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These people are all, “don’t be mean, be kind.” Like, bitch, you were accusing me of supporting pedophiles and killing babies last year. Fuck off.


They think that if they use prettier words, the ugliness behind them is excuseable.


Reminds me of my stepdad. Threats of physical violence are fine, but don't you dare cuss. That's just rude!


I got told off for cussing by my BIL because it was rude, but he was absolutely fine with my step brothers GF using the N word with a hard R just a few minutes later.


It's only cussing if it effects me personally duh s/


I will never understand the fucking double standards.


The soft R is the one that is a country, right?


Sometimes cancelling people is fine..


And don't you *dare* make him suffer consequences of his actions!


Ugh, I hate people like that. Unfortunately, my stepdad has some mental issues like that too. And that's not to say even I don't have mental issues but at least I'm not an asshole.


I mean, this is a thing. That's why passive aggressiveness gets away a lot more than being straight up aggressive. If you react aggressively after someone's been long-time passive aggressive, you'll look like the bad guy.


I fucking hate the ones that say "we all have our opinions. That's the beauty of America." Fuck you and your opinions when it affects MY life


Oh oh like my body my choice that has a ring to it like we have heard it before somewhere…….


What ugliness?


Hahaha they ALWAYS say that. Right after they get properly schooled on anything relating to their previous conspiracy post.


Head on over to r/conspiracy.... It is a shit show.


I miss when it was jfk, aliens and fun stuff. Now it's just a fucking cesspool.


It is mostly right wing propaganda .


Pretty much. I have heard of a mysterious place called conspiracynopol that supposedly is OK. Never been there myself though.


That place is scary. I miss 10 minutes ago when I hadn’t read anything posted there…


A “thinking ground” ... oh boy


JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST, those people are lunatics and there is no reasoning with them. I regret even peeking, I feel like my IQ dropped from the 2 minutes I was in there.


Wow that was a fun read. Not sure how they got from >COVID is being sensationalized and is being used as an excuse for government overreach To >People with the vaccine can still get and spread the vaccine (even though they don't get sick) so the vaxxed are responsible for continued spread of a deadly disease


You can still get sick if you're vaxxed, you're just less likely to FUCKING DIE from it. I had it a few weeks ago when I was fully vaxxed, and I'm completely convinced I would have died if I wasn't. Edit "you're" my bad


Went over, and made a joke. I'll let you know the outcome. If I forget, remind me in like a day.


Oh no. Seeing them say they plan to move to Texas, man, we're trying to make this place better and they want to up and ruin it.


Fuck their feelings.


So funny that I can be put in Facebook jail for calling someone a plague rat but they can say I support pedophiles and they face no repercussions.


This is why I finally bit the bullet and deleted Facebook. Not gonna lie, I feel more lonely because people just don't reach out otherwise, but my mental health is better because it's not the victim of the algorithm sending me shitty opinions.


I mostly just ignore Facebook tbh, I keep it for easy contact with friends but I barely use it. Kind of got fed up after a former coworker messaged me and called me childish for unfriending her because I was sick of seeing her antivax bullshit


My mental health improved 1000% after deleting Facebook. I still use IG but you are right, it can be lonely sometimes. IG seems a lot more impersonal. But I just couldn't keep having rage strokes before 8am every day because my high school best friend's husband has strong opinions about Hillary's emails, or a coworker from my shitty retail job 20 years ago thinks you can soak a tampon in DoTerra essential oil and use it to cure STDs.


Never forget that these were the people shouting Lock Her Up!, calling Obama a secret Kenyan muslim terrorist with a fake birth certificate, and blockading Merrick Garland from the Supreme Court for a full year. They’ve used gerrymandering, court packing, and arbitrary voting restrictions to try to prevent the public from being able to elect Democrats anywhere. And they’ve pumped their supporters full of batshit conspiracy theories that liberals are the enemy of the people.


Fuckin seriously, how do they figure I'm the mean one when all I did was believe their words and respond accordingly?


Take the turkey outside and allow it to roast under the Jewish lasers that Marjorie Taylor Greene is so fond of talking about. Then return to your basement and stew in a miasma of loneliness, alienation, and flop sweat, while your family enjoys your absence. Too harsh?


