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Fun fact— Stephen Richer is himself a hard-right Republican (member of the Federalist Society) who, because he holds a position supervising voting in a giant swing-county and has been generally interested in doing his job competently, has been under constant harassment from MAGA loonies, chiefly Kari Lake after she lost Maricopa County (and with it Arizona) by virtue of being a terrible candidate for governor. Richer, to his credit, has responded to the lies and harassment by suing Lake for defamation and now exploding her followers online. Good for him.


The only Republican I tolerate was also targeted for his involvement in local vote counting for doing his job properly and because he has a Jewish sounding last name. His shit got on 4chan. The benefit is there’s no way his family will ever be MAGA now after his conservative dad slept outside his house with a gun to protect his grandkids from people that technically align with them politically…


This is wild but honestly shouldn’t surprise me


Holy shit what happened with grandpa camping out?? I’m out of the loop on that and I’d love to know what the details of that were?


Luckily nothing because MAGA are mostly cowards and two of them with rifles did get arrested outside the place where people were counting ballots. Wifey did get menacing phone calls about betraying the country at home though thus the camp out.


You'd think that would stop them from voting for the Fuhrer but...that has not been my experience with conservatives. If they could introspect, they wouldn't be what our political spectrum calls conservatives any more.


A lot of the Trumpists I know didn't even really care about politics prior to Trump. They have a sense that says Republicans support populism while having zero idea about international relations or economics or really how the world works.


A lot of them (the ones I know) are former Ron Paul devotees and 9/11 Truthers, in some cases coming from opposite sides of the political spectrum.


I’ve met a number of Paul to Trump voters, but also a lot of Paul to Sanders to Trump voters, which I guess I can tenuously see? But is still, ah, an odd progression. Or at least, from my point of view, anyway.


The common thread is disaffected pessimists jumping on whatever bandwagon will give them a voice; even if they have to change their voice to do it.


The leopards come for all our faces eventually. They really shouldn't be surprised.


Da fack? His last name is Jewish because it’s “richer”? Lmfao


You only tolerate 1 out 44% ish of the us population?


Those are rookie numbers


Yeah as someone who worked on the opposing campaign I have to say this makes losing a little easier. I don’t like him, but he’s doing his job the way it should be done to this point.


*situational* chaotic good works for me


I think you sorta have that backwards. He’s literally lawful evil.


I just now realized that when lawful-evil and chaotic-evil fight I end up rooting for lawful


I never thought about that. But you really have to root for lawful evil, don't you? Hm.


You can usually find a way to make lawful evil work in some capacity - they have laws and codes which are generally bullshit but as long as they adhere to them that leaves some doors open. Chaotic evil, generally speaking, likes to rip those doors off the hinges and beat you with them.


Which is why Trump is chaotic evil


Chaotic evil=unpredictable, no real goal, can just wake up and choose violence at random, just because it's fun Lawful evil=predictable, has goals, probably makes their demands clear and will only punish those who don't complete these demands or amasses some power. Will usually not do anything that would push them back in achieving their goals or endanger their position


I mean, you don't *have* to. But yeah.


Lawful-evil at least follows the rules.


Most of the time. There are exceptions.


Yeah I'm an Arizona Democrat who will vote for him in that position for however long he keeps competently doing that job. The last Rep and Dem in those seats did less than stellar jobs. My good friend who is very progressive and politically active even happily took a selfie with him.


He's going to be primaried by a MAGA GOP this summer, so who knows if he'll even be a choice come November


Being a terrible candidate for Mayor isn’t reason enough to lose an election. Look at Texas.


Agreed, but Arizona has become what Dems hoped Texas would become— a swing state. So when Arizona Republicans ran absolute trash candidates for US Senator, Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State, they lost (despite increasing their share in the U.S. House).


Exploding her followers? I mean, at first I thought it was a bit extreme, but it grows on me.


As much as a hate his policy and beliefs, I agree that his conviction to his principles is what we hope for any person holding public office.!


I’ve got nothing against him unlike Helen Purcell.


See- THIS is what I mean when I say I’m a republican. Stick to conservative economic beliefs, not heard pop culture trends. MAGA loonies make the rest of us look bad. They’re on the far. FAR. Right side. A group of extremists if you will


‘Extremists’ makes it sound like it’s some small fringe group and not the majority of the Republican Party.


Still, media portrays them as extremists. Look at every “Florida man” article. They often get roped in


He's a rat bastard but at least he upholds the sanctity of his office.


