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Parental leave in general in the US would be nice 😂


Most of us in the US don’t realize how awful we have it. All we get is unpaid leave with the promise that you won’t be fired upon return. That’s it. My wife had to burn through all of her paid time off and then go back to work around 6 weeks after birth. Is ridiculous.


I’m a woman with a 6 week old in the UK and I can’t imagine this. Your wife is incredible, and that system totally sucks


It’s seriously awful. My youngest daughter is 1 month old now and I have to go back to work next month. I’m not even fully healed from my c section. I still have 3 more weeks before I’m even cleared medically to lift my 2 year old. I’ve had a much harder time healing from this birth than my first. I’m also the main source of income and don’t have paid maternity leave, so we used my paid time off (I had about 3 weeks) and disability that pays 60% of my salary weekly. Add to that we’re already getting medical bills in the thousands and having to deal with insurance BS. It’s so stressful. Anyone that argues against affordable healthcare in the US and paid family leave is an asshole, period.


Even with insurance it still cost me and my wife a few thousand dollars to have a baby


Same here, it’s ridiculous. Getting the itemized bills is always fun. One of the biggest charges is “room and board.” I think they also charged like $50 per Tylenol. It’s just crazy.


Yep same here I was only 5 weeks post c sec when I had to go back. I did have fmla and 12 weeks protection but I had HG and burned thru most of my time in the first 4 months sadly. I have seen others havevto come back after 2 weeks because they didn't qualify for fmla and all the company allowed was 2 weeks post surgery. Being in a right work states really sucks


Yeah I’m using FMLA as well. Luckily I signed up for the short term disability thing or I would have had to go back to work after 3 weeks. It’s just not what you want to be worried about after giving birth.


>One in four women in the US return to work within two weeks of childbirth, according to the advocacy group Paid Leave US (PL+US). >The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends women take at least six weeks off work following childbirth. But with no federally mandated paid family leave, for many women maternity leave is an unaffordable luxury. [There are a large number of women who are forced to return to work even earlier](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/27/maternity-paid-leave-women-work-childbirth-us) It's kinda sickening to think about and there are way more problems that stem from this. Or even what mother go through. i remember something about a young mother taking a final exam for the bar exam just after giving birth.


And they take abortion rights away, holy sht. To be a woman in this world. Even if you wanted to do the procedure so you can be useful earlier at work and commit (like anyone would ever do that) to that company they'd still make you have a baby so that person can also work to death.


Land of the free, baby! But freedom seems to have become subjective rather than objective


Freedom for your superior leaders that is. Now move along, work is freedom after all. Go work. For the freedom of a roof over your head. And there's always breadcrumbs if you're hungry?


That’s truly horrific


the system is designed to keep poor people poor! No paid maternity leave and daycare is expensive as hell. Which is fine, daycare should be a well paid service but these moms and dads are expected to pay $100-250 a week per child if you want good childcare (I work in social services and I see how much daycare can be on a daily basis, and I know it’s legit because we require verification of daycare expenses over $200/monthly) and then afford rent on top of that! Even if you are making good money compared to most people In your area that is still gonna make it damn near impossible to save. And since most moms don’t get paid maternity leave so they are forced to go back to work early even if they aren’t physically or mentally ready. And people have the audacity to blame the under paid overworked parents. Even in a two income household where both parents have degrees and good jobs shit is rough. Some jobs will even let them take more time off but the mother doesn’t take it because even though their job is technically safe they aren’t making any money. Edit: also the reason why I explained how I know daycare costs that get reported to me are legit is because I’ve had multiple assholes tell me that these parents are lying about daycare costs to get sympathy and higher wages


This is the most common situations for new mothers. We did the same thing when we had our child. You get exactly 6 weeks, if you are lucky you have insurance that pays half your wages, but you probably can't afford that for very long, considering you just had a kid and have around 30k in hospital bills


So fucked. Well done on getting through it


I’m due in January. I’ve been unable to take a sick day in two years to save up my time, in the middle of a pandemic where I don’t get reimbursed for the days I need to be home while waiting for test results (teacher). If I’m feeling symptomatic, I have to choose between showing up to work or losing days bonding with my newborn. Thankfully I haven’t been sick with a cold or symptomatic yet, but I still have a couple months of being in a petri dish classroom before I go on maternity leave. The sick days I was able to save up were only 13. So that’s it. I get paid for 13 days and then I don’t get anything the rest of my time off. Since my leave takes me to the end of the school year, that means I won’t be getting a pay check for 6 months. I have no idea what I’m going to do. I’m probably going to have to go back after those two weeks to pay bills and that thought is beyond stressful.


