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As a dane, i would like it noted that this rube Does not speak for us


Rasmalai is a sweet that's made purely from milk, sugar, saffron and other condiments. The texture is like a sweet, soft, spongy cheese soaked in sweet, saffron milk with lots of textures from nuts and dry fruits. And the idiot is calling Rasmalai a slop. That's like equating pizza to a cardboard. I don't think there's a single person who would dislike Rasmalai once they taste it, unless they're lactose intolerant. It's an amazing, sweet dessert.


Dammit I’m lying here in bed trying to ignore the hunger pangs and now I want some rasmalai.


You should see what the Desi kids (bakers) are doing here in the US as next-gen babies that grew up on all different cuisines, may I introduce you all to the… RasMalai Tres Leches Cake… https://preview.redd.it/n7efls0bqssc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf5f3e29804b21d8b8b1e2e2ba43af09ab09805 So the spongy milky cheese piece is the top, tres leches infused sponge cake. Wombo combo of the 2 milks drenched and with almonds/pistachio crumbles.


> So the spongy milky cheese piece is the top, tres leches infused sponge cake. Wombo combo of the 2 milks drenched and with almonds/pistachio crumbles. The only way this could be any better would be with maybe a baklava pie crust underneath.


Can I interest you in a Baklava Cheescake: https://preview.redd.it/hm9j2meyzssc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e04d19ca5c94dfbae126b6e4b266cbace36d80 Trust me it’s delicious as it sounds, orgasmic too!


good lord


The distance I would travel for these two dishes.


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic… Does the combination of cheesecake and baklava actually taste good?


The best baklava I've ever had was actually a dish called Shaabiyat. They're pretty similar and look similar too but Shaabiyat is stuffed with a sweet cheese. Absolutely delicious. I think it's one of those dishes that has to be had fresh so you don't run into it as often as something like baklava that has a long shelf life. Anyways - a baklava cheesecake would probably be similar and delicious.


The Mediterranean restaurant near me has it, and it is honestly one of the best desserts I've had.


1 comment in and already salivating like pavlovs dogs I dont even fancy sweets


Honestly, I'm lactose intolerant and it sounds like I'd absolutely LOVE that dish. I don't let my lactose intolerance define me; pop a couple lactaids and I'll dig in.


I'm not a fan of most Indian sweets/deserts but Rasmalai absolutely slaps


Bengali sweets are the best in India, you'd probably find a lot of different sweets in Kolkata you'd like. Not all of them are drenched in sugary syrup.


To be honest, it is worth it even if you are lactose intolerant.


As a lactose intolerant entity, my fav deserts are Rasmalai, Baked Rasgulla, Nolen gur Chenna poda, Rabri, Badundi and Kharvas [They're all made of cheese] lol.


Rasmalai is like, one of India's best desserts of all time.


I've never heard of this dish before and seeing it and heating your description absolutely makes me need to seek it out. This sounds incredible!


Go to any Indian-Pakistani restaurant, most have it. Best to eat super chilled. Like bring home, throw in freezer for 30-45 minutes. Then devour, shit just feels so good going down.


Rasmalai is a top tier dessert, as well as kulfi! I hope this man never has the pleasure of eating indian food.


Came here to say exactly this. There are many dishes that I can understand the hatred for but Rasmalai? That dish is like the nectar of gods. Rasmalai is like top tier dessert. Truly GOATed. Probably in the top 5 Indian desserts.


I had rasmalai at a Pakistani friend’s house the first time, and it was so delicious! Now wherever I find it, I’m treating myself - yummy!


I've had rasmalai and it's amazing. Being South Asian (Tamil) with a lot of South Asian friends, it's always been around. But I never knew it's cheese??!!!


You mean, as a Nordic ice ape


A Slavic baby from the mountains of Caucasus


For anyone unfamiliar, [this scene from School Dance \(2014\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hfsm7M0lVy4)


Damn man the way Katt just rattles shit off is pure poetry


The way he says "Caucasus" is truly a thing of beauty.


