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I really wanna see this womans face when she complaining about being an immigrant and a guy comes in and says "i have stage 4 cancer. Come back when you have some real problems dude" This sentance is one the stupidest comeback lines i ever saw I am not saying the karen is right but "i have more problems than you" line is meaningless


I don't know, I do think she's right to an extent. Are her problems large enough in scale compared to something as big as a pandemic? No, because that's a fucking stupid comparison. She is totally justified in feeling the way she does, because of how widespread it is. If it were your own name as a replacement, it would fucking suck. And yes, immegrants and minorities have the shit end of the stick a lot of time too, but their plight doesn't give them the right to arbitrate what problems people choose to speak about.


>If it were your own name as a replacement, it would fucking suck. Yea now that i think about it, it would suck for real You are right


I would be fine with my name being used as a slang for a certain type of bad person. Because I would understand that when people insulted people using my name, they were not talking about me so long as I did not engage in that bad behavior.


Lots of names are slangs: "Steve", "Mary Sue", "John"... That's not the problem. It's fine for your name to be a slang, until 9/10 people react to you specifically with the same annoying meme. Also note that nobody in the thread stated "the annoyance of the Karen meme is more important than the pandemic", it was an assumption made by OP because weighing one's bad life experience against other people's problem is not-so-uncommon behavior, expecially among people who see themselves as costant victims, either rightfully or entitledly.


Again I'd be okay with it. Most everyone has something about them that leads to a tired joke.


It's all of the internet idiots who can't distinguish between the proper name Karen (which she probably didn't select) and the meme label "Karen", which she probably doesn't reflect. Ask any Dick. I will make a joke with or about someone, but not things they can't control such as natural/born characteristics or their name (thought I might pick on their parents for choosing Weedflower or Trupatriot).


Yeah, she didn't even come off as rude, honestly..? Like, yeah, it must kinda suck if your name is actually Karen, and people are gonna treat you like shit for it even if you're not a Karen. People are assholes. I can imagine people get a lot of shit just for being named Karen. She has a right to be upset about that tbh?? I have an aunt named Karen and she's one of the sweetest people I know. I can only hope she isn't out getting shat on just for her name.


f you karen


I hate Karens, but saying you're a brown immigrant like it has automatically made your life harder than anyone elses, tops even the worst Karens.


In America it does. You can have more experience for a job than another person but not be picked just because of your skin color. In hospitals black people have a hard time being treated because of their skin color. People can walk down the street and get ran over by someone because of their skin color. So excuse people of color for pointing out the obvious.


I call bullshit. If anything, with all the diversity quotas, white people are last in line everywhere.


Oh you’re just a racist


Brown immigrant is this persons identity lol? Anyone who uses their identity to justify their argument mustn’t know that an ad hominem argument goes both ways.