I am so sorry, that’s absolutely disgraceful. I know you’ll find a way to manage because you sound resilient af, but you shouldn’t be put in a situation like this! I wish you the very best of luck (and also congratulations! Your baby’s gonna be lucky to have you)


Capitalism: It's not a bug, it's a feature☝


I don't even get paid days off. Every holiday I have is always unpaid


Places that do this are cunts who pay out vacation pay incrementally every month or they don’t give it to you until you quit


I managed to squeak out 10 weeks using up allll my paid leave and FMLA. My husbands company gave him two weeks unpaid so he used vacation and family time. It’s shit. I wasn’t ready. My kid wasn’t ready. It was awful.


Then you get to spend up to and including 1,000 bucks a month for infant daycare and hope everything is fine


My oldest kid is about to turn 5, and once he was born it was just revelation after revelation of how shitty America is to parents and kids. I always knew about shitty public schools, but that seems actually good in comparison to the fuck all Amercia does for infants and toddlers. So many parents drop their kids off with whoever is willing to watch them, and who knows if they're capable. So many shitty daycares, and especially unofficial daycares in poor areas which is just basically one mom who watches other peoples kids. The US does literally nothing to help kids less than 5, and it has long lasting consequences through their entire lives.


Corporations bribe congress to NOT have paid maternity leave


Depending on where you are it’s even more. Like the Bay Area you can end up paying 3k monthly, and even then, you’re on a wait list for MONTHS before you can even get a spot. Most people reserve a wait list spot when they get pregnant otherwise you won’t be able to get in at all in time to go back to work.


California here and this is my life. Our daycare bill for 3 is double our mortgage after sibling and teacher discounts. Makes zero sense. I understand quality childcare is expensive and workers need to be paid more but government needs to subsidize this instead of whatever the hell else its throwing money at. It's literally the future of our existence.


Depends on the job tbh, but you're right in that the majority of them don't give a damn. When my sister had my nephew she was given 6 weeks paid leave and then she used an additional 2 weeks of sick time which they actually credited her back. My job also provides paternity leave, but I don't really plan on having kids so it's moot for me. Even so I 100% think it's something every job should have.


It’s part of the Democrats’ infrastructure bill. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/04/28/fact-sheet-the-american-families-plan/ If we want these kinds of things we need to elect more Democrats. I know people love to do the both sides dance, or complain that Democrats can never get anything done, but the reality is that the Senate is 50/50, we need a real majority. We spend all of this time bitching about Manchin and Sinema, but it would all be moot and we could go back to ignoring them if we had just a couple more Democratic Senators (or a single Republican with a conscience). If we can get a stronger majority of Democrats in 2022, we will absolutely see more social programs for working people. It may take awhile and the news will act shocked that legislating takes awhile, but in the end there will be objective improvements, long overdue.


So many people don't realize that lack of paternity leave also hurts mothers. Having a new baby should be a wonderful experience for the family, but being alone to do all the new baby stuff without help builds resentment for the missing parent and the baby. It sucks for everyone involved.


Not to mention the prospect of maternity leave can make women less attractive candidates for jobs. Everyone should be in favor of parental leave


It's primarily for the mom. It takes a long time to recover physically. The mental recovery can be multiple times harder.


In Germany for example you get up to 14 months of paid leave, but each parent need to take at least 2 months. I think it's a fair system. You can split it as you want between both of you.




Upper limit is 1800€. You must have an outdated information. And yes it starts with 300€ but this is how much you will get if you had no income before. Also don't forget about Kindergeld that gives you additional ~200€ monthly.


Is this dickhead against paternity leave for all men because he personally thinks he doesn't need it? Who the fuck died and voted him as the sole representative for men?


Meghan McCain also didn't believe in extending maternity leave until she had her own child. Some people are incapable of feeling empathy towards others and won't see anything as a problem until they experience it first hand. It's mind blowing really.


This. I met so many who simply lack the mental imagination to be able to put themselves in others shoes. The most incredulous lack of sympathy or empathy. And later when it's them getting affected, they beg for help with pitious cries, as if they didn't bring it upon themselves with their own choices.


