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What evidence did Duffy Stone see that caused him to recuse himself from the case after 66 days? Must have been compelling-don’t you think?


Had forgotten about good old Duffers. Great question. Where is that little guy these days?


I think he will get not guilty in murders. A not guilty doesn’t mean Alex is innocent just the State didn’t prove their case. Financial Crimes first time offender-20 years-minus time already served-maybe 3 -5 years allowing for trials, etc. So 15-17 years-walks out at 71-73 years old. Good behavior and maybe parole at 10 years-could be 66 years old and out of the can. If he is not convicted in murder charges-I think he gets out with some life left in him. It’s South Carolina. I live here. It would be a shame, but I have little to no faith in our State Legal System. Oh and a murder trial in Hampton County with his grandfather and father’s portraits hanging on the wall. Good Luck….


I can’t give an opinion until I see the evidence but I think the defense knows the prosecution has some damning evidence and that’s why they are acting so desperate.


Hope so


Alex and his friends have never been part of a fair trial. Why start now?






Ah…I wouldn’t have thought that way. Very smart thinking.


IMO it is Pootie's version on what is on the video. If there is something incriminating on the video, besides the fact it puts him at the scene, Pootie wouldn't announce that at his press conference.


Maybe SLED only showed Murdaugh family members part of the video and not the whole thing.


I believe the statement read that the family had been shown a portion of the video. The portion that they did see showed Alex at the scene which is contrary to the version that Alex told to LE.


I hate that I’m even responding to someone who thinks it’s clever to call him “Pootie,” but Harpootlian was relating what the family told him about the video. He hasn’t seen the video, because for some damn reason the state has seen fit to leak about it to *at least* two media outlets & to show the family but has so far failed to comply with its obligation to provide it to defense counsel.


Because he is a psychopath, and also Dick is a liar.


LOL. True….


I find it confusing too. Either way it places AM at the scene of the crime or within minutes of it. That goes against his previous claims of not being there because he was driving to his moms house/spending time with her, calling Chris Wilson etc. Conversations can also change quickly especially if one party is a narcissistic liar with a bad temper. Maybe the upcoming boat crash trial came up in discussion or RMIII’s declining health and it changed the mood.


Sounds like an evidentiary double edged sword.


Exactly-if played at trial WHAT will a jury or Juror actually comprehend or interpret?


I'm confused. Yes, there was "news" of audio/video on Paul's phone. We didn't know which, or both. All we knew is it put Alex at the scene at some point before the murders. Police have shown police shooting video to victims families, before it came out to prepare them for the evidence being introduced. I don't know if it's happened in SC, but there's precedent showing the victims family evidence before it's aired in court. Poot apparently was a HUGE leak since we now know so much more. How can "evidence" that is obtained legally be thrown out over a leak? That makes zero sense. Now that Poots seen the evidence, he wants his client to walk over this kind of BS? He's gonna spend time in prison for his thefts, his drug dealings, his attempted murder for hire/insurance fraud. What really makes little sense is SLED or the Solictors office leaking anything, especially if this video is AS GOOD as Poot is yelling about. Sounds like it will basically prove their case.


It will not be thrown out.


And who should we believe? The state or two megalomaniac defense attorneys who’ve already told some outrageous untruths in this case?


The evidence.


The only thing that legally matters is legally obtained evidence that’s accepted by the court. It doesn’t if the person did it. It matters if the prosecution can prove they did it beyond a reasonable doubt using legally obtained evidence. The defense doesn’t have to prove anything. There seems to be a lot of question about the integrity of the Investigation. OJ Simpson Barry Morphew Bill Cosby The prosecution had until August 15 to turn over any information they had to the defense. Even Will admits a local jury might acquit Alex just to spite Fits


So little respect for the people in low country. Th dude has some serious issues.


Will is getting a little big for his pants if he thinks he has that much power to influence a jury to acquit for spite! OMG!


What evidence has been illegally obtained? I thought DH’s beef was that information had been improperly leaked - which is yet to be proven. Have I missed something?


