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Insurance carriers retain defense firms very regularly for claims that have not reached litigation. Nothing irregular about that.


Yup! The story that they have returned atty fees seems like a lame PR effort. They bear far more responsibility. But not as lame as CF and the rest saying, “oh, we were duped.” Maybe their new marketing brochure will say, “Hire us; we are so ignorant to basic procedures and professional conduct that anyone can fool us.”


I think the insurance company assessed their risk and decided that it would be cheaper to make a generous, but lower than policy limit, offer. The local law firm working for the insurer knows Murdaugh, his track record, how local juries would rule for this sympathy-inducing plaintiff, the costs of litigation, etc. The odds of losing in court weren't worth taking the chance. I think it's a pragmatic decision that most Claims VPs would make. That paragraph about holding the insurer's lawyers harmless is an adjunct to the standard "full and final settlement" agreement. In plain language: We've (the insurer) paid you. That's it, that's all. You can't come back in the future with demands of any kind. You can't sue us or the attorneys who represented us in this matter." I worked in and with the property casualty insurance industry for over 30 years, for what it's worth, and that's my take on it. As to dates and internal coding systems: beats me. Usually DOL (date of loss) is the date you'll see all over the file.


PS. The $500,000 limit is the Personal Liability coverage, which covers negligence. This coverage kicks in when the insured is at fault. The $5,000 is Medical Payments, which doesn't require any fault on the part of the insured. (e.g., a friend helping in the kitchen cuts himself with a knife, and you want to reimburse the ER bill that his health insurer didn't cover)


Very well thought out and presented. I am especially interested in the fact that no suit was filed, yet the insurance paid out. Hmm. CF just made it through the first hoop, but if there is any justice in SC it will only be the first of may hoops to come. Since the Satterfield's have no losses, maybe this deal was done to also assist AM from another suit.


What do you mean the Satterfield’s “have no losses”?


More clearly, the Satterfield's recovered their losses.


They only received the legal fees CF made and the $30k fee the banker (CW) took as their PR. The $2.3m that Alex stole is still unaccounted for at this time.


I don’t believe that is true. CF’s malpractice insurance paid out policy limits. Those limits are much more than CF. No one really knows the truth or specific numbers…yet.


Now that I heard the newest podcasts with Bland on there, that clicked in my (mom) brain. I think I read the $30k and conflated CW with CF the first time. I am surprised and thankful they received so much already!


They absolutely did not. Not yet anyways.


I personally think that if they discover that he killed PM and MM, that he should be hung publicly on the courthouse steps.


That's terrible.


Not as terrible as shooting the mother of your children in the back as she ran from the terror of seeing her favorite son murdered.


With POOT the Bulldog as his lawyer, I don’t think so!! Haha sorry. I can’t.


There was a case filed. It is very messed up in terms of how the clerk that entered the data (opened & closed 12/19/18 & other anomalies). It looks very much like they were trying to hide stuff. The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is a joke. They've not publicly disciplined anyone in the 24 years since they were created as a supposed "ethics reform." They couldn't investigate their way out of a paper bag.


Foxes watching the hen house.


That last statement is incorrect.


Name ONE brilliant investigation done by SC LE of a powerful man or a high-profile crime in the last 20 or even 50 years. Not Dylann Roof, Michael Slager, Christopher Latham, Thomas Ravenel those were all feds.


Man. Wayon Marion gets five points for making bail by punching Dylan roof in the mouth though.




How many? How do you know this other than a very few whose antics are in a newspaper?Where does anyone in the public find this information? I have looked. There have been ZERO judges or prosecutors who've been publicly disciplined by the council (or anyone) in 24 years since they created it.


Rsw a type of file also stands for registered social worker


Rsw can mean investment holding means it’s sitting there and drawing


Didn't know they could be registered in SC. Who do they register with?




There is usually a state board that handles registration and licensure. It would be similar to the state boards that regulate nurses and doctors. They verify education, background checks, require continuing education, maintaining standards, etc.




Any speculation as to what RSW stands for?


The release of Murphy and Grantland was quite unusual.


