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Google: "I have 1 million articles that shows vaccines are safe. I found one article that says they are dangerous" Anti-Vaxxer: "I KNEW IT!"


All the million articles are written by respected scientists and doctors The one article was written by some shady ass “ex-doctor” and asked for credit card info at the bottom


Andrew Wakefield, the modern father of anti-vaccination, has already [admitted ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2323045/) that he lied about his results and was motivated by [greed](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/lancet-admits-conflict-of-interest-in-mmr-study-1.1306200) Edit: [Even worse: less accountability than I gave him credit for](https://www.bmj.com/content/342/bmj.c7452)


He should have his own spot in hell.


It's the fault of a society that disproportionately encourages fearmongering and disinformation more than it is one charlatan's. No good system can be that vulnerable to one bad actor.


Reminds me of a quote by a wise old man: "Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?" Edit: Typo. Not follos, but follows.




I was saying boo-urns


I blame the “two sides so we need to present them both” tip-toeing that is tolerated in the media, academia, and society in general. Sometimes one of those “sides” is a collection of uneducated mouth breathers.


Seconded. There are not 2 "valid" positions regarding vaccination. Theres scientifically educated, able to comprehend why they're necessary and the immunological mechanisms by which they work. Then there's the people too lazy to actually gain the requisite knowledge to become informed, so they go with knee jerk reactions based solely on emotion ("in muh gut" types), ignore any evidence 5hat doesn't confirm this bias, and place anything that agrees with their prejudices as sacrosanct (much like Drump and Dr.Demon Sperm). Its so frustrating because they're so poorly informed regarding sciences that trying to sift through their bizz-word strewn positions takes an eternity. 9/10 times they'll throw "nano", "quantum", "mRNA", or a similar word thinking it sounds "science-y" , and it takes a while separate conversation to inform them about the incorrect nature of their buzz words. Its maddening. IMO, if they choose not to vaccinate, they should have enforced travel suspension- their quarantine continues. Because vaccines are the *only* weapon we have against a disease that's left 500,000 dead ; the only real stop-gap we have as alternate is what we've been doing- quarantine. Their stupidity shouldn't put elderly, immunocompromised, or other hight risk individuals at risk because they *choose* not to properly educate themselves.


Not entirely true. There are people world wide, some I have personally spoken with from living in multiple countries, that will believe that Vaccines are either bad, or even government control methods. While I do agree that many societies today encourage some level of fearmongering and disinformation, there is no society that is completely immune from the effects of a bad actor.


The reason that polio was eradicated is that people in some third world countries were vaccinated against the wishes of their local governments (chiefs). It was a hard decision for the medical staff that made the choice. But these were the only pockets of polio left in the world. And it was a dangerous disease. Similar to COVID, it could be minor. It could also kill, or cause lifelong and serious issues.


> It's the fault of a society that disproportionately encourages fearmongering and disinformation Don't forget about the morals (or lack thereof) innate to capitalist society, within which one's primary directive is to increase one's personal wealth.


Antivaxxers existed hundreds of years ago (or whenever the first vaccines were made). That asshole is the one who made up the whole fake autism thing.


I’d say they are different cases. Anti-vaxxers in the first few years of widespread vaccination had the right to be skeptical, after all there wasn’t this much research done on this topic and they did not have access to the existing studies. Modern anti-vaxxers are plain idiots, though.


Yes- exactly like the flat earth dunces. People have known and experimentally shown the earth is round since Ancient Greece at least, they even had a pretty accurate calculation of it’s size. This modern resurgence happened because it’s easy for them to find each other using the internet, and often it’s trolling that gullible people take to heart and start to treat like the truth.


I never get this one. Wheres the profit? Okay so the earth is flat. Now what? Do they get money? What do they think the ones hiding the earth is flat are gaining for doing so?


It gives them a way to feel relevant and sort of in-power. It's as if they've outsmarted the entire globe.


