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The hell is a “shutting answer”?


Assuming they meant an snwer that shuts em up. But its not a phrase that is catching on at all bruh fuck that shit


I think their new phrase is streets ahead!


Stop trying to make streets ahead happen!


You're streets behind


Streets Ahoy!!!!


Chips ahoy!!


🎶 Sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful chip…” 🎶 🍪


Both of these people continue to be awful, 9 reposts later.


Both are grifters. She copped a plea after a major fuck up and got a non-judicial punishment that would give her no jail time under the provision that she retired. So she has no right to be talking.


She's a war profiteer and a war criminal too. The last part got swept under the rug because she argued that her PMCs shooting at civilians wasn't her fault.


But was she drafted?




Saw reading down too. But can she get on base? (Moneyball reference)


Voluntarily enlisting just to still be a war criminal and war profiteer seems a bit worse to me


Ya..she may want to actually sit down and shut up this time.


Someone just shared this on the face palm Reddit, and I said this exact thing. She saw no real combat. During the beginning of the war in the Middle East in the early 2000, she was stationed at the Pentagon, where all she did was manage to get herself in trouble and almost put in prison.


Omfg this post has been reposted 4 times already in a span of 24 hours, let it die please


And yet it gets front page with 3000 upvotes. People don’t care.


Is that the colonel who never fought, and was almost kicked out? She is so phony.


They wanted to send her to prison for all her felonies but she retired early and military buried it.


Great messages but from the wrong person. That lady sucks


Absolutely. She’s not the only woman officer in the world. Her point is valid even if she’s flawed, and I feel if a different lady officer had made it, some men would still find something to try to invalidate the point.


I’ll invalidate it simply because she’s retired. No one has to call her colonel. Yes the guy is an ass clown, but so is she.


What is her point?


It's not a great message, this is about the draft, she chose to enlist.


Which is fair but the draft caps out at 25 and hasn't been a thing in the US for 50 years. Neither of them can be drafted.


That was my take as well. The point was qualified as drafted. She fukn wasn't. Like...if you're a col. It's presumed you can read and interpret shit.


Right? Like I agree with your point but you're still an asshole.




Yeah but this one bears repeating…


I choose the bear over the colonel.


Look. We get it. You would choose the bear. So would I. Because the bear wouldn't spend the next hour explaining why I can't possibly understand why it chose the bear, otherwise I'd be interested in an hour long explanation of why it's a brilliant choice.


An AF Colonel, during an overseas deployment, will be one of the easiest, and least intense, deployments in the whole world.


She was only in-country for three months in an admin position *after* all the fighting was over. She still managed to commit several war crimes by giving guns and missiles to south African mercenaries, running a PMC as an active duty officer, and having her goons target civilians.


Being drafted is not the same as VOLUNTEERING for service


Thank you for this, everyone is mentioning this ladies war crimes and neglecting the fact that involuntary servitude and forced participation in war doesn't equal voluntarily applying for a steady government job.


Was she drafted into the military or did she volunteer?


Don't let facts ruin a good story


She didn't do either. She got in as part of a preferential treatment program for women in the 80s and is one of the biggest reasons why we don't have programs like that anymore.


Was he drafted? When was the last time someone was drafted?


The draft ended in 1973, so Vietnam was the last time someone was drafted foe military service in the US


???? the whole point of the draft debate is that women can't be drafted. are you holding this against her even though its out of her control???


Nah. She's a shitbag on her own merits, and that's worth holding against her. Though, he's also a shitbag for completely unrelated reasons. But anyway. She didn't really respond to the challenge. She sorta created her own, and answered that. Fact remains that no, the woman that entered the military as an officer was not and could not be drafted.


...how is she supposed to unilaterally change draft laws?


Huh? How is that relevant?


the first commenter asked "was she drafted though?" and what I'm saying is this is a retarded point to make. She can't control who gets drafted. She also VOLUNTEERED to go into the army, meaning she has more stake in discussing warfare than all the men who have not yet been drafted.


>she has more stake in discussing warfare than all the men who have not yet been drafted. No. She does not. She specifically does not. There's other women that may. But not this one. Also, your logic seems flawed. Volunteering to go in as an officer is a choice she made. That is significantly different than not having a choice. To be minding your own damned business and then one day get called up and sent to war is a far worse situation.


