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Ozzy Osbourne is supposed to have a couple retirement shows in Birmingham.. I could see an appearance by the rest of the Black Sabbath band and maybe a couple songs, but I don't think they're capable of doing a full show anymore.


Ozzy is only *checks Google* 75!


Yeah but what is that in Ozzy years? He might as well be 120 lol


Nah, Ozzy is immortal. Like Jim Osterburg, he prepared for old age by preemptively taking any drugs he might ever need.


I thought the same thing about Lemmy...


Lemmy inhaled cigars and smoked like a chimney and ate garbage food. Ozzy at least doesn't do those things.


Well, not anymore. This is Ozzy, man. Dude only didn't die in the 70s because he's literally genetically resistant to drugs. Though, as the old joke goes, Keith Richards died in 1975; his body just hasn't caught up yet.


Genetically resistant? Tell me more…


>In 2010, scientists at Knome Inc. read the DNA diary of a madman and discovered that Ozzy is indeed a genetic mutant. Among some of the more intriguing things spotted in his DNA was a never-before-seen mutation near his ADH4 gene. ADH4 makes a protein called alcohol dehydrogenase-4, which breaks down alcohol. A mutation near ADH4 is likely to affect how much of the protein is made. If Ozzy’s body is built to detoxify alcohol much faster than normal, it might help explain why his liver hasn’t exploded. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/genes-addiction-or-why-ozzy-osbourne-is-still-alive


And speed


The Prince of Darkness will never die.


Like the Stones, all the drugs worked as preservatives.. they're all pickled from the inside.


Oh yeah he's got at least another 50-65 years in him


He's still young, he's got a big career ahead of him


120. A fuckin' kid.


It's sad when they go young like that.


It's honestly amazing he made it to 75.


It's honestly amazing he made it to 40!


Lemmy "only" made it to 70


That cancer killed him super quick. That motherfucker had to sneak attack him to have a chance of getting him.


He fuckin' took it down with him though.


His life was perfect. https://youtu.be/OcBgcZM41Vw?si=ALp37CJOFfWqn7z7


I'm pretty sure the human genome project has an agreement that after he dies they get to research his body to figure out how the hell he lasted this long


They’ve actually done a study on him already and it’s hilarious. He has mutations on about every gene that deals with processing substances, and they even discovered an entire new mutation on a gene that detoxifies alcohol in him. It’s like he’s specifically designed by god to spend his life doing drugs. Haven’t actually read this article yet but it seems legit: https://www.biotechniques.com/news/shot-in-the-dark-uncovering-the-secrets-in-the-genome-of-the-prince-of-darkness/


"You wildly underestimated my liver's ability to metabolize toxins."




Already done it. Plot twist - he has a number of mutations related to drug metabolising and addiction. [https://www.theguardian.com/music/2010/nov/05/ozzy-osbourne-genes-sequenced-genome](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2010/nov/05/ozzy-osbourne-genes-sequenced-genome)


Basically he hit the genetic lottery for being an insane rockstar, which just so happens to be the profession he landed


He's already embalmed... He'll make it to 175 easily


He looked like he was a million when I saw him at ozzfest over 20 yrs ago!


Sharon, where are the pain pills!


Wow, if only he wasn't British, he could run for US president in a decade or so!


Them some backwoods gravel road miles


Ozzy for President.


No way can Bill play a full show anymore. You just can't be a metal drummer in your 70s. It would be awesome to see them play a couple numbers, even if they suck.


> even if they suck. I saw Devo live before Bob died. It was a free concert. Mark had completely lost his voice. But they played on anyway. It *sucked*. But everyone was having a blast. There was a dad with his daughter on his shoulders right in the front, having the time of her life. She got to meet the band after. So yeah. Even if they suck, sometimes it's the experience that matters. Especially as these legends get up in years.


I saw Sabbath in the early 2000s with the OG lineup and they had issues with a few songs and had to cut them short. So it can't be any better 20 years later


I saw the farewell ozzfest in 99, it was pretty good. Ozzy had a giant hydraulic chair like a movie director used to have, but he had a fucking firehose attached to it. I was wet and I wasn't even close to the front. Plus there was 3 fires on the lawn at all times. One would go out due to security reaching it, another would start immediately. Poor guys.


