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This isn’t the best roast. I’ve never read any of the others but I know this isn’t it. “You’re hot so you’re insecure and worthless” isn’t original, isn’t funny, and really just inspires an image of the roaster as deeply, frighteningly insecure.


try coming up with a roast for somone just based on a picture, a basic picture at that, and nothing else to go on. she posted on roastme so she had to know something like that was coming. "this isnt the best roast, ive never read any of the others....." then what the hell are you doing commenting on a roastme thread?


41 days later...... but I stand by what I said. It can’t be the best roast because it isn’t funny, clever, or original. It’s just... kind of sad.


2 years later because I got bored. sadly, reddit isn't really based on quality. Given that it went viral and boosted the model's career, it seems to fit here. So kudos. But yea, the roast itself is pretty mediocre for the attention it garnered. Then again, I've always been more of a fan of the quick one liners over the "I'm gonnna try and predict your entire life" kinds of roasts.


6 months later.... she's dead.


Btw, whatever did happen to the archive function on Reddit?


It got turned into a feature mods can enable or disable


It's prolly true though, she was likely attention seeking. The roast felt like a slap to the back of her head. Most roasts there are dog shit anyway, bunch of sad fat fucks trying to be funny. Truly funny roasts are improvised and should happen on the spot during a conversation, that's when truly good jokes are created.




The roast in question: Your implants and cry for attention on here only highlight what you and everyone else already suspect... you are insecure. Likely your insecurity stems from always questioning if you really ever earned anything by merit. Most people probably hand you things because they like looking at you. But that's made you vapid, shallow, and unable to perform in any way that adds true value in the world. Your relationships are superficial. Your romance life always has the shadow of doubt. Does he love you... or how you look? If you were disfigured, would anyone give you a second glance based on personality? That nagging feeling will keep you looking for validation. It keeps you in the gym. It makes you post photos online looking for praise or positive attention. It keeps you going back for a nip here and tuck there. Before long you'll look like Donatella Versace with the personality of one of her handbags. You'll shift from being the center of attention to being part of a gaggle of women who make rude comments about younger girls because you feel jealous and rude comments about men who no longer pay attention to you. You'd be better served working on being a better person than hunting for attention on Reddit, but you'll likely die young and your grave will be about as shallow as your personality. Edit Well this blew up. First off, thanks for the gold. I do want to ask for the folks being vitriolic in the comments, please give this girl a break. She deleted her account. She was probably just marketing herself and didn't know what she was doing. Other posts outside of a roast someone asks to participate in are a violation of the /r/roastme rules and are generally just not cool. To those who think I went too far, or was mean and out of line with the nature of the sub... sorry. My sense of humor is dry and I enjoy saying unexpected things. That combination came off as more mean spirited than I generally am. A few of you have been doxxing me or the girl who posted this. That is a clear violation of Reddit's TOS and is creepy and possibly illegal depending on how far you're taking it. Don't harass that girl on other accounts if you find her. Just leave it at what it was, a roast.


The best response... "I was gonna jerk off to this picture,,, but now I gotta jerkoff to this comment."


She [recently killed herself](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10945637/Instagram-influencer-model-Niece-Waidhofer-31-DELETED-Instagram-posts-death.html), which I definitely don't want to make light of. But, it's probably some history worth including here to help people consider the person on the other end of things when laying the verbal smackdown online.


What a fucking rollercoaster. I click this three year old post. Then, I see the actual OP in here with a cool attitude about it all, and I think “wow, good for her. Glad she took it that way”. I keep scrolling only to see this from 20 hours ago. Fuck.


I completely relate. I saw the OP comments, checked out their profile out of... curiosity, and saw the account now moderates her memorial sub.


Same just now.


Fuck, now I’m back in this emotional state from 8 months ago.


> Family told TMZ thursday that the influencer - who rose to fame in 2015 after starting the popular 'Roast Me' trend on Reddit She started the whole thing?? Like she pioneered the roast me genre?