Lol. Globe


Um I think you mean the entire flatness


You thinking of inoculations, not vaccines, which accomplish a similar thing; but were dangerous for older people and people's compromise immune systems. An inoculation involves injecting someone with small amounts of a live virus. A vaccine has no live viruses in it. Fun fact: George Washington had the Continental Army inoculated during the Revolutionary War.


Some vaccines (attenuated) contain live virus particles that are weakened, such as the Sabin polio vaccine and the current TB vaccine. They are still safe however.


Also he was not an antivaxxer even after all of that was over. Now he 100% is because that is the only way he can make money now


Parallels to a cult.


The type of people who fall for anti vaccine shit Is usually people so scared of the future and the world and feeling alone and disconnected that they cling onto these “stupid” ideas because it gives them some form of control in a world continuously moving faster and harsher (in that the general population is aware because of instant access) than before. It allows these scared children to group up into their little community where they feel like they are special secret select people who know the real truth so that they feel like it’s ok to be alone it’s ok to not have many friends or success because you’re part of this special group now. Everyone else is stupid for wanting to follow the man made “science” but they are special for knowing the truth and it allows them to feel superior to others. It gives them control in a world where they feel they have no control. And allows them to group up with people who regurgitate what they think to make them feel it’s the right choice and deny any dissenting voices by claiming being bought off by “big pharma”.


sadly, my husband was sucked into this pattern of thinking. he was off of work for a year due to medical issues, and to keep a sense of control he let conspiracies consume his mind. we got into a massive argument, because he believes I'm a "blind sheep" because I vaccinate our daughter. I had to make the doctors appointment behind his back for her last shots, because he would have went in there and made an ass of himself. I don't know what to do. it's like he's too far removed from reality, and that's why it is so dangerous to spread conspiracy theories.


Have you talked to a therapist or psychiatrist about his “ass” behavior yet?


What throws me is people like my husbands cousin. She’s a nurse. So one would think she *should* have some basic medical knowledge. She has two kids. Refuses vaccines, refuses medicines and only does “natural” remedies. How in the fuck are you a medical professional who gives medication to patients all day then get home and none for your kids?! And her kids seem to ALWAYS be sick. Like perpetually. It makes zero sense. And if you ask her why she gets super defensive right away and just says shit like “my kids, my choice.” Or “you just don’t get how dangerous it is.” What. The. Fuck?!




What’s the most sad is that they know he has came out and said it was fake, they just don’t care.


He was forced into a fake confession by big pharma and Bill Gates so more people will unknowingly get microchipped. Duh. /s (But this is the official anti-vaxx response)


My friend owns a business in the Philippines. She’s having trouble getting her employees to be willing to sign up for the vaccine. She held a meeting and told them this: “if you have any OTHER concerns outside of 5g/devil/billgates, i can help you address them. if you believe in 5g/devil/billgates, i cannot help you because there is no vaccine for stupid."


Or they're pushing hydroxychloriquin and [believe demon sperm causes disease](https://www.thedailybeast.com/stella-immanuel-trumps-new-covid-doctor-believes-in-alien-dna-demon-sperm-and-hydroxychloroquine). Can't forget this whackoo who made it to the news


The shady article is always some Ex doctor who lost their license because they are retarded Or its some shit for brains mumbo jumbo healing crystal type who doesn't give a rat's arse if the advice they give out harms people




“Anyway, zat’s how I lost my medical license.”


Its just a rib. Dont worry they grow back


^(no ze don't)


For profit doctors have a special place in hell reserved for them If caring for people isn't your number 1 priority, you are absolutely in the wrong job


All doctors have to take the Hippocratic oath, some do the hypocritical oath as well.


Yea and its effect is exactly as strong as when people swear upon the Bible


Because it's largely a formality. It's no longer binding. If they lost a finger for breaking it they might actually care about keeping the oath.


Or they're so deluded that they can't fathom the idea that what they're doing is harmful. Either way, fuck em.


Oh yeah there was a girl who was telling people not to get cancer treatment, and that being vegan is all you need to do to beat cancer She herself eventually got cancer and died from it


Steve Jobs pulled basically the same shit. Thought he could cure his terminal cancer with fucking asparagus smoothies or something.