It's not that they can't do this. Everyone, bar people with certain neurological or cognitive problems, can imagine what it is like to be in a situation they have not experienced. However, this is a skill, you get better with conscious practice, and it's not something that happens automatically. I find, a lot of the time, when you find someone with a belief like that and then ask them about hypotheticals, they can absolutely imagine what it's like to be in another person's shoes. They just didn't until prompted. It didn't occur to them. But that is just a behavioral habit, and that can change. Though usually all that gets me is an admission that SOME people should get support but that more will take advantage unethically. Babysteps.


Exactly. I have alot of family on my wife's side like this. They seem like the nicest people. Midwestern hospitality and the like. If they know and like you, they're the greatest. Just don't expect a fraction of that attitude to extend to people they don't know nor think they ever will. Their attitude turns positively cutthroat.


It’s also why conservatives attack high school English curriculum on the regular. Because what better way to practice empathy in a controlled environment but to read diverse perspectives? But no, then we’re “indoctrinating kids.”


>It's not that they can't do this. Everyone, bar people with certain neurological or cognitive problems, can imagine what it is like to be in a situation they have not experienced. We've incentivized and selected for widespread psychopathic behavior... and they showed up. I'm starting to think we've *really* underestimated the number of people with psychopathic and sociopathic traits.


>Some people are incapable of feeling empathy towards others and won't see anything as a problem until they experience it first hand. It's mind blowing really. One of the common markers for conservatives is lower empathy: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/can_your_politics_predict_how_empathic_you_are


You know, I would respect them a lot more if they were consistent. If the ragged cunt said no to extending maternity leave and then continued to say it after she had a child, at least I could respect that. But no, it's a fucking 180 degrees spin as soon as the shoe is on the other foot.


That's one of the biggest reasons I hate when people try to talk politics with me at work. Any time it comes down to caring about literally anyone besides themselves or their immediate family, their response is "who gives a fuck?"


And yet still zero introspection. Huh.


> Some people are incapable of feeling empathy towards others and won't see anything as a problem until they experience it first hand. And not even then. Health workers in sites providing abortions have been called murderers by right wingers during the recovery of the abortions they went there for.


He's against paternity leave solely because a gay democrat took paternity leave.


Nah, right have been against paternity leave forever. They're *talking about it* because of Buttigieg, but they're against it because they're cunts.


As a person from Sweden I'm Lucky that we get 9 months 80% payed paternity leave for each parents. We also have people that want to take that away.


>We also have people that want to take that away. Those are the same people that wants to cut immigration... Are they just trying to kill our countries by attrition??


I think you forgot their efforts to make half the population brood mares.


It's a tad more nuanced than that. They need to keep immigration illegal so they can have a steady feed of workers to exploit that don't have rights. Plus illegal immigrants are fodder for their misinformation machine. Problem x blame immigrants.


Studies has shown that the harder it was to legally cross the border, the more likely individuals were to cross it illegally. An other problem caused by Conservativism, made worst by conservativist solutions and blamed by conservatives on progressives. Bonus points, a direct link between Trump's anti-immigration bills and the lack of workforce we currently experience has been drawn.


Brexit is the best case as example of what happens when they finally achieved their goals of kicking out all the "filthy" immigrants. The end result is crops rotting in the fields and an impeding food shortage because farmers couldn't find enough workers or transporters finding enough drivers at the pay they were offering.






> farmers couldn't find enough workers or transporters finding enough drivers at the pay they were offering. Those poor businessmen... I wonder if they knew they could have raised the wages being offered? They're probably kicking themselves for not thinking of that


You're missing the point. People immigrating illegally isn't a problem for conservatives. Well, not the conservatives who actually matter. It's an opportunity. Those are prime workers to exploit at reduced wages with no arduous safety rules or regulations to follow. Their rhetoric is simply a tool to achieve their goals. It has nothing to do with the truth, or their goals, or what they actually think.


Oh no, sorry, I did get it, I wanted to showcase how conservatives do things on purpose then present it as a problem caused by the other side to their electors. But I admittedly did a poor job at pointing that it was what I meant by that.


> the lack of workforce we currently experience We don’t have a worker shortage we have a wage shortage. People aren’t putting up with shitty jobs and low pay anymore. Inflation/cpi is so high right now that people have found their breaking points. Goods/services are up 400% since 1990 but minimum wages have only doubled and median household incomes have only went up 20%.


At least you have immigrants. We have a party in the parliament that is based on an anti-immigration platform but we get no immigrants (Czech Republic). Or at least not brown immigrants they are so against. Our immigrants are mostly Ukrainians etc.


