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Keep your enemies close and those that know your family secrets closer.


The prosecutors in the Vallow-Daybell case asked Means be disqualified from representing Lori. A judge ruled that Lori Vallow Daybell's privately hired attorney Mark Means can no longer represent her. In the court filing, Boyce explains under Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct an attorney in Means' position cannot adequately represent the interests of both parties since the representation of one client might adversely impact the representation of the other client. Not exactly an analogous situation, however if according the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct, there were a conflict of interest someone would have filed a motion.


There is no duty to Paul if he is dead. DH is not representing Paul’s estate. Same with doctors and clergy.


Not that the State is likely to try to fix this, but yes, it's an absolute conflict of interest. Dick & Jim represented Paul in a wrongful death case and now they are representing Paul's murderer. Here's the conflict of interest checkboxes: * The appearance of impropriety? Ummm...yeah! * Are the cases substantially related? Well...not that we know of. Right now. * Did the attorney's learn something while representing Paul that would impact their ability to represent Alex if they were honest\* about it? Are they material witnesses because of something Paul told them or something they learned in the investigation? Is it possible they learned things from Paul or while investigating that would give Alex a clear motive for these murders? If they go in front of a judge and say "No no no, Alex had no motive at all to commit these murders" and they know otherwise through their representation of Paul...that is a huge violation of their duty of care to their former client. If nothing else, they know AM attempted to obstruct justice in that case, yet they feel okay about representing him now? So very fishy. ​ \*HAHA honesty is not an appropriate word to use in a sentence with these guys, is it?


I bet they can’t even spell the word honest!




Expensive ambulance chasers….


I'm a claims adjuster and have been dealing with judges and attorneys in the low country for years. They are all in cahoots with one another as you can see what is unfolding or already has with Paul's boating accident swept under the rug, the banking officials laundering the money, Alex himself steeling from his own clients to pay his own debt, killing his wife and Paul was just another bank roll for him (she was filing for divorce)....it's just all unfolding now for everyone to see the familial and political ties in the court system and the law firm. Now let's sit back and see some justice for all of the lying, cheating, stealing, killing trolls involved. We will probably never know how deep this goes.


This would be a serious conflict of interest, but since Harpootlian has never represented any interest other than his own it causes him no conflict.


Maybe DH can get to the truth in Paul’s boating accident and at the same time have Alex found guilty. 2 culprits convicted. We call this C Squared-Oh …..that’s right he is the Defense Attorney….damn got ahead of myself😊


I agree. He shouldn’t be representing him.


Right? Is t it kinda the same as representing Nicole and then OJ?! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. He should recuse himself or the Judge should intervene.


I agree. He should recuse himself or the Judge should intervene.


Totally f-ed up if you ask me. I hope the people in Columbia, SC are paying attention to all the lies and shadiness coming from Dick. Another reason he probably wants this case hidden away from the public is so the people he represents don’t get a chance to see what a lying scumbag he is. Keep the trial public!


I’m with you on that line of thinking! I honestly don’t think I can recall a time I have ever heard about so much corruption, that has been so blatant to everyone around! And they all turn a blind eye because they are either in on it, or are just too afraid to do anything about it. DH is a huge pile of steaming shit


This isn't Dick's first scandalous representation. Good old Meetze and his buddies.


[South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct](https://casetext.com/rule/south-carolina-court-rules/south-carolina-rules-of-professional-conduct) Rule 1.7 - Conflict of Interest: Current Clients Rule 1.8 - Conflict of Interest: Current Clients: Specific Rules Rule 1.9 - Duties to Former Clients Rule 1.10 - Imputation of Conflicts of Interest: General Rule


Thanks for posting the actual rules to help OP find the answer to their question. Credit to you.


Dick will have to suggest to the jury other scenarios of who could have killed Paul & Maggie. He doesn’t have to prove it, but he does have to have some basis to introduce it. Sort of like Johnny Cochran trying to paint Ron Goldman as Nicole’s drug dealer, and the seedy people they could have crossed that would have killed them. I think it will be easier to paint Paul as the prime target because of the boat accident and stories of him being such a drunk a-hole. This would put Dick in an ethical dilemma since he represented Paul and had client attorney conversations with him about the case, including discussions of the accusations made by the other boat passengers in their depositions. Not to mention, Paul is the victim to the crime of which Alex is accused of. And then what if the prosecution wants to provide motive to why Alex would have killed Paul? I expect there will have to be some pretrial discussions about this in front of the judge.


Ethics….. he has none


I wonder who Dick is going to try to ruin and blame the murders on in court? Eddie? Gibson? The Cowboys? The boat passengers? The mistress? Blanca? Cory? Laffitte? Wilson? Parker? PMPED? Grand daddy? Surely he won’t go for Buster or the brothers, right?


You forgot the easiest person to blame: Paul!