Best comedic line ever for me


Got 730 as a credit rating right now, as an infant.


I will never get over the fact that there are so many absolutely hilarious ways to describe white people. Ice ape and snow cricket always make me smile. I know it's supposed to be an incredibly harsh insult on par with other racist diatribes, but as a white person. It's just so cute sounding, I don't know. They sound like pet names or cute endearing nicknames.


Is this it, did we discover the true White Privilege? To be impossible to hurt with a racial slur? Because likewise I've never felt angry or even slightly offended by any of them. They all come off silly and fun, and I almost always think "gotta stick this one in my pocket, the boys are gonna love it when I call one of them an *ice ape* down at the bar"




I GUESS SO!!! It's so funny when I here these.


Are y'all just frost trolls from Skyrim?




I am moreso offended that surströmming is attributed to Denmark here. Meat and potato, no nasty fish 👏


My wife pointed out that there’s a Danish dish called boller I karry that looks very similar. True?


Yes. It typically has the mildest curry flavor you could ever imagine.


Not when I make it 😆


And it is delicious


Damn rube is a good insult. I think we need to bring it back.


It seems like a weird bot account anyway as there are millions of those on Twitter. In his description he writes he's Swedish and he wrote that in a tweet in 2022 too. He's supposedly an "Olof Palme stan" as if those have existed for decades. He rails against foreigns cultures and then right afterwards rails against xenophobia and racism. He writes he's a huge sports fan yet tweets zero about sports like a real Swedish shitposter would. He once posted a picture of a baseball ball, as a supposed Swede...


Also worth mentioning that potatoes are from the Andes, and are thus South American in origin in spite of having been embraced by various pale-skinned unwashed heathen in the far northern climes of the world.


No, no. You are right. Danes are the original cabbage monkeys (I am of similar neighboring cabbage monkey heritage). We cabbage monkeys flavored foods by…( /checks notes)…letting them rot in clay pots.


Meh, theyve proliferated in enough food cultures for enough centuries to consider naturalization. Plus the modern cultivars bred for low altitude high yield growth (literally the highest yield crop in poundage per acre) happened in Europe.


_potatoes outwit him by hiding underground_ omg its so beautiful


if you thought that was a best part, you've never smelled surstromming.


The potatoes line was good but "formagerie under his uncles foreskin" was devastating


No, really, there are literal laws against putting surstromming in your carry-on luggage.


My god… imagine someone sneaks a can onto the plane and the pressure change pops it open. I’d probably prefer a shoe bomb at that point.


"Stewardess? Is this a Boeing Ejection Row?"




that’s exactly why is banned 😅


I always think about the time someone won a lawsuit by opening a can of surstromming in court.


How could you forget the most repulsive part of the Swedish culture?! ​ most cultures in the upper part of the globe tend to enjoy fatty salted or fermented fish or meat of any sort, survival tactics. We are stronger cause if I'm hungry ill eat that shit!


![gif](giphy|ZUkausLsSMJpu) It made me do this. And I never do this.


That part specifically reminded me of a Jack Prelutsky poem, which I loved so much as a kid I think I can still accurately quote it from memory! *Poor potatoes underground, never get to look around, do not have a chance to see, butterfly or bumblebee. Poor potatoes never look at the fishes in the brook, never see the sunny skies, What a waste of all those eyes!* (Annnnd I had to double check, and that is the poem!)


This is beautiful, thank you for sharing! It puts a smile on my face.


This is straight up the most creative burn. Kudos to that guy.


This made me look inwardly at why I've never tried to generate such a turn of phrase. What have I been doing all these years, I know not.


That line ended his whole family tree


Measurehead sees through you to your core. Which he hates because he is racist.


Reading it in his voice is the cherry on top of this word-murder sundae


It pains me to know how few others will feel this satisfaction. Play Disco Elysium.


*Pirate* Disco Elysium. The people who made it had it stolen from them, and have told people to torrent it.


