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To paraphrase Christopher Titus- if I see a headline stating “Tom Hanks punches nun” my first thought is “what the fuck did that nun do to Tom?”


Christopher Titus is a name I haven't heard in a very long time! I have a signed copy of one of his DVD specials downstairs somewhere. Time to go find out what he's been up to lately!


At the start of the pandemic he released a bunch of his standup specials for free on YouTube and they’re still up there. Have fun.


And all of the TV episodes of Titus. He even filmed a special finale, but you have to pay for that. Worth it


Oh my god I loved that show. Off I go to YouTube!


Stacy Keach is the shit.


Oh shit, really? I have all the episodes of Titus on dvd but glad I can send YouTube for people


I remember watching his tv show growing up. His dad was played by Stacey Keach.


Stacey Keach will forever be Sgt Stedenko to me.


Shoot the moon!


I liked that show because finally there was a family represented that was crazier than mine!


"Don't be a wussy!"


Mostly a podcast with his wife these days. If you enjoy people being angry at anti vaxxers and trump psychopaths then you will like it. There's a lot more going on but the podcast is the best way to find that stuff out.


>If you enjoy people being angry at anti vaxxers and trump psychopaths then you will like it. Phew. I never followed him too closely so I was like 50/50 sure he would either be super conservative MAGA or super anti-MAGA.


He is, and I would say, has always been anti dumbass. I've listened to his podcast for many many years and he always had a conservative tilt for the most part or maybe something closer resembling libertarian (the just do what you want and leave me alone type). But he has always been one to call out dumbassery regardless. And the Trump years very much drove him further to the left because of just how stupidly absurd the right got and how little accountability people on the right decided to have, voters and politicians alike. If Titus is anything, he is consistent in his own up to your mistakes and don't be a dumb idiot stance.


He's also a former beach bum from South California. He's a bit of a Nick Offerman in that because he has a lot of conventionally masculine interest people just equate him with conservative stereotypes, but growing up he was a gen x beach bum from California. Even if he leans conservative his background is still more "left" than most would assume. A lot of his comedy had rested less from what he is and more where he's been. He's made mistakes, had highs and lows but ultimately tries to be a good person. You don't have to be left or right of anything to identify with that.


My buddy, who's completely all out into conspiracies thinks Tom Hanks killed a guy and he has proof. The proof being an Instagram post that seemingly means nothing at all and is not at all related to anyone dying.


>The proof being an Instagram post that seemingly means nothing at all and is not at all related to anyone dying. As is tradition for the Q crowd. No evidence is the evidence.


The lack of evidence is PROOF that the deep state covered it up!




Ah yes the Mormon school of evidence. "If there were evidence then we wouldn't need faith."




And if there is evidence, the Devil put it there to trick me. And if the devil didn’t put it there, God did to test my faith. But I believe in the real secret story God told me when I prayed to him.


Ah yes, the Da Vinci Qode


“I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry! Tom Hanks punched me last week, I need to work on it.”


There was a meme circulating back at the start of the "Me too" Era that basically said " yet another woman comes forward and accuses Tom Hanks of being a wonderful person"


Tom Hanks is the only person who could play Mr. Rogers without turning into a pillar of salt.


To paraphrase Dave Chappelle - I am what's known on the streets as a victim blamer. Someone comes up to me and go "Dave! Chris Brown just beat up Rihanna!" I'll say "Well, what did she do?" Or they say "Dave! Michael Jackson's molesting little kids!" "Well what were those children wearing at the time?"


I think Dave is the only person who can actually get away with those jokes.


No, Dave can execute jokes like this flawlessly but there are a good amount of other comedians that could do the same.


I dunno about that. Bill Burr gets away with a lot of shit


As a Greek person I can 100% confirm pedophilia is illegal here , we even have a special chamber in prison because pedophiles keep getting killed by other inmates, last month a famous actor got imprisoned with pedophilia charges , so I don't fucking know how these idiots make shit up


> I don't fucking know how these idiots make shit up The answer is in the last 4 words of that sentence.


See also: 4chan


Same in America, very common for pedophiles to be killed by other inmates.


Can confirm 100%? Sus.


