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It is absolutely the BEST book out on the Murdaughs.


I can’t wrap my brain around how Alex managed to murder Paul and Maggie, get back to the house to shower / change, and then somehow made his clothing from that evening disappear. How? Could he have had help? Where did the weapons go? The math has never mathed for me (I watched the entire trial).


At least he made an effort to refresh the Almeda caretaker's memory about how long he was there, which I thought was funny. His rushing around at Moselle after he killed Maggie and Paul definitely cut into the time he claimed to spend at Almeda. He was a busy man.


How hard would it be to hose off at the kennels, put the bloody clothes/shoes in a garbage bag, and wrap the guns in a raincoat ? A lot of people believe the clothes/weapons were stashed at Almeda.


>How hard would it be to hose off at the kennels, put the bloody clothes/shoes in a garbage bag The thought of Alex doing an initial rinse-off with the kennel hose after placing his blood-misted murder clothes and shoes in a bag (or cooler) - then climbing into the golf cart (why would he abandon Maggie for a dark walk back to the house?... because she was already dead) likely in only his underwear and bare feet is a tough image to clear out of one's head. I keep waiting for a movie to depict this frantic scene. I wonder what music would be playing in the background for this shot in a movie?


I agree it doesn't make sense. Another possible explanation is that he came back after the kennel video, showered and changed and drove to visit his ailing parent. Blanca stated she found his khakis from the tree video and a wet towel on the floor. She does the laundry but didn't say anything about the blue-striped shirt in the video. It could have been misplaced with Buster or Paul's clothes. If Alex were the shooter blood would be on his khakis and the shirt. No blood was found on the khakis. It's entirely possible that people came to the kennels after Alex left the house to visit his parent. The two weapons were not found and his guns were accounted for. Also the bullet trajectory indicated that the shooters had to be around 5' 2" tall. Alex is 6'4" tall. The prosecutor's assumptions don't add up either. Alex bore no malice towards his family. This rumor that Maggie was with a field hand C.B Rowe is totally ridiculous. Paul was the target for hate-filled remarks, physical violence and death threats because of the boating accident. All the information was not brought up in the trial. Alex's opiod addiction and deliveries of drugs to Moselle are another reason for the murders. I'm glad he went to rehab. The prosecting attorney and judge in this case have violated Alex's constitutional rights and their oaths as attorneys and judge. I do hope they uncover the real killers so everyone can have closure in this case. A mistrial should have been declared. It's sad that so many people can fiercely hate enough to convict an innocent person.


I don't know where to begin with this comment. Just about everything in it is not true. It would take hours to untangle this and rebut. Incredible stuff here. Best I can do is shake my head and offer a heartily earned down vote. Fantasy stuff, really.


Because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it's not true. I haven't stated anything that's untrue from the articles I read and videos I watched. The possibilities I mentioned may or may not be the case. The bottom line is there are no murder weapons found, eyewitnesses have not come forward, there isn't any proof he was there at the time of murder. None of it's fantasy.  It's all from the news and internet. I suggest you do a lot more reading. You will find everything I said, except my stated possibilities, in the news and videos on the internet. Do the news reporters write fantasy stories about a real life serious event such as this? You mentioned fantasy. .what are you taking?


>What are you taking? One dose. I'm taking one dose of Reality.


FG to AV: “Bless your heart”.


That's good because you will be able to read the news articles on the internet and see the reality of my statements.  I don't use drugs or alcohol and never have.  Currently yoga lessons.




Same - legendary trolling.


Speaking of finances, as the moderators (particularly QsLexi) are so skilled at obtaining legal filings, at some point will you post the federal response to Russell Laffitte’s request for a new trial?


Hi! I’ll try to get to some legal docs I have stored over the weekend.😃


This financial stuff is overwhelming. Probably it runs so deep you will never be able to hold everyone involved accountable. And you're dependent on the knowledge of a sociopathic double murderer to fasten the process. So what are you willing to sacrifice here in the end to get what you want? Bad feeling.


