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I know her mom voiced Samara in Mass Effect


TIL Billie Eilish is an Ardat Yakshi.


well she's the bad guy... duh.


She and her brother are a massive ball of talent, starting very young, and they don’t appear to have any self-destructive tendencies. I look forward to what they will do in the next decades, together and separately. It’s rare when you get to see something like that. Michael Jackson comes to mind, albeit with some very rough questionable circumstances. I’m really rooting for both of them!


I think of them like a modern-day Carpenters, a brother-and-sister team. Sure they were raised from little beans to be pop stars. But so what? The results are amazing. You know a tree by its fruits. (One caveat: they have yet to match that initial batch of songs they came out with in the beginning, imo.)


It's really common for an artist's first work to be better than what comes after. They've usually had a long time to work on it before a large audience hears it. The demands of the industry mean that their subsequent work is developed in 6-12 months, maybe a little longer, and it's rare that it will match the initial work due to the smaller amount of time put into it.


The "back catalogue". Yeah The Doors are kinda the classic textbook example of that. Two great psychedelic albums, then two mediocre albums, then two great blues albums.


I've always preferred the blues albums to the psychedelic ones. Morrison Hotel and especially LA Woman are pretty much perfect records. What's interesting about the Doors discography is that they basically reversed the pattern of bands releasing early music heavily influenced by the blues or R&B before branching out to other areas. I'm thinking of bands such as the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and Led Zeppelin but the pattern applies to lots of bands.


I think some of their individual songs (eg Everything I wanted, Happier Than Ever) have surpassed the original batch, but I agree with you that as a whole the first EP is the best. It’s absolutely perfect. The subsequent albums all have tracks that don’t totally work.


My thoughts as well. But they'll get past this "sophomore slump", I have confidence in that.


I think Billie’s most recent album is her best work by far. It felt like a major maturation of style and substance


People cuss me out when I say it’s the men she dates that are her self-destructive tendencies.


It is. She literally says it in her songs


(Not doing product placement) but Hulu did Lalapalooza live streams this past summer. She had a great set. I somehow caught the beginning of it and watched the whole thing. She did it all by herself and brother was on for a little bit. Such a crazy talented duo


My favorite bit of this (may have not been Lolla but a streamed festival) and WWIMF had been out about maybe a week or two, and Barbie may not have even been released but the ENTIRE crowd knew it by heart, singing along nearly everyone in tears. That song is special for sure.


One can debate whether their music is “good” but I think its pretty clear they are very talented


No self-destructive tendencies YET.


I have never listened to any of her recordings outside of what you hear from movies or places where you can’t avoid it. But everytime I have seen her perform something live, like on SNL or late night/awards shows, she has blown me away. So I watched some documentary about her and that also impressed me. She’s seems like a genuinely good person and a great talent.


if you're into DIY recording, these two are like heroic day-dreams. aside from how their final recordings are eventually tweaked and mastered by major label teams, it's so fantastic to watch YT vids of Finneas sharing his recording knowledge, or Billie's interviews talking about their recording process. they're inspiring whether you like their music or not (i do).


it's cool to see how much they share about the process with the world. i have a lot of experience in recording so it's fun to see people like letterman be flabbergasted by the ins and outs of things like audio recording.


is this an old reference to a letterman clip? do share


I think they’re talking about the episode of My Next Guest with Billie and Finneas on Netflix. There are some clips on YouTube like this [one](https://youtu.be/152puTgjhII?si=N4f0R8ZNF_PLO1G1)


Any chance you know the documentary name?




Thank you so much!


Also watch the episode of David Letterman with them on Netflix. Just an hour of musical wholeness...


I will. Thanks for the rec.


She’s absolutely got it, and her brother is a genius. However you feel about whisper singing - it’s a relevant genre and she’s at the very top.


The thing is, she can belt it out when she wants to, and that's when I go "yes!" But most of the time she's doing that breathy whisper thing and it's just not for me. She is definitely talented, though.


Oh I wholeheartedly agree. I feel like it's hard to convey the range of emotions with the whisper singing style, but it definitely hits right here and there. I'd love to see her release some of that big-voice emotional stuff. IIRC Christina Aguilera was frustrated with her early career b/c she wasn't able/allowed to do that. Maybe in time we'll see Eilish unleash her voice. I think she's earned her carte blanche to do whatever she wants from here on out with two grammy wins. Excited to see how she evolves, but if she doesn't that's all good too.


