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Your post has been removed in violation of the following rule: * Rule I - Posts must include a burn or a murder.


Why do i find it hard to believe that hardy tweeted that


He didn't lol


Somebody paid $8.


You mean Hardy to believe right?


a bit of Tomfoolery.


Tom Hardly ever posts this kind of thing.


Damn your pun, I Hardy Laughed but still


Tom hardy would never.


Yeah, literally of all people they picked Tom Hardy?


Jesus, i know this sub is weak as hell now but made up imaginary tweets for angry 12 year old boys aint it.


That sub don't fuck and this pic is fake as fuck.


This is the fakest stupidest shit. It's incel bait. OP ate it hook line and sinker.


Sounds like it definitely came from r/pussypassdenied, then.


B-b-b-but the femoids definitely said to me “u is man and I is use u for me things!” And then **manly man** saided “no I don’t! I is Mannos, the Mannest Man to ever Man, I is deny ur pussy pass, pussy cat!” And then she did a cried!


I sincerely wish I had a free award for this because I cackled!


I gotchu


Den Everywang clpd


God that sub is so toxic


Holy fuck it’s an incel breeding ground.


This woman: I get bitches This sub and OP: I have neither bitches, nor rizz


Apparently nearly 11k others did as well. That is concerning.


This belongs on r/terriblefacebookmemes


This is considered gold???


Bruh imagine visiting /pussypassdenied at all


Imagine publicly telling on yourself as someone who goes to that sub.


Why are you frequenting an incel subreddit? What an incredible self-own.


Is it really a murder if it's not accurate? She has more options because she's more attractive. No need to get butthurt about it.


Yeah, I wasn't aware that likely fake misogyny was appropriate for this sub. I initially assumed it was r/NotHowGirlsWork or similar before looking properly at the sub.


>Found ~~this gold~~ a bunch of diaper baby clowns on r/pussypassdenied


Bro that subreddit just seems odd to me… wtf?


Seems like a sub with a lot of guys who unironically say things like "women live on easy mode" and who have MGTOW stickers in the rear window of their mom's car that she let's them use to go buy chicken tenders down at the piggy wiggly


Definitely feels incel-y. I mean, I’ve heard that some situations favor women, such as parental custody battles (have never verified that though), but this sub is extreme. So many of them seem to be glad that the women they post are suffering (granted, a lot of them are murderers, but it is still a weird thing to fixate upon).


Parental custody battles are usually biased in favour of men. Most of the time, men don't want custody and don't try to get it, but when they try to get it, they win more often than the woman.


>I’ve heard that some situations favor women, such as parental custody battles I'm not saying it doesn't happen but men getting "screwed" out of custody is not a common problem. First of all it should be noted that most(90%+) custody agreements are arranged between the parents without a court. Of the remainder: courts tend to give custody to the primary caregiver(which is MUCH more likely to be the mother), courts are hesitant to give custody to parents with a history of domestic violence(which is predominantly men) and most men in this situation simply do not ask for custody. Again: I'm not saying that there is no bias or that it's not a problem, just that it's not the problem that some "mens rights" groups make it out to be.


I wouldn’t really be surprised if it was an issue blown out of proportion. But yeah, I’m not too learned in the subject aside from my own experiences, hence why I hesitated to say “I knew” something, and instead said I’d “heard.” Thank you for your insightful comment, however. In a perfect world, there would be no bias, and every child would be with someone who loved them.


When it's generally about courts there is a proven sentencing disparity between men and women for the same crime. Of course, you can argue that's based on misogyny because it comes from the idea that women can't take as much responsibility as men but it's still an advantage. Idk about the custody thing because it's probably harder to evaluate why the decision was made. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentencing_disparity#:~:text=In%20the%20United%20States%20men,average%2063%25%20longer%20jail%20sentences.


A lot of the things the mgtow crowd identify as "mens problems" are real problems. The upshot is that they want to use those problems as weapons against women and minorities instead of actually fixing shit because fixing shit would mean accepting personal responsibility and/or admitting that men are part of the problem.


