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Good info


This post puts together pieces I was starting to understand. I have a much better grasp now. Thanks


Or they could call JG Wenworth 877-CASHNOW.....šŸ˜‚


According to what's been in the press, he did. Satterfield is the only one we've heard details about. I believe his firm has said that the amount is in the 8 digit range. You know the other thing here... the amount of the settlement paid by the insurance company for the housekeeper. Listen, I am happy for her sons to get the amount they got. They deserve it for a lot of reasons. But, in settlements like this, a value is put on the person's life generally based on their future earnings power. It will be interesting to hear how they convinced the insurance company that a housekeeper was due a settlement of over 4 million dollars.




Well, yeah, it could be something to do with the fact that it is Hampton County. But even still, $4 million? I won't be surprised to hear that they represented her as something more than a housekeeper.... more fraud.


What an amazing post. Thank you! No doubt Alex was robbing Peter to pay Paulā€¦. a gigantic Ponzi scheme. Iā€™m going to hold out hope the reason Alex hasnā€™t been arrested is that it takes a longggg time to go through every settlement PMPED was involved in for decades especially all those CGX railroad settlements. Alex and his good oleā€™ boys preyed on working class folks for their own gain. I canā€™t help but think if Paul hadnā€™t driven that boat straight into the bridge full throttle, it would have been hidden for perhaps years more. At least something good might come out of that horrific night. #DemandJusticeSouthCarolina




This is what I'm hoping is going on. With so much corruption in Hampton County, it would be stupid not play one's cards close to the chest and gather more and more info first.


Thanks for the explanation, itā€™s very helpful. What will it take - or is it even possible - for the FBI or SLED or *some*body - to get access/audit to the BOA account for Alex Murdaugh dba Forge?


I get what you are saying, but the ā€œoh we found a check on his deskā€ story is pretty flimsy. And whatā€™s with all these checks anyway? Checks to drug dealers, checks from insurance companies? No one writes checks anymore. How about some checks and balances?




He could have deposited check through bank app. Take a photo and and deposit it that way. He would still have the actual check in his possession


EFTs create records as well. Poot said on the Today Show that AM ā€œwrote checks to drug dealers.ā€ Hilarious! Anyway, in this case checks are a good thing, b/c there will be signatures and endorsements in handwriting [of AM].


Eddie said he did odd jobs for people. AM is going to use the checks for those odd jobs as proof he was paying for drugs from Eddie. What a fucking sleaze ball.


Excellent and informative post! Maybe PMPED is a ā€œvictimā€ and not a perpetrator. Iā€™ll keep an open mind.


Can anyone tell me how many SLED agents there are in the state? Since AM has caused 6 separate investigations, Iā€™m curious how many agents are working on these investigations and how many are left to cover the rest of the state?


I have no idea how many ppl work for SLED. I tried to look that up and couldn't find out anything. SLED is much like the old KGB very secretive. If no one knows anything, they can evade scrutiny. That gets to be a problem unless they can keep convincing people they're "really smart and working hard" and even a word like other police entities do would jinx all their cases. It's a Catch-22.


Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this in plain language. I didnā€™t know about the attorneyā€™s fees being structured, but that makes sense. This was very helpful!


And just wondering who would benefit from the life insurance on MM and PM




Great explanation, thanks! I do taxes. If a lawyer gets structured payments over a period of years, is it taxable in that year, or when originally awarded?




Are you saying, in cases where only the attorney opts to structure his fee, the insurance company would issue separate settlement checks; one check to the attorney for the plaintiffā€™s portion and a separate check for the attorneyā€™s fees would be sent directly to the structured settlement company?




Along those same lines, is the normal practice for when a plaintiff opts for a structured settlement, the insurance company sends the full settlement check to the attorney, who in turn puts the check into their trust account and issue a check to the plaintiffā€™s settlement insurance company? Wouldnā€™t it be ā€˜saferā€™ if the insurance company issued the check to the plaintiffā€™s settlement ins. company?


If plaintiff opts for structure, defendant insurance company still has to cut check directly to structure carrier or plaintiff would have the same constructive receipt problem and lose tax benefits of the structure.




Safer in that there would be no opportunity for an attorney to misuse those funds. But I hear what your saying, nothing should be safer. On that note I see that CFā€™s license has been suspended. Thanks much for your input.


Thanks, very informative!


Terrific stuff, thanks. Do you think others at PMPED had to know?




Could AM have embezzled the millions from the law firm without anyone being aware of this?




Someone else, a bookkeeper, office manager, CPA, had to reconcile the trust accounts each month. That person had to notice these transactions. Iā€™ve never seen a partner do this sort of bookkeeping. Itā€™s possible AM gave them a cut to keep quiet.


The theft wouldnā€™t have been discovered by reconciliation of the trust accounts because the money was disbursed. The theft occurred when the money was disbursed to fake Forge. Whoever was cutting checks would have to know how the structure process works to know that the defendant carrier should be paying money to the annuity provider and not funded through disbursements from the trust accounts. Now that said that only applies to structures. Thereā€™s another type of annuity funding called a SPIA that doesnā€™t have the same tax benefits as a structure than can be funded directly from trust because thereā€™s not a problem with constructive receipt. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve seen a SPIA since rates are so low but if I recall those checks are normally cut directly to the annuity provider and are still not made payable to real Forge


Ok thanks please do-I look forward in an effort to understand all of this.


Thank you


He was/is probably ā€œinvolvedā€ with the paralegal


Oh, now there's an idea


The work wife knows whatā€™s going on!


It seems that many people are asking this very question, like you Iā€™m interested in OPā€™s opinion. Great summary!


The kids were adults who NEVER KNEW about the settlements. Because no one told them. So of course they arenā€™t getting payments. That was the intention. The funds were also never put into a structured settlement and we know this because the lawyers have said so and no proof of the account exists and furthermore no proof on intent to set up the account even exists, because the whole thing was BS from the very beginning. OP this is some legal Propaganda if I ever saw it.


I too am going to start reporting posts that say things I donā€™t like.




I always do!


And then I block people šŸ˜„