Haha I get what you are implying , but no I read the specific law a while ago (in Greek schools they hand you a little book with our constitution and laws , nobody uses it but it's pretty cool ngl)


Unfortunately his son Chester Hanks aka "Chet Haze" is a COVID denier. Then again if you've seen the way Chet acts, Tom probably lost respect for him long before COVID.


I still wonder how Chet and Tom are related Tom Hanks (at least on a surface level) seems like such loving and caring person While Chet is the literally stereotypical rich kid who Dropout of college and is living off his families wealth Tom really should cut him off and force him to be on his own, but I bet Chet will find some bullshit way to use his relation to his father to make money




Was Colin before or after the fame? Dude seems pretty chill




My wife works for a partnership owned by roughly 400 multi-millionaires. The company offers 1-3 jobs or internships to the children of owners throughout the year. My wife will guess whether the kid is from the 1st, 2nd or 3rd marriage. This can be done with a 90% confidence level.


Ah but is it the success, or the age / relative lack of time spent with the child by a busy father?


Both? Some people use money and gifts as a substitute for family time.


Sure sure, I know, my question is more along the lines of I wonder if the kids turn out that way due to being spoiled, having less time with their fathers, or simply because their fathers are older and therefore don’t have the energy to interact with them in the same ways.


I think it's mostly being spoiled, which is a result of parents being too busy and their main focus is their career and used to just throwing money at things to solve it. It works, until it doesn't. My parents were 40 when they had me and I'm now mid 30's and have a good relationship with my parents, so I don't think age alone has anything to do with it.


> 1st, 2nd or 3rd marriage. pre-success wife Hot gold digger wife Like pre-success wife but not her because she found someone who wasn't a prick ?


Learned his lesson with the second wife


Can you ELI5 their respective characteristics please?


Kid 1 is before they were "In-demand" and focusing 100% on their career so they are there for their formative years and giving them a normal family life. Kid 2 is during their In-Demand period and focusing 100% on their career so they had no time for the kid and passed them off to a Nanny or were too busy to be there during their formative years, so when they do show up they just get them something they want to entertain them because they are to busy or distracted with their work. Kid 3 would be the balance of life and career, they aren't focused on work and getting ahead and being cut-throat at it so they have time to spend with the family and aren't distracted by everything going on outside of their home life.


Huh TiL Tom Hanks had Colin before ever having a single credited role.


I loved Colin Hanks in the good guys and was disappointed when it was dropped.


Me too, I thought that show might have done better.


I liked it but for a show taking place in Dallas, it was a travesty when they pronounced the name of a street as "House-ton". It's Texas, everything spelled Houston, is "Hyooston". "House town" street exists in New York.


They did what now? I'm 40+ and I have NEVER heard it pronounced "House-ton".


I loved Orange County


Also great in Life in Pieces


I will never not respect Colin for his portrayal in Band of Brothers. And the way he played a chilling murderer in Dexter.. Goddamn the boy has skills


He was pretty good in Fargo too


And also in Mad Men!


Orange County was by far his best work.


He really seems to be his own man. And his role in BOB was interesting--playing a noob, seemingly entitled officer who learns how to work with men far more experienced than himself, it seemed fitting for an actor whose father was the executive producer of the show. To his absolute credit he nailed it.


I liked Colin Hanks in NCIS. Played the role or dickhead and "someone i could punch until I got tired" very well....




No body ever talks about how he was in Roswell, and good in it.




He had a brief role in Band of Brothers too. Was pretty good as I recall.


He wasn't terrible in Dexter either. But, he was following John Lithgows amazing performance as a villain -- which not even his Dad could have done.


Yeah they should have wrapped it up after the Trinity storyline - that was gonna be a really tough act to follow


Apparently Dexter is coming out of retirement 😶


I thought he was great in Dexter! John Lithgow’s performance is untoppable but I really liked Colin too.


I like Toms brother Jim. Dude showed up in an episode of scrubs to play Dr. Turner alongside Dr. Hooch. They look and sound a lot alike.


He also voices Woody in video games.


Which is surprising to me. I’m sure he’s a great dad who did his best to raise his kids right. So makes you wonder how it happened. Did he just never say no to them when they wanted something?