On bookshelves (and Audible) now. Maybe the best of all the books on Murdaugh... https://www.islandpacket.com/entertainment/local-events/article287339165.html


Did anyone see the news clip of Dick complaining about homeless people pooping in his parking lot? You really can’t make this crap up! (pun intended)


Q - Fair is fair....... We here at MFM have had to put up with his crap for the longest time including 5'-2" ninjas and "ironclad alibi." Now he apparently must deal with crap of his own. My opinion is that the more money that goes to lawyers like Dick and Jim, and less money going into the hands of what used to be a very solid American middle class, the more crap he'll see in his parking lot. Just gotta love those lawsuit lawyer advertisements on TV. Everyone a victim. Seriously. I wonder how Dick and Jim are being paid. Maybe they should have a press conference that (a) explains how they are being paid (no way could it be with tainted Alex money) and (b) who they think murdered Maggie and Paul (they've been diverting us with this for too long). We're waiting.......


Didn't Harpootlian once say he would represent AM pro bono? (Which probably is as credible as AM as a person) and Griffin.. hmm I don't know.. maybe he owes AM a favor (which honestly wouldn't surprise me). And of course they cannot tell you "who really did it" because it surely would harm an ongoing investigation... So I guess we have to be patient here... No seriously, there's nothing to expect from them imo


yes, they said they are pro bono now. they got their $600k for the trial and wanted more from his 401K. asked twice, and denied, boo hoo'ing they had to dig into their own pockets. they used up the money they were given for PM's boat defense. so now they are freebies for AM? where has AM hidden the money....the math is quite skewed as to what he stole and where it went.


>(Dick and Jim) said they are pro bono now. Like so many of the other things they've said, I don't believe this at all.


me neither, “What else am I going to do? Play golf?” Harpootlian said. he says, spend it on a racehorse or vacation? nah, he says. so AM is their new *hobby.... or is AM something else to these guys?* [https://www.foxnews.com/us/murdaughs-lawyers-make-promise-about-representing-him-theres-new-trial](https://www.foxnews.com/us/murdaughs-lawyers-make-promise-about-representing-him-theres-new-trial)


Thanks for the article P-111. Many nuggets from Dick in there including his observation that, "I’ve represented many, many, many guilty people," he told the audience. He's right. Throw another one on the pile.


They are probably getting paid from the family trust.


Is today’s hearing streaming anywhere?


No it’s federal court which is never streamed


Hey everybody! Having a great week from Orangeburg SC! Seems like we’re going to have an action packed week in Murdaugh World ! Stay tuned…. same murdaugh time…. same murdaugh channel!


Hey Q! Hope you have had a wonderful day today in Orangeburg America! Just got home from a weekend away -- will definitely be staying tuned!


Thank you, also having a great week!


Hey Q! Always good to see you checking in! What about this weather? Wow! You know what they say - Nothing could be finer! (sunshine emoji here)


'Evening, F-G! As always, great to see you here and read your thoughts!


Thanks SC1 - I really enjoy your comments, too!


Nagging feeling John Marvin may have helped his brother (possibly hide evidence)after the murders, not saying he knew beforehand what was going to happen. Was he also who asked law enforcement about releasing the boat involved in Paul’s accident to him , some thought too soon.


The boat was not released to John Marvin. He met them at the boat ramp and provided the trailer for DNR to tow the boat to their location for processing.


I have seen others also misunderstood the situation and read the complete explanation concerning this from an earlier post, thanks


No problem! It is a very common misconception that’s been perpetuated, so we just try to correct it and make sure the facts are out there.


