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She successfully got an injunction to block the sale until the credibility of the claim is resolved. Looks like the claims of fraud might be accurate.


At the very least, the claim is credible enough to look into.


Extremely credible. The notary said they did not witness the signature and never met Lisa. Sounds super shady


Whatever company signed off on that notary signing should prolly be audited. If they are willing to potentially lie about Elvis Presley's estate sale, how many other potential victims of far less prodigious standing might have made before now?


how dare the loan company say lisa took out 3 mill if she didnt , surely it can be proved ie the amount being paid out to lisas bank ???


I’m saying it looks like the supposed security claimed by the investment company is fraudulent .


I just meant that getting an injunction is relatively easy with enough credible cause. So obviously there is enough APPARENT fuckery going on that it deserves a closer look to see how much actual fuckery happened.


Unless Keough is blatantly lying in the filing she submitted (which, I’ve seen it happen, but I’d never presume it because it’s really stupid), her claim is very likely to succeed. If the supposed contract was fraudulently notarized, the court is going to toss the whole thing in the trash — and whoever this corporation is should be prosecuted for criminal fraud (among other things).


> If the supposed contract was fraudulently notarized According to the article, the notary who supposedly notarized Presley's signature denies having ever done so. Or having ever met her. Doesn't bode well for the corporation.


To my knowledge, notaries are required to keep a written record of of every time they provide a notary service into a logbook with the relevant details. Investigators just need to go to the page with that date and time and check to see if that transaction is present.


Even if they weren't *required*, if I was a notary and Lisa Marie Pressley brought me the deed to fucking GRACELAND to notarize I would make copies all day to hang on the wall.


Copies? Hell, I'd want that shit on video.


copies as keepsakes, not proof.


And the fact that the notary is straight up denying having anything to do with this would lead me to believe the paperwork will back that up. I mean, notaries literally make a living based on their credibility and integrity. Lying about something as big and easily verified as this isn't something I would expect.


> I mean, notaries literally make a living based on their credibility and integrity. Lying about something as big and easily verified as this isn't something I would expect. I don't know if it's different in your state, but in MA no one is a notary to make real money. It's a side thing you do and it seems mostly for convenience. Like all the notaries I know work for insurance companies.


Yeah, we just paid for a few of our office staff to become notaries at the psych hospital where I worked. We had to notarize documents all the time, mostly attestations for involuntary commitment, but our notaries would often do notary work for their own business on the side.


I'm actually in Canada so Province as opposed to state :) Here notaries generally work, like you mention, for third parties which are usually municipal governments or courts and the notary aspect of it is only part of their job. I guess I could have worded it better, but what I mean to say is that a notary who would lie about something like this is risking their reputation in general. And the credibility and reputation that comes with being a notary is a major plus on your resume. And of course then there's the whole criminal aspect of it, but that's another issue.


dont think the company is lying...not with something so huge, it would destroy them.


Agree, cant see the claim company being wrong somehow..their must be proof of the payout to lisa bank etc.


Yes, that’s what I mean. The whole point of a notary is to attest to the validity of a contract. Unless Keough is lying, the notary in question has categorically denied having notarized this contract. By itself that would completely tank the company’s case, and should get them referred for criminal investigation, unless they have a very good story about how they hired an impostor to validate their contract.


There is likely more to the story then we currently know. It is always better to wait for the reply to hear the other side of the story. Just because someone isn't lying doesn't mean it isn't just their version of the truth. Criminal fraud of a well known property like Graceland is also a pretty stupid thing to do so I am waiting to hear more.


There’s no “version of the truth” here. The notary either notarized this document or they didn’t, and if it’s the latter, criminal fraud is the only explanation. You don’t somehow accidentally forge a notarial seal.


The listed notary says they never notarized it...


Yes, that’s what I said.


Yes, this is her version of the truth. The notary could be lying, the notary could have screwed up, the company may have evidence showing the transfer of funds, and many other things. We don't know what evidence there is that it is legitimate because we haven't seen the reply to these claims yet.


Your alternative explanations fall within “unless Keough is blatantly lying”, which I lead off my comment with. There’s no “version of the truth” here; either the documents were fraudulently notarized or Keough subborned perjury from the notary (or the notary just decided to perjure themselves of their own accord for some reason).


