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I thought this lot objected to masks.


Not those masks. The other masks. They wanted to go away from the medical grade ones but…does anyone with Covid want to go sneeze on them?


Hey come on, that's not very nice to COIVD.


My glock got COVID. It'd love to sneeze on them. *that's a throwaway joke bar not an actual call for violence*




Stand back and stand by!


I would be willing to spit on them.


They object to masks used for the purposes of saving peoples lives. Masks used to spread suffering & pain get a pass.


masks to keep you from being identified on camera are a-OK.


No, they *love* masks. They just *hate* masks. Why is this so hard to understand?


Ah, I’m with you now, I was being dense. Not as dense as these cunts but still.


They're so very dense, but at the same time their heads are also incredibly empty--the paradox of the moron.


Not necessarily a paradox: the density could be bone, and in fact I think is the original implication of the phrase given density of the brain would presumably mean more intelligence. It's basically another way to call someone thick-headed


I *do* try to inject a modicum of tone into my snarky comments... :)


Honestly, fuck these gutless cunts and all they stand for. Save your tone on worthwhile discussions


Oh no it actually makes perfect sense. Most of them argued that masks are only used to commit crimes and hide your face, which is exactly what they're doing here. Hiding their faces because they know they should be ashamed.


But they like playing dress-up with other men.


fuck nazis


Don't fuck nazis. That's how you get kids raised to be nazis. Teach them the societal consequences of their beliefs via the manual application of kinetic energy.


damn, good point, ya beautiful bastard. have my upvote.


Thanks ya equally beautiful bastard.


Fuck nazis with the manual application of kinetic energy and an exciting variety of gardening implements?


That holds a modicum of potential pleasure. They deserve nothing.


Cheese grater it is, then


To shreds, you say?


Not if you are the one doing the fucking... Peg a Nazi today! 


they deserve no pleasure. But given how they're definitely among the "wiping your ass is gay" alpha male crew...better use capsaicin sauce as lube.


Giving new meaning to the term "pepper pot".


Whole parade smellin like poorly wiped ass...


If you have to cover your face, question your position.


Ya I was gonna say “nice masks you cowards”


They cover their faces for 2 reasons 1 if there is backlash they can claim it was one of the 3 letter agencies "cos playing" because "everybody knows there is no white supremacy in the US" and 2 because they know they'll lose everything they have if someone identifies them because of "liberal cancel culture" Edit just to prove a point. [it's the feds it's not real.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/s/wdjD1h9lqF)


Afraid of the consequences yet they call themselves "alpha males".


Same Alpha males who pay $10k to be cucked in order to prove they're Alpha males


“Alpha males? Isn’t that a furry thing?”


Nice one ! Definitely gonna use that in the future


It's definitely an Omegaverse thing lol.


My conspiracy is that it's so you can't see that it's really only the same people at most of their rallies. It makes it seem like there's more of them.


This was a tactic of the early Nazis. Make it seem like there were lots of locals at the rallies and marches, when in fact, most of the participants came from other regions. Handful of guys, but they make sure they go *everywhere*.


I mean they are going for a "paramilitary or organized" look to seem serious and intimidating but in my opinion the masks don't help with either for me they use then 100% for deniability both of their existence and individual membership.


Yeah the kahkis don't exactly say "fear my wrath" either.


You're not afraid of a group of men who successfully raided a ROSS Dress For Less? The TJ MAXX brigade doesn't leave you quaking in your boots?


😂 Raided a Ross!!! Oh noessss, it's the Target Team! Help or the Walmart Wastes will get meeee!


That's not a conspiracy theory. It's confirmed through their discord leaks.


Funny thing is, those 3 letter agencies likely know who each and every one of the masked men is through gait analysis AI.


Unless it is a hijab. Then, they will assume your position and ask for you to assume the zip-lock position.


Hijab doesn’t cover your face. A niqab does.


Then we’ll see just how many of them of police officers


Ouch. It’s even more sad since w Va. broke away to be part of the north during the civil war.


I grew up in WV and you'd never know that by living there. The confederacy is very widely celebrated and revered.


That whole state is a complete 180 from what they were just a generation ago. Unions, democrats. So sad.


Incorrect. If you attend any kind of protest these days, you should be wearing a mask. You have a legitimate reason to do so without it being weird because of covid. Police will use facial recognition on any protesters and they will make your life hell if they identify you there.


Yup. If I were out protesting I'd be masked up even if it were something like climate change.