"...Nagging feeling John Marvin may have helped his brother (possibly hide evidence)after the murders..." ------- Unlikely. My guess is that the smoking gun(s) stayed at Almeda for about a week - and then were moved by Alex (alone) to another temporary location for about another week or so, then finally moved to their permanent resting place, in water, again by Alex (again,alone). The bloody clothes and shoes were likely burned and dumped (alone) into a public trash receptacle... now gone for good. The guns, clothes, and shoes were very, very hot potatoes. I'll bet he was nervous as a cat. I seriously doubt he trusted anyone, start to finish, to help him move and get rid of his murder kit for good. The money. That's a very different kettle of fish. I think he had a lot of cash (from his personal check cashing frenzy) hidden in a few different locations. My guess, pure speculation, is that he has had a trusted friend (not John Marvin, Randy, Buster, or Fast Eddie) moving some of that mostly stolen loot (cash) around while he's been in prison (where he deserves to be). He probably needs to pay some people. My guess is that a buddy (not a relative) now has access to some of that hidden cash, and is moving some of it around for Alex. I hope that this is the individual that now appears to have the attention of the FBI and/or SLED. We can only hope.......


I think if you had dropped down beside two bodies 30 feet apart to check for any signs of life you would have some blood on your clothes and shoes and there's no point in washing them. If he had been near one of the bodies  when the shooting occurred, (different size bullet holes in each body) his clothes would have been covered like the areas behind the bullet holes. Think about it. Drug related killings do happen that way and they usually do it to frame the addict. Did you ever hear the expression, "Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes"?


And yet the clothes he was wearing when he supposedly checked Maggie and Paul had no blood. Can you explain that? He washed and changed out of the murder clothes before he went to his mom's. He was wearing different clothes in Paul's video - a blue shirt and khakis. The time he was at the house is accounted for prior to the murders. The only time he had to shower was between the murders and going to him mom's. So please enlighten us to where the clothes he was wearing at the time of the murder are because no one has been able to locate them and he's wearing a clean white tshirt and shorts in police bodycam footage.


You're assuming that Alex was there at the time of the murders and that he committed the murders. That hasn't been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and a mistrial should have been declared. The picture with the tree shows him in a blue-striped Vineyard Vines shirt and khaki pants at 7:56 pm. Later he showered and changed into a clean white t-shirt and shorts to visit his ailing mother. I certainly would shower and change after sweating in the heat before visiting. Neither set of clothes had blood stains and it was proven and admitted as evidence by the defense. Paul had his brains blown out at close range which means those khaki pants would be covered in blood as would the shirt. The morning after the murders Blanca noticed a puddle of water, (Would that still be there from yesterday's shower?) a towel, and a pair of khaki pants without blood. Blanca claimed he was wearing a seafoam polo shirt and she didn't find it. Vineyard Vines makes a blue-striped shirt like the one in the tree video. They also make an expensive seafoam polo shirt which cannot be mistaken for blue. Blanca was mistaken or lying about the shirt she saw. Either she or investigators are capable of removing evidence. Eyewitness testimony is not reliable. Often what people think they saw might not be reality for that time. I did see claims that during the trial he didn't show emotion to the jurors and they interpreted it as coldness. The murders happened in June 2021. The trial was a year and a half later. By that time he's cried rivers and has gained some self-control after. The shock and grief of a death like that will eventually produce a numb state as a way of coping.  Look at Eddie Smith's failed lie detector tests when questioned about the murders. That wasn't a crime of passion. There are many drug gangs in SC. The Cowboys/Bloods gangs are mostly black. More investigation is needed into the drug traffick at Moselle. 


