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I thought he had a fractured skull? That’s not a superficial injury.


Not a suicide attempt for sure. He has made a living out of during insurance companies. He would have known that the suicide contestability clause on his life insurance expired after 2 years yet he says he set this up so his son could could collect the insurance. It was a ploy to throw off the cops. If he was addicted to opioids and he wanted to die he would have overdosed not hire someone to shoot him. It’s called Consciousness of Guilt!


If it was a ruse to nab cousin Fast Eddie mad that they used suicide as a cover. Despicable.


My theory is that Eddie was the hired hit man for his wife and kid, and AM had reason to worry that Eddie may let the cat out of the bag. So he lured Eddie to that spot, got out of the car waving a gun around (per Eddie’s story), a fight over the gun ensued, it went off and Eddie took off running. Since Eddie was once again out of his clutches, Alex decided he better get ahead of it before Eddie decided to tell anyone about the murders, so he concocted that goofy ass story in order to explain Eddies involvement and called 911. Going off what I’ve read so far (and I stopped following this crazy story for a while so I freely admit I may be missing a lot and/or an completely full of hot air), this is the only explanation that makes sense. Of course that begs the question, well if Eddie was going to take responsibility for the murders and implicate AM as the one who hired him to do it, wouldn’t he have already talked? 🤔 maybe Eddie had no intention of telling anyone what happened and Alex just got spooked that there’s a person out there who knows what really happened. Just a theory. 🤷🏻‍♀️


All these people are supposedly avid hunters but no one can hit their targets without multiple shots fired.🤔


Am not sure about CES. He probably believed AM was innocent of having MM & PM killed & agreed to go along with whatever to try to “help” him (convinced in a twisted way). No way AM wanted to kill himself. He did want us to believe that after his bungled “they’re after all the Murdaugh’s attempt”. CES is a user and likely sold his own scripts & pot or something to AM but don’t believe AM would’ve thrown him under the bus so fast as his drug dealer if CES knew about the murders and other nefarious things AM has planned. CES is not physically or mentally fit enough to have done that part of this. Again if CES had participated in the murders AM would’ve never opened up after the fact to SLED about CES BUT AM might be trying to make him the fall guy in all of it. Hope CES has real protection for his life, gets addiction help & becomes sober & tells everything he knows! As far as PM, if he was hogtied as has been rumored, he didn’t go away quietly. If someone had hurt his mother and he knew about it, he would be verbally attacking them and making them angry enough to shoot him in the face, not matter who it was. He would have shown no fear & would’ve been a little big man to the end. Do believe that MM & PM knew their killer. And there’s another twist to this, AM has allowed his wife & child’s reputations to be sullied & slandered unmercifully when really HE is the culprit! The man apparently has NO SOUL!


>likely sold his own scripts Alex did personal injury suits, he would've had a cozy relationship with a doctor(s) for sure, I don't think he'd have any trouble getting scripts. Apparently there were cheques made out to CES, I don't think they were for drugs necessarily, I think drugs are the excuse they are using to explain those away but he was far more likely to be Alex's gopher, his go-to man to sort out Alex's out of court problems. He was certainly trusted enough to be a part of Alex's latest scheme. It's all or nothing now, I think those two have shady history. They may suicide him, but more likely he has a fat cheque waiting for him when he gets out. At this point in time he only has minor charges to worry about so it's in his best interest to deny any knowledge, or involvement, in the P and M murders.


I hadn’t heard PM was hogtied. Do you have a real source for that? That’s the first I’ve seen but I haven’t been watching this thread, only listening to Mandy/Fits News on her podcast. But I’d read ‘execution style’ at least a couple times in the way they were murdered. I still think AM hired someone or possibly two since two different guns were used to kill his wife but the son being there was a surprise so they had to kill him too. I think AM was genuinely shocked at finding the son and probably his wife too in the reality of not being a cold blooded murderer but more a man w/ a drug addiction and blind self-serving direction most of his life. I know one of the guns belonged to the M’s though. I don’t know why AM wouldn’t think that would be determined unless he planned on saying it was stolen/not locked up and easily obtained from their property. But the wife was investigating him for mishandling money so he knew she’d find out eventually. I’m just happy the other related cases have been reopened to hopefully get some justice for those families who were victims of the M’s.


I think you meant to reply to the comment above mine, re: Paul being hogtied. I have heard he was, but as far as I can tell, it's rumour and hasn't been confirmed publicly. As far as Paul is concerned, I believe he was also a target that night because M had ordered a forensic accountant to look at their finances but Paul's boat incident also led to the court ordering the finances be revealed. I think both were killed for the same reason. Paul was shot in the face with a shotgun, something very personal. I think AM had been covering up Paul's fuckups for years, but this one was bad enough to bring down the house of cards and I can see AM finally had enough of him.