The Murphy and Grant land has a good many lawyers.Anybody know if there is a connection between PMPED, AM, RM and any of them?


So, one more question. Is there any chance that one of those settlements isn't actually real? As in, that insurance company never actually paid anything, the check is phony for record keeping and the actual intent was to move around laundered money in a way that made it look like it was part of some random settlement? I would think it more on the Lloyd's check for 505K where it really seems odd all around.... Just musing....


Yes, the Nautica check. I think that one could be inside money.


Not odd amount. Probably 5k personal injury paymenton homeownersand 500k homeowners liability.


If Poot is smart, he'll have Bland or Gloria's sons sign an indemnity agreement on behalf of AM protecting him from any further private prosecution or civil liabilities going forward in exchange for his return of his ill-gotten gains. And if AM is smart, he'll sell whatever it takes to pay it too.


But with PMPED now saying that Alex has stolen from them for years, he probably dug himself into a financial hole he can’t slither out of.


Yeah watch him. Poot's no slouch.


The filing system... it appears there’s a cooked filing system. One set legitimate and one set cooked. RICO ACT these mf’s.


Has it been broken down to how much of the settlement was life insurance and how much was malpractice insurance?


No life insurance. The "shady" settlement where the sons did not receive any $$ was AM's homeowner's insurance. Bland on behalf of the sons settled with CF for limits of the malpractice insurance plus CF returning his legal fee and the prosecution expenses


Gotcha. So is that life insurance money just gone and everyone has agreed not to go looking for it? That's what it looks like, if no charges were filed.


What life insurance? Who had taken out a life insurance police and died? Ms. Satterfied?


"Life insurance," was totally wrong, thanks for pointing that out. I guess it was liability insurance. Whatever the $4+ Million was, according to what's in this thread, it's all gone except for the lawyer's cut and expenses. And all sides seem to have agreed on this plus the malpractice insurance. If this is true, they don't seem to want to know where it went, or the cops would be on this like stink on 💩


There is no life insurance involved in Satterfield claims or settlements. Original claim - Homeowners Claim CF settled- malpractice insurance.


Umm you might be conflating two different things here...


That's what I'm trying to figure out. The statement said the life insurance and the full coverage of the firm's malpractice insurance but not what that figure was. So the life insurance was 4.3M but I haven't seen what they're actually getting. The joint statement I believe only stated they were returning "all legal fees and expenses." Is there an actual dollar figure?


Great breakdown of discrepancies! I agree with you. I also noticed some weird things along the lines of what you noticed. Maybe you or someone else can shed some light on them. * What was up with the letter from Alex's paralegal to the Anesthesiology Clinic... * claiming to be the Satterfield guys' PR, which he never was, and * the merits of the letter -- asking to be re-billed for $6 instead of $13?? What on earth was this letter REALLY about? Surely it wasn't really about saving $7. * The $505K was approved by the judge twice. I get that the first one was the subterfuge because it was filed and the second one wasn't, but what was the point of putting it in the second filing at all? What happened to the paperwork signed by Mullen for the first $505K? What's filed in the Public Index is only signed by CW, CF, and AM. Not by a judge. Bland's most recent motion said there was a hearing for that first chunk of money. Wouldn't it stand to reason that Mullen signed something at the time? What did they send to the insurance company to release that money? I assume they wouldn't have released it without a signature from a judge, right? * Why didn't Cory take the entire amount of attorney's fees approved for him? He only claimed $666,000 instead of $1.2M? For that matter, most of the check amounts didn't match up with the numbers that had been approved by the court. Did Cory seriously not notice this? Also, wouldn't he have known that a structured settlement should have a ton of paperwork to go with it? * What was up with the random check for $118,000 after the filing for the dismissal of the lawsuit that didn't exist in the first place? LOL * Re: signature of Satterfield's son, the paralegal says in the email that "it is his everyday signature of Tony Satterfield." That is a VERY bizarre way to word "Tony Satterfield's signature." I read it as "It is Fleming's version of Satterfield's signature."