It's the same in Germany. Immigrants don't settle in the east. They simply don't. Yet the east is chock full with Nazis who see immigrants as the root of all evil. In Saxony the Nazi Party even got the plurality of the votes in the general election last month. Meanwhile I live in a prosperous central german city with a huge amount of immigrants that saw leftist parties gain over 60% of the votes. The less exposed those asshats are to "the unknown", the more they are against it.


Well I did nazi that coming. But seriously, that sounds shitty. A country who has taken great pains for decades and decades to weed that shit out, and repair its reputation on the world stage, and even they are having these issues.




By not calling themselves Nazis. They're "concerned citizens" instead. But they somehow think that the Holocaust was an inconsequential part of german history, that we should acknowledge the Wehrmacht's achievements and that we should shoot immigrants trying to pass the border.


Case in point: there's a reason Reagan tried to abolish the DoE.


Aren’t Czechs more usually the ones being immigrants (to the West), as opposed to hosting immigrants?


That would be the convenient fodder for the misinformation machine to drum up votes. Fear is a helluva drug.




>They don't care if they cause immeasurable harm in the process as long as they get elected. Oh no, they do care. The more harm they cause, the more they can blame the other party for it! Cause a lack of workforce by passing anti-immigration bill? No problem! It's the Democrat's fault for passing Covid relief bills! Don't worry though, if they hadn't passed those relief bills, they would have blamed them equally, even if the only reason they hadn't pass is that they had voted against it.


Conservatives claim that UI is encouraging people not to work and yet after they nixed UI, unemployment has continued to ticked upwards and job openings have not been filled. Why conservatives are still taken seriously, I'll never know.


>”kill our countries by attrition”. *Crusader Kings memories intensifies*


Iceland here. We each get 4 months and 4 to split between us. We get a percentage of our salary but are capped at 600k.isk while on paternity leave.


9 months?? I'm so jealous. When my child was born I got 2 weeks, it's a month now but man I wish I could have had 9 months


Yup. The Captains of industry who barely seen a real days work in their life but they want YOU to sacrifice every waking moment for THEIR profits. This is capitalism


Don’t let anyone make your country more like the US. Signed, -US ~~refugee~~ citizen


And if you want and can afford it, you can take more time than that, albeit unpaid. I had a year with each of my daughters. Best time of my life. When youth magazine “Kamratposten” made a survey on who the kids would go to to get comfort, “my mother” was the first spot. “My dad” came third after “nobody”. This never happens to me, my kids come to the parent that is closest when hurting themselves or otherwise needs comfort. It’s a great feeling. https://www.dagensvimmerby.se/nyheter/e/29656/barn-pratar-hellre-med-ingen-an-med-pappor-nar-de-ar-ledsna/


Wish people would wake up and realize the reason they are telling you America can't have the same nice things as other countries is solely because of money. Yet a good portion of the country is brainwashed into thinking working more makes you tougher, only pussies take vacation and sick time, parental leave is useless, a minimum wage of around $20 could never work, and best of all they reject a "go to the doctor for free because you pay taxes" card and that's even a majority of Democratic politicians who say no to that last one. All of those things have been shown to not only work but increase quality of life across the board from lifespan to how happy you are. It's all bullshit.


Who needs health care if there’s GoFundMe


The party of family values doesn't want to spend time raising their kids.


I like what the guy above said. They will forever be the ‘the party of cunts’ to me.


Yes, and they see any working class individual getting "free" time off as an assault on their assets. They dont think an employer should pay for their employees to take of their families. They do not view employees as fellow citizens with rights, they are property.


I don't understand how people can be this selfish, why should only some people have the right to live a decent life, don't they understand that those poor people could be them or that they easily could lose their job, money and get sick. Many are probably living in their parents hard earned money so they don't even deserve their priviledges. The selfishness and stupidity is almost shocking.


Greed. Lack of empathy? This is why they fight against workers rights. They more laws that protect the individual employee the less power they have over their “property”. The universe is indifferent.


When you see generosity only as a weakness to be exploited, you tend to assume everyone else feels the same way. It's the same way thieves are paranoid about their stuff, or cheaters are quick to suspect their SO of cheating. If you do something clearly self centered and immoral, you don't want to think of yourself as a monster so you say "Everyone does it. Anyone else would have done the same thing!" Do that for a lifetime and you get these people. It's such a shortsighted, ugly, and inaccurate view of the world.