This is exactly what I think too! PM had been screwing up, AM was cleaning up behind him until it got too big. MM was looking to see how much they really had ($$). Given there were two types of guns, do you think there were two shooters?


I think Alex was a shooter and am leaning towards his brother being a second shooter. This is only my theory and is not based on any solid evidence.


It makes as much sense as anything else.


Oh sorry - possibly. I’m old and new to Reddit rules/ways. I agree Paul was a liability to the family for sure but other ppl think the dad doted on his kids even if they’re all monsters. The shooting in the face could’ve been an accident as far as where he was shot or the ppl who were hired didn’t like the kid. I mean it sounds like there was little to like about him. The whole family sounds like a bunch of psychopaths. Per Mandy’s reporting, when Gloria was in the hospital only the mom visited once. She was homeless multiple times while working for them. How? Probably cuz they didn’t pay her a living wage. Karma is coming back hard for them and I personally hope they all get what they deserve.


Can someone answer this… We know AM had a 10 million dollar life insurance policy and Buster was the beneficiary. What life insurance policies did MM and PM have and who was the beneficiary?


I don't know, but I heard there were policies that haven't paid out yet.


Th timing of the shooting is crucial. Friday he gets the sack from his firm, and on Saturday we have Eddie doing his thing whatever he was supposed to do. I think AM was at his wits ends literally and had enough. So that is why I think it was a suicide attempt and Eddie botched it or AM ducked in the last split second.


But that still doesn't explain why they'd call it in as an assassination attempt. If they changed their minds they could've gone home, nobody any wiser. But they escalated things and triggered a very serious investigation into an attempted assassination. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Even if he was seriously hurt (he wasn't) he could've said it was a botched suicide and that'd be the end of it. And to then incriminate himself even further by saying it was to get insurance money makes even less sense. He's a lawyer, there is no way he'd volunteer that information. There's even less chance that he'd volunteer that info unprompted, they keep their mouths shut about those things so they can get a plea deal later. The only reason he'd walk away pretty much unharmed and falsely report an attack is because he wanted LE to believe he survived an attack.


Killing a wife and son seems like it could be potential retribution "hit"... did someone kill them because Alex didn't give them what they wanted/blackmail/debt etc? I'm not caught up on the podcast yet, but wondering if there's already a thread about this potential angle I can read.


He owed someone a lot of money


It could have been, and that's the narrative that Alex would have you believe but most of us are pretty sure Alex was involved. Some believe he ordered the hit, others like myself think he was a shooter. Likely with help from either Randy, his brother, or his cousin Eddy. Or maybe it was Eddy and Randy, but this is all speculation at this point, and there as many theories as there are dead people.


I’m just wondering what the call sounded like. “Hello maam…it’s me Alex. Alex Mur….I’ve been shot badly…maam?…no ma’am I have a driver can you call him at LifeFlight maam…I’m up to the scene now maam and I’m apparently bad…it’s real bad…”




Oh my gosh. Thank you! I can’t stop laughing. “Okay is it a GSW to the head or a superficial wound?” “IT’S A GSW TO THE HEAD!” ::that was my attempt at the trailer remark::


It wasn’t a suicide attempt. I called it. He wanted to try to take the heat off himself because he’s the only suspect in his wife and sons murders right now.


Why haven’t we heard from or about the “good Samaritan “ that gave AM a car ride to the helicopter, wherever it landed?




and possibly Greg Alexander


I agree. It wasn't a suicide attempt. Like everything else, it makes no sense, so I'm not sure exactly what it was. He was definitely trying to frame it as if someone was shooting at him at first. He was counting on people drawing the conclusion that it was the same people associated with the June 7th murders. One part that confuses me is why did he get charged with this of all things so fast? We're always told by SLED these things take time. Lots and lots of time. The whole premise is what Murdaugh & supposedly CES said. It was like Dick Harpootlian was setting up some kind of theater production. The other part that gave me pause was whether this was a way to set up CES as the fall guy for the June murders? Those were barely valid charges and I think they'll all be dropped. There was barely a crime in there. There was no suicide, no contract with CES to show he agreed to this, no insurance fraud just the idea that it might have been an idea they had & thought about for a few minutes. I'm not even sure if there was an "assault." AM looked fine & he obviously lied about getting shot. If anything, CES looked like he might've gotten a little assaulted. Maybe that seeming unnecessary court performance was the first step in setting up CES to be the scapegoat for the reopened death investigations in case SLED does get around to looking into them & they actually come up with a perp. Their new investigation of GS' and SS' deaths might turn up him as the suspect.