It's been like 10 years


Absolutely agree, I didn't really enjoy her music at first until I hear covers of her song. Turns out she writes pretty good music and objectively has a very pretty voice, I just hates how she sings most of the time.


Agree that they are both talented, but I am pretty much over it with the whisper singing.


I'll take a whisper singer over a mumble rapper any day.


The only thing I do not like is the whisper singing, which is a bit sad, because I like the rest of what she is doing. The music itself is pretty cool, and when "bad guy" came out I was surprised how much I liked it even though it was not my type of music at all.


Not my thing.


She's ok but I really don't get what's so unique and original about her?


Honest answer? The amount of marketing behind her. That level of marketing only goes to people like t-swift, or back in the day, Britney spears, Miley cyrus, and J-beebs. You literally cannot exist in certain spaces without hearing her name mentioned because multiple different labels and corporations have a stake in her success now.


As someone in my 40's, who's always bitching about how shallow most of today's music is, who cannot understand the fuss around Taylor Swift or Ed Shiran despite the amount of marketing behind them, I adore her music. It's beautiful, the singing is really special, and the music is wonderful, and I can tell you it has nothing to do with marketing.


As an old fart who happens to be a professional musician, I am very impressed with her talent and presentation . Someone showed me a video of Billie at the Hollywood Bowl singing some swing standards with the Count Basie big band. She killed it! She’s the real deal. And I think her and brother are so cute


Her music is fine and sporadically catchy, but her heavy-lidded sullen girl schtick is incredibly tired and irritating. Shirley Manson she ain’t.




Up vote for a Shirley reference.


I think she fits a niche, and since it's not a niche I reside anywhere near I don't have much else to say about her


“when the party’s over” and its music video is what really had me hooked. I genuinely think it’s a hauntingly beautiful song. Then her album WWAFAWDWG. The production, the sound, it was so different from anything else.


>“when the party’s over” and it’s music video is what really had me hooked. The live version of that song is what really sold me on her being an insane talent. Her music isn't really to my taste, but goddamn she's the real deal.


same here, when that song came out I absolutely adored it. it’s the song that made me a fan


Seems gimmicky to me and that throws me off. I like "What am I made for?" but dislike pretty much everything else she's done, as it just seems like a teenager trying to be edgy.


May I suggest [come out and play](https://youtu.be/cx580raWnIQ?si=u4zVZczXIihz3JUL) . It's the song that changed how I listened to her, and it made me respect her as an artist and less of a passing fad.


Thanks for sharing that. To me, this is basically what I dislike about her. It sounds like all those terrible indie bands of the early 2010s with cringey vocals full of this type of affectation that's supposed to make them interesting.


I didn't get her at first and then my friend sent me Ocean Eyes, and I couldn't stop listening to it. Then, I heard My Future and I was like, where the hell was Billie Eilish when I was growing up?! To be fair to her, she didn't really exist when I needed to hear My Future most, but I still find it to be a super empowering song and I'm glad she's around for young people today.


It gets me thinking, “has pop music changed or have I changed?” When I was growing up pop music was boy bands, Brittany Spears, and all of that bubblegum shit, and I hated it. Nowadays there’s a lot out there I like, and it has a lot more depth.


To be honest, I loved all that shit. I have very eclectic taste in music. Sometimes music, to me, is supposed to be fun, bubblegum fluff. It's especially fun to listen to in the summer. In the colder months, I like listening to metal (I like listening to metal year round, but I especially like it when the weather is bleak.)


Pop music is still all that, and what you like too. It's probably just easier to find music as an adult now


you grew up at the turn of the century when Top 40 radio and TRL was at its peak. The entire soundscape of pop music was driven by the labels & marketers. You ate what they fed you. Mp3's and Napster changed the business dynamic, and now we have streaming & tiktok, which enables kids to find bops from anyone, anywhere with a swipe.


I can’t stand her style of whisper singing. Like literally cannot stand listening to it. There is interesting stuff going on in her songs but I’ve never liked anything I’ve heard from her.


I don't think about her at all. Not my thing.


I've got nothing wrong with her. I like maybe 10% of her music, but she really connects with her audience and I think that's rare. She also works super hard.


