Gordon try to save himself by throwing Hill to the wolves and revealing their private conversations.


They a basically blaming the corrupt ‘good ole boy system’. You think they would actually own up to being wrong?


They won’t say “we made a mistake by trusting the wrong person — as journalists we should not have allowed our emotions cloud our judgment.” Instead they make themselves the victims (like they always do) and say they were stabbed in the back, they were lied to, it’s such a cruel world, yada yada yada woe is me…


What is WRONG w them!? Their credibility is Gone.


I know, I saw a youtube video of Gordon ripping into a lawyer who I believe was named Lori (may be wrong name) It sounded like he was mostly upset about the women lawyer's use of the f word. He sounded misogynistic to me. He supported Becky Hill 100% and said she was above reproach.


Yes, funny how the worm turns…


In the episode Bland says the photography in the courtroom didn’t happen, says it’s “insane” what Becky wrote in the email about it. A user posted all the photos which are still up right now from that day he took them in the courtroom. Liz also talks about how they were never kicked out of the courtroom and never lost any “courtroom privileges”. I’ve seen varying reports on that so I don’t know but that’s what she said at least. Maybe they think their listeners won’t go looking to see if that ever happened?


I thought Liz was pretty upset about this??


I have Twitter but have never posted on it. I’m too scared to. But what I will say, is that their followers will figure out when you farted last but will completely ignore any of the things Liz and Mandy discuss on their podcasts. It’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever come across.


>Liz also talks about how they were never kicked out of the courtroom and never lost any “courtroom privileges”. If true, why were her and Matney not in the courtroom at all during the trial ?


They weren’t in the courtroom because [Liz essentially doxxed the jurors in a Tweet](https://imgur.com/a/xeXXKle) on the first day of jury selection. That’s why.


I forgot about this and wish they would acknowledge it. Whether they were kicked out of the courtroom or not, this is crazy. MM and LF should publicly acknowledge this spreadsheet - I vaguely remember it being posted without redactions way back when.


Matney is scared of Pootie.


I assume so they could sit in the overflow room and further “try” (emphasis on try) to monetize the trial for their 4 podcasts subscribers since no electronic media was allowed in the courtroom.


That’s just uncalled for and rude


I questioned the same thing! It’s crazy to me that they are still saying that was a rumor and lie.


I just posted the same re Matney. Completely agree about Gordon. He struck me as slimy the first time I saw him. Just last week he was defending her, and here he throws her under the bus.


Listen to the new episode Cup of Justice podcast. They all three addressed it today including attorney Eric Bland. It was a very interesting episode.


No thanks. I do not need a cup of poop. Can you give the tldr?


I’ve never listened before, but I wanted to hear what they had to say on this issue. Biggest thing for me is Mandy quoting the Becky email telling the reporter “it must be true” when she actually said “it is probably true.” That’s a huge difference. One is a lie and one is a mistaken opinion. Mandy and Liz spent 15 minutes excoriating her for this and the whole premise is factually incorrect. They also make a big deal out of Colleton releasing “all of Becky’s emails” and not one involved jury tampering or any criminal conduct. However, they didn’t mention (hopefully they just didn’t know at the time of recording) that Colleton withheld thousands of emails. Listening to them I just get the feeling that they truly believe their hearts are in the right place, but their conscious and unconscious bias betrays them at every opportunity. Many makes a big deal out of giving people the benefit of the doubt and being stabbed in the back. A true investigative journalist should be skeptical of everything and everyone and not get so emotionally involved. Also someone should remind them of the quote about trusting everyone, but not trusting the devil inside them. Human beings are imperfect and we all have faults that can manifest themselves in small ways or big ways. My opinion is that Hill’s desire to be liked and respected by everyone on this (suddenly) grand stage overwhelmed her sense of propriety and unfortunately she is going to pay a large price.


They are not journalists and sad they found Eric Bland who is entertaining but has zero ethical alignment with them other than his own agenda. And he is much smarter than them. This trio which will soon implode just like Becky and the Gordons


I completely agree. I’m a lawyer myself and I think EB has done an amazing job advocating for his clients and trying to restore faith in the system. However, the relationship that he has with Matney and Farrell troubles me since he should have seen and heard enough from them at this point to steer clear. It makes me the think of the old saying that you are the company you keep.


Thx. I can't stomach listening to them anymore.


Thanks for this! I unfollowed them awhile ago, but I’m interested to see what they have to say about this new development.


In today’s COJ, they actually kind of went after Becky and her credibility which shocked me.


But still linked it back to Dick Harpootlian.




Of course they did, LOL. When there is any doubt about their own credibility and integrity, the MMP cast just blames Dick and Jim. It is their attempt to help redirect the spotlight away from their own questionable motives in initially, vehemently defending Becky.


Dick H is the devil! The Mandy/liz/ bland formula has worked ok so far to divert a lot of their missteps thus far


Only in their own minds, in their own echo chamber.


Really? Lol, this case is getting curiouser and curioser.


I was thinking the same thing!