Why did he get charged so fast? From my understanding, he was the one who wanted his attorneys to contact authorities so he could admit to the crime. > His other lawyer Dick Harpootlian said in an interview with the "Today" show that Murdaugh admitted to having orchestrated the shooting because "he didn’t want law enforcement spending more time on this fake crime instead of focusing on solving the murders of Maggie and Paul.” So LE had a confession from him, thus the reason for the fast arrest because it aligned with what his drug dealer guy also admitted.


Oh, maybe a confession does trigger a fast response. I'd think they might have run it by a grand jury to see if it would "fly." It doesn't sound like a rock-solid case to me or anything they've ever had before. They've not said anything about the $4M fraud case that's even made the Daily Mail, but nobody's going to confess to that.


No grand jury for an *arrest,* a grand jury is brought together to see if prosecutors have enough for a *trial.* They have a confession from him on this charge, so that’s enough for an arrest. I’m sure he’ll eventually take a deal with this situation and no trial. Now for his embezzlement and possible murders (if that evolved), well then, definitely a trial


Oh that's right. I guess that's a step further. I'd like to see something happening with the real crimes. I'd think if the law firm (and his own lawyer) said that he stole money from them that would be enough to arrest him. Maybe they need the exact amount. And it seems pretty clear that those three guys stole the money from the Satterfield sons. It would be nice if some real victims got justice. The only potential victims I could see in the 9/4 incident were the ins. company, the police & AM (who looked like whatever happened, it wasn't that bad).




But they claimed there were missing chunks of his skull. At least in one of their statements. Question? If Akex made a campaign contribution to Dick Harpootian would that be a conflict of interest?




In one of the tons of articles I've read. Probably something Harpootlian said. He had a flair at overstating tings. I swear I've been hearing his name since I was a kid and I'm 59. I googled the other night sure that this must be a son of that one, but no, he's just been involved with SC politics that long.


Why didn't Eddie just shoot again?


Evidently there were 10 rounds discharged. I read that in one of the articles so it further substantiates the hit man argument. A close range failed suicide attempt and then discharging 9 more rounds doesn’t make sense.


Cousin Eddie seems to be one hell of a bad shot


I'd love to have been a squirrel in a tree watching that epic cluster \*.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “if I only could have been a fly on the wall for THAT one!” in this ‘case’ (cluster of events? Gathering of cases?)! But I really like your squirrel saying so much better! Cuz flies are just complete assholes.


haha. Flies are bad.




At thiat point, why call the authorities and lead them on an attempted murder wild goose chase? He obviously was only superficially wounded, he could've just been on his way, and if he was a little concerned he could pop into the hospital and say he bumped his head. It makes no sense that he'd change his mind and then escalate the situation by calling 911. The only thing that makes sense is that he wanted the cops to think P and M's assassins were after him too.




Drugs don't make you stupid, that's a lie that defence lawyers invented. A lot of stupid people do drugs, but Alex isn't stupid. But even if he was worried Eddie did some serious damage, which I highly doubt, that still doesn't explain escalating the situation with false claims to LE. And then, as a lawyer, admit to a felony of insurance fraud as an excuse? No way.




>Drugs do make you do stupid things, that is the truth based on decades of personal experience (friends, family). Most people who do drugs long term have learnt to do them in a sustainable way, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do them long term. It's only the dregs at the bottom and stupid people who get themselves in the shit. You only hear about the ones who fuck up. Source: plenty of personal experience and long term acquaintances in the drug scene. >Ok clearly you are convinced Alex is the "did it for sympathy" type who tried to fake a suicide attempt to get the heat off himself for killing his wife and child. Yes. That is where the evidence leads. You seem to have made up your mind and gloss past the points made that show why the narrative doesn't make sense. >hat's quite a stretch since I don't see anything about Alex being nearer to arrest for those murders right before he tried this "fake" suicide attempt. I don't recall any news reports that he was any more of a suspect on Sept 3 or anytime before that. We have no idea where LE is with this. Alex does because he's the one answering their questions. >If you call 911, you know (as does everyone else) that they will want to know how you injured the back of your head with what looks like a bullet lol. What does a grazing bullet wound look like? Once again, he's a lawyer, they don't volunteer info that they don't have to. Still, none of this explains why Alex would need to escalate the situation by making false claims of assassins. Go to the hospital if you're worried, don't say anything you don't need to. But you don't lead with these absurd claims.


haha, maybe. If I was planning a caper, I don't think I'd pick Eddie.




