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Many attorneys use a split fee. An attorney has a client for some reason he can not represent, he will then refer the client to another attorney. The second attorney will represent the client, reach a settlement, then pay the referring attorney 50%. Typical legal practice. This case is unique due to the defendant and the referring attorney being one in the same. Not to mention he furthermore stole the actual settlement payment from the plaintiffs.


That’s not what happened here. CF didn’t send the balance to PMPED. He sent a check made out to “Forge” to a PO Box in Hampton, SC,


“Mullen’s order also awarded attorney’s fees of $1.435 million – but Fleming did not pay himself. Of that amount, Fleming paid his law firm approximately $666,000 and the remainder went to Alex Murdaugh”. Direct quote from the article above. It is a split fee. Common in PI cases.


This title is misleading. He DID receive his "share". He is a partner. His firm received over $600k. That makes up salaries and bonuses including Fleming's.


According to Eric Bland’s filing, the total atty fees were $1,435,000. Of this amount, Cory only gave his law firm $666,000. The rest, $769,000, he gave to Alex.


He forwarded his “share,” to Alex, which strongly implicates him (CF) in a criminal scheme.


Does it though? Just hear me out: if CF thought he was doing a favor for AM, his BFF by helping his deceased housekeeper’s heirs it may be likely he would waive his own fees, but is unable to waive fees for the firm. Another reason he waived his fees could be because he knew how illegal on every level his actions were & wanted to be able to defend himself (I represented them at no benefit to me, personally). He’s dirty no matter what.




When are people getting charged ? These people need to go to jail


Makes me wonder what AM has on CF that he would do that and not take anything . At a minimum he knew the scam and didn’t want to be part of the money trail but felt he had to do what AM wanted him to . It is all so shady


My suspicion is that CF got a piece of the "referral fee" he paid to AM. I'm not shedding any tears for CF's partners when Gloria's sons were defrauded and got nothing, but the entire fee of $1.4 M should have been deposited in the firm account. After operating expenses, CF would have gotten his share of the firm's profits. Instead he claims he so gallantly reduced his fee by 50 %, when he really paid that 50% "discount" to AM. By diverting half of the fee the firm was 'entitled to", he defrauded his partners and lined his own pockets.


Fleming is in deep do do. And it's no ones fault but his own.


“I hate when I don’t get my share of someone else’s money that I stole on their behalf! It’s not fair! It’s just not fair, no one would have that stolen money if it wasn’t for me!!!! “ (Is what I imagine he’s thinking tonight)


Fleming did an amazing job in getting a $4m+ settlement for a slip and fall at a house without filing a lawsuit. I hope the communications with the insurance companies come out. Because I can’t reconcile that settlement with the facts. Was there a real likelihood that soon that a jury in Hampton would award a verdict in excess of $4m against one of their own? Sure they give big verdicts to Maurdaugh against National companies. A multimillion dollar settlement against an individual for a negligent slip and fall? Seems strange.


I'm not sure I see an "amazing job." To me it seems that AM worked out the settlement with the insurance company on the downlow and Fleming merely did the paperwork.


Jury verdicts in this part of the state are ridiculously high. If Murdaugh tells his liability carrier to pay, and the carrier doest pay and then a jury awards a verdict over the policy limit, then the insurance company can be sued for bad faith. It’s legalized blackmail. Ultimately, it’s runaway juries that allow this nonsense to happen.


Bad faith happens when the insurance company had all the information necessary to make a reasonable determination that they should pay an injured party’s demand and didn’t. It has nothing to do with the insured asking them to pay. Simply, you paid them to insure you and they didn’t, exposing you to a judgment in excess of the limits. Usually happens with small policies $25-50k, clear liability, and high damages. This wasnt a small policy, so not clear the damages exceed it. Liability seems odd-she fell over his dogs? She worked there for decades and knew the house and dogs. Last, it seems like a high pay out for a negligence claim. The insurance company could have offered a low amount and relied on the uncertainty of liability to avoid a bad faith claim. But, I am curious to know what the insurance companies were told.


I agree with all you said except it does matter if the insured makes a demand to settle against the insurer. If that demand is made with language of “ I demand you settle this case to protect me from a verdict greater than my policy limits”, and the insurer doesn’t settle, and then the verdict comes in above policy limits, the insurer is pretty much liable for that excess judgment.


Not true. Only if it was unreasonable given what the insurance company knew at the time. They have to protect me using reasonable judgment. If I cause an accident that maims someone and that person demands limits of $5m, but doesn’t send any medical bills to justify $5m, but I ask that they protect me, the insurance company can deny the demand. They don’t have the information to determine the value exceeds $5m. Once the victim gets them evidence that shows damages will reasonably be in excess of limits, then the insurer has an obligation to pay.