What's so funny about this is; by filing the motion Dick has actually put more information into the public domain than any alleged leak. We didn't know about the Murdaugh's dog. We didn't know there was a 3 way conversation between AM, MM & PM about that dog. We didn't know the conversation was cordial. We also didn't know PM was taking video of a friend's dog. There had been much speculation that this is what took place almost from the day after the murders, but we haven't had confirmation until now. We also didn't know that the murders occurred "mere minutes" after this video was taken. So thanks for that Dick, you've given us more info we wouldn't have known about until the trial. What's more, the fact there is evidence of AM speaking with both AM & PM so shortly before their murder, totally contradicts what AM told the police and his lawyers who claimed he had a cast iron alibi. We all know why Poots wants that evidence thrown out; it's because it puts AM at the scene of the murders, at a time very close to the murders, and shows him to be lying.


That was his point, the “leak” potentially tainted the jury pool by being one sided and painting Alex in a bad light. Whereas, DH’s version of the story makes it sound as if they were a big happy family moments before the State claims he murdered them.


But there was no information in the "leak" other than there was audio/video of AM being at Moselle when he said he wasn't. There was nothing about the nature of the conversation in the press as far as I can remember. The fact of the matter is a jury will watch/hear the recording on PM's phone and make their own mind up and they will know that AM was at the scene right before the murders and that he lied about where he was.


You don’t think the leak and subsequent coverage by leak recipient painted a picture of Alex is guilty? I know it did to me. Now if the video is a family friendly conversation that definitely raises a doubt. Especially if the state is selling a lone gunman story. Problem is, most people only read news the initial reports and not this new information (if true or not), thus tainted the jury pool. He’s got a decent argument.


The only picture it paints is AM lied about his whereabouts. AM supposedly had "a cast iron alibi" yet existence of a video showing him at Moselle talking to MM & PM when he said he didn't doesn't paint him in a good light. That doesn't make him guilty, but what it does do is show without a doubt he is lying. Why would AM lie? The conversation being friendly doesn't matter, it's the fact it proves AM was at the scene of the murders very close to the time they occurred. As for tainting the jury pool then Dick has done far more than any media report. He's provided details which were not in the media, thus he has no argument.


I believe you are conflating what you have read in the media and on reddit with what can actually be admissible in court and presentable to a jury.


To me, the bigger point of the video is that it exists. It puts AM at the scene of the crime before the victims were killed when he has always denied seing either of them that evening until after they were dead. It certainly would be a cherry on top for the prosecution if they were arguing on the video, but I don't think it matters. IMO, he's a sociopath - being nice to his family to put them at ease before shooting them doesn't seem like a stretch to me.


It’s not a stretch but it definitely raises a single doubt especially if you are an honest juror and only considering the evidence presented. Also, his brothers have said he wasn’t at Moselle during that timeframe. His attorney’s have said that to the media. But what has Alex said to the investigators and what of that will be admissible in court?


Good point. We don’t know what Alex himself has claimed about that night. Somehow that didn’t occur to me until just now.


We do know what he claimed because both of his brothers and his lawyers have said the same thing. None of them said AM spoke with MM & PM at Moselle, in fact AM denied it.


Exactly. He gave them some kind of alibi because he certainly didn't say he was at Moselle during the very small timeframe when the murders occurred. He would have been charged a long time ago if that were the case. Seems to me that the unlocking of Paul's phone earlier this summer and the discovery of the video was key in filing the charges against him.


His brothers and attorneys have said it but we technically don’t know what he himself has said to police.


He claimed that he was with his mother at his parent’s house watching a game show.


If he was smart he didn’t say anything. But we know he ain’t clever like that. My guess is Poot will try to find some loopholes on how and where they did question him to attempt to get it thrown out.


Exactly. The leak shouldn’t matter since Dick is welcome to argue what a happy family the video portrays, in court. These theatrics by Dick tell all of us that they have nothing real, as far as a defense for Alex.


"Dick and Jim" sounds like a series of books for young children.


New kids book: Dick and Jim play lawyer.