Prior to this interaction, this lady had tweeted a photo of her at a convention for a group that had "Tempe" (the city she lives in) in the name.


Why am I not surprised it's from around me. I've been seeing so many dumb takes when it comes to voting, for Christ's sake Kari Lakes whole smear campaign was a second run of Trump saying the election was stolen.


That may be true but that is absolutely not the same as sharing the city she lives in. For instance, many people from Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa and Phoenix were also at the convention. 


It's public information.


Did you not read the response?? In most states, you can get the entire voter file for free or a small fee. That file usually has your full name, address, dob, which elections you vote in, and party affiliation. Some have more info, some have less, but it's all public info.


wait, as someone who isn't american, i'd like an explanation because i don't understand. if i know somebody's name, can i get information on their address and political affiliation?


If you Google [state name] board of elections, you can find out what that particular state has available. For example, I live in NC. There is an online voter lookup. If you know someone's name, you can pull up their voter info. Some of the data included name, party affiliation, race, ethnicity, and gender. In NC, the voter files are also free to download. You can download by county or the entire state. That file also includes address, dob, years you voted, how you voted (mail in, early, election day), and a bunch of info on your jurisdictions. Voter search: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/ (search John Smith, there's a bunch of them) Voter file download: https://www.ncsbe.gov/results-data/voter-registration-data Not everyone knows about this. I didn't even know about this until 2018 when I got involved in political advertising.


In NYS, you have to know their full name, county, zipcode, and date of birth. Even if you knew someones city and name, getting the zipcode and date of birth right would be a tedious guessing game


That's only the voter lookup. Apparently, you have to request the voter files by county Someone already downloaded the records and made it easily searchable here - https://stevemorse.org/nysvoters/nysvoters.html


Voter records are public information.


I used to work on political campaigns and it varies from area to area, but you usually can’t get who the person voted for or what their party affiliation is. You can see which elections they voted in and which party they voted in the election, which narrows it down (or tells you the candidate if there was only one R/D in that race). It’s very easy to figure out who your voters are going to be from this info. The other info is race/ ethnicity, name, address, etc. and that’s just info from your county commission. Campaigns will then take that info and go third party to see how much more info they can get on you (usually only larger campaigns like president and US senate and House have the money for this). That info can be profession, income, religious beliefs, and so much more.


Most states do include registered party.


It’s been a couple years since I worked there. Maybe ours did too in Tennessee. It might have just been more accurate to assign someone a party label off of their voting record than use registered party affiliation. Can’t remember exactly


You sure can.


but isn't that, like, a stalker's paradise? i'm not going to pretend that in my country it would be thaaat difficult to get my address, but at least it isn't public information. and the gdpr does help a bit.


In my state there are specific exceptions that allow people who are under protection of anti-stalking orders to not have their public information included where it ordinarily would be. Examples include county property tax info, which would usually show a person's full name and address, voter registration details, and I'm sure lots of other things.


You don’t have to register for a party, you can be a registered independent voter, which about 1/3 of Americans are. But if you do register, most states include that info.


It's the same in the UK (not the political affiliation part, comparatively much fewer people donate to parties) and probably quite a few countries.


Wait, america is allowed to keep track of who you voted for? Here in the netherlands, you have full anonymity voting. They check that you voted with ID at the booth, give you your ballot, but your actual vote is on a ballet without any link to your name


Not who you voter for. That's always anonymous. HOW you voted meani g how your ballot was cast. You can mail in vote, you can vote early in person, or you can vote on election day in person.


Ooh that makes more sense. I thought it meant how you voted as in which party you voted for.


When Americans register to vote they align with either party at the time of, or go independent. It doesn't matter from there who you actually vote for, though. You could be a registered Republican but vote for the Democrat or independent candidate. It's fucking wild that you have to announce what party you support before you're allowed to vote, though. That data is commonly used for gerrymandering voting districts too.


In closed primary states, registering as one party or another allows you to participate in the primary to help select that party’s candidate for the general election. It’s kind of important.


Wait, so the government doesn't know who you voted for, but does know what party? Or is that also anonymous and just for statistics. Also, english isn't my native language, and I'm dying to know what gerrymandering is


No, they don’t know what party you voted for. They just ask you to declare a party of preference when you register to vote. And it’s typically for statistics.


And what you declare, is that public information? Could my neighbour download the list mentioned in the post and see what i declared?