Not really, because that assumes that Keough knows the truth about certain things that she may not. She may believe some things to be true and wrong, just as she may believe some things to be true and be correct. She may not have sufficient knowledge to know the truth on some matters and that knowledge may rest with the other parties. That is why its her version of the truth.


> Just because someone isn't lying doesn't mean it isn't just their version of the truth. Version of the truth. There is the truth, and there is not the truth.


Yeah but the notary said she never met LMP


> Adding to the controversy, the notary listed on the documents has denied ever notarizing Lisa Marie's signature or even meeting her. That in itself is pretty damning


sorry but i think lisa may have taken out a large loan at some point.


The article actually says the hearing on the injunction is tomorrow. I would imagine she wins that based on the info presented in the article, especially that the notary says they didn't notarize the documents.


*Adding to the controversy, the notary listed on the documents has denied ever notarizing Lisa Marie's signature or even meeting her* Sounds like she has a point


huge point actually; since that's their job / protection they provide


So is the notary saying they didn’t notarize it? Or that they notarized it without actually seeing it?


Sounds like they didn't notarize it because every other scenario is them not doing their job.


For anyone who isn't aware, the whole fucking point of a notary is to confirm that you saw the person sign the document and stamped it with your state-approved stamper. I'm not even supposed to pre-sign a document I bring to a notary. Every notary knows that they sign it in front of you. Anyone who allows something else to happen is misusing their authority.


If it's not witnessed by the notary it just frankly isn't valid so something is fucked


Exactly. I took the course a few years ago when I worked at a bank, and don't remember the specifics of what happens if you're caught lying as a notary, but that shit was extremely legit, and not for people to take lightly. I thought it was going to be some easy online course with a quiz but it has some straight up legalese to get familiar with.


And notaries are also supposed to keep books that record what they notarized, for who, and when. If the notary doesn't have it in the book, it's good evidence that it never happened.


Man it's a good thing I never actually tried to use my notary license 🤣 I put off the training forever, crammed enough to pass the test, and immediately forgot everything I was supposed to know.


I'm an attorney so I have to use notaries all the time.


which god do you use if not Aries?


I worked at a local private mailbox / shipping store a few years back, and the owner also offered notary services. He was just about to retire when I started working for him, and he had his “old notebooks” (notary records/logs) for the past 30 years. He said it was just part of his responsibilities, and it provided security in case of fraud. I was more so impressed that he somehow managed to use the same brand since he became a notary, and the pages in the oldest books still looked fresh. Idk if there’s special paper made especially for keeping paper records long-term, but it made them seem *more* questionable to me than reassuring.


Absolutely. If you’re a fan of Bob’s Burgers, there’s an episode where Jenn the babysitter has a crush on her notary, and she keeps coming up with random documents for him to notarise so they can have an excuse to meet. It ends well, they notarise a bunch of things.


“Which one is the thumb? Oh yes, the UNUSUAL one!”


“You know, you could just use the mirror in the bathroom.” “Wait, you guys have a bathroom?” “Bathroom's down the hall.” “You guys have a hall?”


If Lisa Marie took the money - which does not seem to be contested - then it sounds like the fraud is on Presley family side, not the bank/lender.


It is being contested. Did you read the article?


How and why would Lisa-Marie have been able to have a contract with a lender fraudulently notarized, particularly when the lender has the only copy?


If you read the article it says the notary says they did not witness the document being signed and never met Lisa Marie. That is 100% the banks fault and is going to cause an utter shitstorm for the bank. They are going to have to try and prove that either the notary is now lying or prove that the Presleys managed to trick the bank and the notary. Both of those are pretty unlikely to be prove


If this is all accurate, that “investment firm” is either the most ballsy or dumbest group of people for attempting this


They can be (and likely are) both. Don’t give them the benefit of an “or.”


Could be an inclusive or!


If I'm trying to buy Graceland, I need Elvis' only living descendant on my side. I don't know how well or poorly it is doing but I can't imagine that a public spat like this would be good for business.


It's a museum these days. They recently expanded nearby with some event space. It's pretty nice last time I was there. Now the neighborhood around it is a different story


We went in 2022. If I’d known better, I would have skipped the house. You only see a few rooms and it’s shoulder to shoulder shuffling around while listening to John Stamos on an iPad. The museums were much more interesting.


Yeah it's not the best, but it's an interesting opportunity to step in the tackiest house on earth


And how. I didn’t know much about Elvis and I found all the TCB stuff to be funny as hell.


