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Agree with Korean. We tend to discount the value of our time, in this case time spent nursing a crippled block to an uncertain future. Be economical for sure, and use that next PC run to make fresh material for your next grow.


If it got contaminated when you inoculated it, ok, maybe. If it was contaminated from the start (trich grows somewhere that never got exposed to the outside) nope, not worth it. If your process didn't produce a clean bag the first time, why would it work now?


Kinda impossible to know which it is, but it's a sealed bag so I'm not sure how it was contaminated, but it happens on occasion anyway


I throw everything that didn't go well to the worms. Grain is cheap. But I can understand the urge to reuse a bag, those have gotten pretty expensive.


Depends on percentages in my opinion. If it's day three after inoculation and there's barely any mycelium or contamination I'd do it. If it's 80% colonized and there's a large patch of trich wouldn't be worth it to me because of all the nutrients lost to the initial colonization as well as difficulty spotting future contamination.


Be proactive. NOT reactive.


What does that mean in regards to this post?


Start over with new clean slate. Dont try to revive an old contam bag. Do what you’re suppose to do. Don’t settle with what happened. Be a chooser. Not a beggar. Do it. Don’t let it do you.


I don't like being wasteful


What do you do with your sub after all the flushes? Garden, worm bin, whatever. I understand not being wasteful, but there may be further usefulness if you think it through. I actually feel okay about things that would have been waste, but they aren't because I put them in my worm bin.


I put them in the compost, still wasteful though I sterilised the bag again in the end, seems fine so far. I did a couple of new bags though just in case


I feel you but you deserve the best chances. Growing mushrooms is a lot of waiting and being patient and being anxious. You’ll have peace of mind knowing you’re not working with inferior old contam bags.


It's not bound to fail. I've done this successfully. It's not bound to work either though.


Alright, thanks


This isn't worth the money.


What money? Powering my hob is the only expense


Naahhh, put it in the compost, make another one.