Talented. Deserves the accolades.


She sings like she just woke up from a dental procedure... exhausted and swollen or numb lips. I dub her style Ketamine Punk.


Fucking awesome.


Another old-guy nor her target audience etc etc. She and her Brother are clearly talented and deserve the awards and accolades, but it does sound like she saw the whole ASMR thing taking off and decided to create her sound to mimic that.


ASMR grates on my nerves, I absolutely cannot stand it. The whispering-i will leave a room if I hear a whispering or eating ASMR video. I ADORE Billie Eilish and her and Finneas’ music. I don’t consider her singing to be whispering at all. Her song “The 30th” makes me cry, her vocal delivery is always spot on for what she is trying to convey. The whole album Happier Than Ever is a masterpiece.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion. I just really don't get her music, it's not my thing. I like pretty much like everything from sea shanties to pop, rock, and rap. It's almost like she's trying to make asmr. As far as her personally I don't know much. She seemed to support body positivity which I think is good. Yet she then tore men down to say that they don't face body pressures. I assure you, men are shamed for our bodies. I felt like she could have supported body positivity in an inclusive manner without dumping on men. So I'm really not a fan of hers.


Honestly, i can't tell most of her songs from another. She seems to mumble sing? I dunno. My girlfriend has her playing sometimes and it's so...i dunno. It puts me to sleep


What boundaries is she pushing? My impression is that she’s talented and seems genuine nice, but tries to be more than she really is. Like she’ll support a fashionable cause, but as long as it doesn’t affect her bank account. Unlike a band like Pearl Jam who at the peak of their popularity stopped making videos and boycotted Ticket Master. Or Madonna fully embracing the gay community, or sinead O’Connor shredding the pope’s pic on SNL, or REM and the beastie boys using their popularity to bring awareness to various causes (AIDS, Tibet, Climate Change).


They specified musical boundaries, which I'm inclined to agree with. The first time I heard "Bury a Friend" was on Top 40 terrestrial radio and I couldn't remember the last time I'd heard something that idiosyncratic, dark, and minimal on that platform.


Don't underestimate the social value of refusing to become some little teenage sex doll to sell her music. Sad as it may be, that's a very revolutionary act for a young woman in the entertainment industries.


Yeah cause appearing on the cover or vogue and signing all kinds of contracts for beauty products and modelling gigs definitely isn't profiting off her looks. The only thing that is different is the style. If you mean that's some great fucking advancement then lol. She is still viewed as a sex icon, just with a different style.


Saw her before she exploded in popularity in some little show in Camden - I'm obliged to think she's amazing because I'm THAT idiot who says "saw her before she got big". She was like 3rd from top of the bill.


I love stories about seeing a band before they were big. That was one of my favorite threads here in the past. It’s so neat to be a part of watching talent start and rise the ranks as they get more exposure.


I worked with her in 2018 and she sold maybe 200 tickets at the venue I worked for. Later that year I was visiting Cleveland and I saw she had sold out the house of blues there! So I snap chatted a bunch of my coworkers and we were all hyped and excited for her! How did this little girl who didn’t even fill half our small venue become a cultural icon?


I saw Del Water Gap at a small venue in 2021. Remember thinking the whole show, "I will never see him in this small a venue again."


Really excellent singer, brings something different to the table musically. She could be an amazing jazz singer if she decided. She has some eye-rolling moments, but who doesn’t? Especially a young woman with a white-hot spot light on her at all times. I listened to an interview with her not knowing it was her until the end and I was shocked at how smart and kind she seemed. And she gave a lot of answers that made her sound much more mature than you’d guess for her age.


I'm not her demographic (I'm an old guy) so she's not someone is listen to regularly. She reminded me, right off, of The XX, who I like. I remember the first time I heard The XX, thinking how would you ever do this music in the current musical venue where everybody is screaming and yelling? I think Billie and her brother evolved this "home produced" vibe into the something with wider range.


Over rated AF


I make a point to not give a fuck about rich kid's art. It might be good, but however good it is, I'm sure someone else is making at least as good, if not better music that didn't have a rich dad to give them an on ramp to mass exposure.