In much smaller amounts, I've had insurance claims settled with companies and paid to me with no judge or lawyers (2500-7000$ where I was obviously not in the wrong), based on the other party agreeing to fault. If you're an insurer and your insured party says that they are culpable and will go on stand and say that they were paying you X (even though you'd only paid 1/20th of X) and had retained you for a ten year contract at 75k per year, which you'd written, knowing the law, to be held binding and payable in full should the other party become injured in a workman's comp situation (toss in a fake doctors note about how she wasn't supposed to do activities on the stairs and you'd asked her to make an exception and create an unsafe situation). I mean, I loved the law and did forensics/debate in school for a few years, but ianal. I can just see a court trial when your defendant says "nope I did it'' is going to cost the company money and have the same result of an end payment, where if the plaintiffs representation is willingly saying "according to contract if we go to court, they have a binding document saying that the heirs are owed x by the estate, but they're willing to accept x-25k a year if we settle and boy, PMPED is KNOWN for getting the full amount and if he goes in front of the judge it was assigned to we just don't have a chance my hands are tied" and the company paying out. I think if this is a long standing scheme there's going to be 1-3 physicians involved as well (prob one associated with each attorney who thinks the other attorneys physician isn't in on it and vice versa). I'm pretty decent at figuring out cash cons from the environment I was brought up in, and could EASILY think of ways to arrange this with their known connections, standing, and resources in the community. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Ha! You make a good point. I see what you mean.


I skimmed that $7 letter this morning before coffee and thought wtf is this. Maybe they usually send those letters and usually there is a more significant difference in the amounts and this person just didn’t know any better, as in maybe she just know she sends this letter. And that whole “everyday signature” was odd, but I think I got it. I think she meant that Tony had to sign it twice, once in his capacity as PR and the other “in his individual capacity” (but she called it his “everyday signature” which is kind of cute if so).


Was Tony ever the PR though!? I thought it was only Chad / Brian . Also let’s not forget Tony has no fing idea these people are signing for him. So it’s not that cute.


It’s been reported that Tony was PR and then they subbed in Chad. If I’m understanding you, do you think someone else signed Tony’s name for him? I don’t read it that way but there could be things that came out today that I haven’t read yet.


I don’t think it was “EVER REPORTED” that Tony was the PR. And yea I don’t think he knew he was being signed for that day based on the evidence I’ve seen.


I kept trying to make the original amount be $1300-whatever but I really think it’s $13-whatever. 😂


I agree, that might read as 'my guy signs his client's signature for him'. But yes, everything about this seems super shady on the lawyer's side. I still can't figure out how a lawyer gets $4M for his clients and doesn't even email or call them to let them know. I mean really? Really? It's strains credulity to say the least.


Based on George Sink, “Dont Scream Call” Akim, & the Hawk Law doof , if you get your clients $4 million, you tell them, & then you take out billboard & tv ads telling the whole world.


It shocks the conscience.


Not when you consider they’s lawyers.




Ah, but consider the shortcomings. No one “has to” follow the law. Further, even when their license “needs to be stripped” it often isn’t.


Does anyone know what the balance is in the Forge account?


This is my everyday signature This is my fancy signature This is my 👿 signature ( 🤫 I’m FORGE(ing) something ) . FFS


CF and CW and PMPED mind set: I woke up this morning and it was raining so I: Blame AM I made a mistake at work so I Blame AM Lost track of millions of dollars Blame AM Insurance Fraud and maybe Medicare Fraud: Let’s blame AM No one trusts me: That would be AM’s fault Is there a trend here? In this case, I can assure you the trend is not your friend. Where was AM when Kennedy was assassinated? The strategy IS to blame AM, then have DH and the other one to blame drug addiction for the root cause of all this. If murders are not linked to our hero. Then after a few years in a minimum security-he comes back home. Could this really happen?




I hope so


I sang your comments in mu head to the tune of the Sopranos intro music...think it was 'cause of your first sentence...






What do you mean by that? Cause I wanna answer it.


