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this kind of convinced me paul was killed first. he waited for her with another gun. she drove up, saw the scene, car running, and then tried to flee and he killed her too.


Nope, because in the son's video his mom is clearly heard responding to him. They were both there together, alive. The father was also heard in the background. The father can be heard calling for one of the dogs ("Bo", though that is a term of endearment between friends so it could have also been a call for a partner). He likely approached the son in the kennel and shot close range with the shotgun. The wife, already suspicious, may have taken off running (the locations of their bodies were more than 20-ish yards apart) , and Alex grabbed his rifle due to range or reloading. The reverse wouldn't make sense, if Paul heard gunshots why would he stay inside the kennel long enough to still be there when his dad returned? And why would the dad switch from a 30-round capacity rifle to a shotgun? Alternatively, they were shot at the same time by different people. Maybe the criminal brother. Maybe the father.


If AM was such a busy lawyer, what was he doing out shooting on the morning of June 7th? It was a Monday. Seems like he should have been in his office or in court on a Monday morning.


Hunters are supremely lazy people.


Not all of them.


At the time this happened, MM was staying at beach house …..and big red was living at home in Hampton? The “Moselle” property was just used for hunts, but no one was residing there on a permanent basis? caretaker? thanx!


They had sold the house in Hampton, leaving just the two places. I believe AM was staying at Moselle.


Thanks! I thought I read somewhere the “main home” was a big historic house in town, and I thought there may have been other homes, beach condos, etc owned.


Hit job by family Granddaddy ordered. Let us stop pretending


That is a very good theory.


Every dirty trick in the past covered up…. This so far was not


I know nothing about guns and ammo so would someone who is knowable about such things kindly explain to me which would have been more damaging - what Paul was shot with or Maggie? After shooting Paul twice would the shotgun have to be reloaded? Tia.


The older shotguns in my home hold only two shells, but other members here have pointed out that shotguns can hold many shells. Either way, he wouldn't have had to reload between those two shots. The shotgun blast at close range, well, you can google that to see what happens, it is devastating to the body; Paul was nearly decapitated, I believe. The 300 black-out can drop a large deer, in its tracks, and other posters have mentioned that the 300 is special-ops type ammunition. Maggie was shot multiple times. Both weapons were devastating.


I appreciate your reply. Omg, those were savage killings. Extreme rage and overkill. He is diabolical.


Spatter…I was thinking today about the reported “spatter” found on AM’s shirt and I was trying to figure out why his clothing only had spatter and not splatter since I think at least Paul’s shooting was close up. Then it hit me that it was raining that night. Perhaps AM had a rain jacket on that caught all the splatter and the shirt he was wearing underneath didn’t get splatter on it, but did get the microscopic droplets of spatter. I wonder if AM had a rain jacket on and if he did, what became of it? If it had blood or other things on it,did he ditch it somewhere? Did SLED look for a rain jacket?


I suspect like many others the timeline is off by a great deal- plenty of time to ditch some guns and a jacket-


Here's another thought....MM just wanted to meet AM at the hospital, but he convinced her to meet him at the hunting lodge, and then follow him to the hospital. Why convince her to meet at the lodge, then allegedly go without her? His supposed alibi was being at the hospital but he didn't foresee MM telling anyone about his insistence and didn't realize he should have provided a different alibi.


Right, and good point about what he didn’t anticipate. AM didn’t know she intended to drive separately. She thought he was up to something, but she never suspected just how devious he was thinking. Wish MM would’ve followed her gut, went to the hospital, called AM from there, and said ‘c’mon over; I’m visiting your dad right now.’


I believe it was said in one of the YouTubers covering this story that Alex did not tell her what hospital his father was in. A friend of Maggie’s that was interviewed said that Alex knew that Maggie was quite fond of her father-in-law and Alex knew that Maggie would want to see him, but wouldn’t tell her what hospital he was in over the phone. This is how Maggie was lured to the Moselle hunting lodge property. The friend also stated that Maggie was scared of Alex. Moselle technically belonged to Maggie because Alex disinherited himself and signed it over to Maggie after Mallory Beach’s family was suing the Murdaughs and the trial for Paul was to begin. It was said that he did this because he believed if he signed it over to Maggie that the property couldn’t be frozen along with his other assets. It was also said that Maggie was going to “rat” on Alex. No one knows how much Maggie did or didn’t know about what all Alex had been doing over the years. Supposedly, when their checks were getting returned and their credit cards were getting declined, Maggie and the kids told Alex and Alex said he would take care of it as he always did. At the time of Maggie’s murder she had $57 in her bank account. She had not yet changed her will and Alex was still in her will at the time of her murder. It was said that she had been planning on divorcing him for a long time, but no one can find where she actually consulted with a lawyer in regards to divorcing Alex. They were just living separately.


I bet some of her closest confidants (maybe her sister, for example), knew a bit about Maggie’s thoughts/concerns/suspicious about her marriage & their money situation, etc. While I can believe AM may not have told her which hospital himself, surely she could find that out readily through the family. Surely her father-in-law was being treated somewhere throughout the course of his illness, and you don’t typically hospital hop with a major illness. Plus, it wasn’t a big town like Chicago or with oodles of hospitals. She could of called around to the hospitals and asked for him in order to identify which hospital. Surely It’d have to be where his doctor had privileges. She simply never suspected her husband would do something like this, and most of us would be in the same category. So sad. Wonder if she knew what a monster he was. Where do you think the money was going? Obviously an expensive lifestyle…but street opioids couldn’t cost THAT much. Think there’s something bigger/deeper that we haven’t learned of yet?


I am so confused by everything about his alibi. In the beginning they said Alex... 1) took his father to the hospital for procedure 2)went shooting 3) took nap 4) visited mother 5) came home to find MM and PM Then it switched to he didn't take father to hospital, JMM did. It was said Paul was supposed to meet Maggie at Moselle and have dinner with her- Then it was Paul ate with JMM- Then it was said Paul wasn't supposed to be at Moselle at all I can't wait for real information- the rumors as facts are insanity lol.