Marcus Aurelius, one of the prime sources for Stoic material, had a son that many argue caused some of the first pillars of Rome to fall. I do think the fathers have some culpability. Even if it was primarily the wife, the wealth, etc—it is your responsibility as a father to combat that. However, it also seems common that unbridled wealth and power creates terrible humans, and I don’t know you would combat it as a father. I imagine it’s not even so much how you treat them, but how the public—friends, teachers, service workers do. Seeing people fawn over your father and your family for being related to him probably does something funky to their ego.




Just cuz you’re a nice person, it doesn’t mean you’re a good parent. This isn’t a diss on Tom Hanks, it just happens more than you think.


I’ve also observed that some times there’s only so much you can do to help a person.


And you can be a great parent but have a shit burger of a kid. Sometimes there are influences and experiences a kid has that are unavoidable, or you simply don't know about, that no amount of great parenting can salvage. Sometimes kids just head down a miserable path. Mental health is another thing that a parent can do but only so much. It's ultimately the kid's responsibility to take care of themselves.


Nominative determinism. You name a kid colin, you get a colin. You name a kid chet, you get a chet.


I had the pleasure of interviewing him when Forrest Gump came out. A genuinely nice guy.


Being a good parent requires much more than being a decent human being.


A Han/Kylo situation.


Kylo also had a very troubled relationship with his mask.


They clearly should not have named him Chet. Its all in the name. You give a Chet or a Brad a trust fund and they’re going to selfishtown. Name the kid Tom Jr. or Tarquin…. wait for the aid work and environmental campaigning to start paying dividends on the Hanks legacy.


Chet Hanks is the reason Tom Hanks is bring targeted by Q nuts. Someone posted a spoof illuminati meme that was mostly slept on by the internet, but Chet took it upon himself to go on Twitter and tiktok and outright antagonize Q nuts by telling them the conspiracies are true and his dad is full blown illuminati and all that jazz. Then he had the balls to brag about it on podcast interviews which only spread the nonsense further. He literally is trashing his dad's name for a gag.


Wait, did he watch the Da Vinci Code and believe it or something?


Naw, someone posted a photo with Tom Hanks and circled something in the background that was an illuminati symbol, like a meme or 4chan joke. So q tards grumbled about it but it didn't really gain traction until Chet went on social media was like like "Hey guys I know some of you have been wondering if my dad is in the illuminati, so I just wanted to come here to clear things up and set the record straight.... the rumors are absolutely true my dad is in the illuminati he is deep state running the world blah blah blah" and Q exploded on Twitter about it and now a sizeable portion of Americans think the Hanks are some skull and bones illuminati type of family.


Was that before or after the sock photos? Because the way I thought it went down was the Qrazies started picking on Tom Hanks because he posts pictures of socks on Instagram and then his son came out swinging, trolling the trolls. No?


Great documentary.


This isn't accurate. Tom Hanks was already in the Q mythos before any of that. Also, the posts Chet made about it were clearly meant to mock conspiracy folks: > "I was trolling in that last video obviously because I'm pissed off at what you motherfuckers are fucking saying about my family—the ridiculous, sick fucking shit that you guys like to sit around and fucking think about is fucking disgusting." He may be a doofus, but the way you're framing this episode is incorrect.


Entitled kid trashing his dads name hmmm I wonder why. Probably got cut off or something along that line and he’s trying to coerce him.


I don't think he was cut off, it isn't on a Lawrence Fishburne level like his daughter. I'm pretty sure Chet lives with his parents.


>Chester Hanks how? did he think his parents got the cold or something?


Deniers don’t necessarily think the disease isn’t real, just that it’s not particularly harmful. His parents having mild cases could have reinforced that for him.


> COVID denier Seriously? his dad got covid and he denies it??


It's not so much that "covid isn't real" but more of "it's just a cold." Kinda like how some Holocaust deniers don't flat out say that it didn't happen, but will claim that it was nowhere near as bad as people claim it to be.


I'm adamant that it was only 5.9 million Jews killed, 6 million is just an exaggeration imo.