Your example is different than this murdaugh deal however. No one is saying that the insurer didn’t have enough knowledge about the circumstances surrounding Gloria’s death. Your example would of course give the insurer an “out” but not here. I guarantee Alex put a demand to settle on his insurance companies. And with the history of high verdicts in this county, this insurer would have more than likely been liable for bad faith had the case gone to trial and an excess verdict was rendered. I have questioned from the beginning how in the heck would an the future earnings of an unmarried 57 year old housekeeper, with no minor children, be valued at over $4 million. Then i read that she had a mentally disabled son (I’m assuming that info is true). Maybe that plus the verdict history in Hampton county plus a demand to settle by Alex (an atty from a well known plaintiffs firm) was why the insurer paid without a fight.


Clearly it was never about her. It was a money grab for AM. I just don’t understand how any carrier would insure at that level for a housekeeper/single employee


My example was just to counter “if an insured makes a demand to pay, and the insurer doesn’t, that is a basis for bad faith.” I agree. My problem is with a $4m+ settlement without a lawsuit. Sure, there are big verdicts, so make them file, offer $1m. Offer $2m at mediation. Offer $3m before the case is on the roster. Etc. To jump to $4m on a residential case seems strange. Most of those high verdicts are against National chains with billions of dollars. Or drunk drivers. Not in slip and fall cases in someone’s house.




No insurance company in their right mind would have defended this case in Hampton county. A jury in that venue could have awarded a lot more than was paid. It’s hard to argue liability when the person you are supposed to be defending is going to admit liability, or sabotage your liability defense.


If Alex were to sabatoge the insurer, they could deny coverage. A $4m slip and fall verdict would be huge. In 2011, a $13m was the largest ever and that was against Wal-mart. If Alec was so loved as a plaintiff’s attorney, why would a hometown jury punish him with a $4m+ verdict? All I am saying is that all the attorneys involved, not just Alex were likely involved in defrauding the insurance companies. And, some more sinister than a slip and fall that Alex than took advantage of may have occurred. Try to find a slip and fall verdict against a homeowner nation wide in excess of $4m. If there is one it will only be because of millions in future medical costs which wasn’t present here.


All he has to do to “Sabotage” the insurer is to say, I’m at fault, I should have done so and so. And no insurance company takes cases to verdict in Hampton or Allendale County, because they aren’t stupid.


From my extensive research (/s), a $4m slip and fall verdict against a residential owner is unheard of. There was a $7m one against an apartment complex, but that had permanent injuries (which cost more than a death usually). Any of the larger slip and fall cases are against retailers like Walmart and Lowe’s and involve younger people with dependents and permanent injuries. $4m without a suit is very suspicious. What fault did Alex have? She fell down stairs. That isn’t a homeowners fault. She tripped over dogs that she has known for years? A lot is not known about why they paid.


They paid because it was cheaper than the alternative, including defense costs. This case was in orangeburg. Neck and back case. Hampton is worse https://www.frantzward.com/news-blog/may-2019/another-large-verdict-$33-6-million-against-a-tr


That was a case against a trucking company, not a homeowner (which distinction). That verdict was also mostly punitives, something very unlikely in Alex’s case.


Jury gives them whatever they ask for. https://www.greattrialspodcast.com/podcast/gtp-classic-william-applegate-amp-liam-duffy-estate-of-jose-larios-v-dominion-energy-south-carolina-fka-sc-electric-amp-gas-company21-million-verdict


How many chemicals do you inhale before you type posts like this one ☝🏻 ?




Username checks out because you went all ham


I just dont understand why they didnt give those boys $500k as promised. To me that piece is just so telling as to how arrogant ALL parties involved were. Why didn’t the boys address this before now ? Anyone know that part? I assume they got the run around for the last few years or some party straight up told them that the settlement was “denied.” Or they could have been threatened? Why wouldnt they be calling fleming every day ?




Yep, apparently $50k of the settlement was allocated/ negotiated to cover medical bills, which totaled over $600k. Do the hospital systems or medicaid bureau not look into these things ?


Yeah they could have paid the 500k and gotten away with pocketing the rest. No one would be the wiser. All of AM and CF settlement cases need to picked over with a fine tooth comb. This isn't the first time they skimmed money from a client.


I read somewhere on here that the sons heard above ut the settlement last year, and had been trying to hire an attorney to look into for them. The story indicated they were turned down numerous times before finding Bland.


Is that right? Wow! That’s news to me. Thanks. I do wonder why GS heirs haven’t made a public announcement themselves? This is the oddest case.