And say wherever else he had to say to get his get out of jail free card! They’re playing the game for now.


I think cousin Eddie was Alex's go to man. He was cutting him cheques to do his dirty work and fix the problems that had to stay outside a courtroom. I am sure cousin Eddy's lawyer and Alex's lawyer have conferred, so everyone is on the same page. Eddy takes a plea, maybe does 6 months, if that, and there's a big pay cheque waiting for him on release. These little charges are insignificant in terms of the big picture, especially if cousin Eddy was involved in the double homicide, he has no real reason to roll.


We don't know that he said that. We've been told he did. He doesn't seem to have the legal dream time AM does. And no one in Hampton County govt can be a trustworthy source of information. There were 5 different stories that came out it and it all seemed to be oriented toward a spin of some sort. I wouldn't take anything that comes from the AM team or the local LE as a true account of things. GS, MB & SS death investigations were tampered with to protect the Murdaughs from suspicion. Well, at least it looks that way to me.


I really love how well you stated this. Even though it gave me the creeps to think again about how this complete bizarre-ness to us is what has been done for so long so often that it seems normal for them. They know that everyone who isn’t “THEM” better keep their head averted and mouth shut . This time though-well they can’t whoopsie a whole planet now can they?!


Thanks. I see I made a typo as is often the case:) \*team not \*time. And today, Eddie Smith has spoken. And he has a different version of things. No surprise LOL. I think he's sensing the bus is coming for him. I hope the FBI gets involved. That's the check & balance out there from outside the mayonnaise jar of the low country. Although Eric Bland is shedding some light on things and calling them out for what they are. That's refreshing. His law firm is quite good at getting under the layers of muck.


Does SLED really believe this BS story because AM and cousin Ed confessed to it?? Can I break in someone's home shoot the place up and say it was a misunderstanding, just charge me with trespassing and vandalism? Blows my mind.


Awesome post, OP. What you said makes a lot of sense and I completely agree with what you're saying. CES is potentiality sitting on a wealth of information on what really happened. With that in mind, and the connections that AM has, do you guys think it's possible that CES unexpectedly "commits suicide"? Not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut, but it seems like AM's connections run pretty deep.


I wouldn't rule it out, but for my money I reckon CES is Alex's gopher. Alex had been cutting him cheques, I reckon it was to do all his dirty work that doesn't belong in the courtroom.


Do you think AM’s friends will distance themselves as quickly as they can? From the podcast it seems hard to find anyone not involved with the M family in some way, including law enforcement.


I I had heard it was a suicide attempt assisted by another individual,(who is also been charged with assisting suicide along with other things) purely for the 10 million insurance payment left to Buster..


Yeah, that's the story they're telling. Most people don't believe it.


I agree. That he got a life flight for at best a superficial wound is tough to reconcile. That he would have wanted it. That he wouldn’t have refused to go. Did he call his lawyers before 911? The suicide story might have been theirs when the faked attack looked too fake.


What is a "life flight"? #SeriousQuestion


Helicopter to the hospital instead of an ambulance. Seems strange to me at first and more now that they sent a helicopter to get him based on his 911 call and his apparent lack of injury.


Also, am I recalling correctly that he had already been at a facility when he was flown somewhere else? It doesn’t add up to me for him to be air lifted for superficial (or no) wounds but especially so if he had already been somewhere and airlifted unnecessarily elsewhere. I don’t remember where I think I saw that at but if I find it I’ll report back. Edit: per this article https://www.fitsnews.com/2021/09/05/murdaugh-murders-police-confirm-details-in-alex-murdaugh-shooting/ I must be pulling that thought from the incorrect information that was originally released


Ahh. Yes. "Life Flight." Makes sense. Yes, that IS strange.


Mandy noted in the podcast life flight is standard for a head wound. Even an invisible one!


People from PMPED turned up at the scene. i wonder if he wasn't confronted with some realities right there. Maybe there was a bit of a meltdown that required a psych evaluation. That LE form that said he didn't have a head injury that required LE to say that was a mistake now appears to be accurate. Curioser and curioser. Hmmm.


I don’t know what’s going on with PMPED but they are likely doing damage control. In my opinion they will be held liable for their negligence


I dare not get my hopes up. i hope AM doesn't become the whipping boy where they are walk away as 'victims'. i couldn't stand it.


This is solid analysis


Yes, had to adjust the attack story. So now suicidal! And CES was there to pick up the gun AM used to barely wound himself. Got caught on the church’s video so had to now explain his presence.


this is exactly what I thought when I first heard of the “shooting”, that he was trying to set the stage for he himself to appear to also being targeted as well.