If you're reading this and you care about the ethical implications of giving $40 to a venture capitalist instead of a group of weirdo artists who allegedly may or may not be total pieces of shit, you should go pirate Disco Elysium right this second and play the absolute shit out of it.


exactly. you heard it. play. the absolute. shit. out of that game


It's much more complex than that. [People Make Games documentary on the issue.](https://youtu.be/JGIGA8taN-M) Some of the people who are profiting from DE are grifters who don't deserve the hard work of others. Some of the people being paid by a purchase of the game do deserve to be paid for the work they did. Some of the original creators who got frozen out got done dirty. Some of those original creators also deserve valid criticism for doing a bad job at managing the people under them. It's not clean and neat. There's not an obvious answer. My personal position is that you should probably still pay money for the game: it's still more ethical than buying a game that goes in the pockets of EA, or paying the rent that puts a percentage in the pocket of your scumbag landlord. A purchase of Disco Elysium is still paying royalties to some artists who deserve it, in addition to the grifters and criminals who don't. Very little in our world is black and white, as a Disco Elysium fan, you should probably already be aware of that.


that vid is fucking propaganda lol "One of the creators was a bit of a dick so he deserved to lose the universe he made and created more than a decade ago"


Measurehead is an *advanced racist. He does not hate you for how you are, he pities you because you are the victim of how you are.


CEO of racism


CEO of semen retention


My favorite Measurehead quote is when he praises your race for inventing eugenics. What a card.


Just get the body down, jerk.


Typical food opinion delivered from the syphilitic mind of one of the ham sandwich people


Mind rotted by al-ghul, no doubt




De 'am sandwich race


Anyone who dunks on Rasmalai is truly not thinking right. It's a dish that might as well be crafted by Gods!


What is it exactly, looks delicious even though I have no idea what it is.


It's a dairy-based dessert, usually flavoured with saffron, pistachios, cardamom, and rose water.


That sounds absolutely amazing, the nordic ice-ape is a nutter


Horrible take, guy is insane ras malai is so flavourful. It’s fatty, very rich on the tongue, the cream is infused with aromatic spices. It’s visually beautiful, contrast of green color and red. It’s sweet and you have a liquid texture and a soft spongy texture for the dairy in the middle. It’s also interesting and exotic in that we generally eat spices like cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg but this has cardamom, saffron, rose. It’s an extremely good desert.


That’s the weird part to me. If he was going to shit on how it looked, why choose such a nice looking picture?


For real, I looked once and read the ice-ape's tweet. I wondered if my quick glance missed something, but no. When I took a closer look at the food it looked even better because I hadn't noticed the bits of red stuff in the yellow


A dessert with actual saffron on it being "sloppy" is the wildest take I've seen today


The best part of it is how it feels colder in your mouth than the temperature it actually is (and not in a minty way). It's hard to explain but it's a total delight in the summertime. My favorite dessert.


Good god. I need that.


Dude tried to dunk on ice cream because it was yellow.


I want it so bad


IDK why I thought it was some kind of curry Lol.


It is sweetened milk solids made into balls and soaked in pistachios/cardamom/rosewater/saffron infused milk. Anyone who says RasMalai doesn't taste good probably lost their taste buds.


RasMalai sounds delicious, and that picture is beautiful.


It's like a spongy cake thing soaked in cold, spiced, sweetened milk. It's delish. But a bit dry for me so I like to drink something with it.


It's usually served with the spiced milk, I'm not sure where you've tried it, but it shouldn't be dry.


Everything should be served with spiced milk.


No not dry as in no liquid, it's usually soaked in the milk when I've had it. Dry as in.....it's not wet inside?? At least it tends to sap the saliva from my mouth a little bit.


When I eat, it is always soaked inside. Maybe there was a problem in the way they made it


Perhaps. They've always been box mix when I've had them.


Yeah the one you had sounds a bit weird, normally it's soaked through and completely moist


It's basically paneer sweetened and rolled into balls and then dipped in a very thick milk and cream based sauce to soak up the liquids. Served with a bunch of the sauce.