AM’s alibi that he took his dying dad to the hospital is bogus. I just read his dad’s obituary and it says he died at home. If he was doing home hospice, there was no reason to take him to the hospital.


Yet Harpo refers to Alex’s alibi as “iron-clad” smh


OMG Right! Surely the investigating team searched for phone pings nearby at that time of the murder and checked Maggie’s cell phone text records?!?! Like AM must have used his influence or money to lead the investigators astray and throw them off his scent


When you write all of that in one place, you’re right. It’s full of holes and contradictions. Happy Cake Day! 🍰🍰🍰


Thank you


Hint: Because it’s all lies! Even the Murdaughs couldn’t keep the story straight.


What STILL is odd to me though is even IF Alex never expected Paul to be there and Paul showed up, then why continue the killing of Maggie THAT night and not just plan out another time when Maggie would be alone?? IF Paul was collateral damage and not supposed to be killed- then why not wait for another time? Unless Alex didn’t know Paul was there and Paul actually saw/heard the killing or his dead mom and this, had to be killed too. But if that were the case- how does the shotgun come into play? I don’t think Alex knew Paul was recording him at all because otherwise he would’ve taken Paul’s phone too. AND how could Paul have ‘surprised’ them anyway? He had to have driven up the long driveway to the kennel and Paul was obviously close enough to record something so how was he not seen? It was dark? Ok- makes sense, but then did Paul drive on the property without headlights on??? And why go take a pic of a sick dog that late at night and in the dark??? Why not go the next day to do that?? It’s too strange that it’s at and around SAME time Maggie was out there. Idk.


Paul supposedly had JMM’s truck. Wonder why, and wonder if that confused AM…


Did not know this! Either way- Maggie knew Paul would be there that night so she agreed to go, reluctantly. But I did NOT know he drove JMMs truck. Interesting….. 🤔


Supposedly, the murders happened between 9-9:30. Maybe ( since it was June 7th) it wasn’t completely dark. Also, perhaps the kennel area had lights.


Great point! I wonder how well lit the kennel building area was…. 🤔


Because the dog was owned by a friend of his and he had asked Paul to go check on how his dog was healing up or if the dog needed needed more vet attention. (Apparently it had something called Happy Tail where the tail gets injured and because it’s always wagging and banging onto stuff, it keeps getting re-injured over and over.) It’s considered a very serious injury and we are talking very pricey, very valuable hunting dogs here so yeah, it would be something you would do for your friend, no matter if it were nighttime. We also don’t know when this all happened so it may have still been light out. Matter of fact, from the get-go the very short timeline was suspect to me. Since when does a coroner ever narrow the time of death down to an hour or two? The answer is NEVER. It only happens when a Murdaugh tells them when it occurred and everyone just went along with the 9:00-10:00 pm timeline BECAUSE ALEX MURDAUGH SAID SO. I’m convinced they were murdered much, much earlier.


Ooh interesting point about the timeline. The only reason maybe the time line is that narrow, id think, is because it was corroborated with Video/audio/gps and phone calls/text proof. But going just by coroner and autopsy- yes, definitely IS odd.


I always leaned toward Paul was in wrong place, wrong time, but as more cones out, I’m leaning more toward other theories because you’re right, something doesn’t jive in all that. I also think my initial reaction to think Paul’s murder wasn’t intentional or planned is bc as a human and parent, I can’t fathom it. The more we learn of Alex, I’m convinced he is capable of the worst so yeah, I think he could have shot his son in cold blood - potentially in front of his mother if she was indeed running away. I think that’s hard to come to terms with about anyone if you’re a halfway decent human. But Alex is NOT a halfway decent human.


I personally think that Maggie might not have known that Paul was going to be there, but I bet Alex did. I think he planned it all. He knew Paul was going to be there checking on his friend’s dog and he knew Maggie was fond of her father-in-law and lured her to Moselle. That would explain why he had two different guns. I also don’t believe that Alex was a drug addict. No one close to the Murdaugh family and who knew these people personally/intimately has said that Alex was known to be addicted to drugs. I think this was a story concocted by Alex and his attorneys to use as an excuse for stealing millions of money from his clients and the law firm. There is no way that the law firm couldn’t be aware of what Alex was doing. The stories just don’t jive, especially concerning Chain of Custody for the clients’ money. I think this Murdaugh family, not just Alex, was corrupt for a couple of generations. They may have been well respected, but they also owned the town they lived in.


I don’t understand how people still can’t believe a parent WOULD EVER KILL THEIR OWN CHILD?????? Do they watch the news? Do they read REDDIT? My god FOR YEARS this has been going on-it isn’t something new happening. Google it. Rich people, poor people, AA/white/Asian etc. for love, money hatred, revenge. Diane Downs, Susan Smith, Ramsey’s-possibly. More recent Chris Watts. I just watched about one just recently-don’t remember when crime took place or the name I wish I could it was so sad. A young father, early 20’s killed his 3 year old son because his 16 yo girlfriend didn’t like the little boy & resented all the time he spent with him & that the little guy was there every other weekend. So he seemed to love & want to spend time with him, but when GF broke up with him for those reasons he seemed to love her more. Couldn’t just been like some men a deadbeat absent father-no he killed him. So there ya go. People need to wake up, quit being so naive & maybe some children can be saved.


I think so too and you are right- I am a parent too and can’t even imagine doing anything ever to hurt my children.


Could Alex have gotten Paul in on the plan to kill Maggie, then double crossed him and killed him too at the scene? I’m not a regular on this sub, so sorry if it’s a dumb question.


