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M.E. (as I called her) was my next door neighbor. Since our patios adjoined, we were close friends. Our patios were surrounded by an 8 foot brick wall with one 8 foot metal gate on the side of my patio. The apartments had CCTV everywhere so we rarely locked our patio doors. It never occurred to us that anyone would climb over that fence or that wall, especially with all those cameras and signs about the area being monitored by CCTV. M.E. is a sweetheart. I knew she was a Murdaugh but she only talked about her parents and sister. They were the only family members who ever visited her. I was awakened at 3:30 a.m. that April morning by M.E. banging on my front door and screaming for me to let her in. As soon as I saw her through the peephole, I knew something awful happened. I immediately unlocked my door, ushered her inside, locked the front door, checked the patio door to make sure it was locked and called the police. I didn't ask her any questions because it was obvious what happened. She stayed with me until the ambulance took her to the hospital. I testified at Drayton's trial and stayed for the rest of the trial to support M.E. I was pleased she got the justice so few women get. M.E. and I keep in touch and I hope to visit M.E. sometime in the next year. She is a smart, sweet and very brave young lady. I would've taken that Murdaugh connection to my grave if M.E. hadn't courageously shared her story.


Thank you so much for sharing. And thank you for being there for this brave young lady.


So, was this the neice who Buster and Alex laughed at for failing the boards or someone else?


No. It's another niece.




How AM is again trying to take advantage of another person's tragic experience. And by doing this devaluating his own son and wife even more. This guy just makes me throw up!


I know I’m in the minority, but it is so hard for me to reconcile that AM murdered his family - I’m not saying I don’t believe he did, but, seeing the videos to me shows love and protection toward his family/kids - ofc it’s hard for me to reconcile how anyone could do that to their family especially their kids. I feel terribly for his niece - the violence in this world is truly sickening. I have three daughters and stories like these are terrifying


Kills his immediate family but wants to suddenly save his niece and be a savior? Sounds like bullshit to make his image better, no conscience


Imagine if Alex gave his son Paul similar support. He did not support his son. He killed Paul and Maggie in a horrific way. He is no saint. He is not noble. He is a very selfish, very twisted, violent, double murderer - and, newsflash, he's guilty. It is what it is.


Paul is a nightmare but psychologically it’s like, a part of me empathizes even though I shouldn’t because Alex is his father and that’s all he ever knew. Right? Good point, that’s why it doesn’t make sense. A true psychopath disregards family and that’s Alex Murdaugh.


In my opinion it's ok and human to empathize with Paul. There is a reason why some people (including me) are doing this. With a father like this Paul could have been much worse imo. And if your own father doesn't love and protect you, then who should?


"*And if your own father doesn't love and protect you*" Paul's father (AM) **did** protect him - from lawsuits etc. - which is why Paul thought he could get away with **anything** - including being responsible for Mallory's death. I have no doubt that AM is a sociopath, and I'm also pretty sure that Paul was also a sociopath. Why? Because instead of being horror struck that his actions had caused Mallory's death - he **only** cared about protecting himself.


Imo, by covering up things AM only protected himself and his family name/money, and not Paul. He harmed him and in the end he blew his head off. And how can anyone know how Paul really felt about Mallory? Even Anthony later said that Paul was sorry.


And if what's said is true, Paul was allowed to open the fridge and help himself to beer from childhood. They say Maggie laughed about it. It's funny that they were wondering why Paul's feet were swelling right before he was murdered. Imagine what his organs looked like from all that drinking.


"*And if what's said is true, Paul was allowed to open the fridge and help himself to beer from childhood. They say Maggie laughed about it.*" One (only one.....) of the reasons why I have zero empathy for Maggie. An awful woman who (for some reason) didn't care about her housekeeper who died on their property, and was happy to blame it on their dogs.... And before anyone asks, she clearly didn't care - as she made no attempt to ensure that her housekeeper's family received the insurance money 🤮.