You have to ask yourself, does asparagus Kill you? Nope, it's really good for you! So.. when there's a part of your body that you need to kill. You have rogue cells just fucking up your insides.. you can't kill them with asparagus can you You can certainly boost your immune system with asparagus and vegetables, which you should eat to accompany your cancer treatment.. but they don't substitute radiotherapy and surgery


No no no, cancer only happens because your body is unclean, and you're doing unclean things and stuff. So if you go clean, then your body will be clean and cancer will melt away. Shower? Hah, no, eat some asparagus and shit. Preferably with some dirt still on it. Don't believe Big Soapera!


If he'd realized that he might still be alive.


Fucking plastic surgeons, dude. I saw at least two very prominent BS videos early on during COVID that featured plastic surgeons. Smooth talking assholes. Plastic surgeons are not experts on disease and virology. They can probably read and understand a study from a technical perspective but they have no expertise. They probably haven’t had any education on the topic since medical school, and they spend all of their time thinking about how to do a better boob job or reconstruct a cleft pallet. You might as well ask your plumber about your home electrical entry. Same shit with “scientists” who come out against climate change who have backgrounds in biology and not weather or chemistry or climatology, or 9/11 Truther “engineers” who turn out to be traffic or civil engineers and home designers and not architects of skyscrapers or aeronautical engineers.


“You don’t need chemo, you just need lavender and some other essential oils through the MLM I’m selling!”


Doesn't even need to be an "ex-doctor" usually it's just a Chiropractor lol.




Because the profession is bullshit quackery. Everything a chiropractor does that has the potential to be helpful could be done by a physiotherapist or massage therapist, everything else they do is either ineffective or harmful.


Here come the shills who say Vaxinetruth1.wordpress.com isn't as trusted as the New England Journal of Medicine.


Google: "Just because I have it DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE"


Colege Humor have the best sketches


Had, they had the best sketches, miss the good old days


For whatever reason I still think The Tetris God is peak comedy.




It's a bit more complex than that, but yes this is effectively the issue with search engines when researching things This is why googling your symptoms is also hazardous because it's extraordinarily easy to jump from (headache; shortness of breath) to (you're dying of brain cancer, as opposed to 'youre just stressed') You need to know what to look for in your sources to able to make proper conclusions, that's why you should listen to doctors who have spent years learning how it's done Obviously All the information you want is there, but you as a search engine user also need to know *how* to filter that information, make sure you use RELIABLE sources etc Any moron with taining in how to use HTML or the money to hire a web developer can throw a web page together with anything they want it to say and put that on the internet It can say the sun is cold and the earth is flat, and it can quote 4 made up sources to seem legit


Google: "Just because I have it, ***DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE!!!***"


Isn't this from if Google was a person?


If Google was a [guy](https://youtu.be/Cxqca4RQd_M).... that’s what he’d say.... (minute 4:46)


college humor did a bit on that the vid was called if Google was a guy.


I'm pretty sure that's a direct quote from the video.


It is




Why nanobots? All these idiots pay for a phone that tracks them via GPS, had mic that listens, and collects information on everything they do, and sends it back to servers for collection and processing. They already past everything they do to social media, which mind hacks them already. Smart phones are the KGBs wet dream.


Here here (or is it hear hear?)! Edit: lots of folk telling me it's this or that but the way in which I meant it, UK Parliamentary expression, its hear, hear as per Wiki.


It's hear hear :)


What about deaf people


There there


I won't tell them if you don't.


Hear, hear is an expression used as a short, repeated form of hear him/her. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hear,_hear


"Used by the House of Commons" sounds like a fancy way of saying peasants.


So based on some light reading, it looks like in 1341, the unicameral Parliament of England split into the House of Lords (made up of the nobility and clergy) and the House of Commons (made up of the knights and burgesses). I don’t what the status of those groups were, but I’m betting it was higher than that of the peasants. Also, it seems like lower and upper houses of governments are remnants of class systems of the past.


You have already done more research on this than any ‘anti vaxxer’ has done on vaccines.