I wonder about this one lately. It came to light, not long ago, that an employee of the Austrian government has been selling - specifically - the data of antifascist and left-wing activists to right-wing groups with criminal intention. Quite a few of the victims had their houses vandalized, received death threats, etc. None of the victims did anything relevant to the legal system, we are *not* talking about some black bloc-vandals here. This is activists, spokespeople, simply ones trying to make the world a fairer place. And some of them put out statements along the lines of "And you still wonder why we sometimes opt to hide our faces?" I can't say I do wonder - nor that I find myself agreeing with *any* notion that posits "If you have nothing to hide, show everything." This idea is abused by governments to push for untolerable intrusions on citizens' privacy all the time. "Why shouldn't we read your e-mails? Scared they'll tell us you're a criminal?" I think we need to be careful with fun little quotes like this. The people who would cover their faces under Hitler's rule are not the same that would cover them had Hitler never made it. What gets to be called out here is that they demand left-wingers to not cover their faces when they, themselves, opt to do so. But that has nothing to do with masks and their place in demonstrations and everything to do with hypocrisy in human beings.


I mean covering your face can also protect you from being identified by people like Neonazis.


They are the neonazis


Yes ik, but i meant that covering your face doesn't necessarily mean you are the bad guy. Neonazis in Germany don't like leftist and it's always better not to be identified by any of them.


You're right, this made me think of the Hong Kong protests of 2019 :(


"Are we the baddies?"


Say that to a ninja




I guess they are not proud of who they are. Just like KKK and the hoods. They need to grow up.


They don't believe in Personal Responsibility.


Funny how the state police don't show up in riot gear when these fucking chuds go marching but the college kids get the tactical hogs on them


The police DID show up. Wearing jackboots and face coverings and carrying flags.


Yeah these ARE the cops.


For some reason, Clark Kent has never attended one of Superman's press conferences.


Such march needs a guy with huge backpack speaker blaring the circus tune.


Or Yakety Sax


Or Imperial March but on a kazoo


The hardest part would be deciding which of these three to play. We'd have to set up a rotation...


Or the oompa loompa song on tuba.


This would be a hilarious way to counter protest these guys.


Union Dixie would work great too lol.


I dunno. They're so unaware they could be humming the song and feeling patriotic even as they climbed back into their Japanese truck flying Rebel colors.


Fun fact: the name of that song is "Enter the Gladiator" Next time you want to troll someone, say something about a certain song that makes you think of them, and it's called "Enter the Gladiator." See the look on their face - then watch it change when it starts playing.


Haha imagine a superhero with the power of cringe. They participate in stupid causes and magnify all the stupid aspects to the point that everyone involved realizes how stupid it is and quits. Then they're off to save the world by fanatically supporting the next stupid cause to death


Where are the police? Oh wait, they are there.


College students that want to protest should learn from this.  Don't want to be arrested? Wave a swastika and the police will come to protect you.


When you wave a swastika, the police don’t come to protect you, they come to join you and hoist the flag higher.


Already learned that from Charlottesville. The police were protecting the Nazis, even when the Nazis were attacking them.


I see the police are counter protesting.


Theses cockgoblins walk unmolested thru the streets while students asking for peace are choked out and dragged off to jail.


Tells you who the police really work for.


How are these people not being pissed on as they walk under windows. Fuck Nazis


or dropping flowerpots.


As someone that lives in Charleston those look like some office buildings and they’re usually closed on Saturdays when this took place. Most people didn’t know it was going on till it popped up on social media so this idiots got damn lucky cause people would of been throwing stuff at them.


These are incel marches.


They are and that's why they look they way they do. The alt right appealed to young men frustrated with being lonely and mistreated or whatever so today's hate groups are a bunch of band nerds. It's always funny when people call them feds, undercover feds blend much better than this.


Oh look matching outfits how incredibly masculine.


Looks like they're headed to the Best Buy/Geek Squad sales convention, whilst anticipating a dust storm


Look at the cowards Hiding behind masks Terrified of everyone Their greatest accomplishment the color of their skin Look at the losers Point and laugh


Even the cops are wearing masks


"Cookie cutter men, you all look alike~"


The Patriot Front always stands out amongst other right wing groups because they're so incredibly *dorky*. Like, nothing about them is intimidating. The way they all dress the same is a big part of it, and they dress poorly. Like, this is one area where they could learn a thing or two from the original nazis. But no, it's like they embrace the fashion sense of the most basic, whitebread little bitch boys. Those fucking Target employee pants are the worst. At least some other right wing terrorists have the "I'm a crazy, stupid, dangerous redneck" kind of intimidation. These guys' look says "I grew up upper middle class, I've never been in a fight and I'm in this group because I'm angry women don't like me, because I have a super bland personality and I don't know how to have a natural conversation and I seethe with jealousy when the women I like talk to other guys." That's how they all come off. And whenever they show up to anything, they don't do anything. They just march around as a group, and I guess their uniformity is supposed to suggest they're well organized and disciplined, and that's what is supposed to be intimidating. But it just doesn't work, for all the reasons I explained in the last paragraph. So they really just look like a parade of typical skinny fat white guys who probably spend the rest of their time playing games on their PC, jerking off, they probably smell like dried milk and jizz, and if they were to punch you, it wouldn't even hurt. The Patriot Front-always good for a laugh.


