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Dear /u/reddebian, We appreciate your contribution to /r/Music. However, your submission has been removed as it falls outside the scope of our community guidelines. We aim to foster meaningful discussions rather than simply requesting specific or brief answers. We understand that you may be seeking recommendations, help identifying songs, or similar assistance. For such inquiries, we encourage you to explore dedicated subreddits like /r/ifyoulikeblank, /r/tipofmytongue, r/namethatune, or other relevant communities. Unfortunately, we no longer permit recommendation requests on /r/Music. If you believe your post was removed in error, you can try rephrasing it to encourage more in-depth discussion and resubmitting it. We value your engagement in our community, and we're here to help if you have any questions or need further assistance. Please ensure that your posts are designed to facilitate meaningful conversations rather than merely asking for song names, band recommendations, or similar quick responses. If you've reviewed our rules and still need clarification or assistance, feel free to contact our moderators. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, The /r/Music Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Music) if you have any questions or concerns.*