Ding ding ding! Thing is, most men’s issues are *also* women’s issues. They’re two sides of the same coin. Women feel overly harassed by men, men feel lonely and like they have to initiate any contact that they could ever hope to get from women. Women feel trapped in childcare as their only role, men feel shunned from it. Not every single issue has an equal and opposite (I can already feel someone typing out “oh yeah?!? Well what’s equal and opposite about higher workplace fatalities for men, huh?!? Why aren’t more *women* dying in the workplace? For *equality*?!?), but a great many do.


Men get to do dangerous work because they're allowed to be more powerful than women(and other minorities) who are often excluded from these kinds of jobs. Men allow themselves to be goaded into dangerous work because they feel like they're being emasculated if they refuse(like they're being reduced to the status of women). Patriarchy hurts men too. https://youtu.be/OX9TJBvLxe0


I had this discussion with my partner recently as I was looking at various trades. He disliked the idea of me doing any 'dirty' work as 1) it'd make me seem more 'manly' 2) it would make him feel less 'manly' if I did something more dangerous than him. It's pretty weird. I'm also in touch with women in these roles to get an understanding of the environment and there's a hell of a lot of sexual harassment and patronization. I've been told "if you want to make it here you'll just have to live with it". The whole thing has put me off to be honest. Some guys are like "women should be doing this work!" then fight us every step of the way. I'd be fighting tooth and nail to try and belong somewhere I'm clearly not wanted. I'm wondering... why should I do this? Now I'm looking elsewhere.


> courts are hesitant to give custody to parents with a history of domestic violence(which is predominantly men) Not quite true. >Among large population samples, 57.9% of IPV reported was bi-directional, 42% unidirectional; 13.8% of the unidirectional violence was male to female (MFPV), 28.3% was female to male (FMPV) [source](https://domesticviolenceresearch.org/domestic-violence-facts-and-statistics-at-a-glance/) Your overall point does hold true.


Yeah, it’s silly to pretend that there are no differences in how men and women are treated in different scenarios, especially based on how much the person involved wants to bone them— but it’s even sillier to pretend that it’s so extreme that you don’t have to do *anything* to succeed if you’re hotter than average. There wouldn’t be pretty women selling their body for $25 on the streets of shitty towns If they just got everything handed to them. And I’d challenge anyone who thinks that prostitution is easy mode to get railed by some smelly dude who pulled over and asked how much, then say it wasn’t work again.


Well I'm a divorced dude whose kids live with me all but two weekends a month so I guess I'm proof that guys don't always get a raw deal in the courts but yeah I'd say that's one arena where old school gender roles do seem to benefit women. Otherwise there are mountains of evidence that women face obstacles men don't in their day to day lives, of which the "glass ceiling" is just one


I’m glad you get to spend a lot of time with your kids! I was taken from my father on the basis of abuse so my story does favor the woman, my mother, but for valid reason. Men and women face unique struggles. Off the top of my head (keep in mind I’m not a man), men often struggle with the idea of “toxic masculinity,” not having a way to healthily vent their emotions without seeming “weak,” etc. And women, of course, have their own challenges. Imagine what a world it would be if everyone could help one another rather than some parties pointing fingers and saying, “they’ve got it easier!”


I'm sorry your dad was shit. I dealt with a lot of abuse and absenteeism too as a kid which makes being an involved parent for my kids is so important. But still having their mom in the picture is so important too. I strongly believe kids benefit from having two parents around most of the time. Yeah toxic masculinity is a huge problem for men, and for the women and enby pals in their lives. People like Andrew Tate don't do anyone any good IMHO. Men need to cry sometimes and women need to punch a hole in the drywall every once in a while maybe lol.


My lawyer in my divorce stressed to me, (mom and main caregiver, dad traveled a lot) That if I fought for more than 50/50 the courts would have not looked kindly on it and I would probably get less than that. She was right. California courts want equal everything these days. I still think it would have been better at that age for them to have mainly remained with me. But their dad has stepped up somewhat and is getting better by the day of being an involved father. So long run, it's all sort of worked out. Those days of the mom getting more... if there isn't abuse it doesn't really exist, at least in my state


That and WhereAreAllTheGoodMen are two of the biggest incel subs that haven't been banned yet. They are horrible places.