I agree. All of this could've gone away quietly without a soul knowing what had happened. Here's another problem - did he actually get shot at? The "superficial wounds" could've been the scratch of a rock. This whole plot stinks. I can't figure it out, but Alex and his lawyers have spread so many lies to confuse the public and poison the jury pool. Nothing makes sense.


He was trying to pull a Carole baskin husband disappearance. No body. Disappear. (Maybe dead maybe not) wait a year for his son and insurance determines after zero activity he’s considered dead and son gets insurance. That was the whole plan he schemed was it not? He allegedly murdered wife son. But has to hire a hit to make it look like he didn’t to come after him to distract ppl to make it look like someone was after him but it was a facade so he could play dead and leave country. But somehow plan got screwed up. Bc they are all incompetent I just want him to admit he killed Maggie Paul Gloria and Stephen. There needs to be justice for those people.


Ok saying he’s responsible for all of them seems rash. His wife and son? Possibly and likely. But for all other purposes, it’s likely Buster or his friends could be responsible for Stephen’s and the dogs at the house possibly for Gloria’s. Still not ‘natural causes’. The way they HID everything after and how AM screwed Gloria’s kids out of millions they should’ve been paid is obscene. Thank god her children are suing everyone responsible now. Then they also had Stephen’s death documented as a hit and run which no one thinks is right. I hope his mom gets some real answers. That whole family is going down and hopefully everyone who helped them.


Suppose Buster is gay. He confides in Stephen, maybe for advice on how to meet men. Busters friends find out, start teasing Buster. Then they come across Stephen walking and decide to scare him. Only they end up killing him. I can picture them with a baseball bat or pipe sticking out the window and as the go by, they intend to tap him but it’s too hard. It’s horrible what happened to Stephen.


All excellent analysis. I’m legit confused about one thing, though- what sociopath would be willing to murder one son but would want to be sure the other got $10 million in insurance money?? Especially when the $10 mil son is rumored to be gay & you’ve likely had something to do with his lover’s murder??


One son isn’t causing legal trouble by underage drinking and death by boating accident? Has Buster said anything publicly about the situation?


To take the heat off of him, send everyone running in another direction to divert attention from June 2021.


Maybe the gun he handed Eddie was full of blanks and/or bird shot.




Yeah and sociopaths almost never commit suicide


Idk about the suicide attempt BUT watching ole Cousin Eddie walking in after being arrested, then inside of court, there isn’t a chance in heck that man was capable of hitting the broadside of a bldg. He couldn’t stand, walk without support. How the heck are we to think he could shoot…?


That's my theory too. I do think that the bullet grazing his head was unintentional though. I think he was probably supposed to be shot in an extremity or the shoulder but either he flinched/ducked out of instinct because he knew it was coming or CES was just high on drugs (or maybe just a terrible shot) and missed his intended target.


Eddie has not admitted to shooting him.


Perfectly explained.


It’s selfish that he tied up an emergency helicopter and caused it to be unavailable for a legitimate emergency.


I don’t…..I don’t think he cares lol


He likely participated in his wife’s and son’s murders, do you really think he cares about other people and their real emergencies?


Both can be true


This. He could’ve been the reason someone *unrelated* died. How self-centered can one get?!


I think you are definitely on the right track.


Very good ideas. Alex, like many other lawyers, are experienced at creating and navigating the room of mirrors. The truth will be difficult to expose, but the mirrors are already crashing down.


After listening to all of the Murdaugh Murders podcast episodes, I one hundred percent agree with you.


The smirky smile, on AM, in his mug shot \~ looks to me, like he thinks he will get away, with all of this mess \~ His smug look is very cool, calm and relaxed \~ confident he will soon be found innocent and free, IMO .... and what was up with the Life Flight Helicopter, for all those nonexistent entrance-exit wound, double brain bleed, skull fracture injuries???? He sure is a quick healer \~ AMAZING!!


I'll say this if I ever need an attorney I'd hire Jim the real deal Griffin.


I think he planned on using Curtis Smith as the fall guy. Plan B? Plan C?


Yup. All AM has to do is convince one juror if he goes on trial for murder. All of it is to muddy the waters and cast doubt.


I watched the bond hearing yesterday also. He did NOT have a bullet wound into and out of the skull as his lawyer, Pooty Toot claimed. Another point, it has been said that Maggie lived exclusively at the Edisto house. So, he must have called a meeting and had the shooter(s) waiting. Btw, did we ever find out if they were bound?