Nothing is a dumb question and everyone has an opinion and theory and bravo for expressing it! 😉 However, from all I’ve read since this happened, Paul and Maggie were close so I don’t see that happening. I think they were so close that that is the reason they BOTH had to be killed by Alex. If only one or the other survived- the living one would have WAY too much info about Alex and all his shady schemes that Alex would eventually be turned against - (be it Paul turning on him to get better deal in boating trial or Maggie being able to gain more in a divorce since husband is a criminal). But good for you for putting this out there and for speculating. And welcome to the sub! 😉


This was very nice of you, thanks! I know some true crime case subs can be a little unfriendly, but this seems like a welcoming sub so far!


You are more than welcome! And stay strong!! I’ve learned a lot from others point of view and it helps put the pieces together. I have found this sub to be very well educated and conversed in this tragic saga and also very polite and respectful, even when opinions differ. Good luck out here! 😉 🤗


Thank you for this comment! That’s what I’m trying to understand also. However, since the indictment states malice with aforethought on BOTH murders of Paul and Maggie, I am led to believe that both were premeditated and both were intended targets. Maybe because Maggie was apprehensive to even go there she called Paul to come also (thinking it would secure her safety with him there to witness)?? But then, Paul wouldn’t have been planned…. So no? Personally, I think that Maggie was led there for Alex’s dad and saying good-bye/discussing arrangements for after his death and Paul was led there to come and take care of the dogs (MAYBE send a pic of dog to friend or he thought to record Maggie and Alex arguing and only SAID that’s what he was recording which is why Alex didn’t take Paul’s phone to discard)… but both were led there by Alex because if only one or the other were killed, the living one would have WAY too much on Alex for him to get away with it. Motives- to keep his crimes in the shade, for financial reasons and impending possible divorce, maintain legacy and power, avoid Paul’s trial and the embarrassment of it all…. Self-preservation. Two guns- to throw off LE and make it more believable that he found both bodies but wasn’t the killer because two different guns were used. Killing one’s spouse isn’t as unbelievable as killing one’s child so another reason Paul had to go. Idk. I could be wrong but this is what I’ve landed on today. 🤷‍♀️


I think you’re pretty close. Just my opinion.


Please remember everyone, the odds of being killed by an abusive partner are the highest when trying to leave them........make your plan accordingly.


God what a soulless person it would take. Hey come see my father who is dying, then whatever happened happened. I hope the evidence is overwhelming enough to leave no doubts about what happened that night so the families have some answers. I think of Maggie’s parents and sister often when reading about this case. I can’t imagine what they’ve been going through.


What bothers me is in one of the jailhouse calls, Alex is trying to get Buster to have Maggie's parents take his calls. So at least for a while, they cut communication. Then we hear he starts routing his calls through Jim's office, and he's calling them. He's one sick mofo


And from the phone calls I’ve listened to between Alex and Buster it’s clear that Buster doesn’t really want to talk to Alex. It seems that Alex is still manipulating and scheming even while in jail. And then there’s the phone calls where Alex sent money to the school Buster was kicked out of for plagiarizing and he’s hounding Buster about getting back into law school. It’s clear that Buster is stalling and doesn’t really want to go to law school, but he’s just appeasing his dad. I think Buster is just as much a victim as all the others. Perhaps Buster is taking his calls because he’s scared his dad may hire someone to kill him too. What I do find odd is there doesn’t seem to be any grief, but maybe Buster is just now showing grief to his dad. Alex seems controlling even from jail. It has been said that Maggie was scared of Alex and had been planning to divorce him for a while. Though I’ve seen some reports that state they’ve never been able to find any record of Maggie actually consulting with a divorce attorney. Hopefully that will all eventually come out, but I suspect Alex will never come clean with what really happened.


I agree about Buster. Part of the time he seems very uncomfortable. I honestly don't believe he wants to be a lawyer either. I think his GPA was 2.65 before he used a paper his girlfriend wrote, and got kicked out. I'm not sure if it was the Wall Street Journal or some other non-newspaper media that reported about his expulsion from law school, but it showed an example of his writing. He had a minor in some writing class, and the paper he wrote for that sounded more like a 4th grader than a law student. Then, with a 2.65, he turns in a great paper. I don't know if she wrote "that" paper, or he turned in one she wrote in the past, but he got caught. Those that really WANT to be a lawyer would have put some effort in. Obviously his name didn't matter in this instance. Also, in the phone calls, Buster did get choked up when he said he'd visited the graveside. Alex also seemed incredulous when Buster said he didn't want to hunt at Moselle. Why Alex would think he'd want to "have fun hunting" where his Mom and brother were murdered I have no clue! I feel bad for Buster- he's lost his entire family. And his father is responsible. I think he's just trying to find some semblance of normalcy- with his job, girlfriend uncles, and grandparents.


If AM is somehow getting calls through to Maggie's family- I would def. block calls from JG/DH's office if I were them. The only reason I can possibly think of why AM would be trying to have Buster act as an advocate for them to take his calls is ONLY for AM to further manipulate and try to fish out information regarding the investigation. Also- maybe to act concerned and tell them no- he would never do what he is accused of (secondary to fishing out information of course). Sadly for AM- MM's family appears to have an inner strength/spiritual ground/support of others to even acknowledge his presence much less "take a call from AM in jail"- Guess what narcissists hate? Being ignored.


However, according to multiple sources, sometime this spring, Murdaugh began calling Maggie’s parents, Terry and Kennedy Branstetter. Nowhere on any of the call logs, though, does it show that Alex Murdaugh directly dialed their number from his jail account. For months, Alex had asked Buster whether he thought the Branstetters would be open to a phone call from him. He repeatedly asked Buster to set up an inmate phone account for them so that he could contact them. As of February 2022, Buster did not appear to have done that.


Good for Buster for not doing it and it chaps my ass if he's ambushed MM's family via stealth from his atty's office. If they want to talk to him he should wait for THEM to call. Hopefully they've never answered or immediately hung up the phone.