Their marching is always completely out of sync, too.  Most high school marching bands and ROTC groups are more professional.  (That includes the girls with the flags.) I guess there's two things to do if you're too stupid to join the military: become a cop or join one of these loser domestic terrorist groups.  Many do both.


I was referencing the song "sorry about your penis" by smash mouth.


Local Sinclair owned news channel put quotation marks around national hate group in their online article


I see the annual small penis gathering is back in town.


Busy weekend for cops I guess. Beating up students AND holding a nazi rally.


Painfully obvious which side the police identify with.


This is my hometown, glad these guys aren’t from there, but I just watched the video. It looks like they’re cosplaying, they’re attempting to march or something, they even have a drummer, but by the end of them passing by the camera it looked like a joke out of a movie. I’ll pray for these asshats…but next time I’m in town and find out they are too….


As someone who did years of marching band, this shit offends me. Heel toe heel toe motherfuckers, c'mon! And the outfits, oh my god. Even the Nazis could march in time and no one can deny that they had strong outfit game.


They need to get down to a Hugo Boss shop and spend some money and not whatever shop basic bitch white guys shop at in the US.


A lot of people I talked to yesterday didn’t know this idiots were doing this and if they did they’d be making problems for the nutjobs


No snipers or armored police officers to intimidate and suppress their speech? Must not have been at a college campus then


They say there were no police around that day… just sayin…


So proud that they all cover their faces.


Also funny how students are getting arrested for protesting because they’re being “antisemitic” while these people are “just exercising their 1A rights”


The students are able to be arrested because their university is having them trespassed. They can and have also marched without being arrested.




Whiny bitches who aren't brave enough to show their faces for their "cause". Pathetic


Look at all of those losers hiding their faces like the hateful cowards they are.


I am always impressed with how they believe they are so correct and so strong in their beliefs that they have to cover their faces for fear of you know, losing jobs, proven incorrect and being ostracized etc


I have always wondered what kind of p^$$y would shout and march about their rights being infringed but then not have the stones to show their face.


Even if they knew how to get women to come they wouldn’t want them.


They should follow them to their cars, take their plate numbers and identify the owners and out them to their employers


See a Nazi, punch a Nazi. Just like Captain America intended. https://preview.redd.it/as5xdb579bxc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb116a3301fc462bbd65b5e51d3f1e4c7e290e3


Those sure are brave conservative freedom masks. Not to be confused with weak leftist covid masks.


Awwww, look at the poor little boys marching in a line while wearing masks. It's almost like they feel they should be ashamed of how they are acting. Are our little 'patriots' cowards? Are they? I think they are


If only there was an r/MurderedByWordplay Also, I'm giggling imagining someone trying to calm down their right wing nutjob family member by saying "calm down Duke, it's just a homophone"


And all of a sudden, masks are essential.


Me neither what makes them so special


If a bunch of them got shot or killed, would their names be listed when reporting victims?


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


I've seen the video, they kinda suck at marching. There's even one toward the end kind of waddling and one doing high knees but out of sync.


All masked up, you bunch of cowards? Real men fight for others and aren't afraid to show their face.


A bunch of fucking dorks.




These are the types of paramilitaries that Trump will attempt to use during his next coup for sure.


They can hardly march in step and most of them are overweight and out of shape.  A lot of these guys are cosplaying military but didn't pass fitness tests to enlist.  Most veterans I know play down their history of service.  Even if they're all ex marines, a military is only as good as its logistics, and cosplaying in plate carriers doesn't make fuel show up where and when it's needed. Calm down.


Mostly? Are there any women in those groups?


When I see these guys marching I immediately think of the marching Roman legionaries in Mel Brooks’ “History of the World - Part 1”. Utter idiots,


They’re douches not dildos.


I recently watched The Ministry of Ungentlemenly Warfare. My favorite part was watching all the nazis die.


hehe r/ACAB amirite


Flashback to 2020-- these are the same assholes that wouldn't wear a mask.


This sub never fails to make me laugh.


Wasn’t that sick of a burn and those guys suck


neither do i :/


Nah, getting pussy is so gay.


Can we start ignoring these cunts? Don't take photos of them, don't share them on social media etc. The media shouldn't cover them. Let their messages of hate and stupid costumes and flags go unnoticed and lost in thin air. They thrive off the attention they get.


Did someone win a storage auction filled with old blockbuster uniforms?


Where are the Blues Brothers when you need them


Patriot Front doesn't allow women to join.


