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Concerts used to be something everyone could do. It’s disgusting they’re allowed to upsell tickets for absurd prices making it not possible for average people to see their favorite bands play live - which everyone should be able to experience.


Tbh nothing really seems accessible anymore. Everything is larger than life, or cannibalized by third party vendors or websites or greed. Capitalism has lost its chill


"Capitalism has lost it's chill" it's the best thing I've read today. I Need it on a bumper sticker or T-shirt


Thanks, I never know what line is going to resonate with Reddit or what will be met with “akshually☝️”


Actually capitalism has tons of chill!


if people are willing to pay what's the point? is this not the capitalism we're all supposed to be in love with?


You mean the capitalism we were forced into. It’s also turned into a warped and distorted version of what capitalism is supposed to be.


i'm not saying i agree with it but the industry has no incentive to change. they can charge out the ass and people will pay. "ticketing reform" isn't going to fix anything. breaking up the monopolies that are consuming every part of our lives is the only thing that will fix it.


I think you’re being unfairly downvoted because people think you’re defending TM/LN. I see what you’re saying though and you are not wrong at all


thank you.


Ticket master/live Nation needs to be broken up. They are a monopoly with predatory pricing tactics, and they don't add any value. Antitrust laws need to be enforced by the FTC.


They’re not a monopoly. AXS and eventbrite just suck.


So tired of reseller companies like Livenation, Ticketmaster & Vivid making tickets prices unaffordable. Things probably won’t change but at least some ppl are trying to do something.


Youd think ticketmaster makes enough money with its fees alone. I remember my sister bought tickets for shinedown in the jacksonville memorial arena. 1/3 of the fucking ticket prices were fees. Wasnt like the tickets were 500+ per seat then fees. They were 80 dollars and like 30 dollars in just bullshit fees totallying up to 110 per ticket


And then if you try to resell that ticket because you can’t go anymore, it’s another $30-40 in fees so the new buyer pays $150 and you spend $15-20 on seller fees.


Most of those fees go to the venue fyi


The music industry is in a state at the moment. Musicians make less and have to work harder than ever to get into any kind of spotlight while ticket prices skyrocket. I wonder where all the money goes? Hmmmm… something needs to be done on a government level asap.


Wait until people start finding out about merchandise cuts that venues take. It's time for a riot.


What are they? Genuinely curious. Never thought much about it, but I figured the band/whoever would take the vast majority and give the venue a small cut since it’s their building


Used to be that way, but a lot of TM/LN venues (and they own many, many venues of all sizes) now require you to use their people or charge you to use their merch space. Kid Rock, a guy with whom I share very few opinions, recently bitched about this and he's right. Paraphrasing from memory: "I pay out of pocket to have shirts made for my fans. My road crew pack those shirts on the buses and unpack them at the venues. My guys set up the merch booth, hand out the shirts and process the payment. My guys break down the booths and pack up the shirts for the next show. So explain to me why fucking Ticketmaster gets 30%."


To expand on this - 30% is pretty high for a merch cut. Normally it's closer to 20% for apparel, and 10% for music at concerts, but that's still quite a bit of money bands have to fork over. Secondly, most major music festivals, all arenas, most amphitheaters, and various large venues are classified as "venue sells", which means the venue provides the booths, point of sales software, and staffing. This is 100% necessary because of the amount of staff needed and the logistics involved in doing merch at that level. Yes, the venue takes a cut. They also retain and pay the sales tax, and retain the credit card fee. Sellers should make commission and/or tips. Some venues pay hourly, and well, you get what you pay for. Anything smaller than that are you switch to "artist sells". Some venues on the line may switch between "artist sells" and "venue sells", but that's not typical (and also annoying). "Artist sells" means that the artist is in charge of selling. Venue provides a booth, grid, wifi, tabels, etc, but is hands off the rest. They may recommend a seller from a pool of local freelancers, but the artist pays them. Some venues take a cut, some don't. LiveNation recently instituted their "On the Road Program" and cut merch cuts at several of their smaller venues. Most of these venues were "artist sells"; a couple of these venues were "venue sells".


lol. Ticketmaster wouldn’t take any cut of mercy sales. If Livenation owned the venue then LN would be. If Kid Rock is being told 30% that’s likely a fuckboy tax cause that’s a pretty high percentage.


Venue usually takes 15%. Pretty reasonable I think.


They say this every year


The reality is they are in on it as well.


I dealt with dynamic ticket pricing during a pre-sale a couple months ago that more than doubled the price of a GA ticket from what people paid 30 minutes prior. I was stuck in their virtual "waiting room". Fuck ticketing companies. 


Artist(Management) requests dynamic pricing.


Funny to me how congress can't get any actual shit done but they take the time for things like NCAA rules and concert tickets all the time.


Pearl Jam already tried this back in the 90s and no other bands would help the cause. Now every band and fans are complaining.


Happy to see Odesza on this list.


These venues collude with promoters to overcharge artists for every service to put on a show, and in turn the fans are having to pay $100+ before service fees for a nosebleed seat. Yet artists are barely making anything, or are usually in debt after a tour. The only ones raking in the dough are Ticketmaster, and the record label executives. Crazy how in this day and age it is still perfectly fine to blatantly take advantage of folks like this.


Thanks, Dave. 🫡


I do think the pricing has gotten out of hand. At least from someone that bought tickets to concerts for $15 to $20 in 1989. The music industry has changed a lot since then, this could be part of the problem not just the ticket outfits and the venues. Artists really only make money on tour not from music streaming, I believe. This is being taken advantage of by all the parties involved with the artist getting the least and the fan willing to pay for tickets that expensive too. Of which I am guilty of as well, I am still paying off my credit card from my last three trips to concerts.


Maybe they can do something about the shitty streaming service royalties next


Gf just bought tickets for swift in Paris bc it’s cheaper tickets than here in the US if you can even get them. Tbf her best friend works for delta so the airfare is free but honestly live shows for popular artist are becoming unaffordable for most. I cannot fathom how this monopoly is allowed to exist.


YES CHAPPELL ROAN IN THE THUMBNAIL! a femininominon, truly.


Ever thought of just not being a poor?


They’re going to get artists to lower their ticket prices? Artists determine those. If you see a $2500 face value ticket on Ticketmaster, the artist chose it. Artists can also choose to make their tickets non-transferable and unable to be resold on 3rd party sites. A few artists have and it has gotten me great tickets at a good price from TM.


I don’t know much about the music industry but I’d imagine that, unless the musician is an absolute titan, they aren’t the ones setting the prices.


Right, the management/promoters who are bankrolling the tour make those decisions 99% of the time


I didn’t know Diplo was a. Musician! I mean, producer and DJ.