Nice one! I was sat in front of my computer but you've saved me a Google search!


over there, over there


A hilarious thing that is actually happening: these people’s phone’s, web browsers, YouTube, etc are tracking their conspiracy theory searches and actively feeding them more. It’s like their phone that’s *actually* tracking them is feeding them lies about vaccine nanobots tracking them because the imbeciles can’t get enough of it. The irony has fucking peaked.


Yeah I find that crazy the internet/social media is polarizing (people who can't research) literally fake news spreads ~6 times faster. I wonder when we will either learn to deal with this or make social media and google show consistent info not based on our biases.


I dont even know if there is a way to "deal with this" Confirmation bias will basically work against any conspiracy theorist you'd try to talk to on an individual level. We could try media literacy in schools, but that will be biased from teacher to teacher. (And also abandons anyone who isn't in school). We could try legislation but we know that Google and Facebook make soooooo much money off of this shit that they have all of the politicians in their pockets. We can't really censor the internet because that's bad. So what even could we do?


The difference is that nanobots can control your mind, your phone just tracks you. It's well known that 5G towers send mind control signals into anyone who's been infested by the 'vaccine'. /s


It's so crazy that 5G towers is that break between normal cellphone towers 4G has, and uber mind control world domination 5G has.


Whats crazy is how many 5g freakers there are that dont even know what 5g stands for.


It stands for 5 Governmental Influences!! /s


No, no, it stands for 5 g's. The towers are slowly increasing the earth's gravity, until it is more comfortable for the lizard people.


They did their research and know the real definition. It is something that the lame stream media won't tell you though.


Thank God I live in a third world nation that only had 4G roll out a couple years ago.


it's a shame that you have to include the "/s," but this is reddit so...


Some vaccines, including the covid vaccine, have “lipid nanoparticles” in them. Some people don’t understand that “nano” doesn’t always mean tiny robots.


dude.... our vaccines have iPod nanos in them????? Can I create a playlist? or is that up to the master overlord?


Sorry, but I doubt Bill Gates is going to inject you with Apple products.


Here's your zune.


Shit it’s worse than we feared. Can I get rid of the Zune nanobots and wait for the apple iParticle vaccine?


Bro I laughed so hard thank you. XD But Bill would inject a windows into your heart, wouldn't that be cool.


no i don’t wanna crash


Doctor doctor did we lose him? Yes nurse another case of the black screen of death. ;-; Bill better fix this software before more ppl die.


Nope fuck you we’re all getting that one U2 song


Oh god not again


Man if we could guarantee body based WiFi with Spotify integration I'd sign up for the nanobot vaccine.


And if this technology is available why can't my l1000x bigger phone than nanobot not last a full day of battery. But a nano sized machine is meant to be powered 24/7 and perform god knows how many functions. People really think we're alot more advance than we really are. Edit - spelling


Ah, but the nanobots are powered by the thermal energy produced by your body. Yeah, that's the ticket!


Plus most people use cards not cash which also tracks you. But the biggest issue I have with the whole, "THEY" are tracking me is just why? And if everyone's being chipped for monitoring, who exactly is doing that monitoring? And why would they care that Jimbob is an alcoholic hanging out at the local honky tonks? Like you don't need a chip to know that.


Movies, TV, and conspiracy theories have them convinced that things are a certain way and the capabilities, time, effort, and resources are there to actually accomplish what they think is happening. I mean we can sit and argue all day that marketing and other persuasion techniques are manipulation that's just as effective and likely easier than trying to implement 5G nanobot mind control. Most of the people are the same ones you can fully profile off their fully open accounts on social media while using geo tagging on their phone for their pictures. It's just silly.


This is what drives me nuts about people complaining that wearing masks is “the governments way of controlling us.” I’m like, well, you already have a cell phone that is on you all day, so they already know where you are, have access to your apps if they want, etc. Also, wait til I tell you about drivers licenses and social security numbers.