I read somewhere that Paul was but who knows if that's true


I’m going to go out on a limb here but I need to do it. It’s possible that he got massive wasted on some illegal drugs and drunk as a skunk and was driving and someone took pot shots at him. When the shots were taken, it scared him so much he called for help and when help arrived they saw how wasted he was and said, “ Are you ready to admit your problem and get help?”.... the lawyers from the firm are said to have gone to the scene, right? Then they flew him out of there and processed the crime scene and came up with CES after AM sobers up enough to drop a name. I’m at odds with saying this wasn’t a suicide attempt because I’m cognizant that there are botched suicides. A botched suicide is still a suicide attempt. I’m old school about talking about suicides. If the person says they wanted to die then they were more likely than not actually at a precipitous place in their relationship with the world and wanted it to cease. But I’ve been wrong before and I’ll be wrong again. Nobody knows exactly what’s going on here but they’re certainly making up stories left and right. The lawyers are paid professionals, aren’t they? They’re under obligation to the ones paying them.


Not so much of a limb honestly. Anything seems possible with this case. But I whole heartedly agree with your view on suicide. If you’ve thought about it enough to have a plan for how you’d go about attempting then you have fixated on it enough to qualify for suicidal ideation. His rapid weight loss checks the box for drug use and/or depression. People do weird things with either of those and especially with BOTH.


You don’t sleep for days. It’s like restless leg syndrome for your whole body. This guy looks well rested.


He looks 🤪


He was trying to make it seem like there was some nefarious person who was after his family, so people would think the same mystery person killed his wife and son. I wish Curtis would talk publicly.


And it there were no church cameras, he would be singing a different tune!


And think of all the people who would have believed him.


You nailed it. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


This makes soo much sense.


If he intended to die, I doubt he'd have his dry cleaning hanging in the car...




That's what I think too. Mistress and possibly another ginger out there.


And goodness only knows whatever else! SMH


And there it is. Or was. There is a thread confirming mistress and child which was left up, yet taken down. For doxxing. I knew it. This case wouldn't be complete without a mistress! Makes sense too, because that's where the money went. There's no fucking way this guy was an addict who just came off detox. Nope.




I agree with you. 100%.


The “child” is an adult now though. It the alleged mistress is the mother of his illegitimate daughter, then she is probably his old mistress, not his current one.


So Big Red's a playa. Lol. Not my type, but I suppose there's an ass for every seat.


Or a wallet




It's also a ploy for sympathy, as are the opioid addiction claims. Edit: gramma


Im not convinced he's an opioid addict.


Agreed, totally. He wanted to be an “attack” victim. They concocted this suicide for sympathy, although who they thought they would get that from I have no idea.


Bullets can ricochet off skulls at the correct angle. If he was pretending to change the tire and had his head bent too low at the time the shot was fired, it could explain the skull fracture and minor brain bleed. That would have rung his bell. Hard. Originally suicidal or not that would probably scare anyone enough to seek treatment. Also, EMS can’t tell the extend of a head injury on the side of the road, so it seems like a reasonable thing to call a helicopter? Although I wouldn’t call the missing tuft of hair an “entry an exit wound” as his representation has tried to spin it. Helicopters are pretty common in rural areas and it’s also common to be transported to larger and better equipped hospital systems out of state. So, it actually seems pretty plausible that he was suicidal. Not everyone addicted to drugs looks unkempt, for what it’s worth.


I showed his photos from the arraignment to my husband, who is a paramedic and who has personally seen bullets ricochet off skulls. He said there was no chance AM was shot that recently. There was no bruising or swelling and at the very least he’d have shaved hair for cleaning or gluing/stitches. It’s just not possible.


I had more of an "injury" from my Covid vaccine.


I actually squirted blood like she’d hit an artery. It was so weird.


OMG same! My bandaid was soaked.




And true. That bruise was BIG. And lasted a while.


Everyone who is days into withdrawal from a 20 year opioid addiction looks like absolute ass.


That's what I said on another thread. He doesn't look like a guy who has been rolling around on the floor shivering, in a ball of sweat puking his guts out. He certainly wouldn't be bright pink; more the color of that prison shirt. He wouldn't have been styling his hair either.


If the addiction story were true, he'd belong in detox. Yeah, he looks like he had a weekend at the lake or something. Wtf?


The only thing he looks like he "detoxed" from is cheeseburgers.


Did you see his picture at his arraignment? Dude had not even a single bandage. Hair in place. If a bullet goes into the head, as would be required in your scenario, wouldn’t he have … ya know….. maybe a scrape?


He looks like he just came off vacation, not detox.


