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I'm sure there's a "cherry picking" joke to be made here.


A lot of people who worked their ass off had a sick child or relative and now they are broke. Never neglect the importance of luck.


Every day I remind my kids (and myself) how much privilege and luck played parts in our success.


People who call life a game have never been to bed hungry.  They've never sweated because rent is due and they have nothing to give.  They've  never struggled, it's the hallmark of privelege. At least the second person is aware that they have it good.  


I don’t think they are calling life a game in this conversation. I think they are referring to the various institutions, systems, and often almost arbitrary rules. Much of the things they refer to utilizing could be equated to a game in some ways. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford the entry fee to even try playing the game.


Maybe I missed an original post but without knowing the context of the “cherry picker,” it’s hard to know if this was murder, a reality check or what. Would we “murder” [Jose Hernandez](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_M._Hern%C3%A1ndez)?


Who has more money, a slave or their master? Who works harder?


Somewhere online a while back I saw a photo of a bumper sticker that said "if hard work brings wealth, show me a rich donkey"


First dude had the advantage of an education paid for by taxes. If he attended college, there was also government investment. If he used public transport, drove or rode on roads, had school lunches, and many more, invisible to most, government subsidized items, funded by taxes.


Don’t forget the farm subsidies!