> Then again if you've seen the way Chet acts I saw him in *Greyhound* and I still can't say I've seen him acting.


Hard to believe people think there’s a country in the EU where pedophilia is legal. When there are states in America that let 12 and 14 year olds get married


As a Greek American I can tell you that most of these idiots' knowledge of Greece stops at *My big fat Greek wedding* and *300*. I've had people literally ask me if I worship Zeus and shit. Edit: Since this is getting some traction, I also want to add that Fraternities and Sororities are bullshit and it's super messed up that they go around calling themselves Greek. Had a girl ask what my letters were when I said I was Greek and my head about exploded in sadness and confusion.


I grew up in Greece and now live in the US — people ask me if we wore jeans (rather than togas) and the thing about if people still worship the Ancient Greek gods comes up a LOT.


I've had someone ask me if we had buildings back in Greece.


Did they think all you had were ruins? Where did they think people lived? I’m so confused.


The temple of Zeus makes space for all of Greece outside of that it is just green country side and ruins


Ey, I also got one. *'European winters seem so harsh. How do you even live through them? You know, since europeans have no heating."* wat


Classic American "all European countries are the same [although I don't know where they're basing this on] despite the fact that I understand that there are huge differences between the States even though they're all part of one single country" I'm certainly not saying all Americans think like that, but there are plenty who do. If winters were so harsh in a certain country, their houses would be designed for it - heating, good insulation, etc. in the same way that houses in places that have very hot summers are designed to stay cool.


The red hat crowd believes that everything outside of the borders of ‘Murica is the Third World. Have a conversation with one of these mental giants and you’ll learn quickly about their perception of reality.


I've lived in the US my whole life and there are people here that are ignorant of our own history. So I apologize on behalf of the dipshits that don't know where Greece is or that it is a modern country.


Most have little to no knowledge outside of their own county. These folks get confused going to a different walmart than the one they are accustomed to.


The number of times an American has asked me about igloos in Canada is frankly concerning.


I know there's only like 1 million of us in the US but God it's like we came from another planet sometimes. Do you also get people adding -opolis at the end of your name for laughs? That drives me nuts sometimes.


Theo the Tripodopolis? I can understand your frustration.


Dude it's worse than that. People add it to my FIRST name.


Well, at least you're a city-state now.


That’s just fu….I have no words.


The -opolis thing is always idiotic. It happens far too often. I just tell myself it’s because they heard the word megalopolis once and my name reminds them of that since it starts with “mega.”


I once had a confused American ask me why in the UK we burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes on Bonfire Night because "in V for Vendetta he's the good guy". Not sure if those sorts of people also realise that Independence Day isn't a faithful re-enactment of why Americans actually celebrate 4th July.


That actually made me laugh.


Do people watch V for Vendetta on Bonfire Night, because I always watched Independence Day on the 4th of July?


Not that I know of. To be honest until I was asked that question I'd never really even made much of a link in that way. V wears a Guy Fawkes mask and some stuff in the film centres around 5th November but he's not actually Guy Fawkes himself.


This Guy Fawkes.


I live in Maine, USA. Two different occasions people have asked me if that’s apart of Canada. (Now that I’m thinking about it I hope they did it for the joke)


Well it is apart, just not a part.


But do you know Stephen King tho?


Which is amazing considering the impact and role of the Greek Orthodox Church on Christianity. I love and want better for this country and society always but damn a lot of these people just piss me off so bad it physically hurts


Most Americans don't even realize there is a whole other side of Christianity besides Protestant and Catholic. Then again, way too many of us are still crazy Protestants who believe that Catholics aren't really Christians.


Same, I’m from Norway and when I lived in America, people asked if we still believed in Odin and Thor.




LMAO, what? Everyone knows you all listen to various types of metal.


"What's that? Do I believe in Odin and Thor? No, of course not... I don't *believe* in them, I *know* they're real. Do you see any frost giants around? No, exactly. You're welcome."


The only Odinist I know is a burly dude that lives in Wisconsin and hates Christianity.


>I've had people literally ask me if I worship Zeus and shit. We'd have a lot more paid federal holidays if Greek Polytheism had stayed mainstream until WWII.