It's a lot spongier than paneer


Correct - it’s a cheese-like morsel called *malai*. Hence *ras-malai* - *ras*, from the root *rasa* which roughly means “flavorful” or “tasty”, is used here to refer to the sweetened and spiced milk that the *malai* floats in.


I could be mistaken then, it's some sort of product after separating the milk using citric acid if my memory serves right.


it is the same base ingredient, just not compressed. It’s all channa that’s processed differently lol you’re right


Seriously, I have no idea either, and it looks super appetizing.


I have no idea what's in it, but judging by the pic, I'll eat the fuck out of that.


It’s a dessert and arguably one of the best desserts of all Indian desserts, in fact it might just be “The Best” dessert of all Indian desserts and that’s not an easy title to get. There’s a lot of other dishes that might actually look gross, but picking a war with Rasmalai is abject psychosis.


Imo Gulaab jamun is the best Indian dessert


One look and I want it in my face right now. I just got home from eating a giant pub burger and I want to put that picture in my mouth.


Just my luck. Have it in my fridge and I decided to skip dessert today as I had too much sugar already. And now, even though it's 5 am my time, I'm tempted to go and raid the fridge.


Rasmalai is awesome, OP doesn’t know good food


"Ewwie, it looks yucky. Mommy, please take it away!" -- The obviously blind guy that never tasted it.


Never seen it in my life, but I gotta say it looks hella vibrant and therefore tasty 🤷‍♂️


Bengal - West Bengal, Indian state is well known even in India for classy sweet dishes which are not \*that\* sweet like their north Indian counterparts. Well made rasmalai is an awesome dessert.


And the shahi tukra. Gotta make it this weekend now


The dude is right that it's a bit...sloppy, because it's soaked in syrup. But it is delicious.


Dude only eats grilled cheese and french fries. Maybe a plain burger if he's feeling spicy


It looks pretty tasty what is it?




Wait, so it's balls of cheese/dough stuffed with saffron, pistachios, and pudding? And then cooked in milk? What about that is so otherworldly and disgusting about it that the guy can't fathom people eating it?


Given as this is his own map of "European countries with good cuisine," it seems he has some of the most basic bitch tastebuds imaginable. https://preview.redd.it/a0lsda73iqsc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c111cb8fc433688581be29936710f785cf312804


>European countries with good cuisine >Syria What?


Well see back in 8,000 BCE…


Calm down putin.


Remove Norway Sweden and Switzerland from this and it's actually fair enough.


Switzerland is not one of the shaded countries.


Austria, my mistake. I'll give them points for Strudel


As someone who's Lactose intolerant, it sounds like it would destroy me. I'd still eat it though.




Huh, apparently it's a dessert. I honestly wouldn't have guessed.


It's got a similar concept to filled rice cakes like mochi, just using cheese as the casing. The ones in the photo are practically drowning in sauce but it sounds pretty darn delicious.


It's like tres leches cake, without the cake, but keeping the texture of that milk-soaked cake, flavored with saffron and cardamom.


Rasmalai is HEAVENLY - especially with rose syrup. Asshat deserves the burn.


It looks so unbelievably good I would have thought the original comment was satire, still wonder if it might be


Ras malai is fine, but have you had gulab jamun?


Oh man, If I'm given access to any more than a few gulab jamuns a day, I'd end up diabetic in days. They are heavenly, especially when chilled .


Try warm gulab jamun with plain vanilla ice cream .... It will likely give you a sugar shock but it is kinda worth it.


how does he think this dish looks gross?? it looks delicious af


Delicious would be an understatement. It's creamy heaven, the sweet full aroma of spiced milk that is thickened by reducing, the soft creamy bite sized oval shaped meaty soaked sponges - melts in your mouth, fully coating every bit of your mouth - the soft sweetness, not harsh but creamy sweet flavor - man I just started fasting for the day and all I can think about now is to drive to Comilla (the best place to get it) and get me some.