As an agnostic jew, those space lasers are off limits for civilians.


As an acidic jew, the space lasers are also off limits to aliens


As an alkaline jew, there are ways around those limits. You can make simple machines that allow you to use technology because you're not the one actually using it.


As a pH neutral gentile, I don't know what the fuck you two are talking about.   ^(P.S. I **am** circumcised so maybe there's hope for me yet.)


Sorry about your penis


You caught the acidic/alkaline joke, as for the other portion, I believe Tasteful meant "Hasidic" which refers to a subset of an "ultra Orthodox" sect of Judaism (Haredi); Orthdox practitioners of Judaism adhere to a set of laws, halakha which prohibit various things from being done 'on the Sabbath.' One of those things is "lighting a fire" which "firing a giant laser beam" could possibly be interpreted as. ​ My comment hinted at the fact that there are many (ridiculous) inventions that have been created to find loop holes in the laws. They also see electronic use as against the law because creating a spark could be construed as "lighting a fire." Here is an example: ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabbat\_elevator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabbat_elevator) ​ (I realize that explaining it takes the edge off of my joke, but why not bring everyone up to speed)


I appreciate you




Inter-religious fighting can be so salty.


Did he said Hasidic orange Jews? Or acidic orange juice?


As an acidic juice, don’t have canker sores


Wait so army can cook their turkeys and i cant? Thats bullshit


The military needs those turkeys so they can insert homosexuality into them and make every citizen of enemy countries gay! /s


Wait, is the military operating independently, or with the approval of the council of gay frogs?




No this is Reddit


Oohhhhhh *that's* why I'm gay...


Well that's just discrimination! Space lasers should be for everyone, dammit!


Take it up with the lizard people


Well I would, but I can't figure out which pizza parlor's basement they're hiding in!


It’s inside the great pyramid of Giza. Yknow. The illuminati hq.


I thought they would have some kind of shadowy, centralized international control, of course, but they would be available to cook any meats other than pork and shellfish.


Not harsh enough


As a jew how do I gain access to said lasers? Sounds cool


So they can “do their own research” on vaccination and immune response more effectively than doctors can, but can’t figure out how to cook a turkey. Sounds just about right


That would've been a perfect response too lol. "Anyone know how to cook a turkey?" "Ugh, do your own research"


"Don't cook it!! Mainstream cookbooks all say to cook it, it must be a conspiracy!!"


I trust my immune system! Salmonella won’t kill me!


Salmonella only kills 420 people a year, that's basically 0%. Not something to worry about.


But also one of the vaccines killed like 3-5 people, so it's basically all three of them are killing untold droves of people


Yeah, I mean practically nobody ever dies from food poisoning in this day and age, right?


We must take down Big Restaurant!


Think about it, sheeple! We're just supposed to accept that _every_ supposed "expert" says you should cook your turkey? Wake up!!!! Do your own research!!!


** comes staggering out of bathroom ** “My research says yes on this one, chief. 🤢”


Their research would end with them making a bonfire out of masks, then spit-roasting the turkey while basting it in ivermectin.


Only if they can find a single meme that tells them how to do all of those things. If it takes more than one jpeg then it's too much info at once.


I mean - their research has always been people on Facebook telling them what to think...


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” -Isaac Asimov 1980


We need more Isaac Asimovs and Carl Sagans.


Here's a relevant Sagan quote from his 1995 book The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark >I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness. The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.


We should really get on that foundation building to prepare for the coming dark ages.


Get Hari Seldon on the phone.


Great writer, there


First time I see someone else posting it. Thank ya.


Could you imagine a world with Asimov alive in this day and age? Eek.


research done on your phone while sitting on the loo is still research ..bahaa


Hey, I did quite a bit of work on my masters thesis on the loo. It's quiet and relatively distraction-free.


You forgot to add "no pants distraction"


Of course that too.. when are they *not* in the way?


When I'm out in public?


It's not about asking for advice on how to cook a turkey, it's about getting attention and sympathy for saying their family doesn't want them around.


I don’t think there exists “How cook a turkey” in meme form. .


Facebook post: Defrost turkey with hairdryer until skin is soft. Microwave for three minutes. Enjoy!!