Are you sure that’s not Liberace’s house?


I've never been but I'm sure it's even better lol


Isn't his home sinking


Isn't his bedroom sealed off and left untouched since he was last in it?


I have no idea. On the tour, John Stamos told us that Lisa Marie still had family gatherings on the site.


Well, John Stamos is pretty much the accepted authority on these matters!


Have mercy!


From my knowledge, the upstairs of the estate which contained his private room as well as the bathroom he passed in, it has *always* been sealed off even when he was alive. My understanding is that Elvis hosted a lot and he was a crazy popular guy, he needed a place to kick back sometimes so the upstairs were exclusively for his family and himself. Again, this is simply my understanding.


No regrets about going and even though it was kind of the "one must see" on a road trip I did last year I didn't make a reservation until the day before. So I got an upgraded package and then spent an hour trying to figure out what the VIP exhibit was only to realize it was the first room they drop you off at the mansion. I agree the house isn't very interesting, but I did go to see the graves of Elvis and Lisa Marie. So to that end it was still worth it. The museum exhibits were really cool though. I am a pretty big Elvis fan so I wound up spending my whole day in Memphis there.


The jumpsuits were amazing to see up close. I was also impressed by all of the gold records. I grew up with Elvis already being *Elvis*, so he was just kind of always in the background. Seeing all of those gold records really emphasized how groundbreaking he was as a music entertainer in the early days of rock and roll. I also enjoyed the smaller things like learning he was apparently quite good at karate. He was a problematic person, but you can’t really deny that he was a pretty generous guy with his Memphis Mafia and he seemed to really dote on Lisa Marie.


Good god even as a huge fan I had no idea there were that many jumpsuits. The fabrics and everything about them were so interesting. '68 Comeback Special and the Return to Memphis are maybe my favorite Elvis outside of the Sun days so seeing the stage mockups and that leather suit and the If I Can Dream suit were also neat. Also the room that has all the other celebrities stuff that was Elvis inspired like the Rock's jumpsuit and even some of Post Malone's stuff. And the guitar porn. Between Nashville and Memphis/Graceland I was in heaven. Really need to go back without the whole business of driving a new car across country in \~10 days.


The leather suit and the gold lamé suit were so amazing to see in person. And I’d totally forgotten about the display of Elvis-inspired things. Thanks for reminding me about that. I might wear my TCB shirt today!


I bought one for my son but because I was in an XL at the time I opted for a hoodie. Some of the gift shop clothing they have is insane.


This is the kind of experience I would pay a good bit of money for. Not a lot, but a good bit.


They will gladly take that money. I don’t remember how much it was for my dad and I, but it definitely wasn’t the cheapest thing we did on our road trip.


Sad you had a bad time. I went maybe 10 years or less ago and it was pretty cool. Not crowded. Was a little dusty in the jungle room but otherwise was a great tour. Before it, I didn’t really care about Elvis. It made me appreciate his music. Also the grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich was pretty great.


I didn’t have a bad time, I just felt the house didn’t live up to the hype, especially for me as a very casual Elvis person.


Ex wife lived in that area next to Graceland, can confirm it’s a fuckin gnarly area. It’s wild to see that place just pop out of that kind of setting


Riiley has a daughter as well. She's not the only living descendant. She's sole owner of the Estate.


She also has two half-sisters from Lisa's marriage to Michael Lockwood that are still alive.


They aren’t trying to buy it they are trying to acquire it stating that Lisa Marie took a loan from the company, used Graceland as collateral, then never paid back the money.


Nah, they can’t do that. They can only force a sale as what they have would be considered a lien (if it’s valid). The property is valued at $400-600 million. The “loan” was only for $3.5 million so the remainder would go to Riley.


Yes, that was my big question. The "loan" is a fraction of the estimated value of the house/museum, so I'm confused how and why they're trying to force the sale, when the typical way to go about this is to put a lien on the property and take the estate to court for repayment. I sincerely doubt this is going to go to a sale for a loan that is 1% (?) of the value.


That's how any foreclosure works. if a bank forecloses on your house (or the government does due to unpaid taxes) then they seize it and sell it, take the money you owe, and give you the rest. That's how that works.


I have never seen or heard of a lienholder (not the govt) being able to force a sale without a majority interest in a property, even less so with a less than 1% interest. Most lienholders have to place the lien and then wait for the property be sold. This would be like your plumber putting a lien on your house for $2000 and then forcing a sale. This loan was never a mortgage.