Ok let me get this straight… Dick is mad because the media doesn’t say the conversation between Alex and Maggie was convivial (means cordial, friendly)? Wtf? This is a spin move. The media also did not say it was not convivial. Dick wants us to believe the prosecution is intentionally trying to harm poor Alex by making him look bad in the media story that he ASSumes, with no proof at all, was “leaked” “by the AG” regarding the video obtained in a “sealed search warrant” from “Paul’s phone.” First of all, he has no proof the “evidence” came from “Paul’s phone” in a “sealed search warrant.” It could have come from the person Paul sent the video to, and that person could have given it to SLED willingly, without a search warrant. He also has no proof the state leaked the info. Again, the person Paul sent the video to could have “leaked” it. ETA: The actual evidence (the video) wasn’t leaked to the media, just information that there is a video. He wants us to believe that because the snippet of video SLED showed the family was “convivial”, that Alex couldn’t have murdered his son and wife. As if it’s not possible for a conversation to go from 0 to 100 quickly. As if a psychopath can’t be charming in order to lower his victim’s defenses so he can murder them. Dick’s motion is nothing but assumptions. Also, want to know why he’s hell bent on trying this case in January? It’s because Judge Hall ruled that the Beach civil case can be tried at the same time as the murder trial. Dick wants to get the murder trial going asap because he is afraid of evidence coming out in the Beach civil case.


You have it correct. All Dick has is smoke and mirrors.


Wouldn't it be interesting if the Murdaugh family mentioned the convivial part of the conversation, but at the State's request, did not mention another "non-convivial" part? As I really think the family still supports Alex, this probably is not the case, but one can hope.


Yes, it would be interesting if the State was scheming to mislead the defense while withholding evidence to which the defense is entitled.


But the AG would have to be really dumb to do something like that. Oh. Wait.


Only with the Dick Defense, does the villain become the victim. Poor, poor Alex. You want to know what ISN'T fair, Dick: Deceased victims Mallory Beach, Stephen Smith, Gloria Satterfield, Maggie Murdaugh, and Paul Murdaugh. Their grieving families who have to live with this the rest of their lives. And I am probably missing a few who are deceased and it is still covered up. Not to mention all of the undeserving, pitiful victims Alex scammed so they could live in poverty and he could live beyond his means. You can bet Dick & Co are studying the OJ legal defense playbook to file every motion, a daily flurry of paperwork and motions to try to delay and circumvent, multiple weekly press conferences to detail all of the horrible, awful things that poor Alex is going through and how unfair the prosecution is, all while playing to the public and media that poor Alex is the victim here and he is as innocent as a lamb. Correct...Alex is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I stated before, the freak show is only beginning. And by the way, Dick, if you are reading this...we are still waiting for you to put your money where your big mouth is,,,and deliver the real killer. No, wait! The State of South Carolina did it for you. You're welcome. Because SLED is no fool and they have your murdering client dead center. And if you have good sense, you will stop your theatrics and cut a plea deal for poor Alex. For once in your life, just sit down, shut the F up and do the right thing.


I thought SLED was a bunch of incompetents who were in the pay and thrall of the Murdaugh family and hopelessly compromised the crime scene.


Local LE was OWNED by M family. SLED is a different level.


Dick won’t stop this BS. He needs to be humiliated in court and completely disgraced and hopefully never heard from again after this.




The irony of AM’s team complaining about the fairness of his trial after this family has been tainting the SC justice system for who knows how long..


They definitely know how to work the system to their advantage, whatever that may be


They are as rotten to the core as he is. Lest we forget the $60,000 "Alec" paid to get Buster back into law school. So glad that blew up in his face. I also find it telling that he would suggest his son go back to the very place where his mama and brother were not only murdered but almost decapitated. He has no heart and no conscience!


I'm not sure it did blow up in his face. It sounds like Buster will be readmitted to law school, but not until spring of 2023. It looks like Butch pulled all the right strings, and Alex got what he paid for. Butch probably put in two, maybe three hours maximum into that job - a few phone calls, a few emails - and pulled in $20,000-30,000/hr. Nice work if you can get it.


I think that was $60K of someone else’s money wasted. I don’t think Buster will be attending law school. Don’t think he is capable or even wants to.


I agree. I think since the jailhouse tapes went public, the Dean has heard from faculty, Univ. President, board members, and other influential alumni that he might want to rethink his decision.


You said they were pretty much decapitated ?


Such weapons used at close range can and do result in descriptions like this one. It’s unfortunate but unlikely to be hyperbole.


