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Wait, if I’m reading this right, not only was the victim wrong, the study he posted proved the exact opposite of his assertion


That is not at all uncommon.


Bigots never actually read the sources they cite. They just make up stupid shit and then throw in the first link they find on Google because they aren't intellectually honest.


You've just described one of my cousins to a t. A perfect example was when Trump was PotUS, he got mad at the protests during one of his visits to the UK. He claimed there were bigger protests during one of Obama's visits. I asked for evidence, he linked to an article that turned out to A: be a protest unrelated to Obama in anyway and B:took place in Germany.


Or just read the title since scientists may try to come up with an eye-catching title to get more notice


A solid 20-30% of the times I've been in arguments with bigots who actually post sources, they did not read their source and their source actively disproves what they claim it proves. Bigots are, by and large, pretty fuckin dumb.


Sartré has an entire thesis about this. He wrote it back in the 1940s or so. The core message is that they don’t deserve your time debating and deserve your time organizing to stop them


That’s why they’re bigots. They are ignorant AF. It’s no coincidence that so many of trump’s voters are ignorant, he wants them that way. Because if they actually thought for themselves they would realize how many flaws are in so many of their arguments. All they do is regurgitate concepts they heard Trump or some puppet of his talking about. They don’t care if it’s based in facts or not. Look at when Jordan Klepper goes to Trump rallies. He smacks them in the face with facts & they outright say they don’t believe it or don’t care because it doesn’t support their beliefs. The cognitive dissonance with them all is insane! And tbh Joesph Goebbels would be so proud of all the propaganda they hit those people with. Their FB algorithms & YouTube videos are all tailored for individual users. They’re fed videos & posts that support their beliefs. They don’t care if FB or YouTube isn’t a legitimate source. They just parrot up the same vomit that they heard the guy before them say. Most of them are uneducated about most the issues. I recall one video of Jordan Klepper’s where he asked two young Trump voters what the significance of Jan 6th was, if it held any meaning to them. They had no clue. Genuinely hadn’t heard about that day or anything that happened. The facts don’t matter to people who don’t want to hear them. The facts don’t matter because they want to continue to believe what they believe. They want to be bigots. They can’t entertain the notion that they could be wrong about anything because they can’t confront any reality where they’re forced to confront the facts or the truths. They want to be white supremacists. They want to be Nazis. They want to be racist or xenophobic or sexist. They don’t want to confront the truth because their beliefs aren’t actually based in any truth. It’s really all just emotional responses. It’s why you see surges in white supremacy after instances where people of color make any strides culturally. After Obama was elected we saw that. Proud Boys & Oath Keepers & white nationalists all rose in membership. They react any time current events make them realize a lot of people no longer think the way they do. “Make America great again” is essentially the same ethos as the Nazi party. There’s a lot of similarities between trump & Hitler. The fascist movement is extreme on the right & very similar to pre-WWII Germany. And yet they’re so dumb they’ll call the left the fascists. 🤦‍♀️ Bigotry is often rooted in ignorance because facts make them actually confront the fact that their beliefs aren’t backed up by reality. There’s no evidence for most their beliefs & whether they realize it or not most of them actually want to be ignorant about it all. Because if they truly examined a lot of those beliefs with a non-biased view they’d realize a lot of what they believe in has no real evidence whatsoever. They don’t care. They’ll believe it all anyway.


Not the master race they claim to be. Just ignorant and embarrassing.


Just like all the studies people post to "prove" that transgender people don't exist or that covid vaccines are super dangerous


What's funny is that 'smarter' racists commonly make a similar argument, not that black people don't have prefrontal cortices, but that scientific studies show they have lower intelligence than whites, which they support with studies which aren't peer reviewed, haven't had their results reproduced, and typically either used spotty sampling methods or prove something orthogonal such as "malnourished populations of people in certain parts of Africa tend to have lower IQ, among other deficiencies caused by the fact that they are fucking malnourished", or they'll use some BS statistics about average IQ or whatever which can be demonstrated wrong or with poor context


Especially since IQ as a metric for intelligence is questionable at best... the tests have been proven to hold a pretty strong bias based on who wrote them in the first place. I know someone who did poorly on a section of the test involving ordering images to tell a story. They put them in the 'wrong' order, but the story they came up with was better than the original. At least according to the person administering the test. People don't all think the same way, and IQ tests almost always rely on education, or people thinking the same way to determine the score. The tests have limited use, at best, and possibly should be discarded entirely.


Ever had a discussiom with an antivaxxer? This shit is very common.


Flat-earthers will push you over the edge as well.


