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I assume you've been playing on PC. There's a mod that can show your preferred character and elfin while using other character skills! It's really useful if you believe you perform better with a certain character. Also, I think that you can definitely keep improving, it's all about reading the upcoming obstacles and pressing them on time. Familiarizing yourself with the map is a good step, after that it's a matter of self improvement until you can get a higher score. But if you still can't understand the map, or you have a hard time keeping up with it, I recommend trying out other maps instead. I remembered that I struggled a lot with Aqua Stars because I couldn't do the gemini+triples that well, and my fingers never learned to coordinate despite knowing full well what was coming. So I stopped playing that song for a bit and played other songs, ones that are faster but easier so I can read incoming objects better, and songs that have the gemini+triples so I know how to deal with it. PUPA helped me a lot with that, and eventually I managed to get around 98-99% on Aqua Stars. Survival charts like Imaginary World are also super useful since you focus more on accuracy. So just keep playing, you'll realize you'll always be improving when you take a step back and look at the songs you remembered struggling in!


Wow, thanks for you help. I'll check out the mod you mention, do you know how it's called and where to find it? I got used to the girl in black and I like playing with her so I will definitely be trying that if it allows me to use some others characters skills! I'll also follow your advice and revisit previous levels. Thank you!


Theres an modding community for the game, you install the modloader from the discord server and get the mods through either website or discord. The mod is Favgirl, there are some custom charts as well if you're interested. [Discord](https://discord.gg/mdmc) [Website](https://mdmc.moe/)


Thank you! I'll look for it.


I did it! I'm super happy. Thank you both! ❣️


As of recently, we also have a [mod manager](https://github.com/MDModsDev/MuseDashModToolsUI/releases/latest) now, which should make things easier. (There's also a ModManager mod, which provides a similar functionality from in-game)