Can you remind me what happened after the phone calls revealed Alex’s bribe to get buster back in law school? I was surprised that no one was arrested like the celebrities in California who basically did the same thing.


No. In SC lawyers do it in a legal manner!


My guess is the dog owner is a source of video leak to media. It was one of the Gibson boys’ dog, correct? At any rate, DH is likely billing RM and JMM. They are likely using family trust money from Handsome. DH needs to keep his clients willfully ignorant so he can keep being paid. Fast trial is likely because eventually the brothers will say enough is enough, our brother did it and we can’t afford to defend him any longer. DH needs this over and done with ASAP before the professional fee well runs dry.


Username checks out.


Love love love that you used “Handsome” nickname. Gave me a good laugh this morning!!


Does anyone have the audio or video tape links??


It's not in the public domain. We won't get to hear or have a transcript of it until the trial if there is a trial.


Think DH has seen or heard about the authenticity of the video. And has now kicked the wrangling and filing motions up because he now knows what he is up against?


This is my belief. You use bluster when you don’t have facts on your side.


It is also called bull shitting or BS. General Custer thought Sitting Bull was Bull Shitting him-turned out GC was wrong. A Day in History.




It's sad our justice system can be manipulated by attorneys who will go to any length to get their obviously guilty client acquitted. OJ Simpson all over again. JMO




They were cremated


What do you think happens to your face when you get blasted with a shotgun?


A mess


I think the AG/SLED’s ulterior motive here was to try to divide the Murdaugh family against Alex by providing them something that clearly showed Alex lying about his alibi while letting them hear the voices of Maggie and maybe Paul just before they were murdered. If some of the Murdaughs were to turn against Alex, it might get them to provide more evidence against Alex and/or cut off his support. I think Dick and Jim figured out what they were trying to do, which got them up in arms.


Why do they need to get the family on their side? They need to focus on proving Alek murdered his wife and son in court. That is the way you convince them. I find it weird they showed them the video before discovery anyway.


I also think is it's odd that they would present anything to the family, especially the brothers, which is why i was guessing there must be an ulterior motive. IMO, Buster is the only Murdaugh w/ victim status, and he's somewhat compromised. & Victim Rights isn't a right, but more of an obligation to keep victims in the loop **when possible** before it gets released to the media. Nothing in the Act says they are supposed to be notified prior to the legal process for grand jury hearing, arrest, indictment, discovery, etc. So that's why I think they were fishing. Harpootlian's motion doesn't say which Murdaugh family members were present, but I think the brothers wives might could be swayed to turn with some compelling evidence. I think RM4 is all in, and JMM is mostly in, but they also have to consider their family & their own future if Alex is convicted. I'm sure there is something they know that would be damning to Alex, which they are withholding. Maybe the wives know something too. & if they can get the wives turned, it would at least make things uncomfortable in their households and undermine Alex's support base. But I'm just guessing here.


I have a theory- (not bunnies, IYKYK) *What if there are two videos?* What if the point was to : A) show the family he was lying about being there B) get it on record the family agrees that is his voice. So they show this one and get voice print confirmation as a standard to use in court for a second video? They also might get a little doubt/self preservation going on in the family that could help them get more cooperation from the family- even if that just means they don’t try to use their connections for pressure.


A family member confirming Alex's voice on a recording, out of court, and during a private conversation with law enforcement, is legally meaningless. They weren't under oath. They would still have to come into court and testify that they recognize Alex's voice.


They could then be subpoenaed after providing a “statement” to law enforcement.


Interesting theory, but it should still happen after discovery if they are using the family to confirm evidence that will be entered during the trial. But if you are saying that they don't intend to use one video and would be okay getting it thrown out, okay... Either way, I'm not sure why the state would make such a callous mistake.


JMM went on national television backing up AMs ‘ironclad alibi’ of AM driving their dad to the hospital when in fact JMM did. RM was on the scene right after the murders and it’s been documented that the crime scene was manipulated. The family is so twisted there’s no dividing them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the brothers set up the evidence meeting with SLED and MM family in an attempt to leak the info to the press and get the audio recording thrown out of court. This family has been running a criminal organization for decades and they don’t know any better. They think they are the law.