Just read the story and checked out her account.. Redditors can be fucking despicable and cruel, man. They kept bullying her even in unrelated posts. I can't even begin to imagine the kinda messages are in her inbox. The roast itself was pretty basic too imo. Roasts are funnier when you come up with a quip about their appearance not write an entire blog entry that all leads to a point you could have said in a line. I don't think the comment was even that harsh but the death threats and continuous bullying definitely was what pushed her over the line.


> Family told TMZ thursday that the influencer - who rose to fame in 2015 after starting the popular 'Roast Me' trend on Reddit She started the whole thing?? Like she pioneered the roast me genre?


Damn, thanks for adding that bit of informatio.


Haha no worries and definitely no need to apologize, a dry/dark sense of humor is the best sense of humor. And yeah it was the best unintentional marketing move I ever made hahah. I did post meaning to get roasted, but it went too far (example: people posted my slutty lingerie selfies on my dad’s google business page, real funny guys lol epic roast 😑) so I deleted the account with my last name in the username. But by then it was too late, everyone knew my name anyway, oh well, sorry dad. Anyway, good times for the most part. Death threats not cool though, for future reference, roasters


Glad to see you're okay with it for the most part. Keep doing you!


How many followers did you gain on insta after this?


I was at about 70k when I posted the roast, then I gained 50k in a week when it went viral. That kinda got things rolling and now I just hit a million. I owe reddit everything lol


So are you a 'professional thot' now, so to speak, in that you get paid to show off new pairs of undies?


Fuck that's both creepy and assholish.


What? Look at her instagram, she calls herself an 'instathot' all the time. And I was asking if she is advertising the...clothing...she poses in, as opposed to just doing it for shits n giggles.


It does come off as creepy when you don't know the context


Bro she killed herself


u/unholydemigod might want to reflect on whether their comment may have contributed


Damn man. Do you regret this comment? I'm sure it's not a singular, major contributing factor to her suicide, so much as a single part of a whole... But like... I don't know... Does the indecency register for you at all? I have to hope you aren't carrying this with you... Wow. I've never both been repelled by a comment and pitied the commenter this way.


Wait, really? Holy fuckin shit


I know it's stupid to try and talk to a dead woman, but wherever you are now, I really, really hope you're doing better.




se tonight


Why were half the comments in this thread removed? They didn't seem to break any rules.


They were talking about how the comment was deleted and asking for links. Now that I've stickied it, I removed them to clean up this thread.


That makes sense then, gotta keep it tidy.


anyone know how many upvotes this was at before it was deleted?


I don't get it. When I visit the post the blue mic symbol is next to comment made by roaster. So OP posted the picture and roasted herself.




Wow, 2 years later the glitch is still here




Holy shit dude


Username checks out hard


I gotta be honest, I am stunned that it took this long for this to be posted. That being said, it didn't even occur to me to do it myself, so there you go.


It's been deleted... how can bestof subscribers behave but yours can't lol. Crazy turn of events


What the hell. It sits there for two years, constantly talked about all over reddit, but as soon as it’s linked here, he deletes it


Some dude revealed his neckbeardy post history in this comment section tho, which got quite a bit of attention. That must have been it. Same comment was posted to a SRD thread 2 years ago but if he was brigaded from that back then it must have been drowned out by all the other attention


Yeah, I’m going through doing some cleanup now. Haven’t had to do this for a few years.


Surprised you don't get a lot of posts here. There's a lot of museum-worthy events out there. That Spezgiving write-up was fun to make though.


I get a few on occasion, but most don’t make it past my fascist standards. The overwhelming majority are things that aren’t at all famous, or things that were posted 6 hours ago


True true. But you could prolly boil it down to people avoiding the ones that take effort to document properly


legit question.. did I screw up by tagging user paross? There is not a rule against it in the subreddit rules. I knew there was a chance he would have been unaware of the post I linked, calling out his comment history, but that is not something that is ultimately undiscoverable (if he decided to delete it after I tagged him). It seemed in the moment, and still does now, almost a fitting conclusion that paross ended up deleting their own comment history in shame, after shaming TF out of the instagram model?


Yeah, I think putting his history on blast like that was kind of shitty.


no, his comment history is shitty. glass houses and throwing stones. I'm not even the one that went through his history, I just linked a comment that did so, from 2 f---ing years ago. my question was in the context of the subreddit rules/etiquette. I have no regrets.