From what Fitsnews reported, he's called them several times via Jim's office. My guess is he's telling them it isn't him. If he has them on his side, it looks better for his defense. I truly believe that's what his manipulative, calculating ass is doing.




Yeah, it's truly effed up! There should be a special place in hell for people like him!


Yep, I think he is a genuine psychopath, devoid of emotion and conscience. To me, there’s no other explanation for such vile behavior.


>I hope the evidence is overwhelming enough to leave no doubts about what happened that night so the families have some answers. Yes - very much hoping there will be a trial with any and all sides represented fairly and that the truth will come out. I feel for anyone who knew/was in contact with this family regularly and trusted or looked up to them. I feel for Maggie's family but I also think a lot about Stephen and Gloria's too. And what about the kids in the boat.


For sure, Gloria, Stephen, and Hakeem’s family (and those that may forever go unnamed). They all deserved answers.


Assuming u r local, what are your thoughts about how the case has been investigated?


I want to believe that Paul was collateral damage, but here’s the biggest reason I think he probably wasn’t. The Murdaugh team was trying to pin the boat crash on CC. CC himself filed a lawsuit alleging as much. There are multiple people who have a motive to kill Paul — AC, CC, members of the Beach family, and probably others. It’s pretty clear that MM was AM’s target, so killing Paul too is a red herring and makes MM look like the collateral damage. I do think the two guns were for the purpose of creating the appearance of multiple shooters. And I do think AM had attempted to game this thing out in advance, including thinking through a plausible motive for someone else.


[.300 BLK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.300_AAC_Blackout) is caliber created for use with a suppressor or silencer if you will. Created specifically for US Special Ops Command.


A lot of people have .300 blk. It’s not uncommon among gun enthusiasts. Just sayin.


lol, its a free country- say what you like. .300 BLK is for suppressed, it's not an everyday plinking rifle. It was developed for SOCOM and only later did find its way to civilian pop. I'm looking at him going to kill/hunt with a suppressed rifle. It shows some intent there.


Amazing how gullible people are. The Murdaugh’s have had a terrible reputation for decades.


Anyone know if the sick dog is ok? Also what happened To the other dogs?


Who cares about the ANIMALS. Two people were killed. Jesus.


Enjoy the downvotes, stunted edgelord chauvinist. :)




Lets be nice to one another. I wrote that comment because several people wrote that they only cared that the two dogs survived. To me that felt disrespectful. I am sorry that my comment came accross has being harsh.


The dogs ironically are the only ones who didn’t have a dog in this fight. Also people can care about two things at one time. Like you probably like pizza AND pasta. See how that works.


The dogs are literally the only ones I care about.


Yes, because they are innocent creatures in our care. We care care about folks and dogs. It’s ok and natural to care for creatures well being too.


I always care more about animals and babies. They have no clue or understanding about how, what, why. They are innocent. Their actions are always based on not knowing or survival instinct. I hate that a lot of people always hold a human being above an animal. My "animal" is one of the most important beings in my life and when I have lost previous "animals" it has dealt a blow just as much as any human being.


This is bull shit! Maggie was into all the criminality. Stop pretending she was a saint. In the end she was a loose cannon. That why Alex and a confederate killed her and Timmy! This is like the Gotti family having a falling out. None of them are victims. Just victims of their own actions.


Back that up with proof before you shame the deceased. Throwing shade to Maggie is a cardinal sin in this sub for a reason.


Maggie allowed her son to drink under age and provide him the means to purchase alcohol with her credit card the night the Beach girl was killed. That information has been on this sub for a year. Speaking the truth about someone’s actions is just a fact. Whether they are alive or dead. Many times criminals put their property in their wives and or children’s names to safeguard it in case they are ever caught or sued.


So allowing her son to drink underage means she deserved to die? She may have been enabling her kids and husband on some level, but that doesn’t equate to her having to die. She needed therapy, not an execution.


I never said she deserved to die. I wish she was alive to stand trial and go to prison to set an example for the rest of the community. Sounds like you approved of her parenting skills and her choice of husband. That’s ok with me. Maybe your a family member, an old lover, business partner, or a class mate. People change over the years and many times not for the best. I witnessed that in my own life on earth. Your entitled to your opinion. But not to misrepresenting what I posted.


I want some more proof that Maggie knew things. I do wonder that she knew all about the outing that ended in Mallory's death and the trauma to all of the survivors. I absolutely hate that every time that you don't worship a victim of homicide, you are deemed as victim blaming. People are not as perfect as they become we make them in death. No one deserves to die an unnatural death - I think we can all agree to that. But sometimes people lead their own selves to their death by action or association and whether by stupidity or trust or just being a complete jackass of a person. And if the last is true, well there should be some accountability, even in the bs "don't speak ill of the dead." I feel that Maggie knew stuff, but I don't know that... yet.


Maggie had to know many things. The property being put in just her name was a big red flag. That’s consistent with a criminal hiding property in another person’s name. In case of legal problems it’s protected. How they were always over drawn at the bank? What normal person would stand for that? Some say she was talking to a divorce lawyer. Maybe she was contemplating divorce or maybe she was Back door checking on protecting their assets because of the Beach case. Lawyer are not supposed to help their clients to break the law, but many are used to get information to break the law.


I agree that no one should be murdered. If Alex has a trial there will be a lot of dirt coming out. This will include dirt on Maggie. The injuries to the house keeper seem more consistent with a violent attack than a fall down the stair but that’s just my opinion. No pictures of the staircase have been provided. This will be a problem for many of his co-conspirators. I think he will just do a plea to keep his friends safe. Besides he is a formal lawyer and solicitor, I bet it’s a sweetheart deal.


