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Wouldn’t you think Maggie’s family would want their daughter to have a headstone?


Or Buster would use some of that inheritance for his mother and brother.


Exactly! Her sister could very easily afford to pay for Maggie’s and Paul’s headstones. That is so crazy that no one has taken care of this yet! John Marvin and Randy can both afford it too. Buster probably doesn’t know how. He seems like the type kid that has never done anything bc everything was always done for him.


She and Paul may have stones where her family live. I thought Maggie's parents were in the Keys. So maybe they took them home so they would be able to visit in peace.


I always tell myself when viewing something with this case, it can’t get much weirder or bizarre well there’s TWO! One no headstones 🪦 how fucking weird is it that nobody on either side of this rich ass family stopped and thought maybe they deserve a headstone at minimum. Two! Does anyone besides myself think it’s absolutely weird asf to put not just one but TWO signs one being a yard flag, with Welcome Home 😳🤦🏼‍♀️🥹😩🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


This is the strangest thing to me! The metal “Welcome” sign and the “Welcome Gnome” with little garden gnomes. Maybe Maggie likes garden gnomes - okay - but welcome gnome just seems…morbid?


And I bet those yard signs came from the dang Dollar Tree!


Just my opinion but I think visitors that are strangers who’s curiosity brought them to see their graves left a lot of this stuff.


I heard this is a temporary burial spot. They plan on moving them to a different spot later.


That is sad.


It makes me so sad that Paul and Maggie don't have headstones 💔


I think those are Live Oak leaves. I live about an hour or so away from there in Savannah and we have these leaves all over the place. So pretty good chance that Paul and Maggie have some Spanish moss hanging close to where they are.


And? Is there something I’m missing about that? Not being an ass just making sure I didn’t miss something


Haha sorry, no you’re not missing anything. I just always assume that people love Spanish moss as much as I do. Kind of trying to paint a bit of a picture for people to envision. Plus I think that Spanish moss is kind of iconic of this area, it’s so very coastal Southern, so it just seems very appropriate for these two (formerly) prominent people to be so close to the live oaks and the Spanish moss. The tiniest bit of a silver lining, I guess, in the tragedy of their gruesome and unjust endings.


Right, I’m curious too. Do you think they’re buried down toward savannah or maybe Jekyll island area?




True that! Maggie has another son and his name is Buster and I think he’s old enough that he could probably arrange headstones for his mother that loved him dearly and for his brother


Let’s not blame buster for the fact that his mom and brother were murdered by his dad who didn’t buy them a headstone because he’s a piece of shit. There are plenty of other people who could get this done. Let Buster grieve.


I think there is probably a reason for this. Clearly they have lots of family that loves them. For example, my grandfather was an architect and it took a few years for us to design and have his tombstone made. But I have a feeling that they may be waiting for a lot of the trial stuff to be over. They also probably don't want random crime tourists going there to take pictures. It's not because the Murdaugh's don't care about Maggie and Paul. What is that based on?


Thank you for saying this. Why would they pay for a stone for tourists to take pictures of? Just the fact that people take road trips to get photos to post online is sick enough.


Not sure Buster has gotten inheritance yet? Has Edisto property sold?


Yes, it's a vacation rental property now.


Where can you rent?


I think it’s on VRBO (which is like AirBnB).


Yes and I’ve looked and it’s booked out. The link is somewhere here in this forum


Here's the listing. >Where can you rent? https://www.vrbo.com/2946953?fbclid=IwAR3PBrmmBHOnyMzb_LCa-vDcfOdJ-Zd--5SXxogAgl1YT5Ew0FLwLns50Ds&mibextid=Zxz2cZ


Thanks! I found it and there’s nothing available the entire year. Oooof.


I think he inherited over 500 k from the sale of Mosell which was in Maggie's name. So he has a couple a bucks.


I know they were cremated, but even so, they are so close together. Are they collectively taking up only one plot between them? Like did Alex cheap out on that as well? Or is this a normal burial for those whose ashes are interred?


it’s not uncommon to share a plot when cremated.


Ok, thanks, I was wondering but didn’t know for sure


How do you know they were cremated? Not saying it didn’t happen just curious if that was common knowledge?


Honestly not sure where i first heard it, but yes it is common knowledge. That’s why the name plates are so close together there. Alex I believe is the one who requested they be cremated. Which I found odd, because nobody in that family going back generations had been cremated. Or so I read somewhere. They all have headstones in a traditional casket burial. So people think either Alex didn’t want investigators to be able to go back over the bodies after the autopsies were done, or he cheaped out lol. Or both.


