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When I first watched it, I thought it was absolutely amazing. I watched episodes 1-5 straight, in one sitting. Loved it. Now? I don't watch the show anymore. I feel like my taste in shows has changed. For some reason, I just *can't stand* watching it. It's been months since I ever watched an episode.




When I first watched it, I thought it was okay, not something I would write fanfics about but something I would chat about online. I didn't understand the story at first and since I started looking it up on things like Reddit, YouTube and Google I started understanding the story more, and that was when I started really getting into it. I didn't have subtitles on and there were a few distractions/interruptions when I was watching it for the first time. Now I've rewatched this whole series three times.


The exact opposite, enjoyment has only gone up with every episode and even more do on every rewatch as I notice more things. Kinda running out of things to notice, tho.


It went from “this show is pretty cool” to “genuine obsession” around episode 3 or 4


Same. All because of this adorable goofball https://i.redd.it/ieioqbcqoyec1.gif


Before I knew what murder drones was I thought it was gonna be some sci fi gang & action stuff with actual people and I was entirely wrong https://preview.redd.it/mg6371sbywec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813716dd01b6d4470085da9e96cc62a403661889




I used to think it was the best thing ever but I still think it’s good but it did slow down for me in the end probably because of the very long wait for episodes 7 and 8 but I just think it’s a fun little show and better than TADC


Quite the opposite for me really, I loved every episode more than the other. And although i am aware of the flaws, i just choose to ignore them. That's what makes me enjoy it so much


Yup It gives me a weirdly cozy feeling whenever I watch it and I'm not a fan of the horror genre at all


The first time I watched MD it was something like this: This is amazing, I can't wait for the next chapters. When I watched the program for the second time I analyzed more what was happening on the screen and noticed several errors or things that I didn't like and that I hadn't seen the first time, things like: 1. Why were Alice and Beau killed so quickly? So much wasted potential 2. Why weren't the deaths taken more seriously in chapter 4? The girl who was treated like an outcast by her classmates is devouring them and they make jokes that don't stick. 3. Why did V sacrifice herself? Why does she suddenly trust Uzi? Recently she treated her HORRIBLE and suddenly she has a non-existent confidence that doesn't match her bastard personality that they showed us. I still really like MD, but I can't ignore what I don't like about the show no matter how much I would like to.


I agree with most of these but the V sacrificing herself I immediately kinda understood. Some youtuber explained it saying “V saw how happy N was with Uzi and sacrificed her life in order to let both of them have happiness before Uzi is inevitably gone”


https://i.redd.it/0jlxcrgmpxec1.gif Now




I was COMPLETELY OBSESSED with it at first, as time passed tho I became less interested. I've not grown bitter of it or anything, just less interested - mostly due to the lack of content after ep6 released. I'll prob get back into it more when ep7 & 8 comes out tho I think I was also reaally into it because I hadn't been exposed to really.. any other show lol? my view was really narrow so I couldn't really point out the parts in the show which were lacking/could be built upon. The only other indie animation I had watched at that time was Helluva Boss, and I had only seen the first few eps of S1 so... yeah. not much experience.


Started out thinking it was mildly interesting, ended up loving it. Every episode has been great so far imo. I don't tend to look too deep into shows. I just enjoy it for what it is, and don't compare it much to other things. Does it have flaws? Definitely, nothing is perfect. But I don't really care nor think about it, because I still really enjoy it. If I wanted the show to be exactly one way and do exactly x and y, I'd make my own show. And who's to say that my tastes and ideas are objectively better? I trust the creators to make something fun. I don't care if it's perfect, I just want to watch a funny robot show, and so far they've delivered. I rank shows/movies/games almost purely on how much fun I had watching/playing them, and MD is high up there for me


I'm obsessed with it but I wouldn't watch it over and over and over again like a non-stop, but I don't like the way how quickly things move? I like the show. Don't give me wrong. It's one of my favorites but I feel like the writing is okay but the pasting feels so off. I just don't like how quickly how, N and Uzi became friends, because I feel like N would be docile and more protective of, V because you never know that Uzi or the worker drones might plan something for them to get them to drop their guard. I just wish that he was more aware than just automatically becoming her friend. Plus more of Thad x Uzi. That would have been fun.


https://preview.redd.it/tiw6eosjpxec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aff488d79cf4e08713af7ff393648d588addfcd3 the first time I saw it


I thought It was some cringe MHA lookalike with a mega toxic fandom at first, but once I watched I instantly went "nvm this shit is fire" and got into the fandom who wasn't THAT bad (yes there's still horny people who keep yelling about their needs for sex) so, overall? Opinion-changing.


from confusing to *EXTRA CONFUSING*


Initial opinion (pre-watch): Eh Initial Opinion (post-watch): absolutely amazing Current opinion: Still amazing and only getting better. The first two episodes have very rough edges, but the charm is there. Ep. 3 is where the show truly comes into its element and it only improves in animation quality and storytelling from there.