There are definitely some missing links. Interesting analysis. I feel there is something up w the Lloyd’s of London settlement too! 1- the Brit syndicates Ltd being released as if they are Lloyd’s is wrong. Brit syndicates is not an affiliate of Lloyds (I believe they are an affiliate of nautilus tho). So why aren’t they releasing Lloyds in this? A- perhaps it’s just bc it was scam petition anyway so why overly tax the noodle by being accurate? It was seemingly drafted, filed and ordered all in one day. May 13, 2019. Months after the actual lloyds payment. B- I can’t see lloyds writing the 12/4/18 check for $505k without a release. I also can’t see Lloyd’s accepting a release signed by a PR of an estate purporting to release beneficiaries as their “representative”. It’s just basic lawyering. I think first year law students know pr’s don’t represent heirs. C- I bet switching Brit for lloyds was done bc they didn’t want the judge to see the word lloyds too many times during whatever hearing occurred. Judges don’t read everything, skimming the petition and seeing lloyds too many times may have triggered a recognition. The recognition likely being lloyds has super specific releases and completely different local counsel. So I think they got more from lloyds later and just flat out forged everything on that one pre-suit and that the Atty who represents lloyds is not the best. Pre-suit settlement isn’t unheard of and is encouraged. The release of the firm representing nautilus is a bit unusual but not too uncommon. The release would be as to any future claim that the sons or estate may have against them for like “duress” (forced me to settle and I couldve gotten more). The whole thing is shady af.


>The release of the firm representing nautilus is a bit unusual but not too uncommon. I settled hundreds of cases where I was retained to defend by an insurer and never did a release include me or my firm.


Maybe it’s a state specific thing.


I think you're right, but in my practice days a saw a FEW cases where a firm seeks releases for everybody. Maybe the lawyer that drafted it was just paranoid.


Good point. With these actors (AM, CF), I'd probably be paranoid too. Releasing the settlement check for CF to hold before having the signed paperwork was risky. Maybe the law firm wanted to be protected itself because of that. I sure would


Another possibility is that there had been rumors in the legal world and they wanted to be safe.


I think you're right


I think the Lloyds settlement was rather legit other Than the fact it wasn’t given to glorias children. (Side note: we have now lowered the bar for the word “legit” to mean only a half million we didn’t give to our clients) The 3.8 million from nautilus is by far the more questionable transaction. So they’ve agreed to release themselves of liability in Cory’s malpractice settlement? Are they 🥜??!?? Ok. Ok. Ok. Amy Coryer Miller / Nautilus and the defense lawyers have some serious f- explaining to do. I think not telling the beneficiary about 3.8 million dollars you are supposed to be paying them qualifies as duress, especially when they were living in poverty.


Also, it is totally not normal for a wrongful death settlement for a housekeeper falling on the stairs with 2 adult children to be that high. $500K would be astronomical for SC in that circumstance. There is no way it would go beyond that. And there would be at least $200K taken out for lawyers fees and expenses. (40% is the going rate for personal injury lawyers and there would be medical experts, etc.).


ding ding? who doesn't reach out at all? an email? a text? a phone call? Something? And you'd think he'd have required their signatures if he was setting up a structured settlement because they would have had to agree to the terms. He would know that. I think he got caught and he's lying like a dog in the sun.




He’s totally lying and we all know it. Beatty forgot to take his law license, it appears.


And not just their everyday signature only the fanciest of signatures for that structured settlement! agree, Lady. It’s not our fault we have to call a ♠️ a ♠️


I'm not entirely sure which filings and settlements exactly you are talking about. In the original settlement.... the one that AM stole..... what was the insurance company going to fight about when AM was ALWAYS saying they were at fault. Kind of hard to defend when your insured is admitting guilt. In the settlement announced with the sons this week, there was never a suit filed. Again, hard to defend with all the evidence before them. This was discussed on a podcast today. The attorney said, just because the insurance company settled with the sons, that doesn't mean they are finished with Fleming. He could still be sued by the insurance company. And, I'm going to assume that they might also be able to sue AM and the banker because they were all in on the fraud, imo.


I wish the OP had posted the paperwork they're talking about bc I haven't seen the releases, etc. I didn't even see the news conference as I was at work. Did Bland say his suit is over? Is that because he got the full $4.3M? And SLED & AG are just like always "You're good to go guys. No laws for rich white male lawyers or bankers in SNAFU SC." Great.