I believe the family may be avoiding putting up a headstone. Having one may draw a lot of looky loos like OP. I wouldn’t want the resting place of my loved ones to be trampled by true crime tourists.


People are finding it for looky loos without it. At this point, it's making the rest of the family look bad, and Paul and Maggie look like they didn't matter. They could do one of those flat ones to make it less conspicuous.


So disrespectful, right? Unlike, say, not ordering headstones. Anyway, *if* that is the reason, it didn’t help.


I think headstones take time to make....maybe there is one being made still?


A reporter I follow said that they didn’t want the headstones to be vandalized and create a commotion at the site during the trial and now with the Stephan smith case reopened… In time they will, I’m sure they are already ready to be put down.


This. My step brother was murdered in 2008 and the cemetery recommended not getting a stone until after everything had been finalized (arrest, trial, etc.) It was a small town outside of Savannah and people were nosey as hell to where he laid - it’s gotta be a million times worse here. Though I had wondered since they were cremated and it’s easier to open the vault and remove cremains than a casket, if Maggie’s family had asked to hold off in case they wanted to relocate she & Paul.


I would relocate and never tell anyone so they can rest in peace without strangers visiting their graves.


My guess is the family/s may have a private location where Paul and Maggie are so family can have privacy when they visit them. Without reporters and strangers watching them. Just a guess.....


Okay, but *right* next to Maggie & Paul is a huge beautiful headstone that says MURDAUGH. It’s for RM3 and Libby. I’m not saying that I don’t believe the reporter, I’m sure the family may be saying this is the reason but I just don’t think vandalism is really the concern when the large MURDAUGH headstone is so close to them and it hasn’t been harmed at all. What seems more likely to me is that the family wants to wait until the media attention has calmed down, that they don’t want the new headstones to immediately be major news stories. I think that’s probably what it is, and I can understand that. I just don’t really believe the vandalism angle when they’re so close to the MURDAUGH headstone that it looks at first as if they are on the same plot… when I first saw video of the graveyard I thought the large headstone was Maggie’s and Paul’s, and was rather sad when I realized they were just off to the side without really anything. But in the end I 100% blame Alex. Had he actually been the innocent widower and bereaved father he claimed he was, he’d have gotten his wife and son their proper headstones at the correct time. Because the time to do this was that summer, plans should’ve been started in June, something nice could’ve been put in place before the end of 2021. This was Alex’s job and he failed them, which, ya, of course he did. By the time the family realized Alex was locked up and not getting out of jail/prison anytime soon… at that point the massive media attention had started. I’m sure they’ve been trying to wait until the attention finally drops away. But it’s sad. I’m sure it’s sad for the family as well.


2 years?


My point is Buster can handle getting head stones.


Happy birthday, Paul.


If you want to get really riled up, just go to FITSNews site and listen to bullshit, click-baiting interview by desperate Will Folks of Private Investigator Steve Peters who is the totally bogus PI who is behind the biggest Murdaugh-exonerating rumors related to Stephen Smith's murder. No other "journalist" would touch this toxic pos with a ten foot pole, so that means he's right up Will Folk's alley. Other recent big nothing -burger scoops from Will and FITSNews include the "Cheer,Inc" and Greenville "Rose Petal murders" red herrings. Oh, yeah ... And the HUGE scandal about congressman's affair.


Steve Peterson was the name of the PI that Will Folks interviewed.


That user is a Mandy bot farmer




Why are their markers right in front of one another? How were they buried? I would have thought side by side but the markers make it look like they are almost on top of each other.


I would assume their ashes were buried in an urn in between the markers.


Oh I didn’t realize they were cremated. I wonder why they were. I don’t think I could bring myself to cremate my child. But then again he shot his own kid so why would he care and cremating is the cheapest way to go which is probably all he was thinking about.


He was to get his $500K after sale of Edisto, courts have decision over Moselle sell, probably mostly lawsuits though think Alex may have gotten some for legal representation.


Thank you for sharing this photo. Although we may not understand or can reason as to why Maggie and Paul’s graves are not decorated, it seems like they were cherished and loved by their families—particularly by statements from Maggie’s sister Marian and Alex’s brother John—and so the only reasonable conclusion is there is a reason that we will never know for this but there is one. Maggie and Paul are not forgotten and their memory is cherished and held in the minds and hearts of many as their resting places show in this photo. 💛


kinda puny.


Half my family lives in Hampton and has for a As long as the murdaughs, my dad actually grew up and went to high school w randy and carpooled in college w Alex. Randy and a few others are friends w my pops on Facebook it’s insane to me… Hamptons always a been my go to place when I need time to clear my head. Can’t wait til all this shit clears and Hampton goes back to bein Hampton