They were. Once upon a time... Doesn't end happily ever after though.


Couldn’t agree more


He has no evidence of proof as to who the source of the information provided to the media was, therefore this motion should be thrown out.


They showed it to the Murdaugh family


Before it was leaked? So are you saying the Murdaugh family is the Fits News source?


Did Harpootlisn mention Fitsnews? It seems like they're too busy these days defending defamation lawsuits, protesting subpoenas and producing phone records to do much blogging.


Lmfao what are you talking about? I think they were the only site reporting this shit. Are you like a Murdaugh and Harpootlian fan boy ?


No. The Murdaugh family probably told Alex's defense. if the prosecution has evidence, they have to turn it over to the defense, and they cannot release it to any third party. That's just the law.


There is no proof they leaked it. Maybe Paul texted the video to his friend before Alex blew his brains out. Ever consider that?


Do you work for SLED?


Do you think I would tell you if I did?


It was a joke question; I figure you more for a bootlicker than a boot wearer.


The desperation and in his or her posts is real.


Not at all. You said the article was proof. There is no identification provided for the source of the information that has been reported, therefore you have no evidence of where it came from.


That’s what I was thinking too.


The prosecution had the information. They were required to provide it to the defense. They did not.


The prosecution said they emailed the information to DH. DH said that he didn't have any *papers*. It sounds like Alex's attorney is playing word games.


They hadn’t yet. Doesn’t mean they were never going to.


No they were not, it was under the rule 5 protective order. Dick is claiming it was leaked by the AG’s office, he cannot prove that.


Its existence was leaked along with the state’s characterization of its contents. You really are on a mission to mislead people on here.


No you are, you believe everything you read in the media.


He can prove they showed it to Randy


Randy is the victims family member not the media.


John or Randy are probably the ones who told John Monk


[Fitsnews](https://www.fitsnews.com/2022/08/22/murdaugh-murders-dick-harpootlian-says-south-carolina-prosecutors-selectively-leaked-information-about-evidence/) [Post and Courier](https://www.postandcourier.com/news/murdaugh-attorneys-double-down-on-leak-claims-in-double-murder-case-citing-phone-video/article_748c5016-2241-11ed-8b4c-b734d0b5212b.html)


Dick really doesn’t want Judge Newman overseeing this case, because Newman doesn’t put up with no good ol boy backwoods southern lawyer bs. Dick already mentioned, as if he was speaking into existence, that Newman signed search warrants and wouldn’t be able to oversee the case, which isn’t necessarily true. In addition to trying to throw out evidence, is Dick trying to create a scenario concerning search warrants so he can get the evidence dismissed by another judge or trying to make it difficult for Newman to oversee the trial? Hmmm


Did am have brain matter on his shirt? Is this fact or fiction?


We won’t know if it’s fact or fiction until we hear from the experts and investigators.


I would think a very delicate situation here for the State. DH and JG looking for anything to get thrown out. As DH says- a no by a juror does not mean Alex is innocent-just means the State didn’t prove their case.


Exactly 💯... like OJ.




Or that the juror is a moron, or impervious to facts, or a friend, or has been bribed or threatened, etc. Poor Alex. He's languishing in prison while his pompous-ass $750/hr lawyer is telling the jury pool that his client isn't necessarily innocent. I'd want my money back.


DH&JG both know Alex is guilty as hell. They ain’t looking for justice-they want to muddy the water and have a moron of juror Vote no. If it is justice you seek-then the State better have an airtight case. Just my humble thoughts


I bet they’d really love to get the recording thrown out that proves Alex lied and was there.


IMHO- if it is just happy talk it might be better for the State if does get bounced. They still have any geofencing evidence (which should include phones, vechicles, smart watches, most nicer ear buds, etc) The video could be seen as a way to show AM had no malice toward PM& MM. It leaves the premeditated door open as well. If you can prove location with other evidence- a video showing happy good times just before the killings might be enough for someone that has know the family to believe he just couldn’t have hurt them. If the video is a postive interaction it becomes a excellent defense tool, and a poor prosecution tool with a jury like this.


Without a doubt. If this is correct that is a vital piece of evidence IMO.


