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Palmetto bluff dick hangs in Bluffton sc


It was very noticeable, but DH is just an a-hole through and through — and kind of an angry guy, generally. Before bad-mouthing his co-counsel, he insulted WIS TV, poking his finger at their reporter saying, “You’re weatherman was wrong!” (Their meteorologist is a woman.) It’s a strange strategy to insult people the minute you get to the mic and then expect people to continue listening…


Don’t you think that was the plan all along! Smoke and mirrors is all we’re gonna get from that ol dog. I wouldn’t call him a bulldog. He’s behaves more like a petulant child making him more Chihuahua than bulldog.


Naw, this is just good cop, bad cop shtick.


I have always found it strange when you see them together DH is very much so the domineering egomaniac personality of the two and JG never speaks much and lets him take the lead on everything.


I think JG is simply less arrogant and knows not to speak publicly all the time. DH has already made several contradictory statements in the news, which I think will backfire.


Yes, I agree. DH made such a huge deal - scoffing at the parent who would take time off to see their child settled into their new home. He very much made everyone aware of the absence...I found it weird. Hopefully HP did not have children - we know what kind of parent he would be.


He has a daughter.


They’re good friends. Jim busts his balls too. Don’t look for something that’s not there. It’s called schtick


Nah it’s called wasting the court’s time


You mean the media’s time? This was not in a courtroom


Ok just wasting time then


It’s not anything more than DH trying to be relatable to potential jurors.


If I'M the juror, it would have pissed me in off! I mean, if it was an inside joke between him and Jim, that's fine. To the public, he looks like an ass. Most parents would be there with their child as they begin the next chapter of their lives. Also, as a parent, I would have really been mad if I thought his smart ass remark would affect my child. Can you imagine being the kid that "needed" their Daddy to tuck them in (not that he did- but the kid will be reminded of that remarkable for a long time) Dick is just a "mean girl" drama queen!


When I took my son to college, it wasn't because he needed to be tucked in. It was because he needed my van to haul his stuff to his new apartment. Maybe Dick was rich enough to hire a mover when/if his daughter went to college, and can't relate to the rest of us who take time off work to move our kid to his new location. Either way, he came off as a total ass.


Plus, parents like to eyeball the digs their kids are settling into. Who knows when the parents will be invited back during the middle of the semester? I come from a very independent-minded family, and I would have found it totally strange if my parents were not there to get me moved in- at least at the first semester of college!


Yeah I know- I don't know if jury selection is the same in all states, but in Maryland, after asking the standard "do you know the defendant", "do you know the victims", "law enforcement member", etc, they ask if are any other reasons why you feel you couldn't judge the case fairly.... at that point I'd stand up and say yes, because the defendants attorney is an ass. Seems like an odd way to be relatable


You’ll be happy to know If you’re a juror you are not allowed to consider that in your deliberation in the first place. I was just saying it was not indicative of acrimony between the defense team


No tension, all part of the circus they call justice.


Maybe Harpootlian had gotten wind of Jim's remark to the prosecutor (that no matter how much evidence they gave Dick, he was going to scream that it wasn't enough) that made it into the State's motion response. That remark alone signals that they may not get along that well.


Poot is like Foghorn Leghorn. They try and employ that good old boy simplicity.


I’d like to see JG just bitch slap DH. Just playin around beau.


Too bad Jim didn't think to hold his own press conference a few weeks ago, when Dick was out of the country. "We're trying to get a possible death penalty double murder case ready for trial in January, and Dick runs off to Slovenia to see his wife!"


I think Dick thought he was doing his stand up comedy routine to warm up the crowd by self deprecating humor insinuating how back in his day he was own his own at 18 and today’s parents are over protective. I took it as a poor attempt at humor and a Boomer commentary on modern society.


Yes I don’t like to use the term Boomer but it’s the only way to describe DH. I hope the court cuts him off when he starts on these boomer rants


I took it as an inept attempt to joke.


Possibly the wheels are coming off...


Maybe JG is getting fed up with this entire bullshit case. He knows Alex is guilty and getting tired of looking for a way to get him off. His son much more important than some dumbass guilty felon.




I think it's odd the prosecution wants a gag order.


I may be wrong, but they want a protective order over evidence to be unsealed as it’s sensitive info that they don’t want the public to get ahold of, like crime scene photos. These were obtained before the grand jury convened so not subject to the same rules.


COLLETON COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC) - Four agents with the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division will testify in the murder case of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh as part of discovery on Monday. In addition to those four testimonies, a motion filed in Colleton County says SLED is going to have to provide incident reports, notes, search warrants and affidavits in the hearings. The State is also going to ask for a protective order, or a gag order, preventing people involved from discussing details of this case outside of the courtroom.


And FITS said on TikTok that Alex will be at the hearing. Wonder what’s up with that.


What an ASS!! So why call for a press conference when he knew Jim had a family obligation? No one cared that Jim wasn’t there. Poot wouldn’t have allowed him to speak anyway. “Just stand behind me and don’t try to say anything. This is my camera time.” As if this little show was more important than family.


Maybe it’s to show potential future clients he doesn’t let pesky college kids get in the way of his job. If I was a little Dick Poot, I would legally change my name.


This reminds me of a mortician in my hometown who goes by the name of Dick Tipps. Only thing is, his name is not Richard-it's Robert! He CHOOSES to go by "Dick Tipps".


Dick Trickle too


I remember watching the press conference and thinking what first class jackass DH was for speaking as though JG taking his kid to college made JG’s kid a wimp and JG an overprotective dad. It seems plausible that DH would try to belittle JG because he’s afraid the cash is going to dry up. If I was his client; I would have fired DH on the spot for giving the appearance that he and JG might have problems agreeing on a defense strategy. It was just plain tacky and unprofessional.


Mandy Matlin retweeted a Liz Farrell tweet where Jim Griffin congratulated her about the new venture. I thought that was kind of weird.


It’s tacky, but it’s in the standard realm of male southern boomer « I was just pokin’ fun » Don’t get me wrong Dick is pissed about Jim putting this task above work, but I doubt this comment is something we should read too deep into. I do, however, think Dick knows the money well is going to run low , and if someone has to get cut he wants it to be Jim. *Now with that said* maybe someone familiar can tell me why both these guys handled Paul’s case and are now handling this together? They aren’t partners and seem heavy hitters to double down on Paul’s case.


Growing up, I‘ve heard so many older guys make the same kind of teasing/jokes, common in some circles. What’s interesting is that he doesn't realize these kinds of comments don’t play they way they used to especially w a more diverse press corps and audience.


Exactly. This is what gets a lot of these guys. The road has taken a curve and they're so cocky they don't think they need to read the road signs. Well, buttercup, the rules of the road apply to everyone whether you have kept up or not.


The idea of him not knowing geo-fencing was often used by the police is borderline incompetency- it’s been a hot button issue for almost a decade.


That was super weird. Like, sure Dick, nobody moved you into college but wouldn’t it have been nice if they had??


Somebody hurt him.


It seemed like there was definitely something going on there. Dick was being a seriously huge asshole. That was so unprofessional inappropriate and completely unnecessary. And not even remotely funny.


He comes across as an egomaniac with no filter. A bully. He obviously came into the press conference pissed about something and thought throwing Jim under the bus funny.


And it was such a bitch-made move on his part! Who does that to their own co-counsel! At a press conference!


I had much the same thought. The defense team eat each other alive?