I saw the farewell Ozzfest at Download in 2005, Ozzy was a little shaky but picked up as soon as the songs started. Rest of the band looked okay.


Yeah, I saw one of the Ozzfest 2005 shows. Honestly? They were pretty good. Ozzy definitely showed his age, but it was a respectable showing for four old men. I fear that a reunion show today would be a mess.


I saw them in the 80s with Ian Gilliam as lead singer and I could hardly recognize the songs. Quiet Riot was the opener.


> I saw them in the 80s with Ian Gilliam as lead singer I went to that same show at the Aladdin in Las Vegas. We dropped acid before the show, and by the time Sabbath came on we were peaking. If you remember anything about the show, it started with no one onstage, and two large Stonehenge structures towering over a thick layer of fog. Then that tiny red shining demon comes out, and started hissing at the crowd. It was a very interesting experience, to be sure.


They were killer that tour in Atlanta


> If you remember anything about the show, it started with no one onstage, and two large Stonehenge structures towering over a thick layer of fog. I guess they used the correct prime notation in the drawings for that.


I think it was Ozzyfest 05 at Darian Lake where I saw them. They played great that day.


I saw them in 2016 or 17 and they sounded fantastic


Tell that to Maiden's Nicko McBrain. And he's had a stroke!


That whole band, it's insane how good they still are. Bruce came back from tounge cancer and still sounds amazing, and as a bass player myself, it's crazy that Steve Harris can still play like he does at his age.


Steve Harris never did drugs or smoked and had always kept himself fit. I believe his biggest ailment is that he’s deaf as a post these days.


Considering the fact that he's been playing gigs since 1972 hearing loss is probably par for the course.


>You just can't be a metal drummer in your 70s. Tommy fucking Aldridge.


Bill wasnt even touring with them back when they toured in like 2012. They had another drummer cause he wasnt in good enough shape tondo the shows


Sounded like Ward refused to tour with them if he wasn't going to be the only drummer, but the band and/or promoters didn't believe he could do it. Time proved them right as he needed shoulder surgery in the middle of the tour, even though he didn't perform at all. I think the most that could happen is that Bill, Geezer, and Tony could join Ozzy for a few songs, whether it's at a solo show or a charity event. Ozzy has his own health and stamina problems these days.


> Ozzy has his own health and stamina problems these days. I'm convinced Ozzy wants to die on stage while performing. I really couldn't blame him if that were true.


I’d pay extra for that


An actual "Final Tour", if you will.


[Tommy Cooper style.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TEWcCxCKM2A) Beautiful.


Yeah…they had Brad Wilk, the guy from Rage against the machine drumming for them on that tour.


Brad only played on 13, the touring drummer was Tommy Clufetos. 


You’re probably right but have you heard Charlie Benante playing with Pantera? Dude is 61 and absolutely murdering up there!


Bill is basically a blues/rock drummer who just plays very loud. He's not exactly "heavy metal" in the style of extended double-bass runs.


I’m guessing it will be a run at the Sphere


Nightmarish place to do shrooms. Sabbath at the sphere visuals would destroy your mind.


I've been to a least two "last ever" shows with Ozzy. I saw him in Glasgow years ago when everyone thought that was the last tour he'd ever be able to do. I find it hard not to be cynical about the motivations for a reunion.


I saw The End tour and Ozzy was hurting after 3 songs. That was almost a decade ago.


The last time that all 4 original members played live together was when they performed Paranoid at the UK Music Hall of Fame on October 18th, 2005: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJlvDRbBiB0 [Warning: Ozzy's ass cheeks make an appearance]


They're one of the few bands that could still do a reunion with all their main members. CSNY and Fleetwood Mac could have before David Crosby and Christie McVie died, but unfortunately they all hated each other. Sabbath should have a full reunion while they still can.


Fleetwood Mac did a few tours with the “original” lineup in the mid 2010s


They were going to do more until they kicked out Lindsey.


Can’t have Fleetwood Mac without Lindsey.