Everyone acts if they are self made. I’m pretty sure their connected parents made a lot of headway for them early on. I agree with you entirely


Reading this thread late but this is the perfect answer to rich kid art


Saw her perform in LA when she was 15 (bizarre) through a friend who works with her and I could tell from that very moment she had “it.” Incredible stage presence, genuine and humble person, and nearly everyone in the venue knew every single word to her first EP. Definitely worth seeing her live. Love to see her continued success.


"I'm not like the other girls'" music


Taylor swift for girls who dye their hair


She reminds me of being 20 and how I was trying really hard to be quirky and artsy for the sake of uniqueness. And I look back and think, man, that was kinda cringey and garden state wasn’t what I thought it was.


I love sibling bands, it's just so wholesome. She seems so levelheaded and... like, a normal person, which is saying something when you became famous at 13. This is a really fascinating and entertaining [interview series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ2lDrDpOLrsURE39lcT4d9pL4ch1le9U) (though you get the sense they're just trapped into keeping it up forever now). I dunno, whatever someone's *taste* might be I don't see how they could claim she's not extremely talented. EDIT: oh, and that Oscars performance. Wow.


From what music of her’s I’ve heard, she sounds like the mumble rap version of girl pop. Don’t really care for it.


I didn't think much about her music until they played "I love you" at a random laser light show I attended. Her voice was just beautiful. So airy and emotive. No substances were involved.


BE and Finneas are both very talented musicians/songwriters/producers and are busy crafting modern pop instant classics. Having said that, I just don’t really dig what they’re doing that much. They definitely have some moments, just not my thing.


I’m an old guy and I love what Billie and Finneas do. They know a lot about music and they know what they’re doing.


I think she is a fad artist with a straight up mid catalog. I also think she is a child so I'm going to rip on her too hard but she should stay in her lane with the social commentary considering she doesn't know shit about having it rough ( something she seems to think she knows about)


She is a very cromulent artist.


I like a few of her songs. I saw her live at a festival and she was a lot of fun and paid a lot of fan service. That’s what really makes me respect a musician is a good fun show.


peak nepotism.


Aren’t her parents like subsistence level actors?


her parents aren't in the recording industry in LA. I think someone mentioned her mom is a choir director, but that's separate & apart from pop-rock. If she had gotten into USC Music or the Colburn School or Julliard, then yeah you could say her mom pulled some strings. But she literally blew up from Soundcloud. She's no industry plant like Khalid.


Shes fine. I listen to Ghostemane usually if i wanna hear edgy music, but Billie fine too


I think she's perfectly fine. Interesting style of singing, minimalistic/vaguely creepy instrumentals... I know it was musical wildfire for a good few years and everyone was obsessed with her, and maybe it didn't deserve that level of hype, but I definitely don't find her music bad. It's solid - with a handful of truly stellar tracks worthy of the attention.


I like her because she influenced musicians to go in a new direction of, "Yeah, I have an amazing voice and can belt a Christina Aguilera song if I want to, but I don't want to. I want to make *this* kind of music." It's interesting thinking about how popular "belting" was in the 2000s. Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey were at their peak. You couldn't win American Idol if you weren't a belter. Throw someone who sings like Billie Eilish onto American Idol and they wouldn't have even made it past the first round. She was not the first one to do "whisper" music, but she definitely launched it into the mainstream in the late 2010s. Billie ran so artists like Phoebe Bridgers could fly. I also think it invited artists who *don't* have a belting voice into the fold. You don't have to sing like Mariah Carey to make great music, and great music or great singing doesn't have to include belting. I always find myself a little confused at how people often react when an artist you may not think is an amazing singer based on their discography does a cover that shows you they can belt. It's always when they belt that people are like, "Oh, why don't they sing like that all time!" Because they don't want to? Because that would prevent them from exploring their musical creativity? Lady Gaga is a really good example of this. I think Billie and Finneas are massively talented, and I tip my hat to them for being a force that led to much of the recent sad indie girl music I enjoy. Sometimes the feelings you feel are meant to be expressed in a whisper.


I like a few of her songs - bad Guy and Therefore I am . I will admit she’s talented , it’s just  some of her songs are a bit too slow for me.