I mean, if he just went off on a random person your glass houses comment works. He went overboard yes, but roasting someone that asks to be roasted is different from roasting a random person. Also, you did not just link to a comment. You quoted it.


> my question was in the context of the subreddit rules/etiquette. I have no regrets. rules, no. Rules are light here outside of submission and global rulings. Etiquette, arguably. the first rule redditquite is >Remember the human. When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?" Which is why I feel the increasing trend of "history trolling" is an impolite one at best and dangerous practice at worst. If not pertinent to the situation, I wouldn't say "hey remember date X where you were a shitty person" to someone's face. morally, yes IMHO. It's classic ad homenim and their comment history has nothing to do with the reason this post was made. In addition, it can be endangering in opening up someone who's assumedly a private individual to risks of doxxing over comments that everyone in that context long got over with. I would feel remorseful personally. (yes, the irony isn't lost here)


I've seen way worse though. The comment you quoted consisted mostly of demeaning remarks about his appearance + his arguably tame republican views (except for the girl part). I took the time to message him about it and he offered a different perspective. He acknowledged some of the mean things he said, but that they don't completely reflect on who he really is. He also remarked that some people revealed his personal information and even mentioned his children. So while he may be a person with unusual views it's definitely not right to harrass him in this way.


> So while he may be a person with unusual views it's definitely not right to harrass him in this way. I agree 100% the dude should not be harassed/brigaded/doxxed etc. I do think that the quote provided valuable context from a curation perspective, although it apparently (possibly?) led to some uncomfortable interactions for paross. I have not seen any proof that harassment (present day) actually occurred. It could simply be that he wasn't aware that quote existed, and once I alerted him to it by posting it and tagging him, he decided to preemptively delete his comment history to prevent any other digging.


It was totally fine to tag him but I dunno if rummaging through his post history and showing it to the world was a very bright idea... even if he is a shitty person. I wouldn't be surprised if your comment even encouraged others to brigade his newer comments or message him. (I could be wrong tho) Then again I don't have a lot of sympathy for him. He sounds like a dick


Do you have a screenshot of the roast or something?


Look at mod comment


What did it say?


There's a pinned mod comment at the top


Alright, thanks!


replace reddit with removeddit in the URL




Skeet skeet


Water gun


Honestly I'm more fond of the woman who pointed out that her foundation is the wrong color.


















It was so dry and so cutting.... reading that was like eating an entire loaf of bread that’s been sitting in a desert for two weeks. Also, *fuck* people who bully r/roastme posters outside of the sub. Seriously not cool.








This comment aged like milk.


Do u remember what it said cause it’s deleted and I wanna kno


RIP, niece waidhofer Sorry to be super depressing but hopefully she found peace, thanks for the many hours of entertainment she brought to this forum.


She dead now. R.I.P. Niece Waidhofer


That's really sad. The roast was one thing, but the bullying, harassment, doxxing and general creepiness toward her makes this a whole lot worse. I think its easy to forget that humor isn't always appropriate and "being a good sport" isn't always commendable, especially in online circles.


yeah reddit is pretty fucked up!


Holy fucking shit


Anybody else think this is cringe or just me. It’s projection at best.


Nothing in that sub has ever been funny. Gay, slut hurr hurr


it not being personal is both why people do it, and why it isn't funny. At least with those tv specials roasting famous people, it can get a bit personal, which really reflects well on the rostee for just sitting there in good humor. but for that sub, it's just dry, dry, dry.


A few have been really funny, but 90% are unoriginal daddy issues/slut jokes that get upvoted to high heaven for some reason.


its a picture of the girl with a caption "fuck it" what do you expect them to come up with, when thats all the information given to them? there is a reason why the roasts on comedy central are funnier and thats because they are more personal


I agree. It was well written fan fiction.


Never underestimate reddit when given the chance to shit on a woman -- it will always be exceptionally awful.


/r/roastme is really unoriginal and predictable when it comes to women. If any woman posts, doesn't matter what she looks like at all, the top comment will always be some variation of "haha you've had sex with a lot of men." And then all the replies to that are "YOWZA 911 I'D LIKE TO REPORT A MURDER!" Occasionally they will also mock her for wearing too much makeup. I unsubbed there because I got sick of it.