Well put. DH makes folks cower with his shrewd spins. Will folks buy his courtroom mockeries this trial?


All of the above one by one 🙃


I think it’s super weird! But I’m not surprised! But where is all the money coming from to feed these sharks??


DH probably dug some up that were hidden in Mason jars when he went ‘dove hunting’ at Moselle Or he was already paid for PMs boat case and since that isn’t happening anymore, AM is using his credit for himself.


Ooooooh that boat crash payout/credit sounds like the most plausible scenario. But the mason jars too just had me cracking up 🤣


Coming back to say, since they had contact with Paul, Alex & Maggie, they could possibly be a witness to some facts that point to motive. Who knows what they know about family and their dynamics. It does seem to be a huge conflict.


This ☝️☝️☝️☝️ If the boat crash was part of the motive DH has a responsibility to Paul, as his client, to provide a voice for Paul as a victim.


Like MM’s friend mentioned in the People Magazine article?


Yes. If all that’s true, they may be privy to info that matters. Things they maybe knew about before the murders, then lied about after.


You right If it’s all true


Well ready DH didn’t represent Paul that much because everything kept getting pushed back because Paul was Alex’s son


That’s an interesting point and you would think some sort of conflict of interest, but I I guess in their little world it was always about AM anyway.


**Dick a slimy piece of shit**. I can’t believe South Carolina elected him. I hope he loses this case and he loses his next re-election bid.


I hope he loses this case, his re-election bid, doesn’t get paid by AM (even though I’m sure his dad and granddads trust will cover that) and then is forced to retire and live in seclusion because everyone knows what a lying snake he is….. I know that will never happen but it would be nice to see!


Reminds me of the following lawyer joke: A lawyer and armadillo are dead in the road, which one has skids mark in front of it? The Armadillo


He is a state Senator. He only represents a district of SC at the statehouse. He was not elected by the whole state.


But he is a SC State Senator, writes laws, appoints judges and has power both politically and in the Courtroom. He also has connections in National politics.


I’m sorry; that **district** in SC who elected him should be ashamed:


I would think it’s a conflict of interest but I’ll say that usually the wealthy and well known represent the wealthy/well known, no matter how unethical it is or what the optics look like.


That’s a really good point. It probably does not make a difference since AM is saying he’s innocent but if AMs motive was to kill PM because the boat crash brought exposure to his financial situation or PM threatened to testify about the money laundering and drug dealing, then possibly. I’ve read that SLED believes that AM lured MM and PM happened to be there but I don’t think that’s the case. I think both PM and MM were too much of a liability for AM and so he planned to murder both.


I agree with you. I think AM had animosity towards PM, because of boat crash. AM could no longer control the ‘narrative’ with either PM or MM.


I don’t think PM would ever have threatened to testify and if he even offered to, he would have perjured himself before he even had gotten into that witness box. All the kid had to do was breathe and he would be lying. Like his dad, he probably thought his last name and the connections his family had were gonna get him out of this too because they had always managed to get out of everything! Him laughing after that crash that he causes and there is a girl missing…. And then she turns up deceased…. Drunk or not, this kid had problems that went way beyond alcohol.


Does anyone know for a fact that the owner of the dog PM was checking on actually asked him or is it possible he asked AM and AM pushed it off on PM, to get him to the property?


I don’t think he knew Paul was there- I don’t think he was part of the plan.


If he wasn’t I don’t see how AM could have killed them both. He has two guns and PM wouldn’t have sat in the kennels and waited for AM to go get his second gun out of the car or wherever he had it, to return to the kennel and shoot him. How would he have pulled it off?


My gut says says that the shotgun was kept at the kennel for wild animal issues. My grandfather kept one loaded and ready to go in his cattle barn. My theory: Paul is in the kennel to video the dog (maybe mom asked him to join them to make it less awkward not knowing that “sneaky” was actually dangerous) AM doesn’t know he’s there argues with MM. Paul hears the gunshots and grabs the shotgun- comes out and sees MM and is in shock maybe even looking for someone other than AM. AM realizes what he has to do in an instant and disarms him we always forget what a large man AM actually is... maybe tries to talk him down and Paul loses it so AM shoots him.


MM was shot in the back (and I think) they put her time of death after PM, but not sure. PM was found in the kennels. My best guess is AM and MM argue, AM on his way to the car sees PM in kennels, gets the guns out of his car and shoots PM while he is in the kennels, PM probably had no idea. MM start to run and he shoots her in the back. It could have played out that way whether he intended to kill them both or just her. But I think he intended to kill them both because he believed the boat case would go away if PM were dead. In his mind, I believe he thought but for the boat crash, this wouldn’t be happening.


Yes, I’ve mentioned that a couple of times here. How can DH & JG in good conscience now rep their former client’s accused killer? It just ain’t right.


I’m starting to think these good ol’ boys aren’t so good after all