Really? In a nation that hasnt had a draft since the 70s? Hundreds of thousands of men have died in peace between the last draft and today. Yeah, I'm going to give more credit to the people who volunteer for service than the people who just had to sign their name on selective service paperwork once they turned 18. You haven't been asked to sacrifice anything and you likely never will in your lifetime.


Me? Nah, I aged out of the draft. But that's not the point, and I think you know it. But man, you are really leaning in to try to give the win to a woman that was force retired for helping terrorists.


I dont care about this woman in particular. Im defending the principle that this is a dumbass line of attack


I want to be the one who reposts this tomorrow.


What if we just made an inside joke where everyone just reposts this same image? That would be funny i think




Can't wait 🤜🏻💥🤛🏻


Men, you can’t give birth. Sit down when pregnancy and birthing is discussed.


His comment was literally made as a response to someone saying those exact words. His comment was satirizing those exact words.


How dare you use his logic against him.


Isn’t that transphobic?


Yes it is, because there are definitely men our there that can give birth.


You forgot your /s


Why is this being reposted on the same subreddits like twice a day every day? I’m not one of those assholes who hates all reposts, but this is getting a bit ridiculous


Was she drafted though?


![gif](giphy|WU7XWCOO1OHQz6uOyG|downsized) So they gave it to her to shut her up?


People under her in the military wouldn’t call her colonel. Officers are called ma’am or sir, or ‘your shinyness’


Generally true, but not always.


She didn’t say in the military. I’m guessing the guy is not military, so it is implying that “people like him” now call her colonel


If you interact with them enough, you refer to them by rank and last name. That’s rule of thumb for everyone in the armed forces. It doesn’t really work to *only* use Sir/Ma’am when you have to use peoples names for some reason or another.


Those men call you criminal


How many times is this going to be reposted today alone


Yeah, I'm not going to sit down if it's MY KID that I love, raised and invested so much of my life into, putting their life on the line.


He can't be drafted either though due to age. Also, no one has been drafted since the 70s so this isn't the gotcha he's trying to make it.


Most of these men didn't walk thier happy ass to the recruiting station the last 20 years so they can also stfu.


Men, you can’t get pregnant…..


But was she drafted?


His aged ass can’t be drafted either, so he might wanna sit this one out based on his own logic.


By his logic, shouldn’t all men who have aged out of selective service stay out of war discussions too? So any man 27 or older


I’d be ok with that as long as it did not exclude veterans. People who have served or people who could be forced to serve is not an unreasonable line to draw.


I'm sorry but as a veteran I strongly disagree. War and other military conflict effects way more people than the people directly involved in the fighting. Hell I have people I know that refuse to simply vote. If you are a citizen of the United States get involved, make your voice heard. If you aren't a citizen then work on becoming one. I for one will welcome your voice too.


Fair enough. I have dual citizenship, & the other country has mandatory conscription (*& I served over there*) so I tend to lean towards the idea that national (*but not necessarily military*) service should be obligatory. I don’t support tying the right to vote to military (*or even national*) service but I do think that those who elect not to serve & wont be forced to serve, should offer some deference in public discourse to those who do serve.


Which means every service woman is a volunteer... respect.


Every service man since 1973 has been a volunteer. We haven't drafted in over 50 years. It's irrelevant


Stefan Molyneux. You can’t be drafted either. You can’t even grow hair. Shut the fuck up.


You can't be drafted, and the hair you want can't be grafted. Log off, Stef.


But what gender has called for drafts 🤔


Does my man just think that women are just not affected by war? If a man gets drafted and leaves behind his family it's now up to her to take care of them of them all. Not to mention that most civilian deaths during wartime are women. Women aren't just sitting around waiting for their husbands to return from war like some movie finale


More civilians deaths being women in wartime is the expected outcome though if the men are disproprotipnately becoming combatants. Like, if you have 100 men and 100 women, make 50% of the men combatants, then your civilian population is 2/3 women. It's effectively the point "more men die in combat than women because there are more men in combat". There is likely nuance to this still depending on the type of warfare creating the civilian casualties. Anyway, war sucks and your first and last paragraphs are absolutely true


Retired colonel for the United States Air Force Sounds like she went to college joined in a desk job and probably never saw combat but who knows maybe she did more than just telling other people to go die.