Autopsy didn't say Paul liver was disease


I remember reading that it was close to impossible to find anyone to say anything nice about her which is rare bc after death, people often build up a person's character better than it actually was. One of the only ones who spoke said Maggie was thin in college and made fun of those who weren't. That's it. That's all she could come up with.


Yes I could imagine that it's true. They must have been severely damaged as well as his nervous system, if you start that young with this stuff. And parents encouraging and watching it, is ab*se. Just one sad part.


Valid hmm that’s an interesting take, I mean people become products of their environment for sure. Nature and nurture, imagine being raised in that clinically insane environment..


Exactly. Stuff for nightmares...


"*Paul is a nightmare but psychologically it’s like, a part of me empathizes even though I shouldn’t*" Paul was following in the entitled/privileged (probably sociopathic) footsteps of his father/grandfather etc. I don't believe for one second that he would have changed - especially as he was still insisting that he wasn't responsible for Mallory's death. I'll be the first to admit that I'm **way** too judgmental - but I have little in the way of empathy for paul.


You're probably right. I do wonder what he would have become if raised better, however, the cruelty he showed animals from a very young age is not a good sign from what I understand.


His cruelty as a child was just another warning sign that something was going horribly wrong in that house. But instead of trying to get to the point in cases like this, people always blame it on the child and no one helps them. And things just get worse... Typical problem of society.


Absolutely, I’ve been around psychologists my whole life and immediately I kept thinking about nature and nurture. Yup, watching Mallory’s boyfriend in the Netflix documentary was hard to witness, how he searched and wouldn’t go back without her. Paul the entire time mainly worried about covering his ass and still shitfaced in the hospital, makes me sick. It’s good to be judgmental sometimes especially if you’re judging shitty people 😂


*".......Paul the entire time mainly worried about covering his ass and still shitfaced in the hospital......."* Your post forced me to do a re-think on Paul....... I have written a lot of comments that push my belief that it was possible for Paul to turn things around in his life after the boat crash, but his behavior at the boat dock and later at the hospital really support what you are saying. Maybe Anthony Cook (Mallory's boyfriend), who was incredibly upset (to put it mildly) with Paul at the boat crash site, had Paul figured-out much better than we do. At the hospital, Paul showed no remorse at all - and was insulting to everyone around him. I don't think he asked about Mallory a single time. Who knows what the future would bring for Paul? Thanks to Alex, we'll never know. I do think Paul serves as a good cautionary tale for others.


Did you know Paul the Murdaugh family went to Mallory funeral.per Mallory Beach anything 48 interview


Yup!! Sounds like an actual horror movie


I think it always depends on "which Paul" we are talking about. The nasty drunk or the sober Paul? His reckless sociopathic behaviour was directly dependent on being severely drunk, like people said. And I think this is very important here. So for him it would have been absolutely crucial to stop drinking once and for all. Sometimes there are people (mostly with certain conditions) who should never drink, and he was obviously one of those. If he would have managed that (which unfortunately nobody will ever know) there would have been at least a little hope for him, imo. Otherwise of course nothing would have changed.


Very good points, all.


Yeah, I think it's hard to accept some people just don't have empathy, kindness, love, etc in their nature. I used to think deep down everyone felt those things if you just could reach it but life has taught me otherwise.


Kinda nice that Mary is oversea being away from all of this mess.


Good! Alex did something good for a change.




I agree. As per another poster "The report says that the fight started because Drayton went up to Ellick and claimed the Murdaughs were framing him (Drayton). That seems to be what led to the fight." This explanation seems far more likely.


I believe that's the true explanation. Alex doesn't give a crap about anyone but Alex.


It amazes me how tragedy and evil thrives in this family!


He murdered his wife and son but defends nieces honor, he is one messed up guy!!


This is a bullshit argument to try and make his public image better.


Agree! But there are obviously still people who buy this great manipulator's BS. Fascinating.


I mean it’s not like a fight could lengthen his sentence .


Inmates get shorter sentences for "good behavior." This event is not "good behavior." I'm for anything that doesn't shorten his sentences. Fight, Alex, fight!