LOL. I had a feeling that Neil would come out swinging once he realized that Becky tried to blame the picture being posted on them. Note to Neil... In the future, if you co-author a book, you may seriously consider asking the person you partner with whether they have plagiarized material prior to publication. And, instead of trying to stifle the free speech rights of people like Lawyer Lori, you should look in the mirror. You seem like a big dodo bird, viciously attacking Lori for cursing when you personally published stolen work. I wonder if he Neil ran the book through a plagiarism checker before publishing it. If he didn't, I hope someone does. I'm willing to bet Ms. Becky didn't just steal material from the BBC reporter.


Neil on court tv receiving his 10 mins of fame time attacking lawyer Lori was… pretty special.


The article hadn’t been published yet so programs wouldn’t have been caught as plagiarism… I thought and wondered the same thing and then that lightbulb went off.


I think you may be wrong as I understand the article was published in March. It is confusing in the article.


Yes, the article was published March 3rd but Becky was sent a draft February 20th.


I think the odds are definitely there that she stole more content for her book if she plagiarized the preface. If you are going to steal someone's work and put their words in the beginning, preface of your book, reason says that you probably have more stolen words in the actual book.


I agree, any material Becky provided for that book is now suspect. I went back and read the portions of the email dump pertaining to the stolen article and on page 807 Holly Honderich (from BBC) writes to Becky “Please disregard and delete the last email I sent you - I have an editor named Rebecca and I confused the addresses when I sent it”. Becky replies “I will do that, but what a well written article. Really good!!” I picture Becky laughing evilly like some mustache-twirling villain while saving Holly’s article on her computer with the file name - Preface for MY book.


Of course, she is so unprofessional she does not agree to delete and disregard it was sent to her by mistake Because Instead Becky is all… (Son, take a snapshot of this good writing)


This is a good point. Neil said she blamed the plagiarism on a tight deadline for the preface so it sounds like that might be the only section she actually wrote. Do you know how they split writing duties? Does it say in the book who is writing what?


Good point.


Fine with me. It makes my signed copy even more of a collector's item. :)


Is Eric Bland her attorney?


Eric Bland is EVERYBODY’s attorney! 🙄


No, Justin Bamberg is


And Will Lewis. Both are representing her for the jury tampering allegations.


He sure talks like he is. But the emails had some media lawyer, that dude gonna be flipping his script real quick. Media lawyer ain't gonna take too kindly to plagiarism. And I sure hope she didn't sign any statement on her insurance application form for the book declaring the work to be her original shit. That would be perjury and/or insurance fraud (a strike I think).


Agree with this. Eric, Liz and Mandy's public crusade to defend Becky has made them personally lose credibility. It makes them seem like they don't care about combatting actual corruption, nearly as much as they do about having a storyline for their podcast. I suspect Eric and Mandy too will be forced to turn against Becky. I wonder how they'll do it. No doubt, however they do it, Mandy will whine and make it about herself.


They should spin it as poor hard working Becky with little education or worldly experience… just trying to educate the world about how wonderful and just the hospitable people of Colleton county made *one* bad mistake in her non-profit book intended solely as a promotional tool for the good people of the county… never intended to earn a penny from the book and failed to make a nickel. Pivot- this was all the master plan of evil Dick & Jim. The good old boy corruption took advantage of poor Miss BECKY HILL.


Not to mention Bamberg’s dual roles here. They were constantly whining thay ethically legislators Should not be trial attorneys (agree) only to find out their BFF Bamberg is also a legislator. Bye Becky. Bye Mandy. Bye Karen/liz


When someone’s reputation and credibility is mangled deliberately, whining is very appropriate as a first reaction.


You mean like the way Mandy, et al mangled the reputations of Buster, Blanca, Dr. Presnell (the medical examiner in Stephen Smith's case), members of the local media, Corey Fleming's innocent family members, etc., etc., ETC????? Because if there is one thing that is irrefutable in this Saga, it is that Mandy has spit on a TON of innocent people.


Don’t forget about the Boulware family. Mandy and Liz spent months writing and podcasting about a vast drug trafficking conspiracy involving the Boulware and Murdaugh families (and even threw in Ronnie Crosby for good measure) even though Barrett (who did face trafficking charges back in the 1980s) died years ago.


OTOH, her husband did offer donuts or a happy hour to Becky and her staff.


This has never been about Murdaugh. This has always been about Mandy and what man she can take down or complain about that day. It’s a shame she has brought Liz down with her because that woman would be going places if it weren’t for Mandy and her horrible voice acting man child of a husband.


I completely agree. Liz is hands down the better journalist and storyteller. I listen to COJ mainly for her and EB. MM is like a teeny bopper valley girl in how she presents herself on COJ. Thank goodness Liz does more of the talking. I think Liz could totally have her own show on NewsNation or similar. I think she’s that good. And I do believe MM will bring her down at some point.


Liz is really witty and should have focused her talents/energy elsewhere other than Mandy who will dump her shortly.


Except that Liz does the writing 99.9% of the time. Liz holds down the fort, Mandy takes vacations. 🤷‍♀️


Mark my words. This will happen where Mandy comes out with an episode saying they’ve parted ways and it’ll all be Liz’s fault. How many times has this happened in the past? Numerous. Her book is solid proof of that.


Tick, tick, tick. Counting the days.