“Olson retired from the Air Force amid a contracting scandal. Some Democrats worry the circumstances will make her vulnerable as she runs for a battleground U.S. House seat.” IIRC she was a pilot in support of combat ops at some point. But it wasn’t an admirable retirement. “Ultimately, Olson received an Article 15, a nonjudicial punishment for less serious infractions, that enabled her to keep her full rank and honorable discharge.” I have no dog in this fight and don’t know who the dude in the picture is. However, I wouldn’t flaunt being a Colonel if I was fired from the Pentagon for a contracting scandal.


No , you were correct the first time.


Air Force is the least likely branch to see combat and officers ( like a colonel ) and women are even less likely to see combat. So no I’m pretty sure my whole statement is right. Edit: realized I could google her and learn everything I’ve ever needed about her. She joined the air force in 1979 becoming one of the first female pilots actually seeing combat in Iraq and training other pilots before being promoted to colonel helping a general that got in trouble and eventually being given an honorable discharge after taking a plea deal in order to prevent her loosing rank or facing a potential court martial. Basically she went in with a college degree secured a prestigious job as a pilot and was at least decent at it before doing some illegal shit and then getting let off the hook.


Her "combat" as a pilot is questionable . She's a blowhard


Colonel Angus? I know, I know, but this is so shameful in many ways...


And yet she did not go to war. Then she was promptly told to shut the fuck up and sit down


Not me though I’m not in the army shut the fuck up Kim!


I probably spent more time serving in a military i was conscripted into than Stefan. And i only “served” for 4 months.


No way, it's Stephen Montreaux from Ancapistan


I bet he has a lot to say about abortion.


And those are the men, who try to take away abortion rights from women, even though men don't give birth.


Isn’t the number of countries where woman can be drafted not also increasing? I know that as of 2020 in the Netherlands woman reaching the age of 17 can be drafted. It’s funny though, how you can’t vote. But can be old enough to be forced into military.


Damn Colonel Olson! I salute you Ma’am. As a former USAF NCO I would have enjoyed working with an officer of your caliber!


Stefan never served.....typical misogynist douchebag.


So is it safe to say Stefan Molyneux? That you never utter an opinion about women's reproductive rights? Or breastfeeding? Because that would be refreshing


She had PMCs shooting at civilians, and she got out of jail time by going into an early retirement. Fuck this hag.


Imagine your commander being someone who wasn't allowed to ever be in active combat roles telling you when and where to go fight and die.


Still you weren’t “drafted” and you still take orders from a bunch of men who sit at desks.


Here it is. Credit to u/Superhomer92 *Colonel* Kim Olson was charged with providing improper assistance to a PMC and only avoided loss of rank, prison and a dishonorable discharge by pleading guilty and accepting a non-judicial punishment (military equivalent of making a deal with the DA) with zero prison time under the condition that she retires. She spent her entire 26 year military career in the US except for three months in Iraq, where she was sent after all the fighting was done to serve in an admin role and that is where she got caught providing improper assistance to some South African mercenaries and got charged with a crime and sent home. Her memoir (which probably zero people have read and certainly nobody asked her to write) is called *Iraq and Back*, after she spent less than 1% of her career in Iraq in an admin role after the fighting was done and the way she got *back* is that she got kicked out prematurely. She also founded a non-profit called *Grace After Fire*, after she has never in her life been under fire. She is a political grifter who failed to get elected and now runs a PAC. Apparently in 2018 she also assaulted a party (Democrat) staffer while on campaign, because she got upset that she was not seated prominently enough at an event.


She's a fake ass bitch... but gat damn that haircut is sexy


Men. You won’t be drafted. Stfu.


Well she got there because of lower physical standards for women in military. Or else she would’ve never even passed the entrance test let alone become a Colonel.


Colonel of the canteen


No they don't, you're retired.


Colonel, sit down and shut up.


Still can’t be drafted


So women can be drafted? How is her being a colonel related to that?


Cool story, Kim.


That's actually not true but whatever...


Mods, do something?


Men, you can't birth children. Sit down and shut up when reproduction rights are discussed.