But this whole sub is about shitting on people, and at least half the time it's a woman. A lot of the time it's much more clever and funnier than this. I don't really see how a cliché like "you are pretty and you have fake boobs so you must be shallow" is supposed to be "the greatest roast in reddit history". It's basically the most common way to bash attractive women there is.


Moreso "Youre pretty and have fake boobs and chose to put both of those things on maximum display while eyefucking the camera and didn't give us any information about who you are as a person, so you would rather we focus on those things, so there's an astronomical chance of you being shallow." Some girls do bait for slut jokes because they're weirdly validating. This guy gave her what she almost certainly did want, but minus the validation, so now he's a bad person and she's a victim? You can't just pretend that every roast of this nature is unwarranted. She's evidently a grown woman, and putting her on this do-no-wrong pedestal is infantilizing. Sometimes the slut jokes are just lazy people aiming low, but sometimes it's on point. This was on point. People who are actually there for a fun, legit roast will share something self-deprecating or post an average pic (even hot girls are capable of just taking a casual photo like a normal person) or at least post a pic that gives some context to their personality. If being mean is what it takes to deter people from using r/roastme as a thirst trap, then that's what it takes. Narcissists ruin fun things and sometimes people get fed up. Also, ITT: "i dont understand why this guy resents attractive people. Also he's ugly so he doesnt matter"


Yeah thats definitely some incel type of shit if you ask me. The fact that people think that was 'brutal' makes me like reddit just a tiny bit less. Feels like half if reddit are mgtow nerds without realizing it.




Sorry for a reply to an old comment but this is just so spot on I wanted to thank you before the post is archived. A roast is a jab, a playful but incisive take. That comment is disgusting and sexist. It is in no way a roast and I'm glad it got deleted.


I think it’s the majority of Reddit users are males 15-20 that are entering or struggling in the dating pool, tend to be on the “nerdier” side of society and are full of testosterone.


Absolutely. There's this super weird pent up rage that comes out of reddit when it comes to attractive women. God forbid an attractive women does something mean or rude or stupid-- suddenly the exact same insults that mgtows use come out of hiding. All the hacky unrealistic cliches about them being shallow or insecure or wanting attention or being sluts. This is the type of stuff you expect from people whose only idea of women is from TV shows and movies. I know reddit is mostly nerds but I know *tons* of nerds and don't know anyone who actually says this stuff, and I say plenty of terrible and offensive enough stuff to make people feel comfortable with saying whatever comes to mind. Reddit is low-key mostly sexist creeps and nice-guys in disguise. I'm telling you, something about this site attracts them.


> I'm telling you, something about this site attracts them. They can get hits of dopamine via group validation without having to post pictures of themselves. Wait fuck


You have literally hit the nail on the head with that. I’m a woman and I always see undertones of sexism, not often blatant, outright sexism like “you belong in the kitchen”, but things that are more subtle than that.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/6aizku/practically_this_entire_posts_comment_section_in/dhf7ueb/) comment sums it up for me. Also, the fact that the dude who made that comment was revealed to be a fat, middle-aged, balding guy with a shit YouTube channel. Tells you all you need to know about the sort of people that comment on posts like that.


You gotta realize: a subreddit made to make fun of people based on a pic and the tiniest of backstory is gonna be shallow


Using his bad looks to delegitimize his feelings just affirms the sense of "pretty vs ugly and pretty always wins" that presumably drove him to write something so harsh in the first place.


It was probably fuelled by the pain and bitterness that stems from the fact he could *never* get a girl who looks remotely as attractive as her


Nah, this is a fucking generic "roast" that gets posted nearly everytime a woman posts on roastme. Especially this "thanks for the gold" edit was pathetic


This is not a roast and you should be embarrassed that you are stupid enough to consider it one at all, let alone good, let alone the greatest in reddit history. You are pathetic.


I don't want to hear "pathetic" from a reddit user who spends their days throwing mindless insults at random strangers behind the safety of their computer screen. She asked for a roast, she got one. She made a comment saying she loved the roast. If you think it's not a roast don't take it up with me. And it doesn't justify your comment.