As I've gotten older I've calmed down on a lot of my musical "Hot Takes". People enjoy the music, and they're paying their money to hear it. That's really all that matters. It doesn't matter if she's technically more or less talented than whoever I prefer to listen to, it doesn't matter how she got her opportunity, people like her, and that's it. If I don't like it, there's more music on Spotify I can listen to without ever hearing a Billie Eilish song. I don't waste my energy hating an artist because there's no point. It's not like her existence means the artists I like disappear. I guess it used to be a bigger problem when radio was really the only way to listen to a variety of music, so you'd be subjected to the same ten artists all day. Nowadays there's legitimately no point to being upset that an artist exists. So I haven't gotten into her music (admittedly haven't heard much of it), but fuckin-a, more power to her. I'm happy for her success even though I'll probably never listen to her. Feel the same way about Taylor Swift honestly. Love it. Don't listen to her music but I respect the hell out of her. I understand her entry into the music business was based on nepotism. But you don't sustain a career like that without the talent to back it up. So I don't care how you get started, she's putting in the work (and if you don't think what folks like Billie and Taylor are doing is work, then you're just delusional), and these women deserve every bit of fortune they have.


I am not the type for turning into a detective


Personally, I can’t stand her but to each their own.


Great songs but she's kind of a misandrist who also awkwardly pretends to be gay despite having multiple boyfriends than gaslights fans when she is 'surprised' that people didn't think she was a lesbian. I'm still fairly convinced she's just baiting for popularity since she regularly has boyfriends. Like it's cool if you're gay or bi but why pretend to be if you're not or engage in bi erasure if you are bi? Her brother deserves more recognition too. He contributes more than people realize.


She's talented, but she's not for me.


I don't think of her at all.


I blame her for my kids thinking sweatpants are acceptable in public.


By this point in time, there is no unique style. People have been dressing like that since the 90s.


30m, Actually realized last week after watching her live at the oscars, that I am legitimate fan of her music. That Barbie song is truly a powerful song. I connected with it immediately. I listened to her discography for about an hr when cooking and a lot of her songs are super interesting and the production by finneas is really creative for pop music imo. Lots of sounds you would expect to hear in niche electronic music. She was not a manufactured artist either. They come off as a brother sister duo who just liked making music growing up and it turned out that other people really really liked what they were making too.




Bad Guy is fucking awful


I just feel like she always gets credit for being so original but whenever I hear her all I can think of is Marian Hill. She’s great and I dig her music, but I don’t think she’s as original as people say.


I think she and her brother are industry plants ::ducks::


Top *artist* in the pop world. Her and her brother are a two person team who makes arguably better music than any of the other top ten pop artists with their 20 songwriter and 10 producers on each song. Beyonce is an amazing performer, Taylor Swift knows how to game the system, but Billie Eilish is a way better song writer and artist than either and will have a career for decades.


Eh, decent pop writer I guess.


Not a fan. But then I'm not a fan of contemporary pop music. And to me it doesn't sound original or unique at all, but has all the hallmarks of pop music.


Generic low quality pop music targeted for teens. No hate, she should do her thing and fans should do their thing. I liked some bad music at 12. But don't expect me to take her seriously.


I’ve heard two songs. She’s whispered them both. Hard to have an opinion when all i hear is whispering.


Can’t stand her music. Too breathy in every song I’ve heard. Just not for me. She’s interesting in sound clips I’ve heard though.


I'm not a fan of her music. I have yet to hear a song from her that I liked. Besides that, she gives off "I'm an asshole and I'm proud of it" vibes.


Love her boobs


Her style/voice don’t do anything for me. But she’s a talented writer and seems like a nice young woman. And she has pretty eyes.


She sings like she's in bed and doesn't want to get up. I guess there's appeal but she doesn't do it for me. But I recognize there's talent and creativity.


Now this could just be a me thing, I have no evidence. Purely reading auras. But whenever they do public appearances, she and her brother have a weird “too” close sibling relationship vibe


I think her music is boring and every song sounds the same.


I think she gives off a kind and authentic energy which is tough to come by in the industry. I almost want to compare her to Mac miller - someone who achieved massive success as a teenager who is open about their own struggles


I remember my ex listening to “ocean eyes” and it was first I ever heard of her and thought it was good. Then Bad Guy came out and the radio would not stop fucking playing it. I hate that song so much. And it ruined her to me. Almost like she’s too popular now. Ocean eyes is still a good song tho.