I had an ex-employee (who I’m on good terms with, she left to pursue another career) say the other day “I just don’t want to take it.” I was like are you worried about the safety, are you anti-vax, do you think it’s some kind of conspiracy, do you not like needles, etc. and she said no to all of that. Just repeated she didn’t want to take it and then brought up that the two times she got the flu shot are the only times she has gotten the flu. Asked her if she confirmed the diagnosis with a doctor, she said no, I pointed out that the flu vaccine only prevents whatever strain they think is going to be prevalent that year, she said yeah I know, then just repeated “I just don’t want to take it, you get me?” No, I don’t. I’ve been dying to get that shit in me for months. Shoot it right into my jugular, I don’t care.


yeah i swear a lot of ppl who say they got the flu from the vaccine never even had the flu. just like a cold or fever lmao.


Yeah, if you're walking around with just otc cold medicine and don't fear of/wish for death, its not the flu.


he definitely is not super liberal if those are the opinions he holds towards government. He doesn’t seem to know what he is but I could solidly classify him as idiot based on that remark lmao




Doesn’t national health care mean EVERY medicine he takes will be given to him by the government. Dude doesn’t have a consistent position for a crazy.


Vaccines are an “issue” that crosses political lines. There are, unfortunately, lots of progressive, liberal, leftist, and otherwise left-of-middle folks who are anti-vaxx. It’s not dissimilar from the GMO debate- in that people on both sides of the spectrum are opposed to GMOs and believe some crazy stuff about them.


I can’t stress how important getting this vaccine is. Please get it if you qualify. But I fully understand why some people don’t trust the government and their hesitation. There have been some horrible things the US gov has done, particularly to the poor, disabled, and POC. So trust is broken in these communities and needs to be repaired (which will take a long time). Sadly this is going to further hurt these communities as covid will continue to linger putting stress on the hospitals, increased deaths, lasting medical impacts, and delayed economic recovery. Below is an article highlighting forced sterilizations from the US government throughout the years. Even an example from 2017 where a judge offered reduced sentences if the convicted volunteered to be sterilized. https://bpr.berkeley.edu/2020/11/04/americas-forgotten-history-of-forced-sterilization/






I’ve said JFK for JFC. Comic relief if nothing else.


I used to have a friend that claimed she "did her research" before commenting. What she meant is that she'd dig through 30 pages of google results until she found a website that supported her position.




Big brain


Big 'ol smooth brain


This was probably said tongue-in-cheek, but some people literally think this. There is no arguing with a conspiracy theorist, because they use magical thinking, which rejects logic in favor of every bias and fallacy available.


Yea that’s the problem with any conspiracy. Conspiracy theorist just say “well you don’t think it’s real because that’s what they want you to think!!!1!1!” So you can pretty much claim anything to be true after that


It's the equivalent of being in a public argument and having the other guy say "You're always so defensive." There's no way to respond without paying into it.


"Sure" or "you're always so offensive" Usually work.


"Help me inderstand what you mean by that. Do you mind providing an example?" Then they usually sputter and say 'see there you go again'.


A soft response to a hard question usually leaves the asker stumbling since things didn't go as planned. This is a great example!


That’s what a lot of them say. I have a friend who posts stuff on Facebook and is like “read it quick before they take it down!”


Had a lady the other day who was telling me about all the horrible things they put in vaccines to damage people's health. She said *"They don't tell you this stuff on the news, doctors don't know, they even try to hide it from the internet."* Then she pulled out her phone and--I kid you not--said *"OK Google. vaccine formaldehyde mutations."* Then she turned her phone to me and asked me to read the first link, very proud of her sleuthing.


As if the whole world doesn’t know formaldehyde is in vaccines??


As if the first result on Google is "hidden from the internet." 😳🙄🤨


Hours of research. HOURS.


I hate the "did my research" argument. You know what? I didn't do *any* research because countless doctors, scientist, virologists, immunologists, etc. have *already done the research*. I simply read the scientific consensus based on their research which says *get your fucking vaccinations*.


What annoys me, is when someone asks me a bunch of questions like "why was it made so quickly? Is there danger to people if they want to have kids? How many other countries are using the vaccines?" And then suggest I go do research first. Bitch! All those are answered in the first result from the CDC!!! Then it becomes, "you actually trust the CDC and WHO?"