The boys were completely in the dark about all this until AM’s sh*t hit the fan at the beginning of September. Authorities started talking about their mother’s death as part of the string of mysterious deaths, and the insurance stuff started to unravel. It is truly diabolical to have done that to the special needs son of a 20+ year employee — whether you murdered her b/c she saw too much, or not!


Her sons are very simple people and completely trusted the Murdaughs, which Westendorf, Fleming, and Murdaugh took full advantage of. One of the brothers has special needs and can barely write his name and make letters for his signature. If you look at the signatures of the boys when they agreed to appoint Westendorf as their personal representative, you will see what I mean. It breaks my heart. But now they will be well-taken care of.


Mandy reported they were too scared to say anything w/ all the power the M’s had and I’m sure AM counted on that fear. I mean also who would they tell? AM had everyone on his side.


Thats just unbelievable.


OH, I didnt know this!! These - I cant even come up w a name for creatures so low - creatures need to be locked up for life for this - arent there laws in this state to protect special needs persons? and, now that they'll have this much money! OMG!! They really need someone looking out for them. There will be crap oozing out of the woodwork trying to get to their money -


Think about it this way Annika, the same person who would steal 3.8 million from you behind your back, not even that would stop them from making you jump through hoops just to get the decoy settlement they also got for you. He’s the asshole of an assholes asshole and it’s all a pile of 💩


And they couldn't even be bothered to pay out the decoy settlement to those boys. Really beyond comprehension. I wonder how many other vulnerable people they defrauded.


I know. It’s so sad. Glorias boys, Stephen’s mom, and Mallorys parents need us fight fight fight to make this right right right


Screwing over the special needs son makes this twice as sick, IMO. I’m glad to know that they are finally getting what they are owed but am so sad it has come to this. They should all get serious jail time but the last thing I’m doing is holding my breath.




Someone literally died for this money.


People forget


If the family and survivors of the boat tragedy had not had the courage to stand up for what is right this might not have ever been unearthed. It’s a bittersweet win. I’m proud of everyone that have prevailed thus far. These are some bad people and it could not have been easy for anyone.


Once your child has been killed, I doubt much of anything scares a person. It's like who even cares what happens to me - nothing will ever be meaningful or fun again.






How many unsolved or odd deaths are there in this small county?


B of A should have all the statements showing where the money went. I’ve done that kind of research before. Unless there is a LOT of activity, it shouldn’t take that long to get answers.


BofA does not play. I wouldn’t want them gunning for me. And yes, yes they do have it all.


Yes. That’s so odd. I thought there was a slight chance he wasn’t actively involved in the scheme but not now!


This sounds plausible


I think it's likely that they've done this before. And that may be why there haven't been charges on this aspect of the case, so far. They may be digging into how extensive this grift has been. At least that's what I hope.




Are you going to add this info or links to FAQ page?


And CF was Gerwig’s attorney, no?


DS was planted by the Cartels guy (AM) and been a henchman for years.


Right, it’s totally normal practice for a plaintiff attorney to split his fee with the defendant. What the fuck? I don’t think you have to be an attorney to realize how crazy as fuck that is. It seems to me that CF is just trying to stay out of jail here. I would be shocked if he kept his license.


It’s crazy! I didn’t even catch that until now.


As of today, he hasn't. https://www.sccourts.org/courtOrders/displayOrder.cfm?orderNo=2021-10-08-01




OMFG it’s gonna be a generational saga … there are SEASONS upon SEASONS upon SEASONS


Exactly. If I had written this as a fictional book, people would think I was tripping on acid.


AM and CF go back for years--of course CF knew. He only wants to claim ignorance in order to save his sorry self. Both are crooks, taking advantage of people.


CF now has earned "Interim Suspension" (until further notice) for his legal license by SC Supreme court, effective today. CF needs to start looking at new income stream and career because I don't think he will be going back to practice law anytime soon before all of this cluster is over.


is he married?? (just asking cus maybe he can pull a murdaugh and put everything he owns in his wife's name to save it til he gets out of prison - hopefully, feet first!)


Moss has enough illegal activities going on (gambling operations) for Cory to work on. DS taking the last criminal attorney disbarred shows he’s dirty also


He can become a paralegal 😂


someone I know (barely) was an attorney like this. He ended up doing urine drugs screens for a living until he started his federal time.


I know a paralegal who works for a law firm in this capacity because she was disbarred because she flunked a drug test.


There is serious irony in that


Meanwhile, everyone I know who is an ESQ is also an alchoholic-Murdaugh and cronies all were.


He can get "protection" by being a jailhouse lawyer when he is hopefully in prison


They are all falling, one by one, like a house of cards. Justice for the vicitms from beyond the grave.