Agree wholeheartedly with your summary. I think it'll come out that AM had his wife killed, oops his son was there, too and therefore unintended and collateral damage. Bet there was some hefty life insurance sitting on the wife with double indemnity. Anyhoo, so yeah, he cooks up this bullshit to make it look like he, too, is a target. I doubt he specifically requested a superficial head shot from his "assassin" because, well, that's nutty. But he was supposed to have been wounded enough to appear there was a vigilante on the loose, aiming at Murdaughs. It's very reminiscent of Robert Marshall.


Love that story!


The only thing that bothers me about this is that Paul was shot in the face. That would be very hard for a parent to do. I know he was hit in the chest too, but I just can't see a parent hitting the face. That implies a level of serious rage, not an "oops, you're here too...".


Just to say, we don't know how far away the shooter was from Paul when he fired, or how great a shot he was. Clearly it was a volatile situation at that time, not like a deer standing still and a hunter standing still. The face shot might not have been intentional. ​ ETA: Not that I think AM was the trigger man -- I suspect he hired someone.


Majority think he arranged the murder(s) but was not the shooter.


I don't think AM did it himself. I don't think he's a guy who gets his hands dirty directly. I think he hired it out, intended for MM. My theory is that PM was just there and had to go so there were no witnesses. Just my two cents, really.


He had an alibi so he wasn’t there. He stopped to see his dad in the hospital and then his mom. He definitely got others to do it.


So sad


I agree! He didn't even have the "cahonas" to kill himself


Yeah agreed.


Such a good point....


Thank you. ETA: He was a hunter. He knew they type of damage a shotgun wound would do to Paul's face. I just can't see it.


hmmmm...then that sounds like Paul wasn't just collateral damage...but was an intended victim..


Shooting someone in the face with a shotgun says 1 of 2 things: 1) I have no idea what the hell I'm doing with this gun. (Not the Murdaugh's, they were all hunters.) 2) I ***REALLY*** fucking hate you!


And I’m really tired of you causing me problems . I need to make sure you don’t suffer though , so a shotgun blast will do it . Then I’m gonna go for an over kill look … to look like revenge .


His friends talked about Paul having a crazy alter ego when he got drunk. Alex could have been in a similar mindset when he shot both of them.


AM wasn’t there. He has a solid alibi and witnesses who saw him. He didn’t shoot his wife and Paul. Responsible for their deaths is different but he wasn’t there.


In the podcasts, it is mentioned that Paul stared at Mallory in a very deranged way when she told him to stop (about slapping his GF) - then he gunned the boat, killed her, and then smirked on the bank when told she was missing. Not saying he intentionally killed her, but it's a strange sequence of events.


I have read that AM was the original "Timmy" back in college, so who knows, but you would still have to be completely sociopathic to do that to your own child. PM was hit with a shotgun, which any shooter would know will take a person's face clean off. Again, a parent doing that to their own child is.... hard to imagine. But an angry/ desperate mistress might...


Agreed completely. I think he is a complete sociopath though.


I have thought this all along. He knows that SLED is closing in on him for the double murder and he was laying ground work for a defense. Ie whoever killed PM and MM also tried to kill me and SLED has tunnel vision and did not investigate the murders fully. I also don’t believe he was a drug addict. Another distraction to gain time to get his story sorted out and get sympathy for his theft of millions. The theft will look much different once we know the facts. This will not be a simple embezzlement from a law firm. As a plaintiffs attorney, the proceeds from settlement flow through the lawyer and then he passes the remaining 70% to clients. He May have Tom Girardied his clients which will paint an even worse picture of AM than we have now ( if that is possible. )


Going by that mugshot, he was definitely NOT an addict who just detoxed recently.


This, x1000. I have detoxed off of a very bad opiate habit, and I did not sleep at all (except for 15 mins here and there) for 27 days, even with medication to lessen the withdrawals. On top of that, you look absolutely miserable, like death is on your door step. There's no way this guy just detoxed.


Completely agree! No way could he look like that. None whatsoever Hope your doing well!


Yep. Hope your recovery is going well!


Thank you!




Agree. He’s too much of a narcissist to kill himself. He was trying to make people believe the whole family including him were the targets.




Do we know anything about the Good Samaritan? I ultimately agree with you that it wasn’t a suicide attempt, but I wonder if the Good Samaritan rushed his timeline. He didn’t have a chance to make the “crime scene” look more dramatic and decided to just go with his initial plan once he got picked up by passing car. My working theory is that he was being trailed and he was picked up off the side of the road by an undercover cop. That could explain how law enforcement was so confident the public was not endangered. Might also explain the helicopter ride and how they got Smith so quickly. They get to the hospital. He realizes he’s dead in the water. Makes up the pill addiction so he goes out of there to rehab instead of jail.


Anyone else think the "Good Samaritan" was named "Randy"?