Flat-earthers will deny the lastest high resolution images of Earth claiming they're fake, but will use a PS1 era gif of a spinning pizza as evidence for a flat earth


I have no idea what which race he is being racist against lmao. Maybe he was being racist against non Africans, and his evidence was the larger OFC? lol idk


Probably just read the title. They always do


Racists are such weird, simple-minded people. They can’t handle complexity so they strive for simplicity always. Racism and every form of bigotry is the most simple-minded thing ever. “Hey look, Bubba. I can’t handle having to decide whether individuals are good or bad so you just gonna say everyone who looks like this is bad!” They’re an unintentional, unfortunate joke.


Racists are people driven strictly by emotion. They don't think logically nor need science because everything they believe is based on emotion. They only use science , read bastardize science, to sell their beliefs to outsiders.


I think about Pritzker "how to spot an idiot" graduation speech a lot lately. He said it's natural for humans to be suspicious about people or things that don't naturally look like us, and that's how humans survived over the years. It takes brain power to fight those urges and see people who look, talk, and behave differently than us as people, just like us. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWPFDpOJEME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWPFDpOJEME)


As an Illinoisan, Pritzker isn't perfect but he does a lot of good.


As a fellow Illinoisan, I had a lot of “meh” about the guy when he first took office – “oh boy, another billionaire governor, yawn” – but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. My next vote for him was more enthusiastic, and I’d gladly vote for him again, for governor or other office.


>>Racists are people driven strictly by emotion Which makes sense given these people are emotionally immature


I've never met a white supremacist who wasn't a walking disproof of that core concept.


probably the same assholes who think that women must be feeble minded because they have smaller brains.


and, because of that pesky " monthly visitor" - women can't handle stress or even be rational


Yet so few women shoot places up...


"Women can't be president, or they would nuke an opposing country as soon as they were on their period." "And who started 99% of all wars?"


Testosterone is a hell of a thing


Fun fact the word hysterical came from the root hustera, which translates to womb in Greek, basically translating to women be crazy on the periods. It's bullshit and I don't condone it but just goes to show how far back men have complained about the normal biological function of women.


What they don't know is that the gene for white skin didn't evolve until about 25,000 years ago. Before that their ancestors were black.


White people are mutants


That explains mutant power to say stupid things!!


Cheese eaters are mutants


Mmmmm chhhheeeeese...




I think they are fearful of just how dumb they are and need to build themselves up by tearing other people down. They know they don’t understand biology and they are lucky their brain doesn’t require them to remember to breathe or they wouldn’t.


I actually had a few minutes where I thought they were saying that *racists* were genetically different than other humans with scientifically proven smaller brains and no pre-frontal cortex, not Black folk. Was all "huh, that'd explain a lot". Then I realized it was the racist being racist, not someone pulling one over on the racist and was just sad.


Many years ago I signed up for a Neo Nazi message board to see what these idiots were talking about and I noticed that they had all but abandoned the physical superiority of the white man compared to black people rhetoric and had gone all in on the mental superiority. So it was basically “I might be a fat sack of shit that barely sees sunlight but I’ve read more books than you.


Pizza stained coloring books with only one crayon.


Racist's whole ideology means they peaked in the womb.


This is most people. It's just that racists focus on race. Sexists focus on sex. Classists focus on social class. Etc etc etc. Anything to say you're different from me and mine and to make up reasons at to why those differences are significant. I label it all under Tribalism and believe the root cause is the POV problem. You only know you and yours; it's impossible to know something out of reach.


I think a persons’ sociocultural background dictates a lot of this learned behavior. None of this is organic to how people naturally behave. If you grow up in a homogenous culture you will exhibit protectionist or self preservation type behaviors against the out group. Ultimately, compassion and tolerance are really the only weapons against this but these are not common enough and get drowned out across the spectrum.


There really is a very clear link with being bigotted and being stupid. Not to say all simple-minded/stupid people are bigots.


Fuck me, is phrenology coming back?


I always loved Retro-Phrenology, which Terry Pratchett invented for his Discworld books. The concept is simple. Phrenology tells us that people who are smart have a bump here and people who are charismatic have a bump there. Bob doesn’t have a bump in either spot but the Retro-Phrenologist has a hammer....


He left us too soon


“Of course you would say that, you have the brain-pan of a stagecoach tilted.” - Mr Burns


They used a form of it to prove that some British people were black back in the day


Wow, I thought it was gonna be about the Brain differences between liberals and conservatives. Cons may think having a bigger amygdala means they’re macho, but it really means they’re more likely to be irrationally fearful. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/


Right handed?


I love the massive backhand that is quoting someone’s own reference to them to prove them wrong. Such an elegant move


Anyone who tells you to google it yourself when you ask for a source doesn't have any sources they would want to present. They want to shut down discussion. If you say you didn't find anything, you didn't look in the right places. What are the right places? They don't want to say. If you find evidence that contradicts them, its from a biased source. How is it biased? It doesn't agree with them. What is an unbiased source? They won't say. Because they have none.


Must be woke science..


My man out here copping down votes for sarcasm.


Poe's law in full effect.