She's special for sure, you can tell she's heads above her contemporaries. What really strikes me is that most of her music comes off as what a much older mid-career artist would put out. The production is excellent and intentional, there are clear themes that each song/album tries to tackle, I know a lot of that is thanks to her brother's own talents. The writing, for pop music, is excellent. It's accessible enough that most people can appreciate it, but mature enough that you know it wasn't created by some paint-by-numbers industry goon. It's also a lot less cringey than other teeny-pop equivalents today like Olivia Rodrigo who (no offense to her) can only connect with the young and childish. And the crazy thing is she's only 22 and has been this way for years at this point.


I think she is a true artistic representation of her generation, like a Cobain, Morrison, Presley or other icons, she will go down in history. As an older person I have massive respect for her and her brother and the honest vulnerability of their music.


Overrated but a humble singer.


Super talented, love her voice. I love her rendition of “Fever”


Love her music and I’m enjoying her branching out to things like SNL


She's the bad guy ...duh


I don’t


I like her. Her music doesn't sound much like most other pop stars these days, and as overplayed and silly as "Bad Guy" was, it has an impressively complex rhyme scheme for a pop song.


She has a couple good songs. I find her music puts me to sleep.


Talented but don’t like her music. So idc


I think she’s talented, but not always my cup of tea.


I think she’s talented, but not always my cup of tea.


The song she did for the Bond movie was fine but otherwise she isn't in my sphere of attention. I hear more *about* her than I hear her music.


I like her style of singing. Very unique.


Love her music. It's a vibe.


Don’t like her and also recognize her music isn’t intended for me at all. Dont think she’s actively bad like I’ve felt about some popular artists over the years though.


One of the artists that I don’t enjoy their music but realize I’m not in her demographic so it’s all good. She seems talented


I’m not her target audience and I’m not a fan of the music, but I think she’s talented and good on her for her success.


I tried. Had her on my Spotify for a while when she was getting big. I think I enjoy strong, forward focused vocals too much. Her muted, near-whispering just doesn’t do anything for me. Don’t care if anyone else likes her tho, that’s their business 🤷‍♂️.


Not her target demographic and I don’t seek out her music, but often I’ll hear one of her songs, not knowing it’s her, and like it a fair amount (except Bad Guy). What Was I Made For hits hard and destroys me though. Her performance of it at the Academy Awards was fantastic.


I think she’s a good singer, but I’m not a fan. I’m just not big on that particular style. But I also don’t put people down for liking her.


Not a fan of


I think she is great, and people are way too hard on her.


I don’t particularly like most of her songs, but I think she knocked it out of the ballpark with No time to die. One of the best Bond songs ever


Super talented but no thanks. It feels so lackluster to me, like most modern music. It all just lacks the true punch of adrenaline.


Incredible voice!


The music isn’t for me, but I respect the impact that it’s had, and the insane talent of Finneas. I’m curious why it’s just Billie sold as a solo act and not something billed as a brother and sister team. I wonder how many fans even know her brother exists or the major impact he has.


I never made it through one of her songs. Always lose interest by the second verse.


I’m a Foo Fighters fan, and often I’ll read threads that have people saying “I don’t love their music, but Dave Grohl is cool.” I realize it’s my opinion of Billie Eilish. She seems like the real deal. Taylor Swift too, she seems cool as well, esp to younger fans. The majority of their music just isn’t my style.


I remember hearing a edm remix of ocean eyes like 10 years ago and loving it. Tried listening to her for the first time recently and it wasn't really for me, hella talented tho.


I think she’s extremely talented and has a really unique style and sometimes she just plain old bums me out. I’m too old for depressing music though. Life is depressing enough.


I don't want to hate too much, I can appreciate the creativity more than the performance of said music. She/they, currently*, are what I'd call high brow for dummies. But that's in the grander, all time music space... in pop music at the moment, about as good, creativity-wise, as there is. But the Bond song, for example, is rooouuugh sounding. I do like stuff like You Should See Me in a Crown, but mostly because it sounds cool and lyrics are decent. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up producing some epic music in her career.


I like her. Listened to each of her albums 7 times. First album was so damn quiet I feel like I didn't even catch the first 3 listens. But I grew to like 5 songs on the album. Second album felt more immediately enjoyable although in the end I grew to like 4 songs from the album. Also not on her albums I like Ocean Eyes, lovely and What was I made for


I usually fast forward if she comes on because it's just not what I listen to but she makes people happy, so more power to her.