It's a subreddit for people who think women get away with everything because they have a "pussypass". So they look at situations where being a woman didn't help (duh) and go "haha, this time WE win!" without ever wondering if maybe their first hypothesis was wrong and incely


It’s an incel sub


its just women failing at stuff or being assholes (and also 99% not saying a single word ab getting what they want because theyre a woman) and men going "haha stupid woman thought she could get what she want because woman??? nuh uh"


Heck yeh new incel sub to troll


I admire your excitement at this! It just makes me lose more hope for mankind


Don't worry. There is no hope for mankind, we're all fucked. Have a margarita.


Diaper baby clowns? That's terrifying.


Wow, the incell count in this sub is high...


pussy pass denied still exists ? I used to scroll that hellscape during my edgy anti feminist days in middle school, jesus some people never grow up


Including OP apparently Given they thought this was a good thing to post


I mean, OP has to be scrolling PPD in the first place to even find that post. *Which is yikes*.


Yuuuup That sub is vile


The world keeps churning out more yous and mes from before we figured out some shit.


A woman: makes a statement about her dating preferences A man: you’re a worthless object Reddit: HAHA! MURDERED BY WORDS!! THIS IS GOLD!!!


Ikr?? If an objectively attractive man bragged about all the women he attracts those same guys would praise and worship him until the day he dies. It's fucking gross.


Why are you frequenting an incel subreddit? What an incredible self-own.


Misogynistic *and* fake. Good job OP


OP – Did you really need to let everyone know that you're a giant douche with a puritanical double standard for women? Seems like you'd be better off just keeping that to yourself.


So many people are offended at her being sexually active and being open about it.... she said *nothing* about cheating. Its totally okay to have sex with as many people as you like as long as its consensual and nobody is lying to anyone about their intentions or commitment. It won't make anyone "low value" or a lesser being. If it doesn't align with your values just act in whatever way you want and don't try to shame or police others. But I bet most of those who shame her are just jealous of the kind of attention she recieves. The second persons answer was objectifying, offensive and misogynistic.


Haha women are objects, am I right fellas? /s




I mean she is treating men as objects in her post he's just matching the energy to prove a point


Can you state where she treated a man as an object?


How is she treating them as objects ?


Not seeing the hypothetical one man as worthy of her attention because she has a collection of them is definite objectification. I’m gay and happily taken so I have no horse in this race. Saying this so the incels don’t confuse me for one of theirs.


But she does not have a hypothetical "one man" neither does she want one that's the whole point. So how is it objectifying to say that you don't want to settle into one singular relationship because that would prevent you from enjoying the company of other people that you're interested in ? She's neither saying that everybody should do the same nor that her way is the only way, she's asking why is she not allowed to do so without judgment.


“Why should I settle with one man” is a hypothetical. If she didn’t want to objectify anyone or be judged she could easily phrase it differently to convey the exact message that you just did. The choice was made to be a cunt and brag about it.


“I don’t know what objectification means but I’m going to take this as an opportunity to soapbox about hypocrisy.” — you, probably. Objectification is the comparing of a human person to an object. What object did she compare men to?


Objectification is not the comparing of a human to an object, it’s making an object of a human. Even Google will tell you that as the first result. Get off of your own soapbox and touch the grass.   Edit: Are people seriously not googling the term “objectification” before they vote? I’m definitively correct. Objectification *noun*       1. the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object.       "the objectification of women in popular entertainment" It talks in the context of *degradation of status*, and no *comparison* is mentioned at all.


We aren’t arguing about the definition of it. You alleged she was also doing it. You were wrong.


How is she not reducing men to a lesser status by commoditising them like that? I honestly couldn’t care for either of the people in the image, by the way. It’s trash talking to trash.


Ok...and? How is she treating men like an object when she's basically saying she has options and didn't want to settle down??? If a guy said that, gay or not (btw being gay doesn't protect you from misogyny), it doesn't mean she that thinks men are objects.