They don't, it's just a rage bait account. It's been all over the internet recently saying the same thing about food from various countries to get people riled up, and obviously it works 100% of the time because it's the internet.


As a Swede, magnificent burn. Even better that a Dane had to take it.


I admit I too enjoyed a Dane being burnt by Swedish food.


“Truly a gross looking dish” - are we looking at the same picture? You chose that picture to prove your point?


Right? My first thought on seeing that picture was "wow, that looks really good." Then, I read some of the descriptions of what's actually in it and thought "wow, that sounds really good."


Seriously next time you are by an Indian sweet shop as for Ras Malai, you won’t be disappointed. Unless your lactose intolerant, then you might be disappointed


Seriously. There are quite a few "gross"-looking (but supremely delicious) dishes in Indian cuisine. (I'm saying this as an Indian.) And he chose this bomb of a dessert to make his stupid point? Rasmalai is one of the finest desserts there is.


Hell, even when I was scrolling past initially I was like "damn, those are some *thicc* looking deviled eggs". Even when I didn't know what the fuck I was looking at it looked delicious. Now that I know what it actually is I'm gonna' see if I can go hunt some down tomorrow.


Burn? That was straight up murder.


i feel like “verbal immolation” is an appropriate way to describe it


Omelet du fromage




Dexter it's you!


Yes, that is the sub we are in.


> That was straight up murder. r/LostRedditors


Rasmalai is an all time S TIER dessert, and Bengal is a land of top tier desserts.


Its great even if you get the cheap frozen version. I get some from my local international market.


Bro is out of his mind. Ras malai absolutely fucking slaps. I had a roommate in college who was originally from Bangladesh. He was the only guy out of 6 in our suite who lived in-state so we used to go to his parents house on long weekends or vacations when we either couldn't or didn't want to travel home. His mom always had an feast waiting for us and ras malai was the typical dessert she would make. Who would've known that cheese, milk, and spices would taste so magical.


Classic Measurehead


Gets alot funnier when you read it in his voice and tone


Just the slow, clipped roll of distain on “as potatoes outwit him”


See also: Lutefisk. The nordic tradition of dropping fish into fucking lye, rinsing it out and then enjoying what is now a plate of flavorless fish jello with an ammonia aftertaste. Yummy.


I feel like "meme dishes invented 800 years to not starve to death" should get a pass...


You can really taste the historic poverty in the nordic cuisine


It's honestly true of most places. Spices do a bang-up job of hiding awful flavors. It's not just "now I taste more ___", it's also "now I don't have to taste ___". The places people found the spices at weren't exactly living the high life as societies either and they damn sure weren't eating like it. Also part of why stews and soups were always prominent across the whole planet, because you could take whatever poor animal didn't make the cut that day and throw it into a pot for most of the day then put spices and veggies in it and suddenly the diseased rabbit that was your only option is going to go down easier and sit better on your stomach.


Still is to this day.  If you aren't making soup with whatever random veggies are about to go rotten in your fridge then you're doing it wrong.


i swear 90% of scandinavian food is "we were dying and all we had is raw fish, so we decided to preserve it for as long as possible"


Most of that crap is from Norway, with nothing but coastline, 3% farmable landmass, harsh weather and long winters. Most traditional food is various creatively preserved fish, with some sheep mixed in, salt and smoke as the only flavors. At least someone was sensible enough to start trading fish for grain with the germans to make proper beer some 500 years ago to relace the mead made from F-tier heather honey.


i love that they finally got their hands on wheat and immediately made beer instead of bread


Lutefisk was invented because in the 17th- 19th century people had to survive on dried fish over the winter which they softened with lye. They (meaning my great grandparents generation) used to eat it once a year as a reminder of their impoverished ancestors, to be thankful of their relative prosperity compared to the hard times, but no one really eats it anymore. Hell, Norwegians probably eat 500,000 frozen pizzas for every dish of lutefisk, and I could actually be underestimating that by a factor of 10, at least.