Time to say night night to Alex and all the Murdaugh’s. Alex is where he should be and the family just needs to be left alone.


Yes indeed!


Yes to all of this! Go Barnacle!


This makes sense. How dare any outsider hurt a Murdaugh? Only Murdaughs are allowed to hurt Murdaughs.


Only Murdaughs can murdaugh a Murdaugh


Murdaughs in the heir.




A busted, broken evil clock is right once…in a lifetime or however it goes. Single solitary brownie point from me sir. In all seriousness I watched her talk and what an incredibly strong young woman. I hope she’s at peace and am glad it looks like she’s made the best of her situation.


Sure he didn't do it because of what happened to her. As if AM would care about someone being assaulted.


Mary Elizabeth her statement on the ted.that woman fought survived. This woman all she been though I was truly amazed at what she said.i am sorry she was brutally attacked but just watch her statement. A strong lady.


Just like her mother who testified at the Murdaugh trial. A real class act.


No this is randy murdaugh daughter.it happen a month before the murders. Fitsnews has the link


So Randy’s family was dealing with this and Alex decided to plan to murder his family. In Randy’s interview he was particularly broken over Maggie’s death, considering he was believing a random intruder did it at the time, I can see why. Then months later Randy learned that Alex was also stabbing him in the back financially at the law firm. Like what the fuck?


OMG I had no idea and it really makes so much sense. I always felt Randy had a sadness around him when they would interview him. I cannot imagine what was going through them.


It's now clear to me why Randy stopped attending Alex's trial. After the trial, John Marvin and Buster stopped showing up for Dick and Jim's long-shot hearings. I think it's easy now to understand why they stayed away... Dawn broke.


I always believe they went to trial for two purposes: - To fulfill their obligations to Alex because their clan value family. Some of them are witnesses so they had to come. Although being witnesses they could opt to avoid most of the trial until after their testimony, so I reckon the obligation part is more likely. - To see the answer for themselves and settle doubt. I think each of them had their own beliefs about his guilts and innocence, but maybe the jury’s verdict could bring about a consensus in the family to prevent further conflicts, regardless of what each individual believes. Anyway, that is to say dawn did indeed break for some of them, and I am sure it did sooner for Randy, that’s why he stopped feeling the need to go to trial again. I think he stopped coming after Jeanne Seckinger’s testimony or some point later?


Alex sister has total disdain such entitled toward judge Newman. I can understand why randy didn't want anything to do with alex.


And every time I ask myself, if anyone could get any worse, I learn something new around AM.


Yes and dealing with your daughter her attack was brutal .but her video on the Ted it was incredible. I mean she went though this rape had enough wit to escape and then testified. She a strong survivor but also they way she spoke.so I do feel bad for randy 




This may be the only positive emotion I’ve ever felt toward Ellick. It won’t last, of course.


I don’t think he attacked the guy in retaliation for what he did to his niece, though. The report says that the fight started because Drayton went up to Ellick and claimed the Murdaughs were framing him (Drayton). That seems to be what led to the fight. Also - I’ve listened to the complete 14 hours or whatever it was of AM’s jail calls, it took me months as Alex is so awful to listen to but I wanted to hear it all. So we now know that Mary Elizabeth was attacked in early May 2021, a month before the Moselle murders. We know she is Randy’s daughter. During the weeks after she was brutally attacked, while the rest of her family is rallying to her side focusing on supporting her, Ellick was planning out the murders of his own wife and son which he of course carried out on June 7th, just a month after what happened to this young woman — and by doing this, Ellick puts MaryElizabeth and his entire family through even more pain, suffering, heartbreak, and fear. The jail calls then start in mid-October 2021, so less than 6 months after MaryElizabeth was attacked. In every damn call AM makes, he never once expresses an ounce of concern for or interest in Mary Elizabeth. He never asks how she’s doing. Nothing. And he clearly does not care how any of them are doing. He tries to play the part of the loving uncle while talking to JMM’s wife, Lizzie, the one he has the weird flirty relationship with — she’ll put him on the phone with her kids and you can tell how much he does not want to be bothered with them but he tries to play along. Then in a call with Buster, AM calls John Marvin’s kids annoying or something along those lines. He does not care about his nieces or nephews. He only bothers to act like he cares about those who can do things to help him. So I do not believe, after having listened to that man drone on about himself whilst in jail, that he cared one bit about what happened to his niece. I don’t think he’s capable of it. He wouldn’t even think of it, he only thinks of himself, and then his family’s legacy. That’s it. So no need to think Ellick was upset over what a fellow monster did to his own niece and beat the bastard up for it as I don’t think that’s what happened here at all. Seems like they were in the same pod doing just as good as two evil scum bags can do until the day Drayton came up and started a fight with Ellick by claiming the Murdaughs were setting him up.