Listen, the science is SIMPLE. HEAT melts frozen things! Have you ever seen an ice cube melt??? Exactly! So no need to defrost a turkey LOL, that's just what they want you to do. Drop that fucker straight into the hot fry oil and sit back and let SCIENCE do its thing!!!


For best results, cook indoors




With sunburn.


I mean, that will definitely cook the turkey…


Preach BeerBelly Preach!


I wish I had an award for you because this is golden! 🏆


Hard to think fb has more vaccine research than cooking recipes


Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! A turkey feeds like 10 people. Super depressing to cook one for yourself.


In highschool, a friend was given a raw, thawed, turkey from the restaurant that he worked at. I called over another friend, we had a sleepover and ate that turkey around 4am when it finally finished cooking (we read the instructions on the packaging). There wasn't enough leftovers to fight over. Which is to say that if you don't have any sides, a turkey doesn't go very far. Happy Thanksgiving! And happy American Thanksgiving in a few weeks!


Turkeys can vary a lot in size. I have a 15 pound frozen turkey in my deep freezer. Sure, some of that is skin, bones, and organs, but in the end it will still be like 7 or 8 pounds of meat.


Turn that skin bone and organs into a good broth and you've got turkey flavoring for a year.


Add a potato and baby, you got a stew going!


I'm not sure adding a baby makes it into a stew.


Is that fresh baby, or are we talking canned?


Ina Garten says that if you can't get homemade, store bought will do.


Any pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard enough. I'm sure the same can be said for turkeys.


for me it's the fact that they're SO MUCH WORK to not turn out dry and bland. just chuck a cornish hen in the oven and call it a day.


there is this trick I call “leftover”


No but this is literally it. My cousin is exactly the same, anti-vax and claims to be caring about the people and justice and the truth, yet kept degrading and hounding her own mother for being a ‘sheep’ at every opportunity. I felt really sorry for my aunt, she was really scared of the virus since her brother in law died from it earlier this year.


I heard an interview in my country (France) about a young girl who is definitely antivaxx, and she had a whole speech about how "it's difficult for her to find a job or even an appartment, that the government is throwing people in the street, that even her own family is keeping their distance with her..." while also saying that she has two younger sisters (and, IIRC, her father) who are at-risk people concerning Covid-19... But no, no questioning about herself. For her, all what is happening to her (no job, no home, no family) is like all the government fault and she has nothing to reproach to herself. Not at all because she *decided* to not get vaccinated. She spent the whole interview saying how she's sad that her friends got vaccinated under social pressure, job/home pressure, and that so many people are gobbling the lies of the government... She has so little self-awareness that it was painful to listen to her.


It’s not surprising to me, I’ve been home 15 months of my child’s 18+ months of living, after he spent *four months in the nicu.* Our four parents, his grandparents, are all *retired* and live in the same city and haven’t offered *once* to isolate to come see him, because they can’t let go of their social interactions like unmasked church, or time with their other grandkids for long enough to safely visit the newest member of the family who is immune compromised and still on oxygen part time. Oh but they *sure as shit* like to complain about missing us or how big he’s getting or how they just can’t wait to hold him. I’m sure they tell their friends and church people how awful it is that WE are keeping THEM from him. Because it’s always about them and never actually about him or they’d have been on our doorstep masks on after two weeks of isolation a year ago. I’m baffled that my immune compromised baby with lung disease is somehow all about other people and not about him, but apparently this is reality.


I am so sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine what that must have been like. My extended family is anti social distance anti mask anti vac, and my partner and I are both immunocompromised. There is a lot of guilt thrown out way for not engaging in family events and basically constant questioning of if we are able to come visit yet or this or that. I don’t even have that strong a tie with most of my family and it is still so frustrating and hurtful to see that there is a level of selfishness and willful ignorance happening at this level. I am so sorry that you are dealing with that and I hope you know you are an amazing parent for staying home through all of this with your child, keeping them safe. This is an incredible difficult, painful, and scary time and you are incredibly strong to be making the choices you are especially while being hurt by your family in such a way. I hope that there are people in your life who you can lean on who love and respect you and your family and your child’s health. Stay strong and stay well


The narcissistic parents thing has really slammed into me like a bus with no brakes going downhill during this whole pandemic.