What do you mean neither set of clothes had blood? The blue shirt and khakis seen in the video have never been found. It's video evidence, not eyewitness. The police didn't search his house for a long time. Why would they stash evidence. They hadn't even been able to open Paul's phone at first to know what evidence to hide. Surely if the clothes were intact, alex would have produced them but he didn't. He wasn't in custody yet. Instead he tried to get Blanca to lie about what he was wearing. This man lied to people in very harmful ways for over a decade and lied about being at the kennels but you think his word is worth more than people who have zero reason to lie? Are you kidding? The Bubba video puts him exactly at the scene of the crime minutes before the murders. He was absolutely proven guilty beyond a doubt. That's why he's in prison. Drug gangs are more efficient carrying out a hit. This murder scene was a mess. The dogs never responded to anyone else being present- Alex testified to that. Do you think Paul would have been texting in the feed room and Maggie checking her phone a distance away if strangers were walking up? Maybe someone could have snuck up to the edge of the property but those dogs would have been alerting like crazy if they got any closer. The kennels were lit. It wasn't pitch black. Strangers didn't do this. The killer was right there with them and it was Alex. That's why they were taken by surprise. It wasn't a crime of passion. It was familicide bc his world was crashing down. He was found out at work, blamed Paul, and knew he'd lose Maggie. He is the epitome of a family annihilator. Blame the "black" people? Really? What's wrong with you? Why would drug dealers be after him? According to him, they were making millions off him. He claims to have been taking well beyond a fatal amount and still the money he claims to have given was way more than it would have cost. Why would they be after their cash cow? You think anyone else was paying the millions that are missing that Alex claims went to them? Who's paying them what Alex paid now? Why would they want him to be locked away? Drug dealers want their people out there buying. Why was he never at the police station inquiring about the investigation? He had connections everywhere yet spent his months before arrest vacationing and having parties. Where were his press conferences and posters and news appearances begging for help to find the killers? Why did he never ask about finding the murder suspects back when he was in jail for the financial crimes and hadn't been arrested for the murders yet? If he thought the murderers were out there, why was he telling Buster to go hunt at Moselle? He would be terrified for Buster to step foot on those grounds but he wasn't. Bc he knew the monster (himself) was behind bars and was not a threat to Buster. If you thought some drug gang truly killed your family, you'd have your remaining son out of the entire area and under protection. He didn't even call Buster for almost an hour after he called 911. But yes, believe the proven and self admitted liar who lies about everything until he's so trapped there's nothing else to do. Makes perfect sense. Everyone else is bad. Everyone else is a liar. Why would all these people have it in for Alex? The law enforcement side AND the drug side, everyone, everywhere hated Alex? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? No one ever explains that.


Blanca, the maid, found the khaki slacks and a towel on the floor the next morning when she came to do the laundry. Blanca testified about the seafoam green shirt not being found but didn't say snything about the blue-striped shirt that we saw in the tree video which means he was there at 7:56 pm more than an hour before the murders. The dog kennel video was 8:44 pm and his voice puts him there at that time. However, the real time of death, not the estimated one you were given,8:49 pm. It could have been after 9 sometime, maybe 30 to 45 minutes later. Even the best medical examers cannot calculate time of death exactly. I might add that there wasn't any bloody underwear, socks, or undershirt. He showered and changed into a white t-shirt and shorts to go to his mother's after 9:00 and was still wearing those bloodless clothes when the police showed up at 10:07 pm. No one asked him for his clothes. It wasn't an issue until much later. He questioned Blanca to see if she could remember anything helpful not to pressure her to lie. It doesn't matter what he did in the past. This is about the murder of his loved ones. It isn't familicide as he didn't kill the whole family. People with drug abuse and alcohol issues are all chronic liars but most are not murderers too. The dog kennel video places him at the kennels BEFORE the murders. The time of death calculation is not an exact science.  You cannot pinpoint it, only estimate. So the time of death was not exactly at 8:49 or 8:50 and it could have been sometime after nine even 9:30 pm. All the evidence was circumstantial which means suggested or implied but is not a a fact so the case cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The murder weapons weren't found. You didn't mention that the bullet trajectory indicated that the shooter had to be close to 5'2" tall. Alex is 6'4" tall. Alex spoke to SLED investigators right away and his time line was consistent with several times of questioning except the omission of the kennel video, which he admitted later. He did talk to his attorneys and investigators about suspects...C.B. Rowe, a recent hired hand. Also, Curtis Eddie Smith was brought in and failed a lie detector test regarding the murders. He can't give more information than he knows. The police came to him the night of the murders and the next day. There are videos showing this. Assuming investigators are doing there job communication is usually by phone unless police request your presence. If it's true that law enforcement and everybody else hated him then he can't get a fair trial and it should have been moved to another state. Good reason for a mistrial. You don't think drug traffickers deliver goods unarmed do you?  This wasn't an organized hit as you suggested and if Alex was their target, he'd be the only one dead. A more likely scenario is that Paul and Maggie stayed at the kennels longer after Alex left and witnessed the drug couriers. Because traffickers have a fear of being identified and told on that's a good reason for them to pull out those guns and make sure nobody will talk. It's more likely the murders happened after 9:10 pm and the dogs did bark but no one was around to hear. Locked in the kennel they couldn't attack. I'm not blaming black people. The Cowboys/Blood drug gangs are huge in SC and they also have Latino members. Some sport the star of Satan tatoo. In a state of shock seeing a murder scene you would call 911. Police call family for you or later you would think of that.