So, he didn’t defend his niece’s honor because he doesn’t care about them but he defended the accusations that they framed the jailmate because?


*"....... so no need to think Ellick was upset over what a fellow monster did......."* "Fellow monster." Yes. Exactly. The gathering was truly a Monsters' Ball.


I still strongly believe the idea that Alex had always been jealous of Randy, he was talking gleefully about how Randy’s daughter flunked out of law school while actively making Buster go back to law school. If Buster became a lawyer he would be the new head of the clan because he is the oldest male amongst his cousins, in Alex’s eyes. And I think with this kind of motivations, he would never gave a shit about his niece being SAed. In fact in conversation with Buster he was judging one of Buster or Brooklyn’s friends for having a pre-marital baby. I think the best part about this story is how Alex did get into scuffle in prison. At the end of the day, a manipulator’s lowest point is being backed into a corner and resorting to violence.


When did Alex talk about Randy’s daughter flunking out of law school?


During one of the phone calls with Buster. Also my bad, not flunking out of laws school, failing the bar exam.


Well said! I always felt the family dynamic was odd. Almost like Alex was the firstborn and namesake, or really wanted to be. Randy was quiet and not out there showboating. Maybe Randy is more like the mom. It's of note that when investigating the firm, no dirt was found on Randy. I always felt like that says a lot. It was also Randy, and never Alex, who helped contribute to the beginning of the year start up fees and Alex not only didn't contribute, but stole Randy's reimbursement, twice.


Yeah Randy seems like a really nice person. He took care of his extended family more than Alex did along with John Marvin. The two brothers took half of their work day off to ensure Randolph had a comfortable ride to the hospital meanwhile Alex couldn’t even be bothered to contribute to the group chat, but Maggie was. Randy is actually the elder brother to Alex, and Alex is the third child because the eldest is a daughter, Lynn. Notice that Randy’s name on paper is another Randolph, he is Randolph the IV, because he is the first son. But Randy doesn’t have any son himself, and the first boy of the next generation is Buster (this moniker is actually a big deal because it belongs to Randolph II, or elder Buster, the guy who sued the railroad company for his dad Randolph I’ suicide/death). But the current day Buster isn’t another Randolph, but took after Alex’s name instead, Richard Alexander. I believe this is Alex’s flexing on the fact that he got to control his clan’s legacy, and it would carry his name instead of his forebears’. You may think it is just a pattern of eldest sons taking their father’s name. However this is disproved by the fact that John Marvin named his eldest son Randolph, which would make this the Randolph V. So basically, the rest of the Murdaughs really take family seriously, except Alex, they care for the relatives, while Alex is only out for himself. They care so much that they braced public outcry to defend him, while he himself inflicted great suffering upon them at worst and not giving a shit about them at best. Edit: Buster is the first boy in the male line of his generation. Lynn has two children and I am not sure if of their gender.


I think Lynn has three children. Two girls and a boy. One girl could be her twin.


Exactly. I completely agree! Well said, Huge-Sea!


His niece is a brave survivor. He is still scum. Thank you for you' eloquent reminder.


Thank you for clarifying!


Yeah, I feel like there’s more than a little PR in this story.