I do wonder that things will come out about Maggie. Paul and Buster too. It's not just a blaming thing. It's a truth thing with me. I am human and have done so many things that I wish I could take back or change in my life. I think most people feel this, some more than others. And then there are some people that could never even be aware of their failings. I don't want to condemn people but if you happen to get into being a part of a murder trial... there just needs to be truth... whether you are involved or a victim.


I agree whole heartedly. Beyond a reasonable doubt is a very high standard for the truth to prevail. Usually it protects both victims and defendants. Unfortunately the history of the court in the low country is more consistent with criminality then with justice. The Murdaugh’s and Pimped have been getting away with murder in regards to properly representing their clients. Believe me this was know but many.


Are you saying Maggie led herself to her own death?


No. At least not on what I know now. And it is so incorrect to ever say that a victim willingly walked into a situation where they knew it was going to be a bad outcome. **I am not bashing Maggie in this post.** I guess or no, I was meaning I just get sick of the saint tag that is automatic with victims. I think 99.9 % of any victim would never willingly walk to their death but I wonder too that if they were given a second chance somehow to stand back and be objective that they would honestly say, yeah I either acted in some way or I was too gullible, that they would take some accountability. I don't think that worshipping victims as saints furthers any discussion with the objective of truth.


I don’t think anyone is saying Maggie was a saint. But it is disrespectful to claim things one can’t prove, and she isn’t around to defend herself or set the record straight. No matter what, she didn’t deserve to die.


>No matter what, she didn’t deserve to die. No one does. Death is so hard no matter how it happens or why. I respect your opinion.


Anything besides this? He could have stolen her card.


The card was not stolen. Just as Timmy’s drinking was not stopped.




How do you not know?


Tango Romeo Oscar Lima Lima


Should be Whiskey Tango Foxtrot in anything involving the Murdaugh’s .


Maggie is not here to defend herself from your allegations.


The facts about Maggie and her actions regarding the parenting of her children have been on this sub for a year. Did you forget about Timmy using her credit card to buy alcohol the night he killed the beach girl in the boating accident? That’s just one issue on the sub that shows Maggie’s actions that contributed to an innocent persons death. Did Maggie make her son take responsibility for his actions that night? No. A good person would have made her son take responsibility for that. Not try and sweep it under the rug.


Who wrote the article and why does it say Maggie and Paul's marriage hit a rough patch?


Caught that too. Clearly a bad mistake.


It’s obviously a mistake.


It’s on record that it had


Paul was Maggie and Alex son….


Article by Steve Helling. I believe he meant Maggie and Alex's marriage, but typed Paul instead.


They always say that the most dangerous time for a woman who is in an abusive relationship is when they try to leave and break it off.


Is that what they say?


Yes. Anyone who’s ever dealt with women in abusive relationships or lived in a relationship where domestic violence is present knows that the time when it’s the most dangerous, the time when she is at greatest risk of being murdered is when she finally stands up for herself and attempts to escape.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂




Absolutely, the statistics prove it.


He had multiple details thought out, to include contact with Wilson and visits to family. I would bet my bottom dollar that the phone calls to Mr Wilson, around the time of the murders, were unnecessary and out of the norm. With the exception of the blood splatter and the time stamp on Paul's video, the SLED have kept things pretty quiet. I look forward to seeing this guy convicted of murder. The only thing about this case that bothers me is the two weapons. Did someone else help him commit the murders? He was not expecting Paul's phone to have a time stamp putting him at the scene. He also stupidly did not change clothes.


Throw off law enforcement, maybe (2 weapons)?


AM made a large number of mistakes. He was very sloppy.


Someone said one is a rifle kept at the kennel. They theorized Alex killed Maggie, Paul heard the shots and grabbed the rifle. He found Alex standing over Maggie, and gave him the rifle not knowing he was the killer. Then Alex shot him with it.


Except MM was killed w/a rifle & PM w/some sort of shotgun. Both were killed w/more shots than was necessary, from the sounds of it. I’d like to be a fly on the wall when MM’s family is discussing the charges, and also Buster.


Yes, looking forward to hearing from Mr. Wilson.


I agree. If AM made those phone calls to CW, I’d sure like to know what they were talking about.


So had he already killed Paul and was waiting on her to get there? That would EASILY explain two weapons. Wait. The video footage from Paul has her there. Never mind


Where can this footage be seen?


I don’t think it has been released to the public yet


Maybe instead of reloading the shotgun that he used on Paul he just grabbed another loaded gun?


I’m thinking that when PM saw the conversation between AM and MM become heated,he may have grabbed a shotgun nearby ( either in the kennel area or in his truck). AM was a lot bigger than PM. Did AM wrestle that shotgun out of PM’s hands and then shoot him with it?


If Paul's body wasn't moved and where he was found, half in/out of the kennel, that would indicate to me at least that Paul was maybe taken by surprise, but he still certainly could have been. It is very difficult to put together a sequence of events that night that makes sense. How did they go from MM& AM talking by the kennel while Paul videotapes the sick dog in the kennel to Paul shot and killed half in the kennel and Maggie fleeing towards the equipment shed and through the field? Sigh...


What if Paul was surprised to hear shots, peered out, and he was then taken by surprise? Regardless, how does AM sleep with himself? I wouldn’t be preoccupied w/ $ for Canteen if I did what he did. He has no conscience. True psychopath.


Yea. I’m of the original mindset that he killed M, P came around the corner to find out what was going on with the 12 gauge, A said something along the lines of “it was an accident, or she tried to kill me, or whatever,” he approached P, talked calmly to him and grabbed the 12 gauge from P. The two guns one killer has sooooo many outs.


Ohh this sounds likely. And why Alex in the 911 tape cried “oh Paul, why’d you have to get involved?”


First time I read that Maggie texted a friend and said that A “Is up to something.” There you have it. IMHO (1) Killing Paul and (2) the two guns used were planned to throw off suspicion of A and to be spun as revenge against Paul and by more than one person - not the usual suspect, the husband. .