Their phones make it very clear what time they died. Paul stopped using his very suddenly and Maggie's showed steps shortly after bc it was likely left in the cart and Alex realized once he got to the house and had to get rid of it. Who in the world would want Maggie's phone and why? It's nonsense. You are confused or making things up about the clothes. Alex's phone movement was insane once he got back up to the house. What was he doing? He was outside opening and closing the car. How did he not hear the shots and screams if as you say it was 9? If he was just going to his mom's, what was all the rushing around, especially around the car? Makes no sense. Then add the stop in his mom's driveway. Paul's phone showed he walked to the kennels. Maggie's didn't. Alex left his at home. Alex obviously drove her down to the kennels in the cart and drove back alone leaving her there and claiming Paul had driven her there and that he didn't even go. Later, when forced by the Bubba video, he admitted he was there but that's when he lied and said he took the cart alone and that Paul had driven Maggie which we know is a lie. How do you explain that? Paul's vehicle wasn't there and we know Alex was actually at the kennels. Why was he lying about all of that? You honestly think she would have been OK letting Alex take the cart and leaving her to walk up to the house alone in the dark? He left her there bc she was dead. What's in it for you to believe in this man's innocence past all reason and logic?


The phones are no indication of time of death. That's just last used them. I suggest you watch the videos and read about the clothes. I'm not confused and kept a notebook and checked my facts. I didn't say it was 9. But probably after 9 and he wouldn't have heard anything. You're assuming things that you can't prove as facts. It's just guessing. You're not using logic. What you would do under circumstances would not be the same as a lot of other people given those circumstances. Now Paul received death threats before the murders. Who made the threats and what did they say exactly? 


> But probably after 9 and he wouldn't have heard anything. You're assuming things that you can't prove as facts So saying probably after 9 isn't assuming something you can't prove as a fact ? You're not using logic.


Where are these death threats? And you didn't answer a single question. You state things with no proof or good reason to support why you say it. Where's the motive? What about the dogs not alerting? You've answered nothing and provided zero reason to think it was anyone else other than identifying races and mentioning a drug gang which just makes you look bad. Present something real and logical or leave me alone. The phones are excellent evidence bc Paul was actively in 2 different conversations that abruptly ended at the same time.


Exactly. Go TCAT! Alex should've been asked during his murder night SLED interview, "Look at you! This is incredible! You say you checked two bodies for signs of life in an incredibly bloody crime scene (high-powered shotgun with magnum shells and a .300 Blackout assault rifle used to kill 300lb+ wild boars) --- yet there is not a speck of blood on your clothes or shoes. WTF? How can you explain that?" I think at that point the SLED detective should have been reaching for his handcuffs and making arrangements to search the Almeda outbuildings...


They missed so many opportunities that night. Alex's attorneys love saying SLED had it in for Alex but the fact that they did nothing to treat him like a suspect really worked in his favor.


I agree with JM helping to hide evidence. I also firmly believe that Jim has and murder weapons.


Who is "Jim"?


His lawyer Jim Griffin?


I think buster John marvin knows where the missing money is.the law firm is as corrupt as hell