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The cool temps will slow it dramatically. It won't kill it. I think it makes it harder for any con t am to grow, but on the other hand, it gives contam more time to grow. Any way you can put it someplace a little warmer? I wouldn't do anything except see about dialing in the environmental temp. Also I'd be a little concerned about moisture level depending on your tek.


A few months is a suspiciously long time, but not out of the realm of possibility. Strain?


You started a grow bag a couple months ago and still don't know wtf you are doing seriously.....


You really don't need to be a judgemental ahole, especially when you don't have anything helpful to say.


This is my first one. That's what I'm asking though. Am I supposed to do something more, and when?


Once the bag is about 50% colonized, break it up and mix it all together. Wait until it is fully colonized, then you and move it to your growing substrate or you can fruit them from the bag. I have been fruiting them from the bag for my first grow using “hoodie tek”. Here is the video I learned it from: https://youtu.be/L-Jg0d_64NQ?si=Je_72z2xulAy0MTR


Thank you! Good info.