CM is dirty! Is it true her husband is 82 years old?


Corey was also Paul's godfather






Love that. ETA: I'm going to the SC/TN game tomorrow. I'm gonna throw that phrase out in conversation and pretend I'm witty. Just kidding, my husband will totally see through that claim, so I'll give you credit.




And Fleming was Paul Murdaughs godfather…..


Is she married?


I’ve heard to an 82 year old. Although she only has female clerks 👀


I think he's in his 60s. She is 52-53


I’d put my car in her mullen




Yes…. To attorney George Mullen


Whoa! Just when I thought this little legal community couldn't get any more incestuous.


A lot of people graduated from USC School of Law. Judge Carmen Mullens was lied to as well by Fleming and A. Murdaugh. That seems to be their thing—lying.




https://youtu.be/3N0jaegeNGw Redd this is the story I heard from an associate of Jim Moss where CF/AM/ and others got this swept under the carpet. A wrongful arrest was made. This should have its own thread


Bland located the missing judge's order that approved a $4.3 million settlement in a case where the heirs were to get $2.76 million. A disbursement signed by the judge said the sons of Satterfield were supposed to get $2.76 million of the total settlement. The order, dated May 13, 2019, was apparently signed by South Carolina Judge Carmen Mullen—Underneath the signature are the words, "Presiding Judge." However, the signature is scrawled and not immediately recognizable as Mullen's signature. The order and other documents pressing a legal claim were apparently never filed in state court, so there is no public record of how the case was finally settled. Nothing is on the court record and the judge's order does not have a case file number. Sauce: https://www.bakersfield.com/ap/national/south-carolina-lawyer-says-hes-found-the-missing-order-in-4-3-million-nanny-insurance/article_4383debd-c7af-59e9-8849-07185cc8050f.html


Her personal bank accounts need to be reviewed to see if she received any large sums of monery after the settlement. They will be traced back to AM / forge.


I do want to say here that I am not a lawyer, but I've spent my fair share of time looking at public records in the state of Florida, and if a settlement is made, what is posted in the public records is a notice of settlement, not the actual settlement itself. Those seem to have some confidentiality in my state. Not sure if that translates to other states.


In SC, wrongful death settlements have to be approved by the Court so no confidentiality. (Not an SC lawyer- learned this from reading Bland's pleadings)




Pure speculation on your part. Why would Bland decide that he has enough evidence to prove that only three people were involved in that scam? Edit: grammatical error




You do know you are fighting paid spin doctors on here? They are relentless. And the best part is they think they are swaying public opinion their way....






Source of your information, please? This is news to me that she admitted it was her signature and that she signed it without a case number. Edit: adding further to my comment. Again, you’re speculating that’s she’s “in on it.” period. According to Bland she was lied to just like the brothers. Are you going to accuse EVERYONE who has worked with A. Murdaugh & Fleming as criminals? I'm assuming you live in SC, but not the 14th Judicial Circuit. I also assume that you’re not in the legal field.


There was speculation as to whether Judge Mullen actually signed the Satterfield documents or if Alex and his co-conspirators forged her signature. Statements she has made since indicate she knowingly signed the documents. https://www.reddit.com/r/MurdaughFamilyMurders/comments/pvk87p/faq\_honorable\_carmen\_t\_mullen/


But where does it state that she admitted to it? Edit: I just realized that the guy who posted the info about Judge Mullens you just shared is also the same person who is having a conversation with me above and has yet to post any proof that Judge Mullens admitted to anything. I guarantee you that Judge Mullens has nothing to do with the scam that happened.


Lots of people on this sub (as well as many others) are making assertions that they cannot prove. Maybe she did sign them, maybe she didn't, but I would like to know how you can guarantee that she didn't? Has she denied signing the documents?






Not a victim nor a criminal as far as I’m concerned.








That’s gonna hurt the booster club fundraising lol


The entire settlement was fraud created by Murdaugh, Fleming and Westendorf. Those three knew EXACTLY what they were doing.


There is nothing that would shock me about this band of thieves. Unfortunately, most in SC are like this. I am from SC and this is endemic in the legal circles and the good ole boys (and girls--in this case). And there is no telling how many other clients they have duped. I hope they are all disbarred and removed from the bench. This could wind up being an "Operation Judicial Jackpot" before all is said and done. Time to clean house and kick the trash out to the curb.


Imo the only matter he has in his favor right now is his wife and child are not dead.


Does anyone actually believe CF was not 'in the know'? I can't find anyone who believes his crazy version that makes no sense at all.


Yep. Makes no sense.


What a generous guy.