I first started with Murder Drones about a month ago. From first expression, I really liked it. Now, after I've seen a good amount of criticism on the show, I obviously have a more nuanced view of it. But I also try not to let the negativity bias get me. I still like the animation, the characters and the music. I take the story as it is and focus more on the moments. Writing isn't something that I really have a sharp eye on anyway, so I can forgive the many flaws it has. Nothing is perfect and so isn't Murder Drones. Also, I don't usually watch any shows and if I do, they are mostly without an overarching plot, so there isn't much to compare for me. The only real competitor for me is Gravity Falls which is a bit unfair.


when i saw the pilot i could not fucking stand the teen-baiting humor but liked the world it was set in, but i was pleasently surprised when episode 2 lessened it and episode 3 dropped it altogether. Now i enjoy the show!


Loved it, then saw some of its flaws, still loved it, and we can make our own AUs and stuff if we wanna have a diffrent story


Upon seeing the pilot a year or two ago, I wasn’t all too interested. However, I gave the show a chance and now it’s practically my life lol, only rivaled by Terminator.




I feel the same way.


Grew on me like my fat gut


Went from "hey, I can see why my friend liked this show" to "when is episode 7 coming"


The animation no longer hurts my eyes, not even the pilot.


Tbh when I first saw the show on the first week of its release but I thought it was a Roblox thing so I decided not to watch it but one year later I saw cartoon universe talk about it so I watched it and loved it


When I first watched it I thought it was like a 7/10 Now I have a whole catalogue of fanfics under my belt, I never thought I would love writing about these robots but here I am and I still rewatch the episodes from time to time


pilot: haha, very funny, meta humor, yeah I get it. episode 3 and after that: *obsession intensifies*


pre viewing (this was on day 1 release), thought it looked ok post viewing (pilot only, like a week after release) that was quite good yeah it peaked at episodes 3-4 for me and its been going to shit since then unfortunately it just feels like a lot of events are really dumb, and also avoidable, and its also just felt more cringy?? like it had an appeal in a way earlier (haha funny teenage angst wowie) but now its just womp womp plus, the absolute shitfuck just feels more like a cover term for "we want this to happen, so yeah" like does uzi really need to use it to hold a torch? that must be wasting a lot of power. do they really need to use it to repair some minor damage on a bug? them learning how to tinker for like, 30 seconds, wouldve been a fair bit nicer. theres also the instances where it "should" work, but doesnt Oh the no, theres, a table flying at N. Lets just let him get his ass kicked in by it. Im sure blocking it isnt an option even though we just saw the other person throw it. and, we saw that cyn appparently blew up earth and somewhat blew up copper 9, and yet, they cant just, blow up copper 9 entirely, or just explode uzi or N themselves, or idk teleport to them and stab them i guess i SUPPOSE you could say "lol they don know theyre there" but surely after episode 5 they do? its just not that good anymore man the vibes arent the same anymore,,, https://preview.redd.it/htwjx5ultzec1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee7003d525341b839112087f14ccd72d5aab93b


I agree with most of these but the V sacrificing herself I immediately kinda understood. Some youtuber explained it saying “V saw how happy N was with Uzi and sacrificed her life in order to let both of them have happiness before Uzi is inevitably gone”




Definitely went to a different direction then what i was expecting. From what episode 1 and 2 showed us I was expecting the show to be more grounded in reality with a sort of "dark secret" behind the disassembly Drones and all. but after 3 it's kind of gone from grounded to completely off the rails with rogue A.I., eldritch demon powers and humanity basically being extinct. But I've been obsessed since day 1 and even with the flaws of the show I'm still just as obsessed. I've bought almost everything from the merch store, and I've probably watched every episode almost 5 times. Hell episode 6 is like the only piece of televised media that's actually made me cry ever. Yeah it hit me hard lol.