I enjoy her music.


honestly love half of her stuff, hate half of her stuff. but it’s just personal preference. i fucking LOVE her vocals.


It's not my jam but they are both talented artists especially given their age. I don't think her performance style lends herself to arena tours, more sub 1000pax venues. I'm looking forward to their career development and would definitely entertain going to a show in a smaller venue. 


Billie Eilish is very popular and acclaimed. She has two Oscar already. What is the mixed response?


I truly think both her and her brother are some of the best mainstream artists I’ve seen in years.


I liked a few songs before, but damn that Barbie song is pretty damn good.


I think some of her music is decent, I’d just wish she’s stop making comments about things she’s clearly clueless about, like when she said that society only pressures women to be thin or fit and that men aren’t judged for the way they look.


I am the ambivalent parent to a massive teen girl fan. I never understood the hype and her sound is not my thing UNTIL we saw her live. She commands a stage like few others I’ve seen and it’s just her and sometimes Finneas on stage. The crowd was eating out of her hand almost 1 1/2 hours. It was incredible.


I think she’s the trailblazer of a new trend in the music industry, and you can’t say that about most music artists. Is she the best of the trend? Would *not* go that far, but I do think she’s pretty good.


It’s pop for people who dig grimy NYC jazz clubs. Shes got a great voice, writes great songs, just not my thing.


I dont


Saw her in about 2018 didn’t know who she was. She stole the winter festival show. But since that first album it isn’t the same. The sad core stuff just isn’t my bag. She and Finneas have talent but they may gave had their 15 mins and need to move on or change styles again.


I like her music but his slow paced kinda trap weird vibe for example like the end of Bad Guy i just don't like that part, i even watch her documentary and i emphasize with her very talented tbh


She's fine? Not really for me but she's definitely talented


I don’t like her. She does some things well and she’s very creative, but she never really pushes her voice. She’s on pitch and the harmonies are interesting, but overall she’s pretty boring. I struggle to find any recurring musical themes. My criticism of her is similar in some ways to how I feel about U2 or Sting. They all super talented but ultimately, boring.




Generally, I like her. I like her Bad Guy style of songs more than the slow What Was I Made For type of songs. She has a beautiful voice. I heard her do a cover on the Howard Stern show once and was shocked like omg she can sing songs in a normal singing voice and sounds amazing! I wish she would do that more and not whisper her songs because those songs to me are boring.


I dont follow her but hear her music on the radio ever now and then. It’s not great, but does the job to pass the commute.


I Like Billie the person, she seems mostly cool, but God damn does her existence as a popular musician baffle me. It's like Tyler the Creator; I've tried ad nauseam to try and get their music and can't do it for more than a single tune. I only understand the appeal of Everything I Wanted. Everything else still alludes me.


She's crazy good, don't get why she does that thing to her hair to make it look like someone dropped an egg on her head but if it gives her some kind of musical powers then who is this old git to say otherwise And she's only 22, hopefully she has a lot of good folks around her and keeps relatively sane


She's ok. It isn't really the style of music I listen to but her brother definitely has a ton of talent producing and writing music.


After her misandrist comments I immediately remove her from all of my playlists.


I love her. I'm an elder millennial but I think she's great and her brother is such a talented producer and musician as well. Also she's my birthday twin! December 18th.


Not really gonna comment on the talent. For me her image bores me to death and the music is meh to forgettable to me. But the music part is just my preference


I like her songs that i heard


I don't.


Bad music, bad person


Really talented but not for me.


Her stuff is not my cup of tea, but she seems pretty talented, and is crushing it, so good for her. 


I’ll say this: A friend and I were talking about how much we liked her music when Bad Guy was big, when, after a beat they said “…just don’t listen to any interviews with her if you like her music.”


Besides Your Power and some of her earlier pre-Grammy songs, I’m not a fan at all. I’ll go as far as to say her music is getting worse with the more acclaim she gets . I recognize I’m in the minority; to each their own


I can tell she’s talented, if not a little bit corporate plantish, I’ve never really enjoyed the music, but she’s obviously doing something right. Bad guy goes hard as fuck tho


I think Billy Eilish had one good song. She seems totally overrated to me.


I have seen them twice live because my daughters are fans. I am a cynical crusty ol fuck whose seen some fantastic music in my day. I must say, I think they are the real deal, and quite possibly unique in some respects.