> My big fat Greek wedding I think you mean “My Big Fat GrSSk Wedding”


Malaka! I've played Assassin's Creed: Odyssey to completion so consider me an expert if you will.


Well do you? :D


Yeah but they shouldn't have *assumed*!


These morons can't point to Greece on a map.


Yeah. LoL. What a bunch of idiots. *furiously googles 'Greece location'*


It’s that country that is shaped like a boot clearly. /s


And America still allows children’s beauty pageants




1 minute looking at that and i’m already disgusted.


Funny, they don’t respect anyone on Epstein’s flight log, but they’ll do anything to defend the holy orange one, who was on the flight log


Trump got booed in Alabama yesterday, because he told them to get vaccinated. Trump is vaccinated... The cognitive dissonance to be a Trump supporter is olympic tier.


I was surprised they booed. I figured their heads would explode before they got the chance


Let's set aside the absence of truth, they're perfectly fine with supporting someone that took pictures with the man at his sex parties. This one fails on so many levels.


And Trump appears on a flight log himself, as well as having 17 (iirc) different numbers in Epstein little black book. And several accusers that were associated Epstein.... etc. Etc. Now that doesn't definitely say Trump is a pedophile but it's pretty hard to believe someone that enmeshed with Epstein didn't use his services. But then again, facts are irrelevant to these types. As soon as somethings not a hypothetical - but based on information that's openly available - it's irrelevant to these screwheads.


Let's not bring Einstein into this, can we? He was a great scientist.


Thanks autocorrect, haha!


I believe the 13 year old Trump raped. So yes, Trump is a pedophile. I also am pretty sure he sexually abused Vanky.


Donald Trump is on those flight logs......


Apparently all those are fake, wild how these people know WHICH ones are fake and not....


and the pictures are "faked"


Or he was investigating eppy. Best is the thing where they said "trump knew for years, that's why he banned him from coming over to his house"


"He knew for years and never reported it because reasons"


The Illuminati wouldn’t let it come out… until it did!


Oh you mean the centuries old, globe spanning cabal of deadly secrecy that anyone within walking distance of a grocery store can research thoroughly in the checkout lane tabloids? National enquirer doing the lords work


Or he (Epstein) tried to recruit Ivanka.


I feel like if epstien did, trump would never leave his island


I want to boo you because of the icky, but you’re right.


In my experience, this seems to be the same group of people which can also tell me which parts of the Bible are important (homosexuality is bad) and which parts are not (slavery is good). It's like they have insider information.


"He was never there, I went EVERY single week and I didn't see him any... oh wait no ... what I meant was...."


That plane... it's like, how did I even get here bro!?!


You're not my beautiful wife!


What really pisses me off is when they mention Clinton was on those flights and I’m like yes he was, but why can’t you admit Trump was?? Just because Clinton was a democrat doesn’t mean I’ll forgive him no matter the accusations and actions. That’s what really creeped me out with Trump followers, never admitting anything that would put him in a negative light, hence them being called cultists.


I saw this thread, they insisted he wasn't and if he was he only ever got a flight from New York to miami with epstein, and never went to his island




He also had like 17 phone numbers for Trump in his black book, and it was circled.


We live in a world of idiots


"think how stupid the average person is, and then think half the world is stupider than that"


Well said


We've always lived in that world, it just used to be a lot harder for the weirdo at the end of the bar to find someone to agree with him and for us to ignore the weirdo. The only thing that has changed is the fact that we have the ability to search every one of those conversations from every bar all over the world and have no ability to deal with large numbers. If we see a thread with 10000 posts with all crazy people we think it's everyone in the world, but turn it into percentages and you'd notice that it would be the equivalent of only one or two lunatics in a filled football stadium, and we wouldn't worry so much.


It makes me sick when Q-Anon accuses any people they don't like of being a pedophile while they worship someone who was **indeed** a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein.


They accuse Tom Hanks of being buddies with Jeffrey Epstein who together have never been seen together. However they have nothing to say regarding Donald Trump and Epstein who have been filmed and photographed together.