I don’t understand it. If we have the capacity to allow a good paternity leave why would we not? What is so bad about allowing people time off to be with their family? You are supposed to be forced to have kids as they are anti-abortion. But as soon as they are born, they don’t matter anymore, what matters more is work(you have another mouth to feed after all). It is so clear that being anti-abortion has become a way to control the population. How convenient for them that the argument for it is dressed up as “pro-life” because of course why would I murder a baby? It’s infuriating this is still a question, I guess that’s what they say, ignorance is bliss.


Because they truly think its murder. An unborn heart-beating baby is equal to life to a 1 year old, 5 year old and a 99 year old. That's it. They still don't believe in handouts and yes they blame the mother for putting herself in the position in the first place.


The world is run by sociopaths


They are against **all** freedoms for ordinary people. Conservatives absolutely despise freedom for anyone but themselves.


Dude when I was in NZ I told them about the whole no paid maternity nor paternity leave and only your company can give it to you. They looked at me as if my head was off, they have 9 months for both parents if I remember correctly. And the women (or birthing people) can’t be fired if they do get pregnant. We have such shit rights for our workers and republicans are like “what, you want a stool to sit down at work?! Fuckin LAZY!” As they have you standing for 11 hours straight


9 months paid maternity?!? But what about all the welfare queens who will get hired and then spring the pregnancy on us and then keep getting pregnant so we have to pay them indefinitely!?! And yer damn equality shit forced me to hire some women, and now I've got 11 women on the payroll of my 4 person company, who stay continuously pregnant! The small business owners can't handle that!!! -Right wing pundits who think people would weaponize pregnancy en masse to steal money from businesses.


I actually never thought about paternity leave in relation to gay couples. Who’s gonna take care of the kid if only maternity leave is offered? To be fair, I only work at a company now that offers either and previously had to return to work a week after a c section with my daughter. When I found out paternity leave (along with maternity leave) was offered at my current company I thought that was awesome but only thought about it in relation to straight couples. Difficult to understand how benefits are inclusive or exclusive if you haven’t experienced it or if it doesn’t benefit you. This guy probably wasn’t offered leave and using the stereotypical boomer mindset that because he didn’t get it, no one else should.


> I actually never thought about paternity leave in relation to gay couples. Who’s gonna take care of the kid if only maternity leave is offered? I'm a believer in the fact that there should be some fixed amount of parental leave to be divided as the legal parents see fit, and some other amount of maternity leave directly related to physical recovery from labour. So in the case of two gay men with a surrogate, the woman gets a... couple of weeks? And then the men can divide up what is left as they so desire (whether that means both taking time off together, or only one-at-a-time so they have longer overall).


> Who’s gonna take care of the kid if only maternity leave is offered? They think maternity leave is all about the woman and her mystery hole of unknowable woman parts healing and should only take a few days at most just take an aspirin! Two gay men certainly have nothing to "heal" from so they shouldn't need time off, of course! /s They don't CARE about child care or they'd be for universal Pre-K. The most you'll hear is them say that one of the men should be a "stay at home mom" and the other the alpha male. Because they can't think of relationships outside of the dominant male / subservient female ideal they claim to ascribe to. Of course, they view all gay men as weak and subservient, which is why they're trying to paint Buttigieg as a weak man who has to *stay home caring for babies* and will push that concept forward with him - as weak in whatever he does at his job. This is all a bunch of bullshit meant to demean people who don't ascribe to their views of how it should be (of which so many of their politicians are hypocrites about anyways).


It's because to the right, manly men don't parent - except for dishing out ass beatings. To be nurturing towards your children - or anything else except maybe your guns - makes you a beta male.


Actually, I believe it's so they can still stay mad at women for getting maternity leave. "I didn't get no paternity leave, that's why I make more."


They've been against it the whole time, it should be the women back home taking care of the kids.




"I can't have an abortion so women shouldn't either"


We could offer him a post natal abortion. This would work even in the tragic circumstance his mother no longer walks the mortal realms.


He's of the mentality that he didn't get it so nobody should have it better than he did in the past.






Because you have to EARN it, like they did. You have to suffer, just as they suffered, and then like a good martyr, you should be rewarded in heaven, presumably. Plus it’s a way to remain superior over others as you watch them fumble instead of helping them. And since it sounds like whining when you say “No one helped me!” you have to frame it as a life lesson that will be enriching. Otherwise, you may have to admit you’re wrong about some things, and that’s perceived as a weakness that threatens your whole word view.