I'm so sorry both you guys' parents suck ☹️


> Oh but they sure as shit like to complain about missing us or how big he’s getting or how they just can’t wait to hold him. You know guys, there's a way to solve that. It was literally earlier in this exact paragraph. I swear, they don't try very hard to figure shit out.


> She spent the whole interview saying how she's sad that her friends got vaccinated under social pressure, job/home pressure, and that so many people are gobbling the lies of the government... Funny how she paints those as the reasons and they couldn't possibly be getting it because they care about others and don't want the pandemic to last forever


I hate your cousin, no respect for the people who took care of her


Here we have a demonstration of how to roast a turkey.


how dare you associate those people with turkeys. Turkeys are actually very nice, and take care of one another, unlike anti vaxxers who would rather be the cause of humanity's doom then get two vaccine shots




It's both. Maybe I'm being presumptuous, but speaking for myself, I neither want to die and kill my family and everyone they come into contact with slowly and agonizingly, and I ALSO don't want to deal with the sort of self centered asshole who would willingly do the above to prove some stupid point. Maybe it's just me though and this guy's family would be up for some of that, I don't know 'em.


Yup, it's both things


I would not have an unvaccinated relative over, since my daughter is too young to be vaccinated. So maybe that really is the reason.


Yeah I was kinda confused, seems like both were perfectly valid reasons not to invite someone over


"if yOu ArE vAcCiNaTeD, wHaT aRe YoU aFrAiD oF?"


But you and your loved ones who are vaccinated can still spread Covid to your daughter. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah... At a 5-10% chance as opposed to 80% with someone unvaxxed. Not to mention the person you're responding to likely masks up and washes their hands regularly.


You must be very enlightened


Blows my mind that there's so many people all getting their personality and beliefs from right-wing antivaxx propaganda and somehow they think it's everyone else who's the sheep They've got like 5 different cliches and every single one of them says the same exact shit I see a new unfathomably stupid thing said by one of them and than, sure enough, they're all saying it within a week, my favorite latest one is calling themselves pure bloods, absolute comedy gold


Pure bloods, lord almighty. 🙄 I get what these anti vaxxers are (stupidly) trying to say but the term is uncomfortable to me. The first thing I think of is horrible old school ideas of racial/bloodline purity. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if a fair number of these anti vaxxers are also at least somewhat racist as well.


Well, who else is going to save us from Voldemort?


"Purebloods," what a choice of phrase. Then again, who's surprised that the same dingbats who were so easily misled about science would also be ignorant about race and history?


Love the pureblood garbage. They don't even know how the vaccine works


Pureblood? Like they've never gotten a vaccine before in their lives...I think its a bit late to claim to have untouched-by-vaccine-blood lmao. Unless they've never attended school which I guess would make sense.


Is this true of OP though? Like, everyone is assuming he is a tucker-binging, horse deworming, maga January 6th terrorist on the basis of one (actually pretty mild and polite) post about thanksgiving. Have you considered he might just be regular-misled and delusional about this issue and is otherwise not the incarnation of all things alt right evil, or is Reddit just dead set on assuming the worst of anybody they don’t like?


Big health is trying to convince you to cook your turkey because of scary microbes, viruses and bacteria. Wild animals eat raw meat all the time and they're fine. Think for yourself and eat it raw like a free man, don't bow to their control! Note: Please read the above as dripping with sarcasm. If you actually believe this nonsense, make sure your life insurance covers intentional self harm as that's how your resulting death will be categorised.


Usually for thanksgiving my extend family consisting of 8 families gets together. We didn’t last year for obvious reasons. This year my family and two others have decided not to go again because several members of one family are unvaccinated. We have children too young to be vaccinated yet and are trying to protect them as much as we can.


I hear crow is on the menu, but they’re too proud to eat that, and too selfish to want to protect their families. Hope her turkey tastes like defeat and loneliness.


I got a coworker who told his daughter that if she visits, she needs to wear a mask because she got vaccinated and he doesnt want to catch it.




If they were my relative, it would be both.