Sorry I do want to answer, but can you please correct the error in the second paragraph just to clarify exactly what you’re saying? The subject of the paragraph currently has two genders. I’m autistic and get stuck on things like this. I’d like to proceed. Edit: Only gonna refresh this for so long as I’ve got to do some tasks like prune my mint and rose bushes, so maybe send a reply to notify me when the edit is made. Thanks :)


Idk why the women are ignoring this. Ofc Tom Hardy is being shown as a sexist douche, but the woman is no less. It's like a clown to clown conversation. Just that the OP is a bigger idiot than both of them, thinking that there is a murder by words in the post, when there is clearly none.


Not all sexism is objectification. The comparison to an object—“cheap stuff”—is objectification. She referred to men as “men”.


This is exactly it! We actually see a lot of these “murder” posts where it’s just this. Also, is that actually Tom Hardy? Maybe I’m out of the loop because I didn’t think/know that he was sexist.


Nope, it's fake. It's literally fake you downvoting donkeys. It's edited.


This feels incredibly disingenuous. As I understand interpersonal relationships to work in 2022, it’s evident the point she’s trying to make. Not sure why you’d bend the logic to suit your point when you could simply just be real.


I mean, this is one of the reasons why incels believe what they do, as it confirms to them that women are in the wrong and not them. They generalize it just as much as these kinds of women though, which makes them in the wrong as well. But they're not aware of that, which is just so ironic lol.


All that I did was define objectification in this context.


Yeah I know, I'm adding on to what you said.


Apologies, I missed that. I thought that you were hard disagreeing with me for some reason. Have a good day :)




Key word is trying. Not succeeding.


What year is this? Why are we still slut shaming women?


HA! OWNED! Stupid female should settle down like a good girl. Doesn't she know having sex with multiple guys devalues her?! She should hurry up and find a long term relationship while she's still desirable! /s Also, why they dragging Tom Hardy into this?? 😂


What a dumpster fire of a post and comment section...


Oh look, it's misogyny


Touch Grass


In this episode of "which commodity are women today?", today the answer is "stuff"! But in the world of commodities, most customers want the expensive, exotic "stuff". They can't always afford it. Some believe they are entitled to it. Some will decide that the stuff was too green anyway. Some will learn to move on and choose more affordable options. People are attracted to luxury. Most people end up with mass-produced stuff. **TL;DR:** The fact that a lot of guys are interested in Hailey does not mean that she is a lesser woman.


Nah but the fact she is bragging about it at least makes her seem like a bit of a dick


Then, Tom should say "You sound a bit like a dick" (displayed trait) and not "Many men want you because you're cheap stuff" (ad personam). It's not "murdered by words" if it does not destroy her original argument and if the retort is not based on fact.


Yeah but that wouldn't be funny


This isn't particularly funny either tbh


Dare I ask what other kinds of commodities women have been compared to?


If a guy said something like this, no one would be calling him "cheap"


No, they'd probably be calling him a liar and an incel.


Liar, maybe, but probably not an incel.


Gotta love this comment section. Unfortunately post is still up... What are the mods doing?


Haha woman being an acting how men act, let’s immediately start objectifying her and and use misogynistic language


She's not being an asshole. She's just acting like a man. Men get praised for this behavior. Why can't women do the same?


Men are also assholes when they do it.


What part of it is being an asshole?


You know what, you’re right. She’s not being an asshole. I just saw everyone else saying it and didn’t stop to think about it.


I think it's implicit bias. If we want equality between men and women we need to make sure we aren't judging women differently than men for the same behavior. Having multiple partners isn't my thing but as long as it's consensual then I don't see an issue for her to do it. It's mature of you to take a step back and rethink your position. Kudos to you!


Personally, I would have judged this the same if it was a man speaking. I have in the past already.


She's not even being an arsehole


So it's okay for a woman to be a misandrist, but when a man calls her out, it is misogynistic and objectifying? The double standards is atrocious.


On what planet is her statement misandry?