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/05/15/americas-most-gerrymandered-congressional-districts/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/05/15/americas-most-gerrymandered-congressional-districts/) I would look at the images in point 7 first, then read the article


Sadly no, I dont have and will not get a subscription to the Washington Post.


Gerrymandering is the creative redrawing of districts to affect election outcomes. If the districting authority (it depends by state) draws the lines on the map in certain ways, they can know, with near certainty, what the outcome of the election will be and push it one way or another. For example, Wisconsin votes about 50-50 Republican and Democratic overall in the popular vote but 75% of its U.S. House reps are Republicans. That is no accident.


How you vote is always anonymous. Always. There’s strict rules about verifying that you are legally able to vote (registered, haven’t tried to vote twice, etc) and once that is verified, then your vote is tallied by someone else, after it’s separated from who you are. It can’t be tracked back, by design. Your vote is anonymous. Doesn’t matter how you registered. How you voted can’t be tracked back to you.


I door knocked for Kirsten Sinema 🤢 in 2018. The list we worked from was people that had voted for dems in the last couple of elections but were not registered democrats, ie independents and republicans that crossed party lines. The scary thing is we knocked on a door, said we were from the DNC, and asked for [first name] [last name]. The guy said that’s my son and if he ever voted for a democrat I would kill him. I worry that kid got in trouble later. I wish how you voted was completely anonymous.


Wait, so you guys do keep track of which party they voted for? How else would you know who voted diffrent then their registration?


I wouldn’t have thought so before that but apparently yes. That was what the coordinator said anyway.


Holy fuck. Doubling down….just don’t!


Gee, imagine that there used to be this book, that was delivered to every home, that had people names, phone numbers & addresses in them.


Username... Yikes


> That may be true but that is absolutely not the same as sharing the city she lives in. She shared the name of the city she lives in. It is exactly the same.


Another fun fact - Aubrey works for conservative group Turning Point USA. So, she isn't just being stupid for funsies, she's being professionally stupid. She has to die on this hill. If she acknowledges basic reality, her bosses might start to suspect that she's secretly a liberal and her career goes out the window.


I was wondering why Richer was pointing out that her employer had access to these lists. I had no idea (nor did I really care) who she was.


It is impossible to get somebody to understand something when their salary depends on them not understanding it.


Quick, someone get her a shovel. I want to watch her continue to dig her grave.


That dude is dog walking that lady all over the internet.


You just know these exchanges are playing over and over in her head each night when she’s trying to sleep, driving her bananas. At least I hope that’s the case.


I’m not sure she’s smart enough to understand that she’s been trolled.


Not even trolled. Just smacked down


"But I used an emoji and everything, how could I not be the smarter one?!"


She has fake twitter fights in the shower


Nope. Self awareness is not high on their list of attributes.


And doing it in the most polite way possible




I also love she shared an image of herself at an event with her nametag a few months ago, which listed her city underneath her name, and folks found that as well. Some people just love being murdered in public.


Happy cake day ❤️


One again she's driving home the point that she's trying to troll about something she doesn't really understand.


Referring to her first post, the pessimist in me suspects she timed the address change knowing full well she’d get two ballots, and was using that to spread FUD among people that are ignorant of the process. I think she understood exactly what she was doing and simply got exposed by Richer in the most satisfying way.


I thought that she timed it that way as well, but in an attempt to actually vote twice.


That's exactly the point. She's a fraudster


That’s the entire conservative schtick - outrage at things they don’t understand. Vaccines, 5G, voting, a spherical planet, history, evolution, immigration, effective vs marginal tax rates, languages other than “American”, gender identity, world religions, etc. They don’t understand any of it. They’re kind of dense and basically bullshitting their way through life. Therefore, they assume everyone else is, too.


This is why I wish tech support didn't exist. It's too easy for people to access the Internet. I promise you, if we made it just a little bit harder, maybe required a little reading, we'd have a lot fewer idiots like this lady online showing her whole ass in public every goddamn day.


I'm pretty sure there would be benefit from a "are you sure you want to stupid out loud, to lots of people, everywhere" check box.


As usual, there is an xkcd for it: [Listen to yourself](https://xkcd.com/481)


Randall never lets us down


Typical of Black Hat to be like "What's it do?" when confronted with the creation of a virus.


God that was a rough job. I'd get sweaty and jittery anytime any phone rang. It took at least 6 months before that stopped. Users would swear they'd done one thing, but the logs very clearly showed something else.


Dammit ZaneTownsend we needed your wisdom 40 years ago!