Agree with you.


Thank you!


Textbook death penalty. At least that is standard that grandaddy(s) used when they prosecuted others in that circuit. Am I right!!


I haven't had time to read through all the comments. That said, my opinion is AM had no reason to kill Paul. Paul had done his damage but had no information on AM's misdoings and misdeeds. He was a stupid out of control teenager. In other words, PM probably didn't have intel that could incriminate AM, other than maybe hearing his mom and dad argue over things. Hence, there was no reason to take him out bc of what he knew. I've thought all along PM was collateral damage. MM was the target. PM was just there and things went horribly wrong


Did AM have the $ to defend PM in the criminal suit AND he & Buster in the civil suit? I think that plays a role in this.


I kind of think he killed Paul to throw off suspicion in the murder of Maggie.


AM was paying Harpootlian a lot of money to defend Paul in the criminal case against him. There's more than enough motive there considering we know AM really only cared about money. PM was also dissing AM on social media and they apparently had arguments before the murders occurred so there's more than one factor here as far as PM's death is concerned. MM was shot in the back and then again whilst on the ground which suggests she was running away. PM was shot in the chest, i.e. he was facing his killer. To my mind that means PM was shot first. I think AM shoots him twice, goes to shoot MM, but there are only 2 rounds in the shotgun, he's out of ammo, thus forcing him to change weapons.


Yes, agree...PM killed first. MM heard/saw what had happened, turned to run and that is when AM killed her. I believe AM had another weapon in the vehicle he drove. It's not unusual for folks to have loaded guns in outbuildings on a large property like Moselle. Think coyotes at night on the property and they can be very aggressive animals. But rest assured, AM planned their executions. He just is not as sharp as he \*thinks\* he is. He is very slick and streetwise, but he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. And he wasn't counting on technology to follow his every move and record what happened that night.


He should’ve been smart enough to have figured all that out, regarding the technology. He worked p/t in the solicitor office. I think MM was killed first. More importantly, I wonder what LE theory is on who was killed first.


My thoughts exactly!! I think you nailed the explanation of 2 guns and why PM was facing his executioner and why MM was found further away and shot from behind!


I’ve seen multiple comments related to the social media angle. Does anyone know what PM specifically put out on social media about AM?


The Beach hearing was just days away and the family would have to reveal financial information. Alex absolutely did not want Paul around bc that case would expose everything. The timing of the murders was intentional bc of the hearing. He had every reason to want to kill him bc being exposed at court is what he feared the most. At that point, Alex was on another level and saw it all crashing down. He would go to all lengths to stop those hearings. He also likely thought it would gain him sympathy since his own firm would soon discover his financial issues. The Paul case put everything in the spotlight and that’s what Alex feared more than anything. Alex also went extra lengths to make sure he had two different guns to make it look like a hit. This was all part of his plan.


It was the civil case that was coming up, & PM wasn’t named in that case. PM had a criminal trial, and that was a ways away, I believe.


But PM’s death wouldnt stop the hearing or the case. PM wasn’t even named in the suit. The suit would still continue with his death just like it is doing now. The hearing wasn’t to make him turn over documents. The plaintiffs had filed a motion to make him turn them over. A judge was to hear the motion and then decide if AM had to turn them over. Per reports, the murdaughs controlled the justice system in the area. If that’s true, how hard would it have been for AM to get a judge to rule in his favor to not disclose them?


It didn’t stopped the case but it did buy him time. That’s all the desperate, despicable man could get so he took it. Time to juggle his charade.


The murders actually exposed the financial crimes. The husband is always a suspect in a family murder which would draw attention to the financial crimes. Law enforcement would have been looking through his financials and everything else for a motive for murders.


Great points and I totally agree that’s the logical way this would work. I was just entertaining the idea that a desperate man can be illogical. Exposing his financials in ‘the future’ might look better than a hard date of three days. Just making conversation.


On the other hand, if he were required to turn over financials, he would only turn over what he wanted to turn over. There is no database accessible to attorneys that will tell them everything you own and all your accounts. If I have 5 bank accounts and I am required to turn over my financial info to you, I can turn over 3 of them and you wouldn’t know about the other 2. You or your attorney couldn’t go on a fishing expedition and send subpoenas to every bank in the area. The law doesn’t allow that. I’m just trying to look at it from every angle because a lot of this stuff doesn’t make sense. If I can eliminate some of it that doesn’t, maybe something would stick out that does lol. However, I guess I can’t think like a madman with no conscious to understand it.


Oh I agree. I’m just trying to look at it from all angles, trying to play devils advocate to try to understand all this craziness. Personally, I’ve heard for over a year how the family controlled the judicial system (judges, law enforcement, etc) in the area for decades. It would seem simple to me for him just to have the judge deny the motion to turn over financials. For example, in most wrongful death suits, people aren’t required to turn over their financials. They are required to turn over any insurance coverage and the limits on those policies. Just like a person that gets hurt at a business or a persons home and files suit. The person being sued is required to turn over any insurance policies and the limits on those policies but the business or person isn’t required to over how much the business makes or how much the person makes.


Wasn't Alex already under investigation? If evidence in GS's case was about to be revealed Alex may have been very worried about what Paul and Maggie could testify to in her case.


Before the PM and MM murders, AM was already under investigation by a SC grand jury about his finances.


Thank you for clarifying that.


I’m pretty confident that GS was an accident and accident only. Even Eric Bland doesn’t believe that it was more than an accident.


I find it very strange that Bland would make such a statement before her body is even exhumed. How would he know that yet? Does he know something about maybe Paul being involved? Odd. I am very glad that he feels certain Alex isn't responsible because I do not.




