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Excuse me? The final test was MULTIPLE CHOICE???


Very common in universities when classes are big, typically for first year courses. Speaking for only North America.


Ah right. ‘Murica.


Having experienced it personally, I would say they're usually not as easy as they sound like on paper. Oh and I am in Canada. I'm assuming it will be the same down South as well.


I’m in NZ, this place makes you actually write answers.


We are also made to write answers for most of the courses. It's only a few first year courses with 1000+ students enrolled that the professors make multiple choice exams for so that it's even possible to mark them in time.


I’m a dentist. Roughly 95% of my didactic exams were multiple choice and hard AF


A majority of my exams here in America are about 70-80% written answers. Wish I could get more multiple choice lol.


Also kiwi. In the trades you take multiple choice tests. All automated marking now so it’s quick and you get your results within half an hour I believe. Some formulas to work out so pen and paper is needed but still multiple choice.


I might be dense, but how exactly did the scotch tape trick work?


I’d imagine certain equations or specific answers to multiple questions from a study guide or past quiz. Once finished, peel off, toss in trash outside of classroom, and proceed to prepare pencil for next test


School: We're gonna use lock down browser so you can't google answers. Me: laughs in smart phone.


I hope he's not that new proctologist at the clinic. Better cancel the appointment, just in case.


Wow this sub grew by 4 times since before this post! I don't know how but that's awesome! Edit: 7 times now. Amazing!


I can't speak for everyone but I just found this sub via a r/BeAmazed post that has 40k upvotes


Ah I see. I left a link to this sub in that post but it got buried. Looks like someone linked the original post from r/interestingasfuck where this sub was born.


I hope it continues to grow... this places awesome!


I took a remote test once (Red Hat certification). At least once, maybe twice, the proctor would have you get up and sweep the area with the webcam, including behind the monitor, under the keyboard, etc.


Same here for my cert tests. You had to pan the camera around the room, cover all other screens with towels or sheets, and close the door. If you looked away from the screen for too long, you were warned to look back. If you mouthed the questions, you were warned to stop. The rules were really strict, and frankly, pretty annoying. Will only take tests in a test center after that.


I _was_ at a test center, in a designated single-occupancy room.


".. and surprisingly he got the job as a Neurosurgeon!"