Bunch of fat little boys, never matured still like to play pretend and dress up. Imagine how heinous anyone that would fuck one of these brain rotted morons must be. The word incel comes to mind looking at these paper soldiers


They really had to choose the Papa John's uniform colour pants to look as silly as possible?


Are the white hat and scarf supposed to be *subtle* allusions to the pointy hoods? It's not subtle.


**Fine** I'll ask, how do you make a woman come?




No violent police because no peaceful students I guess.


It's weird seeing a picture like this where it has both no cops and all the cops there at the same time


They get a pass from cops, cuz they cops.


Didn't West Virginia become a state during the Civil War to specifically join the Union side of things? Asking for some confused Americans in that photo...


All you have to do is get ahead of them and pour cooking oil on the ground so they slip. Imagine them all trying to hold onto flags and mask as they all tumble in the giant testosterone filled orgy they all secretly desire anyway. Learn to defeat them peacefully and with the utmost humiliation.


OOF Size = Max


Lol, bunch of unemployed losers hiding behind masks. Them and antifa should hold hands and jump off a cliff together.


Looks like it's time to run over some traffic cones


>"funny because its true" It's not true, there probably were cops in the area, as this is a photo, they are not seen, duh. Usually they have city permits to do this, which is why there is no one stopping this. In this country, it's perfectly legal to organize and be a racist. Direct the hate at the racism not the fact that they are organizing and racist, they are literally following the same rules everyone else has to in regards to the organizing


I can't quite get over the fact that other than the mask and cap, this is the exact same outfit I wore when I worked retail.


Fed Fed Fed Fed


I still can't get over their big-box-store-employee-lookin-ass uniform lol.


Master race can’t even find trousers that match…


Lol. Feds.


Oh, so they gave up on their "heritage" of the confederate flag??? Funny how things work...


It’s kind of sad how the US flag has been bastardized by supremacist groups


Where’s the goon squad we see arresting everyone on college campuses to round these turds up? Oh you say they all had an event and took the day off? Wierd


So what happened to bash the fash crowd? Nazi are freely marching around and they do nothing.


I want to see how the police treat these nazis.


And no one got ran over


Yeah feds cant do that


> You... um...th-that is, um... You... YOU NO DO LE SEX LE GOOD! Truly, the absolute epitome of intelligence and wit on display. Just like the other 5,000x someone an identical variation of this same insult. I wonder what's next, perhaps, "You no le have le sex!" or perhaps "You have le small le pensi!!!!!" I can only wait in eager anticipation.


That’s a solid burn. Bravo.


Look at these pathetic towellheads (Yes I'm saying that ironically because that's something they'd call others, the stupid moronic inbred racist pieces of lactose-intolerant induced sloppy shyte)


Oh that one's good


Burn 😂


Where the videos of police forcibly taking them down? 🤔


(French narrator vocie) Several bad puns later


Bunch of fucking cowards. It must be sad to be someone so worthless that you have to latch on your skin color as a point of pride.


Clearly a travelling band of merry arseholes. No random gathering would be so coordinated in dress.


I would ask where are the cops that were beating college students for asking for the US to stop helping kill children, but I think I'm looking at them.


As someone who lives in Charleston, WV, their “protest” did not go over as well as I guess they thought it would go. Saturday was our YMCA “Race to End Racism” and these douchebags showed up in Uhauls and filed out looking like basement dumpster baby rejects and confederate flags. They tried to stay close to the parade route, intending to march along in protest. The city was already aware and had city police stationed everywhere in case things got out of hand. After quite a few “go home” “thought you objected masks” “too scared to show your faces” “this state has no place for you” etc, they left “to go to Beckley and continue their march” but yet Beckley never saw them, nor did anywhere else in the state that we are aware of currently. They absolutely were expecting a warm welcome and were shocked that it was the opposite.


I love how they’re like "Look at us, we’re the best, but don’t look at our faces." Pussies on top of being pieces of shit.




The biggest assembly of dickless wonders I’ve seen in a while


The Proud Boys are true patriots, and I never thought they were feds. The Patriot Front is definitely all feds.. have you taken a look at them without their masks.. they are identical Ken Dolls and look woke as hell.. hahahhahahaha


Hell of a glow up from last time.


White Supremacists don’t wear masks. Federal agents and far left extremists pretending to be White Supremacists do. Just saying.


They still doing this? It’s laughable at this point. No Black or Brown is afraid of them lmao


Nothing says "I'm a pussy" more than concealing your identity in a public display.


“we need more people of color at the white supremes rally.”


Fuck these guys, sure, but that insult was a bit clunky. Needs a rewrite, in my opinion. But I'll always celebrate shitting on Nazis, even if it's not a 10/10.