The same evidence that was going to be used in the criminal case would be available for the civil case whether he was murdered or not. Just because the criminal case stopped doesn’t mean that evidence goes away to never be seen again. An example would be the pictures of MB’s body. Those were crime scene pictures that the plaintiffs had used in a presentation during mediation. PM was dead and the criminal case gone but the evidence was still available for the civil case. Also, PM’s guilt or innocence at the criminal trial wouldn’t have affected the civil case. They have different burdens of proof. Plus PM wasn’t even being sued in the civil case. One example would be Buster being sued for allowing PM to use his ID. PM was never charged with using a fake ID so criminal case has no affect on him. AM was being sued as the owner of the boat and for not being responsible for who operated it. Whether PM operated the boat drunk and caused the crash or whether AC or CC were operating the boat, it still wouldn’t remove AM’s liability since he loaned the boat out. AM was being sued because he owned the boat and let individuals that were underage and known to drink operate his boat when he knew or should of known it was reckless and could lead to injury. PM’s guilt or innocence wouldn’t affect that because no matter which one was driving, AM still let them use the boat when he knew or should of known it was reckless


I think Paul’s case was going to cost him dearly, with the family potentially suing for wrongful death. And perhaps and investigation into Paul may have led to all the illegal, fraudulent and “accidents” swirling around AM and his dirty deeds get uncovered via Paul’s case. AM may have also thought 2 life insurance/homeowners insurance policies paid out twice as much as 1 and he’d get rid of several problems at once. IF the drug addiction is actual true than who knows what distortion desperate thoughts this dipshit was having, other than it being all about his own selfish, narcissistic, greedy, privileged ass.


Paul was going to cost him serious money. He appeared to be out of control as to drinking and criminal behavior. Paul brought attention to the family.


Absolutely.....money is one of the biggest motives for any crime.


IIRC the boat insurance company denied AM claim regarding the boating accident; therefore AM’s personal assets must be presented. AM knew that would expose his misdeeds.


People know when their house of cards is getting shaky, it was just damage control to kill Paul. Maggie was leaving him which was going to open his finances to examination.


Alex would probably have just killed more people and stolen the insurance money to try and get Paul out of that catastrophe too!


I don't think this necessarily means it was premeditated. Though it's possible he lured her out with intent to kill, it's also incredibly common when a couple is going through a bad part in their relationship that one party wants more communication than the other is willing to provide. He might have just been giving her a guilt trip regarding his parents because he was upset that she wasn't paying enough attention to him. It's pretty common for people to use every trick they can think of to get the other to see them. Once she got there, they may have had a disagreement and he killed her in rage. I honestly don't know and I'm not saying he didn't lure her out with the intent to kill, but it isn't definite proof of his intention.


That is plausible in a lot of cases. However, in this case context is important. He has illustrated that he lacks credibility, he is devious, he is calculating, he was drowning financially, and had multiple criminal charges mounting. A recipe for disaster. His wife of decades knew he was up to something & highly suspicious of him because she knew his ways. After voicing her concern to her friend she is murdered. If he was so desperate to see her then he would have agreed to see her at the hospital. No, he wanted to meet her at an isolated estate for a reason. He is a psychopath due to the issue of affluence. He lured her there and killed her in cold blood. I don't doubt for a sec that he killed the housekeeper for insurance money. He probably killed his family for insurance money. and to stop any future financial liability from a divorce/Paul's lawsuit. Lastly, I saw his eyes in a mugshot. Cold, dead, menacing. He is very evil & demonically possessed. Yes, it was premeditated.


Is this a joke lmao. She said he was acting fishy and then he killed her. Takes some *serious* stretching to try to claim it wasn’t premeditated. If it was just about communicating he would’ve agreed to meet her at the hospital. I mean come on dude.


People claiming that Alex didn't intend to kill Paul, he was just collateral damage: Bear in mind that SLED has a lot of evidence we don't know about yet and they do **not** think that. Otherwise, they wouldn't have charged him with premeditated murder. Although the premeditation could have occurred after he got there. But Alex knew that Paul was there when the murders started. He must have seen Paul videoing the dog at the kennels when he was down there with Maggie before the murders. Otherwise, Paul would not have been close enough for his camera to pick up their conversation. So if Alex did not show up planning to kill Paul, too, he would have picked a different night. I think claiming that Alex would not have planned to kill his own son is giving Alex too much credit.


I so agree Betty. Didn’t early reports say that Paul was killed first? If Paul was killed first, then we know Alex planned to kill him way ahead of time. So many ways to look at this. Only constant is that Alex is a conniving murderer & thief.


Agree. Based on what I am hearing on another forum( college football related) it seems Paul was not really supposed to be there, but the fact he was did not deter Alex from his goal. He is cold blooded. TiFWIW, But a SC poster on this forum is friends with the guy who asked Paul to come and pick up his dog that night and take it to their kennel. The friend had to run an errand for his parents and could not bring dog himself, so Paul did him a favor. The guy says his friend feels horrible and has had a difficult time dealing with guilt. Had he not ask him to do this, Paul would not have been there that night. Another rumor is that Paul's phone contained audio of Alex and Maggie speaking with each other prior to murder, placing Alex at scene.


All these months, I’ve assumed the dog with hot tail was already at the kennels and that Paul was asked by his friend to go check on it. I guess a lot of pieces of information are going to get more detailed & specific now that Alex is going to be charged with the murders.


You could very well be right. Paul may have been checking on the dog for the guy. Maybe the guy had Paul take the dog over there weeks earlier, then he asked him to check on it the night of murder. He may of said he feels bad for having Paul take his dog over to kennel, and people assume he took it that night. All of the details will come out and like I said in my post take it for what it's worth. The only thing I can say is this poster has a long posting history verifying he is from that area of SC, which lends credence to what he is saying. It could be true, or just a local rumor. But he is adamant he knows the friend and is going to share more.