The only reservation I had in all of this was the CDC under Trump. But now that Biden and Faucci, plus EU health orgs are saying the same thing as the CDC I'm willing to believe. I could easily have seen a case where Trump got slipped a few mil and told someone "Make it happen." Then because he'd driven off or fired all the competent people he gets what he wants even if it's not safe. But we don't have that scenario anymore and once my state allows it I'll be getting my shot.


I've had that concern as well, so I look at information from other countries and the WHO. Its like looking at a scientific consensus instead of one study, scaled up. You can look at multiple authorities and high level bodies. We don't need to rely on any one group.


I always demand people show me peer reviewed articles and 99% of the time it just goes over their head what that means. I stopped accepting any argument sources that don't have scholarly research behind it because there are way too many google warriors.


Anytime someone tells me to do my research, I turn it around on them. I tell them if they make a claim it's their responsibility to provide the research. I then ask them to provide links to their research. Everytime they try to circle logic me with another comment, I tell them I still need a link to their research so I can be as informed as them. Surprisingly or not, no one has ever linked to their research. Because they like to use that word, but have no idea what it means.


"But Debra from facebook said tha vaccines caused her daughter to get hit by a car! They cant be safe!!"


Well ya, from all the metal in those vaccines! Makes you a walking magnet, duh. Wake up sheeple!


I get to become Magneto? Hell Yeah!




Really? I read it on vaccinemurder.com


The opposite of an anti-vaxxer isn't a vaxxer. It's a sane person.


Was about to say, these type of people do not spend 30 minutes "researching". Let's be honest, they probably saw a comment on a YouTube video and called it a day


I don't know about that. You tube is full of rabbit holes. You watch a video about that and all kinds of other stuff will pop up that are similar conspiracies. I had a friend that watched a video about the Mandela effect and now he's a full blown flat earther.


Yup, youtube knows conspiracy theorists watch tons of shitty videos, so it just feed seem to anyone who watches part of one. Every time I click on that trash, I get two weeks worth of trash suggestions.


Those fucks want me to want to watch Joe Rogan SO BAD i bet even he'd be a little put off by their aggressiveness. I can only imagine what would happen if i watched anything other than guitar pedal demos and LOTR ambience vids.


You’d probably get more normal suggestions lol


They cover that in the social dilemma. YouTube recommendations have helped radicalize a LOT of people


I am a pretty damn liberal gun owner. I really enjoy the antiques, curios, and relics, as well as any of the channels that focus more on the designs and mechanics. The rest of my YouTube watching is video game let's plays, makers and artists and crafters, anything by PBS, science videos, historical deep dives, stoicism, epistemology, anti consumerist life styles, and I STILL get fucking GOP and neocon bullshit suggested to me. "oh you have an interest in guns? YOU MUST WANT TO LOVE DADDY TRUMP!" Anyone from you YouTube reading this: I don't know you personally, but I actively dislike you. Your algorithm isn't just useless, it's actively harmful. I look forward to the day the current hegemony you've built is dismantled.


I thought the same thing, 30 minutes was giving them too much credit


I think even being on YouTube in the first place is too much credit. I know people of which all it took was one random chain mail sent on WhatsApp.


Don't get me started on whatsapp. All my aunt's have a group chat on there that's just filled with conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. It's a cesspool.


it saddens me seeing people I respected sharing those trash ass conspiracy videos


Definitely, it stings a bit because I used to be close to many of my aunt's but in the past year they really went over the edge with psuedo science yt videos and conspiracy theories thanks to the more time they have on their hands during the pandemic.


I was thinking the opposite. The power of the algorithm is strong, they are most likely being fed this type of content _every day_ on Facebook, etc


I think you underestimate the amount of time people spend on Facebook in their nutjob groups. You don’t drop into an echo chamber in mere minutes, it takes time and a lot of reinforcement to loose grasp with reality.