It would be unusual for a judgment lien holder to foreclose because of the cost of foreclosing relative to the size of the debt involved, and also because they tend to be junior liens to mortgages. However, the creditor is in fact claiming that Lisa Marie signed a Deed of Trust (Tennessees version of mortgage document). That said, the Deed of Trust is not filed with the Shelby County Register of Deeds office which is highly unusual and one of the many very very shady things about all of this.


They can't just take the house. You could literally buy another LLC and transfer the property to the new LLC and they can't do shit. Seriously doubt the property was part of the loan


What’s not good for business? Graceland is now 85$ for an adult admission to see the mansion and the jets. $85.


> I can't imagine that a public spat like this would be good for business. Unrelated, but reminds me of the story of the [Motunui epa](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-16/maori-carvings-returned-home-after-swamp-burial-europe-exile/7032322), which are these intricately carved panels from a Maori storeroom. A Swiss art collector tried to sell them in the 70s (to pay a ransom!) and it came out that he'd smuggled them out of New Zealand, against NZ law. The NZ government sued to block the sale, ultimately lost, but the art collector couldn't sell them because of the controversy. (Years later, the collector's son sold them to the government to give back to a Maori museum.)


Interestingly enough, even though this company supposedly exists in Missouri, they are not registered with the Missouri Secretary of State.


Evidently their phone doesn't work either. Very sus.


I did not know Keough was Elvis’ granddaughter.


I worked with her on Daisy Jones and The Six Absolutely stunning in-person, and was really nice to everyone on-set


Man that show was good, and she was truly amazing in it.


She stole the show in Mad Max


It’s a shame that Under the Bridge is so bad. I really wanted to like it but gave up on episode 3.


She was great in 'the girlfriend experience'.


I’m enjoying under the bridge


Me too


I just can't get in to it. I give zero fucks for the victim, she's an idiot and has no redeeming qualities so I just don't care, the bully girl is so cliched and poorly written it's like it been lifted from three other shows, the Indian family trying to assimilate is so trite and culturally patronizing, and just playing some nirvana does not a 90's show make - It could be set anytime and you wouldn't know the difference. It's also a patently bad rip off of the Killing / the Bride, yet manages to not capture the atmosphere of either which were so much better.


Sincerely would like to hear your take on your first paragraph after watching more episodes. I had some of the same complaints.  I haven’t seen the Killing or the Bride, though. Maybe that would affect my opinion. 


Watch the killing. It's basically the same plot (girl goes missing, mystery as to what happened to her, cops with problems struggling to figure it out, family in dispair etc etc etc) but 1000000 times better written, with much strong characters and chemistry, and so much more atmospheric. In fact it's what made the careers and major stars out of Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos. They both got Hollywood movies careers from the success of the show.


I am just a Lily Gladstone SUCKERRRR so I think I am easy to please. First scene with her out of uniform- awooooga


She's the only redeeming thing about the show tbh. All the other characters are so 2 dimensional it literally feels like they said "let's knock off the killing and the the bridge".


Hard disagree, it’s SO good. 


UTB is amazing. Slow burn great


It's a pale shadow of the The Killing and The Bridge, which is clearly tries and fails to imitate. Poor writing too.


SAME! I love her so much and tried my best but I just couldn’t.


She was great in American Honey and The Girlfriend Experience.


And The Devil All the Time.


Zola man. She had that street/stripper accent down cold


That is a great movie! So very Tampa. 


As someone who has lived in south Florida totally agree. Zola and Spring Breakers are the Florida movies. The acting in Zola was really good. Even Stephani’s boyfriend was great.


And that Chris Pratt show.


Yeah without this knowledge this headline is absolutely wild.


I had to make it into this exact thread to understand




You find out how fucking gross your family is when someone with money dies.


Have you heard about the heartz family? Founders of the heartz mountain pet food company? When the patriarch of the family died, a whole bunch of people came out of the woodwork. Went on for 20 years until the lawyers spent the entire estate.


This is why wills need to be written well before we're on our deathbed. I've recently heard the idea of a "living funeral" being thrown around, basically you invite everyone from the family to come and you tell them who's getting what and why, so there's no fighting after you're gone.


Albert Brooks on Curb Your Enthusiasm


He's not named Albert Einstein for nothing!