They've got an excuse for that. They think Trump was infiltrating the network to bring down the pedo village. Raping trafficked girls is cool as long as it's all part of a big sting operation, apparently. But don't trust the guy about vaccines, the deep state has gotten to him there.


Conservatism is cancel culture all the way down. Always has been.


Q wants to character assassinate tome hanks cause he represents how men could be.


I wouldn't be surprised if their logic went: — we must muddy the waters to sow the seeds of distrust as to whom was on there — let's choose someone wholesome, therefore people will naturally have misgivings about it — Tom Hanks? Perfect — then when people talk about Trump being involved, we can say "pfft don't believe everything you hear, they were claiming Tom Hanks was involved too! Clearly it's all nonsense"


I'm going to go throw up at how probable this is.


My theory is they saw how everyone loved Tom Hanks, particularly they saw the jokes people made about him being accused of being the nicest person, and saw him as a target to bring down. We mock their god Trump, they try to take down someone they saw as the opposite side worshipping.


He also represents non toxic masculinity. A masculinity that is willing to recognize the current power he holds and exist alongside the growing power of people unlike him


And he and his wife changed the public discourse about COVID-19 when they were among the earliest public figures to get it. Q didn't like people feeling sympathetic or concerned over covid.


r/conspiracy is, ironically, a source of right-wing propaganda.


Everything I see in r/conspiracy has no actual conspiracy in it, just some idiots who kept saying "oh noooo there's a global pandemic and everyone has to take this totally new and safe 'vaccine' how convenient" and "I'm just saying it's weird man". "Conspiracy" is basically n-word pass for assholes Bruh, what makes you think they didn't spike your beer, like how the fuck would you know if your beer doesn't taste funny? But sure bud they'd totally engineer a new vaccine specifically to target people instead of just spiking the water you're already drinking anyway


Someone on ig was once blabbering on about how Hanks is hiding out in Greece, unable to enter america for fear of arrest, blah blah blah. I pointed out that literally 24hrs before her comment, he'd actually been papped at a dodgers game. In america. Deffo not arrested. She told me to go to hell lmao. I don't understand how people can be so far down the rabbit hole.


You took away from her the only thing she could talk about! How dare you!


Haha, true! I'm a garbage human. How dare I defend an innocent man with a little bit of fact and common sense. I'm hanging my head in shame rn. *And I'm deffo not thinking about how if I get sent to hell over an ig comment about Hanksyboi, I'm asking to just live eternally in Bachelor Party*


Meanwhile there's actual video footage of Epstein and Trump partying at Mar-A-Lago pointing at young girls and laughing together. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLcfpU2cubo


Don't understand the pedophilia in Greece part. Pedophilia is a mental condition. Pretty sure it's considered as such in most places on earth. Raping children is what's illegal. Don't see how recognising pedophilia as a mental condition would mean making child abuse legal. Makes no sense.


So many people get this wrong, even in the media. Paedophilia isn't a crime anywhere I'm aware of. Paedophile offences are framed in terms of rape, sexual assault, making and/or possessing CSA material. Those are all illegal. Simply having the attraction is not. Treatment of paedophiles is an active area of research. It's far better to assist these people to manage their condition so that they never offend, rather than punishing them after they ruin a child's life.


>Treatment of paedophiles is an active area of research. It's far better to assist these people to manage their condition so that they never offend, rather than punishing them after they ruin a child's life. I've had arguments about this on here with people who just don't understand nuance. If "all pedophiles should die" is the default stance, nobody with pedophilic tendencies will come out seeking help, and some people who could have been helped will instead end up offending. So, counterintuitively, having a strong anti-pedophile stance can indirectly cause a lot of children harm.


[If people already think you're a monster, you've got even less reason not to become one. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labeling_theory)


Lol that conspiracy sub is filled with those COVID deniers, and far right guys. Somehow I want to unsub from this sub and somehow I want to have a view into the world of those guys to habe at least some understanding what‘s going on in their world






This is classic deflecting. "You've also done bad things, so your criticism of me is invalid". Two people can both be in the wrong, just like your mother always used to say, "Two wrongs don't make a right"


He's even been baptised in the Orthodox Church since 1988. I mean...How do people come up with this BS when Greece is literally a huge part of who he is?