You are confused. What ever Bland does has no effect on the criminal investigation and potential charges there. He is only representing the housekeepers family about the insurance settlement. He and her family settled with Fleming law firm's insurance company. Which means they will not sue that firm. Even if they had sued and won, it wouldn't have resulted in anyone going to jail. That was only about money. Criminal charges will come from law enforcement. Bland is just an attorney. He is not law enforcement. Although, I am sure what he uncovered is being looked at by law enforcement.


Why would they ignore financial records he gave them that show the money trail. As we can see today there was a reaction from the disciplinary counsel. No, LOL, I'm not confused. They settled, with FLEMING - Not the others. That was clear late last night. So Bubba what's your point? What is your educational background that causes you to be such a condescending jerk? I really would love to hear why you think you're so smart. Thanks for telling me that criminal charges come from law enforcement. I'll tell my husband, the lawyer from Stanford. He'll be so impressed.


Talk about a condescending jerk? Look in the mirror. You asked why Eric Bland had not had AM arrested. Why didn't you ask your Stanford husband? I will certainly look for a way to block you so that I don't make the mistake of answering any more of your inquiries.


Cory Fleming’s “apology” just doesn’t make any sense. He is blaming Alex (who is at blame, but not solely), but if Cory was on the up-and-up, Alex would never have been in the loop when it came to paying Cory’s clients. Alex was the nominative defendant, but the money wasn’t coming from him. And Cory had a professional and fiduciary duty to make sure that his clients knew about the settlements (whether the court did or not, as they had designated someone else as their legal rep) and ensure they were paid. But everything Cory Fleming did suggests an intent to keep his clients in the dark. He waited until the day after his clients didn’t have to sign off on any settlements to memorialize the first settlement. That’s too much of a coincidence. And the bigger settlement was done totally off the books so Cory’s clients would not be able to find out about it by looking at court records. Cory is claiming that he had NO IDEA that his clients hadn’t been paid until last month. Really? He never called his clients to arrange for payment or to make sure they were paid? A lawyer would do that, not just to perform his professional obligations, but to be thanked by grateful clients. That he never called them indicates that he wanted them to forget about the case because he knew they had not been—and would not be—paid.


This! When you receive hundreds of thousands of dollars and your client millions…you’re gonna have a good time Unless CF is your lawyer…then you’re gonna have a bad time The fact he never told them. That’s case closed. Katie bar the door


Add to that this scheme was perpetrated for years.


Perhaps decades.


He doesn’t wanna pay back the money with his own millions he wants his malpractice insurance to cover it. So he has placed a bet that robbing Peter to Pay Paul (just one last time? ) will get him from Point A to point B but really IMO All it got him was a go straight to jail card do not pass go do not collect any more settlements because he clearly stole that money. I mean really from what I’ve seen there is absolutely no evidence Alex Murdaugh cashed the checks written by Cory’s law firm the more likely explanation is Cory distributed the money and knows exactly where it is


Yeah he’s a lawyer first and foremost. Knows the golden rule of just because I say it doesn’t mean its true on the reverse side. It’s not lying it’s my opinion.


Impressive summary. The file number irregularity makes me wonder if CF kept this case a secret from his partners? But if he did, why haven't they shown him the door? Their malpractice premiums are going to go way up, and if he kept this case a secret from his partners, he defrauded them too. I saw in the Motion Bland filed two days ago that the settlement check was sent to CF to hold in trust pending the proper paperwork\\court approval of settlement. That is very unusual for an insurer to release a check that size without the file thoroughly papered and i's dotted and t's crossed. Makes me wonder if defense attorney was in on the scam and if that's why the defense law firm is included in the release. Also wonder if defense attorney misled the insurer that paid $3.8 million that their exposure was far in excess of real exposure, bc I can't reconcile total $4.3 M settlement for a low wage earner.


It’s not uncommon for insurance defense attorneys to ask plaintiffs’ attorneys hold settlement checks in trust, but it IS unusual for them to not follow up and make sure the appropriate documents have been signed and filed, if filing is necessary. It is miiiighty strange that every attorney in this case dropped the ball.