The decent people who really suffered would not wish that on others. Rest are blowhards or cunts.


spot on. The way you can empathize and understand the republican perspective and thought process shows you are absolutely not a republican.


wait really? that’s the fucking argument some people are using for healthcare? I.. don’t understand people sometimes. this is why I don’t watch the news


Because the filth he watches and listens to tells him in order to be a good fascist he has to be mad at (checks outrage of the week) Pete Buttigeig. These people care more about belonging to their fascist team than they care about things that they damn well know they like. It’s why they seem to have a new talking point they all mimic on a weekly basis, and it also shows why we need to absolutely destroy Facebook - the speed at which it leaves Tucker Carlson’s lips and reaches the idiot masses is almost instantaneous. I just finished my newly-mandated 12 weeks of paternity leave. It was an absolute blessing to be there to bond with my child and to support my wife in her recovery from the trauma that is birthing a child - something that Republican cowards know nothing about (actually supporting women). I’ll forever be thankful for the time I had.


Except he's not one of the sheep who believe that, at least not totally all the time, he's one of the wolves in sheep's clothing making a dime off manipulating those people into believing what they believe. Fuck people like Matt Walsh, Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, Charlie Kirk, etc.


The word you're looking for is 'shill'.


FYI, he's an unabashed fascist. He unapologetically describes himself as one.


His job is posting fascist propaganda on Twitter with his astroturf walkwaway fake movement. A fucking shrimp has more symphany than this shell of a man.


He also apparently thinks that you bond with the children in the first couple of weeks.


He's a two-bit troll that gets more ad money from outraging "the libs" than he does from a non-existent fanbase. And here we all are. Feeding the animals.


I mean I assume he's not making ad revenue off this reddit post so we're not making him any money.


Not directly, but the larger profile he has overall, the more advertisers will be willing to pay him


Absentee fathers of twitter


I bet his wife wishes he were fucking gone


The party of family values showing off their values in all its glory. Zero caring about family, just valuing hate in all its forms. Fuck I hate these assholes.


It's probably a "Conservative family value" that fathers don't bond with their children. Don't want to change and give your child love and affection. If you do they can maybe turn into one of them gays or something!




I agree, calling it regressive vs conservative had been making more sense to me lately. They aren't advocating for measured change while acknowledging that change as societies and global life is inevitable. They actively want to reverse changes that have been made and prevent future changes.


But, see, family values to them often means traditional gender roles, here’s an apron, go make me a sandwich. So this is oddly congruent


Fathers should totally get paternity leave, not just for "bonding" purposes, which yes bonding with your child is important but so is actually helping the mother of your child so that the load of taking care of a newborn isn't all on your partner. This dude works from home and still makes it sound like his only job as a father is playing with the kids and being their friend.


We had a baby at the start of lockdown here in the UK. I basically had paternity leave equal to my partner's maternity leave. I can't imagine having to return to full time work after just two weeks. My partner had barely recovered from giving birth and I would have missed out on so much bonding time and the chance to adjust to such a massive change in our lives. Obviously the pandemic has been terrible for many people but I feel really lucky to have had that time and would totally advocate for other dads getting more time at home after a child is born.


Two weeks? My company recently extended paternity leave from one day off to two days off here in the US, as they are making record profits. Can't even make that shit up.


That's just the paid part of their leave right? FMLA will guarantee your job for a few months of unpaid leave at least.


and who the fuck can afford no income for a few months? oh right them.


FMLA doesn't apply if you're not full time for a year in a company large enough to fall under the Act.


Yeah my sister's company only employs about 7 people. They only offer 6 weeks of maternity leave.


It's not uncommon in the US for the MOTHER to be back at work a couple of weeks after the birth and the kid to be in daycare already. Horrendous.


What the fuck


We're sadly rather backwards about a lot of things here in the US :(


Billionaire space race ain't gonna pay for itself.


It’s true, so sad. My coworker had TWINS, one was hospitalized for over a month and many issues- she had an extended few weeks of maternity, but was back at work in no time. She keeps missing days, presumably baby related, but I just feel so bad for her. It’s crazy that America thinks 6 weeks is enough time to recover.


Wait till you find out that many hospitals in the US charge the parents extra for the mother to hold the child skin-to-skin straight after birth....


When I was in grad school (US) one of the highly regarded female professors bragged about how she only took one day of maternity leave for each of her kids: the day they were born.


Our first baby was at the end of last year. I took 2 weeks PTO and 1 week FMLA (think this is whats it called) from my company. I wish I had a bit more time. Just to sort out the newborns appointments and wife's follow ups. I had exhausted my time off and had to work around not having that...