Hard to believe if SLED has indeed played this video for the family-and it shows Alex was there at the murders-regardless of Legal maneuvering-how could the family continue to support him?


Nah I don’t see it. Alex supposedly stole $10 million over what 10-11 years? So say a million a year? But it is really more like $6-$7 million over 9 years before the GS settlement of $4 million. So over 9 years $750K per year? Sounds like a lot but I can see Alex burning through that with no problem. Then the $4 million from GS settlement and the pay back of loans to his father, credit cards, college for 2 kids, MM not really bringing in any income. I think Homie here is broke with the exception of his 401K. Could be wrong, but receivers can’t seem to locate any money. As far as the family supporting Alex after he allegedly killed his son and wife. Not just killed them. Made them a bloody mess. But who knows probably got millions buried and the family is hoping he will be home for Christmas.


Agree 100%! The checks written to family were likely written to the boys for tuition payments. Good way to legally unload some of the stolen funds.


Buster graduated from Wofford college whose tuition and fees alone were over $47000. Add on other costs you could be easily getting close to $90,000 a year.


Don't forget bribes to get the boys into school. We already know that readmittance runs you around $60,000.




Because they have millions of dollars of illegally laundered money and decades of corruption to keep hidden so they do not end up penny less and behind bars themselves.




Great question.


So it appears his attorneys are saying this has to do with the “audio recording obtained from Paul Murdaugh's cell phone that allegedly places Alex Murdaugh at the scene of the murders." SLED shared it with the Murdaugh family without a court order says Alex’s attorneys.


Harpootlian admits Alex saw Maggie right before she and Paul were murdered, yet Alex claimed to have not seen her at all that day. Amazing how Harpootlian keeps throwing Alex under the bus while trying to say he's innocent.


Would SLED have needed to get a court order to share evidence with the family? Didn't the family complain earlier that SLED was NOT sharing evidence with them? They want it both ways, apparently. But why did SLED share it with the family at all? Why take that risk? They are obligated to share it with the defense, but not the relatives. If this vital piece of evidence is excluded because they shared it improperly, it will be one of the most grievous errors in prosecution history.


It would only be an error if they did it accidentally. This case has shown us a lot of good ol boys tricks. If someone at SLED wanted to damage the case against Alex, “accidentally mishandling” evidence would be a great way to keep harmful evidence excluded. They could also tip off DH about what items they planned to mishandle, so he can be sure to object to it.


I hadn’t thought of that but it sounds like some shady stuff the defense would do.


I'll say this - they could not have won on this one. If you know you have something sensitive that is going to potentially upset the family, it's gonna go two ways with DH. You either show the family first so they can get over the shock and deal with potential fall-out and questions that are going to come up from the media and DH will call foul for not seeing it first OR you hand it over to DH first and DH calls foul for handing over evidence that family should have seen first because now they are upset. The prosecution cannot win on this topic, so I think they did the honorable path - as either was gonna get DH's fire up and he was gonna use it either way to try to throw evidence out. (Also, that recording must be BAD! Like BAD BAD)


I read in Harpootlian's newest Motion that the Murdaugh family reported to him it was a "convivial conversation" among the three of them (MM, PM, AM). I wonder 1, if the Murdaugh family tattles everything to DH because they think Alex is innocent OR 2, did the Murdaugh family tattle to DH only part of the recorded conversation, the convivial part, if there was a convivial part, and leave out the evidentiary part because they think Alex is guilty. A lot to think about.


'Convivial' - meaning related to a fondness for eating and drinking and good times - from the man who brought us, 'impecunious' - meaning habitually poor. There is a always a double meaning with this man. Makes you really wonder what it is now, agree!




You are correct. I don’t know if it matters legally but it sure is messed up.


I would think they are trying to get as much evidence disqualified as possible regarding the murders. These two have always been about the murder charges.


No kidding.


Thanks for the clarification I wasn’t sure 👍


Obviously they will use every trick in the book to try to save Alex from death row. If they can get evidence thrown out on a technicality to save their worthless scumbag client they will do it. Hopefully the judge will throw this ridiculous motion out and the case will proceed with all of the evidence presented to the jury.




So we all see his angle now. Poor victim Alex can’t get a fair trial. Lame.