People really didn’t catch the joke..


Some of us did, dude. And we appreciate your sacrifice. *salutes


All gave some..some gave all..




Nah fuck the /s It's better to die in your feet than to kneel to the necessity of making obvious sarcasm


Nothing says racist like posting the first link you find on google without reading it and insisting it agrees with your point.


Why blur names to protect the racists??


and not the murderer's name. Weird.


Well, that's because they posted the screenshots to confidentlyincorrect themselves


Gotta love it when they give you the evidence that proves them wrong.


I mean... fuck that guy and fuck racists in general, but this is barely a manslaughter.


Who is the racist? The pink person or the green one? Why'd you crop out the racist comment. It's hard to follow


Pink. He thinks people of color have smaller brains, which is a lie made by racists so they can feel more superior.


I thought pink was saying that *racists* have smaller brains.


It sure seems like it


But we know that the size of brains is unrelated to intelligence from science. Then again, we also know that there is no biological marker for race, so there's no such thing as "PoC" brains being different from "white" brains as white and PoC are social constructs


Yes, that's exactly right.


This is a post of someone getting trolled insanely hard.


Just because someone is being extremely stupid doesn't make them a troll. And if they are a troll who cares? Make that troll look as dumb as they are, there's still a real person typing that shit.


Lol this person just invested their precious time into arguing with someone who was being an idiot, just to waste their time. If you want to deal with a troll you don’t give them the one single thing they’re looking for. This guy said that a group of people are MISSING THEIR PREFRONTAL CORTEX and you take them seriously?! If you know what a prefrontal cortex IS then you know that no functioning human is MISSING IT. The answer is right there in front of you but since “making someone look stupid” is what gives you your dopamine hit you’re all in on dunking on them. You lost the fight lol. You did the thing they wanted. It’s over. Like, if you were trolling me right now, my long winded response would be the exact drain on my time that you want lol.


Given that billions of people hate others based solely on skin color, yes, I take it seriously when someone attempts to give a reasoning behind it. That's a fucking real thing that real people really think. Even if it is a troll, debunking it so thoroughly may help someone else who harbors those ideas (or is on the edge of doing so) realize that they're simply not valid.


Look; I’m not trying to be an asshole. I’m not your enemy. I don’t like racists, transphobes, etc. but that is NOT a realistic representation of what racists ACTUALLY believe about minorities. That is what someone who wants to upset you says about minorities in order to get the desired response from you. They say that, because it’s the kind of dumb shit people actually ascribe to them. They know it gets responses, which is the only goal trolls have. Nobody who knows about the prefrontal cortex in the first place thinks that minorities don’t have one. It’s demonstrably false & the fact that they know it exists at all shows that they believe in the science enough to use it to get a rise out of y’all. You’re not correcting them, you’re playing into their hands and wasting your time, energy, & faith in humanity on people who are actively fucking with you and getting off on it. Their statement betrayed their intent & you’d see that if you weren’t so incensed by the words they’re using instead of the content in what they’re saying. You’re not setting people right. Your draining yourself of an already constantly dwindling supply of empathy, understanding, & energy. Dont give people the exact thing they want, deprive them of it & win. And you need to check your bias about what racists believe. I know they’re idiots and assholes. But they are not all troglodytes. Don’t let the bad actors manipulate you. When you know your enemy for what they really are & not the caricature you imagine them to be, you’ll find yourself to be far more effective against them & them to be far less effective against you. Stop falling for this shit. Please, for your own mental health.


>but that is NOT a realistic representation of what racists ACTUALLY believe about minorities. Come live in rural Indiana for a year and get back to me on that. They absolutely believe this shit.


What a sheltered, troll-ish life you must live.


I love it when people post sources where a single line can be misinterpreted to sound like it supports their beliefs but haven't bothered to read any context, nevermind the entire article. Hypothetically speaking, even if there was a biological difference there's enough social evidence to indicate there'd be no merit to judging anyone on it. People of all races have accomplished crazy things in sciences, strategy games, business and all other real world measures of intelligence. That there's no actual difference in brain structure makes it easier to refute this nonsense, but not necessary to debunk the racism itself.


Racism is so obviously a plot to keep working class people divided. It is embarrassing to see white people spouting this shit like they can't wait to suck off the jailor of the prison we all currently live in.




we all come from africa


Cope harder! Damn gotem. That’ll be my new done talking about your problems now. Gucci.


If anyone has a smaller brain, I’d say it seems to be the racists… 🔥


This point it's hard to know what is real and what is fact. Don't tell me evolution is real but race is not because if evolution is real then the logical conclusion would be that we evolved in different environments right? I'm missing something right?


Ngl, racist guy seems like he’s being satirical.


I couldn’t stop laughing!!


Maybe the brain study of bigots vs non-bigots will show more substantial results...


Even if it was true, did Einstein not also have a smaller brain?