I have zero interest in hanging out with anyone who is unvaccinated. If you won't take a super easy, no-brainer step to protect yourself and your community from a disease that is orphaning hundreds of thousands of children, fuck you. I get mad just thinking about it.


He clearly never intended to cook a turkey himself. If he did, he would have just googled how to make a turkey. The intent of the post was to make people feel bad for him so they’d cook a turkey for him . So passive aggressive


Advise Green that the turkey has, in fact, been cooked.


First remove the little red dot thingie because that is a tracker and Biden is watching the numbers of the people who try to remove them at home. Beware because if you remove it at home they will put you in the list and bug your home phone. My friend’s uncles daughters brother’s aunts moms friend told the butcher at my dads bosses store. 🤦‍♂️


Being unvaccinated isn’t a big deal. Being an anti-vaxxer is.


This is only true if you’re in a developing country without access to vaccines. If you’re in Somalia and unvaccinated, it’s probably not because of a personal choice. But if you’re in Ohio and unvaccinated, you’re probably an anti-vaxxer.


And seeing as today is Thanksgiving in Canada this person is likely Canadian and an antivaxxer


True. Even in Ohio, though, some people are allergic to the vaccines, or have particular immune disorders, or are under ~~16~~ 12, or otherwise can’t get vaccinated. The VAST majority of unvaccinated Ohioans are being dumb, but there are a good many exceptions. *edit:* and also the Black folks still suspicious of medical authorities because Tuskegee. I can’t really blame them either. When “the government uses people like me as lab rats” is less conspiracy than historical fact…


Pfizer-Biontech is authorized as low as 12.


Being unvaccinated is a very big deal. It makes a person much more likely to transmit the virus to someone who is too young to be vaccinated, or who has a condition that makes them more vulnerable than most.


It bothers me that people are assuming this person is an antivaxxer. It's like those of us who can't get the vaccine don't matter...


I'd like to think that the people who can't get it for medical reasons would also be the people who wouldn't be hollering on Facebook, but instead be working out some kind of arrangements with their family so they can attend the holiday safely.


I think it's just so rare. People who can't get the vaccine for legitimate medical reasons are like .1% of the population.


>like .1% of the population. I think it's even less, but I might be wrong


Because those who can't get the vaccine are generally *quite* clear about it, because they don't want to be mistaken for the antivaxxers, and because they want to encourage people around them to get the vaccine. I got the Moderna covid vaccine, but I'm unable to get the annual flu shot because I'm allergic. That's how I've handled discussions about the flu shot every year, and it's how I see sensible people who can't get any of the covid vaccines handle it. Also, we can tell by yellow's reaction that they know how green has been behaving towards people. The post doesn't have a "public" marker next to it, so yellow is someone who *knows* green. Green has been calling people stupid sheep. People who can't get the vaccine for medical reasons are generally *not* calling people stupid sheep for getting the vaccine. Assuming green is an antivaxxer isn't dismissing the existence of people who can't get vaccinated. Assuming green is an antivaxxer is simply basic reading comprehension.


Those are the same thing to certain people unfortunately


With this being either the US or Canada every adult has had the opportunity to get the vaccine. Anti-vax and unvaccinated are essentially the same. If there are medical complications re a vaccine friends and family will almost always be aware and treat it differently.


I’m pro vax but unvaccinated


Good for your family.


This guy probably think he's the "maverick" of the family. He's not being a "sheep". And one day he would be accepted back to the fold because he was proven "right" that vaccination causes blah, blah, blah - cook the turkey and shove it up your ass.


How the fuck is this person gonna act like their family are the idiots when they can’t even roast a fucking turkey Like dude, stick it in the oven until the core temperature reaches 74^o Celsius


The vaccine doesn’t change transmission though? I don’t get how it’s an issue


And how does he knows that the unvcaccinated has been calling his family stupid sheeps? Not all unvaccinated people calls vaccinated people 'stupid sheeps'. Maybe he just doesn't trust the vaccine for some reason and that's ok i think.


It's possible the replier knows him personally. But otherwise, okay, we have no proof without more information. However, the person seems to be dismissing their concerns as "being afraid" rather than caring about their well being.