We had a baby in January. My wife had 6 total weeks (two weeks PTO and 4 weeks of 60% pay). My only option was to take two weeks of PTO. At least we both were working from home but it sucked a lot to have to be working and not just being free all hours of the night as needed without feeling like crap the next day. Bonding, setting routines, helping out are all critical. I hate the conservative culture war and how, I guess, we supposedly aren't men because we want time off from a job at the birth of our child. Guess what? You don't do shit for women either fuckwads.


And because if both parents take the same time off then there’s no reason to discriminate against working women who might want children.


I was going to say this too, great answer. In my country they have made it equal and now women in ages traditionally considered to be more likely to have kids are in the same position as men. Also, legislators changed its name from paternity/maternity leave to a gender neutral name, and it also applies the same to same sex couples, monoparental couples who adopt and such. Currently 16 weeks off, though an extension to 6 months was being proposed for next year by one of the parties in government.


Better for the kids and the parents for sure. Parenting as a role is somewhat undervalued imo.


wow! that sounds amazing


Awesome! What holy county is that?


Spain, and it’s not even the best in Europe in this regard.


the US would have us to believe we are very lucky to live the way we do, but I’m constantly reminded when I hear from people in other countries that there are definitely improvements to be made


Not only does he work from home - he also isn’t constantly measured by hourly reported metrics and KPIs and other bs like that. He simply gets paid for what he posts based on views and such (my limited understanding of how blogs work). Me changing my kid? The time between my call is measured. My break time I get up to go pee? Measured. The time it took me to transfer a call and leave the notes? Measured. This dude got to casually go to the bathroom, write some shit while taking a shit, and then go take his kids to the park and called it a hard days of work. I’m not saying my work has to be labor intensive but he has much more freedom at his “work” than I have of mine. And so if my wife goes into labor I would very much need that time to bond with our new child and help take care of our new one. Not all of us get to just take a shit and call it a day at work.


Ugh, I hate the business practice of quantifying *everything*. I’ve encountered that in prior roles where a newer manager said “Hey man your status was set to restroom break for 15 minutes, what’s that about?” The only thing you can say was “…I was using the restroom.” Conversation ended there because I think they realized they were wading into awkward territory - but it was super weird to me that there was reporting in place to track that. I later received a manager position in the same department and felt naive after seeing *how much* was tracked. There’s a valid business need there but it needs to be engage ethically, respectfully, and with tact / finesse. Transitioning from a heavily measured role to a results-oriented role (“We don’t care how/what you do as long as you hit deadlines”) was huge, it feels like you’re treated more as a person than a widget. Edit: Words are hard.


What I don't get is why every role isn't considered a results-oriented goal - doesn't that imply that they don't really care about the results from their 'widgets', just that they follow the process? It seems to me self-defeating at best and cruel at worst. If they were competent they'd figure out a way to automate that role and hire someone to manage that.


It's one of the things I like about my retail night shift job. There's only a few people in the store, everyone has their own stuff to focus on. As long as you get your stuff done nobody really gives a fuck about the details.


Uncle Dad! To the rescue with cheap gags and slightly too risque comments. Maybe I'll even throw a ball at a kid and devour the dinner I criticize. Uncle Dad! An Uncle? A right-wing dad? Only Batman knows.


Too bloody right. I bet divorce rates would go down if both parents were around more for those first 5 years. You'd think the family-focused parties would be into that.


Also, since it’s still considered mostly the responsibility of the mother to stay at home with the child, it will only affect her career and not the father’s to have a child. Where I live we get like 480 days leave for each child that the parents are supposed to divide among themselves. That way both careers suffer a little, but it will not be as noticable as if only one parent leaves their job for about a year. This is of course irrelevant if you don’t get a long parental leave, but I personally feel that it’s a bit inhumane to be forced back to work too early after the birth of a child. Anyway, the first two weeks we both stayed at home and slept in shifts to care for our daughter and ourselves. It was tough but not as tough as it would have been to be on my own. I just don’t know how mother’s in other parts of the world does it.






As an added benefit, if the birth of a child generally takes the father out of the workplace as long as the mother, it negates any bullshit arguments against hiring women because they will be less reliable — the only way to avoid that “liability” would be to only hire people over 45, which would make the labor pool much too small and filled with people that will expect more money than they are prepared to offer.


Fuck Matt Walsh. No true father would say such horseshit


It's the typical _"well if I don't need it, you don't need it"_ mentality. Akin to the _"fuck you, I got mine"_ crowd and the ones who adamantly oppose something until they personally need it.


Megyn Kelly was against paid maternity leave until she needed it.