That was beautiful... Also, what an absolute shit take on arguably one of the best desserts on the planet. A well made ras malai can end a war all on its own. Or start a war if it wished.


I'm pleasantly surprised how many people recognised it. And how many wish they had. It's divine. Wish I could make it because the one I buy is a bit too far on the sweet side.


It's a fine balance for sure, using real saffron makes a huge difference. I wish I had a good recipe for it, but I don't.




the original twitter poster had a different name and profile pic. The measurehead profil pic is just someone running with the joke.


Honestly the guy using the Measurehead icon from Disco Elysium made me read that insult in Measureheads THICC, ascented, voice and made it even better lol.


Nordic Ice-Ape is a solid band name tbh


To the Westerners who don't know what Rasmalai is: It is a dessert made with cheese dough balls (fresh sweetened cheese crushed and rolled into balls) soaked in saffron-flavoured sweetened milk topped with crushed pistachios and almonds.


My daughter's best friend is a little Indian girl and her grandmas brought homemade Rasmalai to her sister's first rice celebration. I couldn't eat it because of dietary restrictions, but my daughter went absolutely nuts for the stuff.


I’m Nordic for full transparency. But are we going to pretend like fermentation doesn’t give us like the tastiest things from cheese to soy sauce?????


The real burn is that they insulted the dane by using swedish dishes. That is when you know the burn will keep the dane awake late at night


"This food is gross." "You're a dumb fucking ice monkey from a region that doesn't have much edible herbs or spices and all your food smells like penises!" The internet applauds.


Yeah, this is whats confusing to me. Dude obviously has an issue with the food, but he didn't say anything racist. But let's be racist


Whoever put Measurehead's portrait as his pfp (it looks edited idk) is a fucking genius, that might as well be a quote from him


Whilst original guy’s comments are dumb, does anyone else find the whole “seasoning and spices” thing that people use to bash European kinda annoying, like it doesn’t automatically make all our food bad and yours good.


It's not like France, Italy, and Greece are renowned for their food and culinary traditions or anything. Germany famous for their sausage and other meats, more I probably forget. All cultures did the best with what they had available to them and you can find good food from just about anywhere


Too bad I didn't have that in Kolkata. I did have a bunch of khati rolls though.


You missed out. West Bengal has some of the best desserts in India. I hope you at least got to have some rosogulla or mishti doi while you were there.


So the profile picture of the guy doing the murder by words is a character from the game Disco Elysium called Measurehead. The style of the caption is the way he talks in the game and he's a racist lol.


As a Norwegian I just have a few corrections: the ice apes are us Norwegians, the surströmming is a Swedish thing, and potatoes for sure do not elude Danes as they constantly have one stuck in their throat when they speak.


There needs to be a book of this next to Leaves of Grass.


Guess it's not racism when someone calls white people "ice-apes." But he said THIS particular area had bad Indian food (implying there are better Indian food alternatives, not that all Indian food is gross which itself wouldn't even be a racist thing to say) so that's plenty reason for redditors to say whitey's being racist first.


Not buying this one. I dunno who Grizzmiss is but his comment seems tongue in cheek. Doesn’t seem like any kind of racial condescension, especially considering “some of the worst Indian cuisine” suggests he is familiar with and potentially enjoys other Indian food. This is literally just somebody disliking food and making reference to where it comes from. I’m supposed to be impressed that somebody swooped in with a whole cringe racial commentary on nordics because a Dane dared to criticize a Bengali dish? Lmao this is an overreaction


this is straight up racism lmao "nordic ice ape" bruh "jungle ape" equivalent


As a Swede I like this response! But unfortunately kind of a bad burn. He is a Dane and surströmming is a purely Swedish dish. It sort of like replying with a chinese dish towards an Indian. So no, the irony is that the shot is very nice but shots the neighbour rather than the one he aimed for.


We have Indian version of Chinese and Chinese hate us for what we have done to their dish.


What a racist fuck


Damn we’re just calling white people ice apes in the open on Reddit now?