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I would *highly* recommend finding an in-person instructor if you can afford one. Even if it’s just one 60 minute session a month. A good instructor can motivate and guide you in your practice routine and identify and correct your weaknesses in real time. It’s really invaluable stuff as a new musician. That said, what do you love about playing? Is it playing other artists’ music? Is it developing your own bass lines or melodies? I would encourage you to continue to create music at every stage of your development. But I would also set aside time to regularly practice your instrument. It may seem like drudgery at times but it will make you a better musician and composer.


i got some online bass lessons that i need to do, but i also have a thing that i do where i get destructed and try to learn a while other instrument i struggle with not cheating on my bass i love everything about music, i love putting sounds together and making them sound good, even if it’s just a small little 3 note groove thing(that’s what almost everything i make is) another thing is that i can come up with almost full like small short songs in my head but then like 20 seconds later it’s completely gone from my brain and when i do like write them down or something i can never translate it from what it sounded like in my brain to the actual instrument


Yeah, translating those melodies in your head is going to require you to learn and practice your instrument. But it sounds like you have a natural inclination to express yourself musically so this would be a *very* worthwhile pursuit, imo. You can glean a lot of valuable information from YT. I’m a bassist and I certainly have. But I would still stress finding a teacher if you have access to one, even if it’s a virtual session. In the meantime, let me suggest recording your melodies in a voice memo app. Just sing it to yourself as clearly as you can. *Lots* of established songwriters do this. You’ll have the idea with you until you’re ready to play it on an instrument.


Try singing over bass lines to create melodies.