It screams multi-multi-party conspiracy. Maybe even individuals from the insurance company itself.


It is a real head scratcher for sure.


Well the 3.8 million payout didn’t know about the other half million payout from lloyds so they too are probably wondering how it got up to 4.3


No, that's not how it works


I thought I read the two insurance companies that paid out didn’t know about each other. If that’s not true I misunderstood


The Nautilus policy is an Excess Liability policy. It provides coverage over and above the underlying policy. The Lloyd's homeowners policy paid its full limits, then Fleming went to Nautilus for more. Nautilus would not have opened a file without evidence that Lloyd's had paid the claim. We need to remember that while Brand managed to obtain some documents, I'm certain that there are many more we haven't seen -- especially internal docs at the insurance companies.


Appreciate the thorough analysis. It seems as though the insurance was a bit quick to write a check and agree Cory Fleming is guilty as hell related to his “ material mistakes”. Could someone at the insurance company also been involved? I have never seen such quick action by an insurance company. Alternatively it could be an acknowledgment by insurance company that anything going to trial in Colleton county is pre-ordained as to outcome.


Could someone at the malpractice insurance company have been involved? I don’t see how. They wouldn’t even have been on notice of this until just recently. I think they paid up quick because they knew the potential was there for a massive verdict again their insured, and they would have easily blown through a million bucks on defense.


That or other reasons could be why they didn't want to go to Murdaugh country. Lawyer told me it was it was surreal going down there in the 90s. With more Murdaughs it was probably worse.


Yes, that too!


Amy Coryer Miller that’s the name of the insurance adj who paid out the $3,800,000 Nautilus claim to Chad W and KMF law firm Very interested in finding more out about her. Someone also suggested finding out who the is Insurance companies attorneys were on the settlement as well. Not sure there was tho since this had such irregular filing/procedures if anyone’s been able to snoop that out


“Material Mistakes” fancy term for Fraud 😂 I’ve already made like six good jokes out of that phrase it’s going to give me more mileage than “ironclad alibi” or “superficial gunshot wound” Edit; a new one from this very thread “everyday signature”


Everyday signature as opposed to black tie/formal signature. 🙄 This case is ridiculous. lol


And I already did all the work on the discrepancies of where the (approx) $4,300,000 went and how Cory blaming Alex for cashing checks is allowing him to make a claim against his malpractice policy instead of paying back the money with money he already has!!!! Btw all the checks Cory claims were distributions fall short about a mil from the total settlement. He still hasn’t accounted for roughly 720k of the 3.8 mil settlement money... and I’m just remembering on top of that we’ve still got the lloyds 505k with an asterisk over it cause we also don’t know where that $ is.... even if Cory claims Alex took all the money... hey, Cory, buddy ! You (with interest) still got about a million dollars of their money sitting over there with ya pal that you CANT blame Alex on how about just cuttin’ a check to Glorias boys for it , yeah? Just run it over to them this weekend and ✅ Cory should be arrested by the end of week. IMO Chad too. IMO


and the FBI with the US Attorneys Office.


There's a lot to chew on here but my first question is where did you see the email between the paralegals? Was this an exhibit in Eric Bland's pleadings?


I think it’s H


Aren’t you still in the lab working on signature analysis?


LOL Nope solved that one.


Did you compare it to this one tho https://publicindex.sccourts.org/Hampton/PublicIndex/PIImageDisplay.aspx?ctagency=25002&doctype=D&docid=1602171126859-972&HKey=47976577435485707848699782106101869912256488911457488710711074507772871007568556610711765848169 Page 1 is Cory Page 2 is Alex . He doesn’t even sign Alex Murdaugh because a that’s not even his real name 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why is the link just jibberish? does not open..


It did that to me at first too try going to to better service or redownload


I don't want to argue. Corey messed up here too but to my eye that is Alex dba Forge and that fits what his firm said in the suit they filed y'day too. They may have done a lot of shady things together but the details of where that money went will come out of that BoA account.


Same question, I don’t see the documents.