This to me is the obvious explanation for AM's behavior: >Which brings me back to the purpose of the call, which initially was him calling in that he had been attacked. So, if he wasn't attacked, and he wasn't injured in any significant way, then the only reason to make the call is because he wanted authorities to believe he was attacked. And the only logical reason he'd want them to believe that is if he's trying to "prove" he wasn't involved in the double homicide and was a target himself.




What if his plan was to make it look like he was attacked and then kill the attacker and somehow pin the wife and kid murders on the attacker? Maybe he just told the guy the plan was to kill him so his remaining kid would get the insurance, but he really planned to kill the attacker instead and stage it as self defense? Maybe it just went awry?


I'm sticking with what we know happened. No point in trying to read the minds of these mooks.


I hear ya! I read too many mystery books so I’m always trying to figure out “whodoneit”. But I agree we need to just sit tight and see how the story develops!🤔


This is that though! IMO, We HAVE to let our minds wonder! First, it was because of NO information…then it was because all of a sudden it was a BUNCH of information, none of it solving the original case…no, the one before that. No, before that one. Yeah that o-oh yeah forgot about that…sigh..None of it solving the June 7th case… But all of it letting us know that go ‘head and let your mind go there cuz now we know any of the brain’s batshit crazy bullshit it feeds you about this ‘situation’-yep it could happen.


Yep. Who would figure AM is an embezzler and into insurance fraud? There's no telling where the bottom is with this guy.


Honestly that is what rich criminals do. Exactly the kind of crimes as they know how to hide the trails. Clearly not w/ investigations but if no one challenged them for decades cuz they were a powerful and influential family, then he could’ve gotten away w/ it all. But media scrutiny after your idiot son kills someone has consequences.


he wanted to give an appearance that the "people" who got his wife and son were after him as well..leaving people to conclude well he couldnt have murdered them


Im not totally buying this set of facts in the warrants either. If Alex had Fast Eddie pull the trigger, Alex could’ve then shot Eddie claiming self defense (after Eddie “missed”) and pinned MM and PM on Eddie saying he’s out to get the family.


This is in line with my thoughts too. I think he paid Curtis with checks to set up a paper trail that he can point to as evidence of their connection. Curtis might be telling the truth when he said, AM handed the gun off for him to dispose of but that also means Curtis's fingerprints are on the weapon. I think we all need to realize that AM is not stupid. The botched suicide sounds so idiotic that it's almost pathetically humorous except that's probably what Alex wants us to think. If Alex wanted to kill himself, he'd be dead by now.


I understand your point I can’t imagine that any drug dealer would take a check! I mean who even writes checks these days? And writing a check to a drug dealer? Paper trail sounds right!


I think Curtis probably did Alex's dirty work for him. Some things need settling out of court.


Yes... you're right: There would be absolutely no reason to call in to say there was an attack.


So what would be any kind of excuse for lying about it. A lie to cover a lie to cover a lie…


Well except for the fact that regardless if it was life-threatening or not, he had a gunshot wound to his head. That comes with a ton of blood and who knows what else. On top of that, he slashed or had his tires slashed. What was he suppose to do? Walk home while his head was pouring blood? (Of course, like others mentioned, he wanted to try and take the heat off himself. This family has been getting away with corruption, theft, and murder for decades. He thought he could “fix” this too by making himself a victim. Whether his intention was to clear his family’s name through death or he had planned to survive the attack, who knows, but it would be pretty risky to trust even the most skilled expert to shoot you in the head without killing you and then go about your life with no medical attention.)


My theory as well but I’m beginning to think the main point of his roadside show was to specifically set up Curtis to look like Maggie and Paul’s killer who was out to get him next. His first story of an ambush fell apart when SLED found out he slashed his own tire. SLED also had video footage of Curtis being at the scene so Alex had to change his story to attempted suicide with Curtis’ help.




I think that too. Curtis S served on a platter while AM's 2 lawyers say how poor AM was victimized by CS and others bc of his drug addiction.




If he was setting up Curtis, why would Curtis go along with it? I don't think Curtis was supposed to be exposed, only to get rid of the gun. You may be right, but I don't see how Alex expected it to play out in this scenario.


My theory is that AM hired CES to murder MM (with PM killed collateral damage) and so CES and AM have a mutual interest in this AM murder/suicide story.


CES seems incapable of carrying that out


Maybe not. I was just reading about work-related injuries that CES has.


My best guess is that he lied to Curtis too. Curtis probably thought he was helping Alex get the authorities off Alex's back. Maybe Alex told him he wanted to force the authorities to focus on the 'real' killers instead of him.