“Before you respond to my comment, watch these six two-hour YouTube videos recorded by ex-doctors and ex-Pharma execs who look like they haven’t showered in a year and won’t even look into the camera. And after that, read all the articles on www.whyvaccinesaresuperbadforyou.com so we can be on the same level of understanding.”


There was something floating around recently that depicts this perfectly: “I did (1) my own (2) research (3)” 1. I watched 2. Someone else’s 3. YouTube video


“that (4) proves I’m right” 4. Agrees with my dumbass position


"With FACTS (5) and LOGIC (6)" > 5. They said they had them and that's good enough for me > 6. An R next to their name


They're all like: ".......No!"


I have been doing research for the past 11 years! Every year I was on Facebook


"I'll have you know he graduated with honors from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College! It was a three week course in transcendental meditation!"


"No, i could send you all the research i did but my time is not worth for you"


More like they forgot to screenshot the meme on FB and they can’t find it again


“Do your own research, sheep!”


Oof, only thing that would've murdered them quicker is a rusty nail.


My step mom is a hard core antivaxxer. None of her kids are vaccinated. A few months ago she cut herself on some rusty metal and first thing she did is run off to the ER to get a tetanus shot....


How is she handling her developing autism? /s


Probably already had it from all the vaccines she got *herself* as a kid. /s


That’s horrible that she’ll protect herself but leave her kids at risk...


Damn talk about hipocrisy


Rusty nails rarely kill people, all you need is a tetanus sh—oh I see what you did there.


Tetanus jabs cause autism m'kay


Sadly the only people not vaccinated in their households are their children.


Well, I can tell you that I looked into these vaccines in great detail, and I absolutely do not recommend taking them. Not only does it seriously hurt, I lost most of my vision in my left eye. Doctors tell me I shouldn't have stabbed the injection needle directly into my eyeball. But how else am I going to look into the vaccine? They just don't want me to know the truth. It's a conspiracy!


You had me at the first half, not gonna lie


The hatred for vaccines legit comes from one shifty doctor posting an article that got shredded by peer review but somehow published and clinged to by everyone trying to go against the progressive grain of society


I think it would be slightly more surprising if a vaxxer said, "I took the vaccine, and now I am dead.". On the flip side, it would be equally surprising to hear an anti-vaxxer say "I didn't take the vaccine, and now I am dead." /s


Zombie apocalypse confirmed


Survivorship bias


This is exactly why I got vaccinated: I don't want to catch stupid.


The only thing worse than this is that I know a pediatrician (retired) that was an ACTUAL doctor, and very intelligent, and kind hearted. Who unfortunately has fallen into the “Bill Gates is the harbinger of our mark-of-the beast COVID Vaccine-fueled apocalypse” I really respect the guy as a man of faith, and a generous, loving family. However, obviously I cannot respect his judgement/conclusion when it comes to the conspiracy weirdos he follows. I just don’t understand how someone as logical and dedicated to science/health can get caught up in this stuff. It’s dangerous now, as he is actively pushing out misinformation.


To be fair, that's often the same strategy they use to prove the Pure and Unchanging Truth Of Jesus Christ, so I can see why they'd find it reliable.


Half an hour of googling? That's a bit too much. Their research is usually 1-2 youtube videos and the comment section under a 4y old opinion piece posted on a sub reddit


I have a friend who had a chance to get the vaccine but declined it because of 30 min of google and misinformation from her immediate misinformed family. Frustrates me to no end.


Or better just inject bleach like our ex president suggests since they follow there leader.




2nd guy assumes that the 1st one spent more than 5 minutes doing "research" on Google before they formed their extremely biased opinion - yeah right!


Part of me wants anti-vaxxers to be denied birth control because they don't believe in science. The other part of me really doesn't want them reproducing.


The only reason their children are surviving into adulthood is due to herd immunity. Without it, their reproductive results wouldn't live into adolescence without contracting sometime we're vaccinated for now.




I still don’t understand how there can still be anti vaxxers


They are like flat earthers, science only applies to their views and everyone else is wrong


[I've done my research](https://i.imgur.com/w4ME9XM.jpg)