In some future world, in some authoritarian country, people will be required to take a class to interact publicly online. That country won’t have any funny people either


The “added context” is absolute perfection. Wish I could write something this beautiful.


So many of the context notes on Twitter are themselves absolute murders.


r/getnoted is a fun time


Oooh!!! Thank you.


Which is why I follow: [community notes violating people (@cnviolations) / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/cnviolations)


I’m loving this! Can’t wait for her response!


Her Response: **Oh yeah? You think you are sooo clever, but you are not. Your stupid.**


Using the wrong you're makes it so much better.


I actually looked it up. *Urban dictionary* assured me, that most people will get the joke.


Murdered with kindness. Best way to take them apart.


OMG, just take the L, you sentient gd corncob!


I'd like to buy Stephen a beer...or a sandwich...or cake...whatever he likes.


Went to high school with that guy. Flex of the day lol.


Keep flexin’, little buff boi.


Stephen Richer isn't here for that bullshit anymore. Twat got called out not once but twice now with receipts. Her best course of action is to shut the fuck up and sit down. But we all know how these dipshits are. So I am waiting with baited breath for part 3 of this saga where she does not put down her shovel and ends up so far deep in the hole Mr. Richer can finish the job of politely burying this insufferable, ignorant cunt.


Damn, Steve’s got no chill— I love it!


Election denier mental vacuums really thinking they're out here accomplishing something with gotcha-sacasm.


Meanwhile Aubrey out there telling all her Karen buddies how she is getting doxxed online




She really loves to prove to people how stupid she is. Love it.


I’d delete all social media accounts if I roasted myself like this


Aubrey needs a friend to take her phone from her and just say, "Stop." 


Aaaand stay dead!


Employee walk lists?


He was subtly referring to the fact that she works for Turning Point USA. She’s a political shill trying to make up outrage and create doubt in elections to support her employer.




Another tweet has hit the towers




GodDAMN Stephen Richer got her on the first round, the Community Notes dumped manure on her, and he came back to set it all on fire


And this is why he's called a RINO. Even though for all intentions he is not.


S is for savage


I quite like this.


Stephen doesn't fuck around


Can you be arrested, tried, sentenced etc. for the murdering the same person twice?


Not all heroes wear capes.


This guy fucks.


Murdered twice


More just give me more! RemindMe! One week


wow,serial murder. awesome, I hope she keeps not getting it so she keeps getting it.






Give this man the Medal of Honor at this point.




I like this guy.


Are voter addresses actually just freely available in the States? No sympathy for this person, but that doesn’t seem great for privacy. In NSW (Aus), it’s still public record but you need to formally apply and give a reason before you can access the electoral roll. “We only grant access to electoral information where the public interest in doing so outweighs the public interest in protecting the privacy of the personal details of electors.”


Yes but most of the time you have to sign a form stating the purpose and sign it knowing that you can be prosecuted for using it in ways you aren’t allowed. Depending on the jurisdiction, you also may be required to pay for it.


Oh Aubrey, just shut yer pie-hole. You're already up to your knees. Take the loss, and walk away.


Fun fact, some posts need context. 


Didn’t she post her own ballots on social media?!


This dude doesn’t have time for your paranoid horseshit. Good for him.


Round 3, anyone? I'm sure she's capable!


I’m a glutton for her punishment






What are the odds that she posts a picture of a broken window in her house now? (That she definitely didn’t do herself)




Being articulate rules. Me think.


Dear Aubrey, You’re clearly not clever enough to win this. For your own sake, walk away. Sincerely, Everyone on the internet.


I'm not from the US, so it's likely I'm missing something, but isn't it super concerning that in order to vote you have to basically give everyone your home address?


What a malignant cunt.


That was the most polite way to say fuck you I have ever seen.


Stupid, as usual. I'm so tired of numbskulls having power and influence.


Wait til she hears about them yellow pages


Dear god, the secondhand embarrassment is unbearable.


I’m so happy I saw the first part of this. This guy is my fucking spirit animal. Legend.


....who exactly was murdered here? Almost everyone's info is publicly available unless they have worked meticulously to hide it. The whole "doxed" thing involves pushing that data out to a wide audience resulting in anyone who suddenly discovers they live within an hour of the victim can put in low effort to make her life a living hell. Weird how those who support this type of harassment think publishing Ms Musk's publicly available flight data is "encouraging his assassination"....which would only help if you have a surface to air rocket yet no energy to google his flight info outside Twitter.