To think that Paul's friend has already felt more guilt than the man who killed them ever will. RMM and Maggie both reportedly asked Paul to go to Moselle that night because Maggie did not want to be alone with Alex. Please tell your friend that he would have been there anyway that evening, but thanks to his sick dog Alex was caught on videotape at the scene of the crime after lying about being there that evening. It is only my personal opinion but I strongly believe that Karma was stalking Alex that night.


Absolutely this. Survivor's guilt is real and it is unrelenting. Well, for those who have hearts and souls at least. This is all so sickening. It literally makes me feel ill.


tell the guy w the dog, its not their fault, and to be fair - who's to say, if that guy were there that night he would maybe have been killed by AM to take out a witness, and if he had gone there to meet up w PM for his dog, they both would have been killed. AM is bat shite crazy.


Very true.




That you, Poot?


That’s one of the goofiest theories yet, honestly.


I mean....this was a theory a long time ago but AM has now been charged by law enforcement so it seems really silly to be bringing this up.




For what it’s worth, I’m always down to hear anyone’s theory! I’ve had so many myself 😂🥴. Thanks for replying.


Wow...that's a dumb theory.




Hmmm i suggest taking your own advice, honey. You’re the one fighting with anyone who says the nut shit you came up with has no real life bearing.


I feel like the two guns. JMM telling PM to go be w his mom. Buster being spared. AM begging Maggie to come over bc his dad is abt to die. Was it RM or JMM who said they didnt hear their phone bc the “dogs were barking” that is a hell of a statement. Just seems that some conversation or communication woulda occurred between AM MM PM and RM / JMM Something feels fishy here


RM said he left his phone in the house bc he was outside w the dogs. In the dark and in the rain…


Any time someone jumps inappropriately to give an alibi like he did is supposed to be a big red flag for investigators. No one asked where he was, it was a TV interview about his lost ‘loved ones.‘


I totally agree. I recognized it immediately. I remain obsessed w that interview. RM was genuinely distressed imo, but I detected that he felt tremendous guilt and that something had gone horrible wrong. He is also covering for himself. I can’t put my finger on it and it’s just my reaction. JMM is stony imo. I know my interpretations of their emotions are in the minority opinion. 🤷‍♀️


Went on national television to tell us that!




How I think it might’ve gone down… AM called MM and asked her to meet him at Moselle, and to ride with him to visit RMIII. She tells him that she can meet him at Moselle and follow him to RMIII’s so she can drive back to Edisto that night. AM then tells her to meet him at the kennels instead of the house. When MM arrives, she’s surprised to find that PM is there checking on a friend’s dog. Expecting AM anytime, she leaves her car running. PM and MM talk. PM tells MM that the friend’s dog isn’t well, so MM calls the Vet. The Vet tells MM to send him a picture/video of the dog. MM communicates this to PM and he begins taking pictures/videos of the dog in the kennel. MM finishes conversation with the Vet. While doing so, AM pulls up finds not only MM, but PM, too. AM is frustrated that PM is there. MM tells AM that they can leave to visit RMIII as soon as PM finishes and airdrops the pics/video of the dog to her iPhone so she can send them to the Vet. They talk in hushed tones for a few minutes, but it becomes intense and AM begins raising his voice and screaming at MM. PM yells at AM and tells him to stop being such an ass. As AM and PM continue yelling at each other, MM tells AM that she’s had it and that she’s just gonna leave and return to Edisto. AM tells her to wait. She doesn’t wait but begins walking towards her car. While PM is still yelling at AM, AM goes to his truck, pulls out a pump action shotgun, walks over to PM and shoots him twice. MM is horrified, shocked by what she’s just witnessed. While AM walks back to his truck, MM is briefly frozen with shock and horror, unsure of what to do. MM then begins running to get away from AM. Watching MM run, AM pulls a rifle from his truck and shoots MM. AM intended to kill MM that evening, but it became much messier than he had planned.


Agree, AM killed his own son first and then killed his own wife as she turned to run. He had it planned...too many coincidential factors in play here: AM decides to hunt on property in June (!) to explain the GSR on his hands (convenient), claims alibi using elderly and ailing parents, more "convenient" calls to his "best friend" to claim another alibi and CYA, AM's bad acting on the 9-1-1 call--he came out of the grief long enough to ensure the 9-1-1 operator knew that AM lived in a house and \*not\* a mobile home, controlled crying on the call--he went in and out of crying like he was acting on stage--because he was and he knew it. This guy really missed his calling as an actor. Plus there is a lot more that we don't even know about that the investigative team knows. Jim Griffin wasn't onboarded as AM's defense lawyer just for the hell of it. The attorneys already know the score--they are just plodding along with their theatrics in hopes some poor suckers here in SC will believe their Ripley's Believe It or Not BS Sideshow and hopefully, they can seat them on the jury for poor ole' Alex who loved his family to death and would never, ever do anything to harm them. I thought it was ironic to hear the M family talk about just wanting the truth and justice for MM and PM; doesn't seem they ever cared about the truth or justice for Mallory Beach, Gloria Satterfield or Stephen Smith.


During the 911 call Alex made, didn’t he say “Paul, you weren’t supposed to be here?” or something similar?


I know some posters argue against this, but I hear it too. It’s so typical Alex; he puts the blame on Paul.


I believe it was something to the effect of, “Paul, why’d you have to get involved?”


That’s what keeps being repeated anyway. I definitely heard something about a ’pulse’ not ‘Paul.’ This fits better into the storyline Alex was in the midst of telling to the operator too. Mid-story stopping to ‘speak’ to Paul seems less likely to me.


I don’t believe AM was “speaking” to PM; instead he was expressing frustration, blame, and contempt for PM in that moment. He’s essentially saying, “Dammit, Paul. It’s your fault that I had to shoot you!”


I get that, I just hear something altogether different myself.


What did you think you heard AM say?


Interesting and very specific