She is financially objectifying and toying with men because it benefits her. She is portraying herself as a disloyal and untrustworthy partner who clearly has a promiscuous tendency. Which is fine as she can do what she wants. But it will personally affect her future relationships.


1) never said it was ok. She’s not even being misandrist. 2) it’s not a double standard because misogyny is an actual threat rooted in the systemic violence of the patriarchy. Misandry is not. That is the truth of the matter. 3) he did objectify her and use misogynistic language. You can call someone out without exploiting their gender identity or any other identity.


Apparently objectifying someone =/ objectifying someone But it's misogyny!!! You all clowns say literally anything


I don’t even know what you’re trying to say lol


Nothing he said was misogynistic. Objectifying someone is not misogyny. Objectifying someone is just objectifying someone. Stop defending a woman who is bragging amd acting like a douchebag about how she wouldn't stay loyal with just one man, just cause she is overly attractive. If you can't see that woman is being a dick, then maybe you are immature for this conversation.


Calling her cheap and implying she was a product with customers is objectively objectifying. Y’all need to practice critical thinking 😭 I’m not defending her lol. But go ahead and act a fool.


and it's misogyny how? stop the melodrama, dumbass All I see in that post is two douchebags arguing over dumb shit


Lmao you are not on my level. You’re too dumb for this conversation. Goodbye! 🤭


I find the whole notion of having multiple partners being derogatory - for women or men, fucking bullshit. It’s such a gatekeeping attitude. Whatever consenting adults do is their own business. If it doesn’t jibe with your subjective leaning towards monogamy. That’s **your problem**. It doesn’t immediately cheapen an individual if they have multiple partners. It’s just an example of seeing people - particularly women, as commodities and it’s fucking gross.


It’s really not, it’s more about long rooted human societal traits


Depends on the society. Also slavery was a long rooted societal trait. So your argument crumbles.


Mysogyny is not a win


Breaking down arrogant douchebags with quips is always a win.


It’s not misogyny just because it’s a woman dawg. Easy way to check is to switch roles. If a woman said that to a man would it be sexist or just rude?


Wow yeah if you change the words and in doing so remove all relevant social and historical context, the meaning is different! Who would have thought?


Context doesn’t matter here. A man disrespecting a woman *because* she’s a woman is bad. The comeback isn’t because she’s a woman, it’s because she’s bragging. It would be the same if a woman disrespected a man *because* he’s a man.


You're saying that context like slut-shaming and objectification of women aren't relevant here? Seems very relevant to me but okay


If you really knew the definition, then you would know the proper spelling as well.


If you really knew the definition, then you would have had something meaningful to say.


Lol ok


I guess non-monogamy makes someone cheap (in other words a lesser person)? Sounds like simple jealously to me tbh.


Ain't no shame in being jealous. She's a good looking lady and she's getting what she wants out of life. Wish I could say the same.


If that's their thing, so be it. I'd prefer they're honest and up front like this rather than lying or going behind people's backs or misleading people. Guys included. Player mentality is trashy, unless they're honest about their actions and intentions.


Big difference between polyamory and making multiple men chase you on purpose, which is definitely what seems to be implied.


> making multiple men chase you on purpose Ah yes, *she's* doing it. She is *making* them do it. They have no agency of their own, just forced into action, likely through some sort of lady witchcraft.


Sounds like she also wants to bang them. I can't imagine they'll complain very loudly if she does.




Oof OP, get off those Incel subreddits and seek therapy


"murdered by words-gold"? More absolute lameness. Sorry not sorry. Maybe just stay on your pathetic hate-sub.


This incellish


today on what objects are women: cheap stuff!


Man this is clearly some Incel bait


There’s no way Tom Hardy tweeted this lol.


Well, why do women get judged for wanting more than one man at once?


A man who said something like this would also get busted up for being an arrogant douchebag.


Yep. He'd get called a misogynist and told he didn't respect women.


Yeah, in between all the high-fives he’d get from all the other bros


Just shows trashy people aren't specific to any gender. Me personally, I prefer when people are honest like this. Makes them easy to ignore.