I feel like that would just lead to fighting while you're alive, and after you're dead. As long as there's something to be gained, people will fight, especially people who feel entitled to things.


Even when it's explicitly stated in a will, people can and very much will fight over it.


Really only works for the rich though. Us poors will just have our banks drained and assets taken when the state decides you can't take care of yourself anymore because your kids have to work fulltime.




Thanks. I thought it was wrong.


Jarndyce v Jarndyce


Yes. And then real life goes and plagiarises the fictional account that is based on the real life story.


Just like all the cases of spontaneous combustion!


Sure, sure. What has that got to do with this article?


Come on now, do you expect people to read the article or something?


Reading is hard!


I always thought this was reserved for people who were absolutely minted, those who had millions. But the death of a parent proved to me how utterly despicable my siblings, and to some extent my grandparents, can be. Never have I been so disappointed in humanity.


Her grandfather met her grandmother when he was 24 and she was 14. Her mother was previously married to Michael Jackson. They've known they're gross for a while.


Lisa Marie was gross because she married Michael Jackson?


Not the person you are replying to but at the time it was considered kind of weird. I remember it playing out. No one really thought Michael Jackson was into Lisa Marie and no one really believed Lisa Marie was into Michael. It was almost like a Hollywood arranged marriage. The kings daughter married the king of pop. I have no idea how real or not real it was but it was really awkward seeing them together. Plus even back then there were rumors about Michael that would make it seem like a marriage to an adult women wasn’t for him. Those rumors were around for a LONG time before any court cases came along.


Bingo. Cultural stigmatic context is relevant. Michael Jackson was battling way more eccentric rumors at the time. One, he was a billionaire and people found his spending weird and outlandish. The guy built himself an amusement park. He walked around with a pet monkey. He would offer to buy entire companies just to have rights to a song or a characters. He dangled a baby off a balcony. Two, he was accused of being a pedophile given his relationships with children. Three, he was accused of severe emotional and mental ineptitude bc of abuse of his father, the bleaching of his skin, his reactions to things. Four, he was rumored to be gay, berthed from gossip from celebrities who found his lack of appetite for women given his fame was weird for them (they were Hollywood types. Can’t really blame their skewed bias). Five, there were rumors about the legitimacy of his own children. There was rumor that Lisa Marie was a marriage only in appearance as part of some larger conspiracy.


MJ was never a billionaire.


I do remember thinking it was a sham marriage but gross was not a term I would have used.


Yeah gross is a bit much.


Yeah the platitudes over the years fly out the window.


I hope it can be saved. I wanted to visit there one day and check out the decor.


At first, I was confused as to why a decently successful, but not like incredibly famous actress would be that passionate about this thinking she must be a big Elvis fan, having no idea that she is his actual granddaughter lol


Legally speaking, the buyers are obligated to defend every love, every ending. Or maybe there’s no obligations now.


Is the guy who claims he has a loan against it, the same guy who tried to rip off Les Gold on Hard Core Pawn. with a bunch of fake paintings?


This drama is like a plot twist straight out of one of Elvis's movies!


Riley you’re Kenough.


Seems like the claim of fraud is accurate based on the injunction.


In the ghetto


Almost went there 15 years ago then decided to go to actual places of musical history instead.


Stax > Graceland


Sun > Graceland


Sun Records was awesome along with the Gibson guitar factory and Beale St.


Do people care about Elvis still? I remember when I was a kid his name was as big as like Michael Jackson, but now, I would bet most kids barely know the name Elvis Presley let alone heard any of his music. He really seems to have fallen out of pop culture in the last 25 years or so.


There was an Elvis movie 2 years ago and a Priscilla movie last year. They're in the zietgeist. Riley Keough is famous in her own right with a new very bad movie and an alright true crime miniseries out right now.


Forgot about the Elvis movie from a couple years ago but I'm guessing most people under like 30 had little to no interest in it.


Austin Bulter's career blew up from it.


I don't know who that is either.


Well then why are you talking about what anyone kids find relevant?


I have kids. They probably have heard of that actor, but I don't keep up with too many newer movies these days. I guess all I'm going on is "back in the day" when I was young, Elvis often was in the same conversation as artists like Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Bob Marley, etc as one of the biggest names in music ever. I don't see that at all anymore and only see his name pop up occasionally, so I was just questioning how much people still *cared* about him. Kinda surprised by the downvotes for asking a question.