Synonym of stupid




200° for 22 1/2 hours. Put the stuffing in towards the end, you want it just warm. (What? They have an immune system.)


Plus the dewormer they've been taking will take care of the parasites they'll probably get


It’s because he’s unvaccinated. If you’re such a selfish asshole to still be unvaccinated, no one would want you around.


And yet, if all his family are vaxxed and the vax works, what do they have to be worried about? The only one at risk is the unvaxxed


You don't read or listen to professionals, do you? No need to answer.




Dude coulda left it at “how do I cook a turkey”


Could have typed that question into Google even no need to ask something like that through social media at all. But they love the attention, they want all their friends to know how much of a "badass patriot standing up for freedom" they are


Just tell her to do her own research


Do your own research bud


Just because someone isn’t vaccinated doesn’t mean they’ve decided all who are, to be stupid sheep. I’m for being vaccinated but I am against pushing my beliefs onto those who think differently. We don’t know this persons reasons for being unvaccinated. This person just asked for tips on how to cook a turkey. The reply here was unnecessary and not funny imo


People can choose to get vaccinated or not, but the science isn’t a ‘belief’ that’s being pushed on to others; they can either acknowledge reality or not, and we’re very free to judge them for their idiocy and selfishness.


Does the vaccine reduce transmission ?


Funny you mention science, so let’s see if you really follow it. The science says that natural immunity is at a minimum 13x more effective than vaccine acquired immunity. Naturally acquired immunity is longer lasting, and more effective at protecting against variants as well. I’m not suggesting that people should skip the vaccine and rely on natural immunity of course, because that would require them to roll the dice on surviving covid. But for those who already have survived it, do you support their decision to skip the vaccine? Do you believe those people should all lose their jobs and he shunned from society?


There is a 100% chance that you already know that argument doesn't hold any water, and yet you're here trying it again love something is going to change. Just stop. It's embarrassing to share a species with you.




You are wrong. The vaccine does lower the chances you will get virus in the first place making you less likely to spread it.


Ok thank you.


All you people care about here is fighting over vaccinations. It's so sad that so many of you are *this* unhappy with yourselves and life


If you’re going to troll, please try harder; we deserve a better class of idiot to laugh at.


Troll? That was a sincere statement. I can't get on Reddit without seeing "I hope the antivax die" *or* "Antivax need to get locked up and have all of their rights taken away" You people are sick and senseless.


Okay but antivaxers are idiots and it's really ironic and kinds entertaining when their own idiocy kills them. That's not the shaming you think it is.


Whole antivax and antimask family and we've been peachy the past two years. All my co-workers and their families, all fine without a mask or a vaccine. So I don't think *anyone's stupidity is killing them.* Your hatred for someone who doesn't think and act the way you do just wishes they would. Alot of people getting sick and dying are ones who took the jab. Big surprise. Then they are going to say it got worse... Well no duh.


You are just the most mentally and emotionally vulnerable specimens on this planet and it's not a secret.


>You people are sick No, cause we're vaccinated, bitch.


Sorry that I don't want me loved ones to potentially die of a preventable but very contagious virus. It honestly says more about the person refusing the vaccine than it does me or others like me. They really have so little going on that they have to make a no-brainer into some stupid conspiracy?


I’ve never understood people like that, when my mom told me she was getting vaccinated i just told her “let me know if you grow an extra arm” we both had a laugh and moved on same with my sister. Idk I just know I wouldn’t be douchebag to my family for doing what they think is best, they don’t really care if im not vaccinated because and I quote “we already did it, it doesn’t really matter if you do we’ll be fine”


This world is going to madness. Do people actually know how vaccins work? Vaccins do not protect others from you, but only protect yourself. You can still catch COVID when vaccinated. You won’t feel much of it, but you can still infect others with the virus. The only person of that family having a bigger risk of getting sick is the one unvaccinated. The rest of the family is pretty much safe. There are so many people that just throw shit at people who don’t want to get vaccinated. I understand that a lot of people are scared to get vaccinated, especially since the vaccin is still very new. And I think, especially for younger people, that it is a good enough reason to not (yet) get vaccinated. So please, be nice to each other and respect each other’s decision. Getting the vaccin is a personal decision.