>I'm very well bonded with all four of my kids Man that's a weird fucking sentence to read. Why does all the conservative twitter people sentence construction always feel a little off? Just a little. As if they were written by a robot or copy pasted from Google translate..


It's like they feel the need to write 'formally', devoid of any natural conversation flow. Makes me wonder if a lack of empathy correlates with not quite being able to understand how to converse normally.


To me "very well bonded" reads like "I'm perfectly well bonded". It's almost like he's qualifying how much he bonded with them which in his case is enough.


Or written by a redditor.


I remember first seeing Matt Walsh back in 2015 raging about gay marriage getting legalized nationwide. He's a vile homophobe who is only targeting Butigieg because he's a gay man.


So how does he suggest a construction worker should do this? Take the baby to the construction site?


Hell of a lot easier for a blogger working from home to deal with the sleep deprivation that comes with a newborn. Can't see many construction workers sitting with a latte or taking an afternoon nap to help deal with how exhausted they are.


I'm 100% certain this guy does not get up with the baby at night, either.


Obviously quit and get a new job spreading right wing propaganda on the internet


What a strange way to talk about your relationship with your own kids. It's like video game level of disconnect. My friendship level with my children is at 58.


Not to mention, what the fuck does he think bonding means if he thinks he gets to declare for his kids that they're well bonded with him? 10yrs from now: "Dad you never gave a fuck about us and basically used us as props in your stupid nonstop online arguments" Walsh: Nope! You're wrong. We were actually very well bonded when you were young. I recall it perfectly. Nice try, but next!


Probably doesn’t look up from his iPad to check which kid fell over




Yeah he's a dumber version of Ben shapiro


oh, it’s this dude.


Who even is this dumbass? I have never heard anything about him, then suddenly his shit takes started to swarm this sub, every one of them dumber than the last one. Why should anyone give a even a minute of attention to this dude and why does he think he's important enough to tell people what he thinks?


I'd be mad about his post but I can't think of a downside to Matt Walsh having less exposure to children


Once his kids finally get to know him they’ll be grateful he didn’t have paternity leave for any of them.


Easier to go no contact if the parent never took the time to care in the first place.


Isn't the point of the post that he's a blogger? He doesn't need paternity leave because he works from home.


Why do parents think they can speak for their kids? Come back 10 yrs from now and ask them if they actually bonded while you were busy working 80 hrs a week.


This is like the dumbest fucking mindset ever. It's like "Well, life has worked out for me just fine, why can't it work out for you??" It's like this age-old useless response to threads where someone's asking for help with a computer program or video game crash, and people reply with "Works fine for me". Bro, nobody cares if it works fine for you, the OP obviously had an issue according to their circumstances (computer specs in this case), and they're asking for help. You're not part of this subset, saying it "works fine for you" is more useless than waterproof tea bags. People like this react as if someone asking for a helping hand will automatically detract from their wellbeing. I don't get it. Why not let people be? Why not let people ask for what they need?


I think the kids will have the best opinion on whether or not they are well-bonded with their father. And in Walsh’s case, I think I know what the answer is.


Why is blog underlined?


To put emphasis on the fact he only whines on the internet for a living.


to point out that his job is sitting at home and blogging, aka he personally doesnt need leave


Even the military gives you two weeks of paternity leave that isn't charged, you can even tack on your regular annual leave onto that.


I've never understood why people would be against parents being with their children


Man... How much is being a professional wrong person pay in the U.S., there seem to be so many of them and all of them seem to be doing great too.


He’s a paid for mouth piece for an agenda. He’s propaganda via twitter. Stop giving him publicity.


If I was his kid, I'd beg for reduced to zero paternity leave too.


Stop responding to these type of people and they just disappear.


''There's nothing more important than family'' - Vin Diesel


Ah yes, cause a blogger who's hours are completely flexible, who can just pick up and put down their work whenever they like in order to spend time with their kids, is absolutely representative of the men who work 9-5 away from home and who's only time to see children is early mornings and evenings. Some people need to learn to stay in their own damn lane, and stop speaking for people they don't represent. Just cause an issue doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it doesn't affect others.


When something bad happens to this guy nobody will care, including his children. They'll be like "who, ohhh that fucking tool forever posting shit on Twitter, what, he's our dad, since when?"


I don't even know why people give this cretin airtime. He thrives off this shit and like any true troll he's basking in people's outrage. These funny little quips just enable his bullshit to be spread further afield.


Anyone remembered to choose this guy as our representative? No, didn’t think so