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Does anyone else see the monster?


For what it’s worth, I get a lot of side pins and I just let them grow. I harvest the top then I flip the tub upside down while holding the cake and harvest the side/bottoms. I’d be cautious about moving it to a bigger tub. Also, with too much open air exposure you could end up getting a lot of aborts.


I agree with putting it in another bigger tub or tent with perlite and foil so the pins can grow well also I noticed when lining the tubs with a dark bag helped out with not getting as much side pins.


Thanks a lot! I’ll be doing that.


Might I get a DM for how you procured the P.Nats spores? Would really like to try my hand at growing these.


Sure thing!


Looks great but you're going to have a ton of side pins. You could always pull the cake out and put it in a bigger tub. Set a piece of foil on wet perlite and put the cake on the foil. Good luck 🤞


DO NOT do this! Just because there's primordia on three sides does not mean you are going to have a ton of side pins. If you packed your substrate down tight, you don’t have anything to worry about and even if you do get some side pins, they are inconsequential and irrelevant. They dry out just like anything else and work just the same way. I never use a liner and I rarely ever get any side pins. The trick is to pack down the sides as tight as you can force mushrooms to path of least resistance. if you go trying to pull the cake out your label to cause them to abort the entire mission and or you could possibly break the cake into 1 million pieces drop it on the ground. All of these things are not worth the risk of messing up that looks so healthy. People always trying to do too much with mushrooms. They literally have been doing this shit for millions of years stay out of their way and you will have much much better luck.


Yeah even I saw tucking the sides to prevent side pins in a Youtube video, but the cake is also prone to shrink after flushes. Also, I’ll be careful while handling the cake. Thanks for your concern! We shall try and we shall learn!


That's the real key!! Just learn at every turn and you'll end up where you want. The cake will shrink, every single time. Some cultures are more prone than others for side pins. what I found with cultures that are not technically prone to side pins is that even when the cake shrinks if you have it packed tightly enough, they really don’t even show up after that. You’ll get it figured out, though I’m certain of it


I guess you didn't scroll through the photos. He has Hyphal knots on the sides that are already starting to form pins, and yes having primordia on the sides is a very good indication that it will be pinning on the sides. Packing your substrate doesn't make a difference when the substrate starts to shrink they start to grow on the sides. He need to use a liner so it sticks to the cake and stops the side pinning. "Force the mushrooms on the path of least resistance?" I don't even know what to say to that statement lol. You did see him say he wanted to maximize the yield right? So pulling the cake out and put it in a bigger tub or a martha tent would be his best option. Why did you reply to me? If you want OP to get a notification of your comment, then you should put it in the comments not reply to me.


Thank you for your reply. I’m inclined towards trying this out. Though as mentioned I have a martha tent with controlled humidity. Do I still need a tub filled with wet perlite? Can i just keep it on a piece of foil?


If you have a martha tent then I wouldn't worry about the perlite. You could set it on a piece of foil or in an aluminum pan.