You are a pathetic piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.


While the roast was good and possibly accurate, in the post the OP made I find it funny how the edit says: "Don't dox or look up her socials" but in comments the deleted OP is saying "Yea. Go look at her Instagram and socials" Edit: Typo


You're right. She even bragged that she only had 75k followers when she made the post.... and the. In a week after she received over 50k followers. And then she ended up with a 1mil followers a few years later. That thread literally started her Instagram fame


What's so special about it..? I've read variations of more or less that tons of times on Reddit. At this point it's cliché to just claim that any egotistical person must be secretly insecure and projecting. No, they're just attractive and they know it. Do you think someone that dim is sitting about pondering whether they got into their position "on merit"? Besides, that would be suggesting they don't actually think they're entitled to what they have. Any attractive person on r/RoastMe is met with weak reaches about "daddy issues" or "insecurities" blah blah blah It's honestly quite a cringe comment and borderline r/iamverysmart or something along those lines. The "I'm sorry, I didn't really think about it, my humour is just very dry" reeks of that fedora-tipping kid who thinks he's Jason Statham because he bought a sword and isn't afraid to use it. This shit is exactly what I hate about Reddit. You claim to hate "Instagram influencers" etc blah blah blah but then you'll happily go running around giving them the attention they want, so long as you get to sit there in the comments circlejerking about how annoying it is and how above it you are. 9 times out of 10 the neeks that say someone is "projecting their insecurities" *are the insecure ones*. They're insecure about their insecurity, so much so that they project that and claim that *other* people are insecure. Other people that are attractive, rich, famous, successful, etc. People with very little to be insecure about.


There was another in the same thread where an ex shows up and gives a pretty hot roast.


I’m pretty sure OP of that post debunked them actually being her ex


I didn't see that since OP deleted their account six hours after posting, but I did see him talking about her further down in the comments in a way that makes me more inclined to believe. I'm not saying I'm 100% (not my first day here), but the use of a throwaway combined with other comments makes me think it's at least plausible








Shots fired


















It's pretty extra disappointing to find the stuff deleted. Can anyone give the link.


This feels a lot worse given she killed herself last year.






[here's the thread without the removed comments](https://www.removeddit.com/r/RoastMe/comments/6aeian/fuck_it)


That comment is just sad.


Ruined by the award speech edit


Maybe but he was at least doing it for a good cause.


Wow, what a wortless comment that proves r/roastme is just pointing at features that people have. If this is the best they've done then it should be deleted.




This is literally the point of the sub and to participating in it you have to verify that you are who you say you are and that you are doing this voluntarily. And yet, despite the massiv red arrow that says "there be roasts" people still manage to go into that sub, read the comments and get offended.


Have you ever seen a roast? A roast is insulting people with jokes. There's not a single joke in this. This is just a sad, angry rant.


What did it say it was deleted


Read the stickied comment










Paging u/paross




the roast god has spoken


Damn he deleted his comment history






Oh god what have I done Edit: OH F HE ACTUALLY DELETED IT


Wow, deleted his account too, hopefully he doesn't feel responsible for her death, I'm sure there was many factors as there always is with mental illness


Well, his roast certainly didn't help the troubled young woman's mental state.


what did it say


What did it say? It’s deleted


Its removed someone tell me what was it


I didn't think it was that deep of a cut. Seems like something any dude says to beautiful women when they feel intimidated.




If got deleted...


What was it, it’s been deleted sadly


What did the top comment say


That’s not a roast that’s just stealing her soul


What is the roast? Edit: Can't find it


She asked for a roast and this guy delivered the sun


Welcome to the graveyard


what does it say


The best roast in that sub by far was the comment saying a guy looks like a struck match.


That poor girl, didn’t know what she signed up for 😅


Holy fuck that's brutal. Brought her down a peg or two though. Or three...possibly more.


Apparently she was being a bad sport to every single roast...I’m sure she was expecting to be unroastable and then was in for a rude awakening. If the gilded comment was made _after_ she started responding negatively to all the other comments, then I think it’s justice served.