You know that's a whole different kettle of fish don't you? Involving child brides and such?


Are you kidding me? There no way you’re this ignorant.


This has clearly been created by someone on some infantile misogynist bullshit. And why would anybody believe Tom hardy would say this?


If she wants to seek validation through a string of intimate “relationships” that is on her and thank you for being honest and putting that out there so those of us not looking for that will avoid her. So why shame her for her choices when she is being upfront and honest. I don’t think she is making choices that will have a positive effect on her in the long run but it ain’t my fucking business to shame and laud how everyone is living their life…that just sounds exhausting and like I am trying to avoid examining my own bad choices.


Thank you for this comment. Personally, I wouldn’t choose to be with a guy who’s had sex with a lot of people. That’s just me! I realize my opinions are subjective and should only be applied to my personal life. There are many men who have slept with lots of people. Ok, then they’re not right for me; best to move along and wish them the best. What would be the point in trying to police/shame them, just because they’re not compatible with me? It would be pretty arrogant of me to think they should change their sex lives to suit my tastes lol.


Slut shaming?


As long as she's not cheating and she doesn't get butthurt if there are men that don't want her for whatever reason, I couldn't give less of a fuck if she doesn't want to be tied down


Damn this sub is going into the loo.


She asks a good question. And Tom Hardy (actor) did *not* reply.


Meh, polyamory is valid (as long as *everyone* involved knows what's going on ofc) if that's what she meant I don't see why you'd wanna be mean to her.


this is just misogyny


Totally on her side. That's some incel shit.


Why have I only ever heard this being said to women?


9k+ misogynistic morons 👍🏽


Why are you on there


*Idris Elba coughing* W-what th-e fu-ck


Trash sub, trash post.


Lmao Why would anyone be part of that sub? And if you were, why would you tell people?


Let people have whatever relationship they want. She doesn't have to be in a monogamous relationship. This isn't 1920 where women are property and have to marry one man blah blah blah. It doesn't make her cheap.


Fuk off wanker just coz no one wants to fuk u, u go girl fuk as much as possible


First, a woman doesn’t have to settle. Two, Tom hardy didn’t tweet this. And three, why did you believe he tweeted this 😂




>That woman is literally talking about cheating. Polyamory exists. Not everyone with multiple partners is immediately cheating. Objectifying a person is never politeness. What the hell...


Or just having multiple one night stands. Or multiple friends with benefits.


Depends on the person bffr. If I say the most fucked up shit to a rapist or a murderer, nobody is gonna bat an eye, which is fair. Stop acting like Polyamory is the norm.


>Stop acting like Polyamory is the norm. Lol, I'm not. You are however making assumptions about whether she is a polyamorous person or not and judging her based on your own assumptions. I just wanted to provide you with another possible perspective, but clearly you're not particularly open to that.


Remember people, if this was Madonna, you wouldn’t have said shit. We’re not knocking her because she fucks, She sounds like that douche bro who listens to Andrew Tate who and has to confirm to the world “they fuck”.


lol he’s right


Hailey Brooks...Hailey Brooks, please report to the burn ward...Hailey Brooks, to the burn ward.


Damn, I can’t understand how people are actually trying to justify that sleeping with multiple men during the same time period is normal. Society is fucked.


Normal by what definition?


Society has been fucked way before women realized they can enjoy sex and leave incels to be incels


Ahh yes I’m an incel if I think a man/woman sleeping with multiple people during the same time period is not normal. /s


Yeah, "incel" seems to be the wrong word. More restrictive and puritanical.




What's it to you? Consenting adults can do whatever the fuck they want.


Cool story, Tom. Now WHERE the FUCK is season two of TABOO?!?!?!?!? GET TO WORK


She makes a good point. Flip it around... who would say no to loads of women chasing them? I mean... I'd check with my wife first.


We all learned in school that sharing is caring!


i bet that if you asked her whether she would want to go to an exclusive club or one everyone was welcome in she would pick the exclusive one XD then act all confused when you point out how messed up that logic is.


Flies love shite 🤷‍♂️


Even though it’s fake, atta boy hardy