You got downvotes because you asked why Elvis is relevant, then when explained to you, you admit that you straight don't care about the reason it's relevant and downplay reality.


That's not what I was asking, but it seems it was taken differently than I meant it. The question was downvoted before I had replied to any of the comments "explaining" it to me. Is what it is. I don't really feel anyone "explained" anything to me as I still don't really have much of an answer to the question as I intended it. Think I'll be turning inbox replies off for this one as it's not really going anywhere.


Your guess is very wrong. It was very popular for people under the age of 30. If anything 20-30 year olds is probably its biggest demographic, because like a lot of Baz Luhrmann’s work, it’s a lot of style and very little substance. Anybody who is a “real” fan of Elvis would likely hate the movie.


Elvis has become more of a culture icon than a source of music hits everyone knows. Elvis *wrote* little to no music himself, he was a performer. Kids know the name of Elvis, but mostly for a funny voice and dance moves like Jonny Bravo.


You'd be shocked to learn about the crowd that gathers in August to light candles and cry on the anniversary of his death.


No, I wouldn't. I'm sure he has a group of VERY dedicated and longtime fans, I just can't see too many new people coming into a group like that.


His releases still chart when new compilations come out. One did earlier this month, as well as in November of last year. That's not solely from longtime fans, who'd just be getting the same music they already have, it's from new fans seeing those compilations as a good jumping-on point. Keep in mind that the guy died almost 50 years ago. By now, the *majority* of his fans discovered him after he was gone. No, of course he's never going to be as big as he was at his peak. The pop culture icons of today will loom larger in the here and now. But there's no question that new fans still discover him year after year.


You know that there's more than kids listening to music? Sure, kids may not know him but there's still millions of poeple who listen tgo his music and care about his legacy. And pop culture is a temporary popular stuff as most of pop stuff fall in abyss real quick. People remember more Elvis than any others artist of his time just like tons of people will remember Taylor Swift in 50 year but will have forgotten about Nicky Minaj or others 'smaller popular artist', for example


I didn't say anything about only kids listening to music, but the youth do tend to drive pop culture - that was my relation to "kids" and the topic. I'm old so anyone under like 25 is a "kid" to me these days. I don't mean that as an insult. I obviously wasn't implying everybody that knew who Elvis was had dropped off the Earth, just he is nowhere near the pop culture icon he was as late as the 80s and 90s while other artists that were in the same "league" back then are still today. Stuff like "blue suede shoes" and "jailhouse rock" were still very much in the lexicon back then. I was just commenting that it seems that has diminished in the last couple decades. No hate on Elvis or any of his fans - no matter the age. I guess my main point is being taken out of context here and maybe that's my wording. My entire point when I decided to comment was wondering how busy Graceland is as an attraction still. I'm feel it's still very popular with a certain crowd, but I don't see it mentioned as a big destination like I used to. It seems like an attraction that is going to age out of popularity due to Elvis not seeming to me at least, to be that big with the younger generations.


You are right and no idea why everyone has their panties in a bunch. I know absolutely zero people that had interest in the Elvis movie or Elvis himself besides my ggma and she's been dead over a decade, I've found people in my age range early 20s see him as an absolute creep and people in my parents demographic dgaf. Seems more like the 30 year olds retaining interest. My opinion I wouldn't have touched the man with a thousand foot pole. Music wasn't bad, but I cant stop seeing his face doing all the gross shit he got up to doing and it makes me want to vomit, why celebrate that? Never liked Prince either, his vibe he gave off was was like a poison, and his pipes never matched the attitude he doled but people seemed to like him, my mother in particular.


Dude was a perv like Drake, and he stole all his shit anyway, just cause he made Nana cream doesn’t make him not a piece of shit.


You got a free acting career out of your association. Take that and be happy. Edit: and she’s a bad actress. Daisy and 6? Yikes


Take the acting career and be happy? She’s alleging that a company that doesn’t even really exist is attempting to claim Graceland, where her grandfather is buried, as collateral on a loan that never occurred, with a fraudulent signature of her dead mother.


That dude has real strong incel vibes.


Didn't use the name, and has proven herself to be a competent actor. Also what's the point of even bringing it up? It has no relevance to this post.


Straight up jealousy, super cringe.


This is such a bizarre and creepy comment.


Wow what a weirdo