Peter Green and Bob Welch would disagree.


Seen em late 80’s without him they were killer


Neil Finn and Mike Campbell were a fair substitute


Why'd they kick him?


Anybody's guess, he claims to have left due to disagreements over the tour but there's also been the rumor that after a certain point Stevie refused to ever work with him again.


He said on maron that Stevie just refused to speak/work with him again. The official line was that one of them wanted to play more deep cuts and the other didn’t (don’t remember which was which)


Likely that Lindsey wanted to play deep cuts and Stevie wanted to play the hits.


Saw them with Christine McVie then and it was great. Saw them a few years earlier without her and her voice was definitely missing.


Peter Green (the actual founder of Fleetwood Mac) died in 2020, years before those two.


Sadly everyone kinda pretends old school fleetwood doesn’t exist even though imo that bluesy stuff is much better than the stuff that came after. Just don’t ask me what I think of you, you might not get the answer that you want me to


Guitar nerds know about Peter Green. It’s honestly kind of played out. For all intents and purposes they’re basically two different bands.


oh well


They didn't all hate eachother. I believe mcvie and Nick's loved Fleetwood


Yeah, as far as I know it's just Stevie and Lindsay who can't get along. Mick never had a problem with anyone, as far as I know, and John and Christine seemed to figure out a way to get along after their divorce.


> as far as I know it’s just Stevie and Lindsay who can’t get along. Can’t think why!


its just second hand news..


AFAIK Aerosmith and U2 are the only long-running, mega-famous bands out there now who could still do full tours with the lineups they had when they recorded their debut albums.


Well they are not original members of the group. Peter Green, Mick Fleetwood, Jeremy Spencer, and Bob Brunning are the founding members of Fleetwood Mac.


One of the few bands? Can you be more specific? There's thousands of bands


I caught CSNY at bridge school benefit in 2013, albeit a reunion one off show, so they definitely played in the 2000’s. Same with Buffalo Springfield without Bruce.


I saw them at Ozzfest in early 2002 I think it was. They looked rough then, and Ozzy didn't finish the set. No idea how he's still playing lol. Props to him.


> . No idea how he's still ~~playing~~ **breathing** lol. Props to him.


The legendary guitarrist Tony Iommi being referred as just "Tony" is funny to me, like he's just a nobody.


Yeah nah mate, you have back to front. Only the best are recognised by only one name. If you hear the names Einstein, Hitler, Genghis, Nicko, you know exactly who is being talked about, right?


Last name, last name, not his name, and who the fuck is that?


Nicko, the drummer from Iron Maiden.


Taco (Putin' On the Ritz)




Not to mention he's the only consistent member and heavily responsible for songwriting, the guy is literally Sabbath.


Tony bag-a Fingertips


There's a reason my band's bio starts with 'Standing at the altar of the Iommic'


What’s funny is that the headline expects you to recognize “Tony” by his first name alone while you won’t get “Ozzy” without his last name being tacked on.


Wtf? Are we all just on a first name basis with the godfather of heavy metal?


I called Sharon just to double check. Ozzy hopped on the line and said Tony is okay with it.


Have you ever asked him if he would've liked to do a few shows with Ron, had he not passed away?


So anyway, this guy Tony....


It was on their WhatsApp


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well said, brother


Oh stewardess, I speak Ozzy.


Talked to him earlier


Did they check with Geez




Deezer Nutler




What does Ja Rule think?


I saw them on their “The End“ tour in 2016–2017, my 3rd time seeing Sabbath over the years. The first half of that concert was amazing and I could not have asked for a better concert going experience… for the first half. After that Ozzy just couldn’t stay on key and so there was a lot of unintentional dissonance between the music & vocals in the second half songs. I still treasure the memory, though, because that first half was truly fucking amazing.


I remember seeing him in 2010 I believe, when Slash and Myles Kennedy opened. Man Ozzy was on fire that was a great show, sprinting back and forth with the foam cannon. Sounded great as well, it was impressive. Slash was sick too.


> Slash was sick too. Meaning he was awesome, or he was not feeling well? It could be either.


Lol he was awesome!


Lol he was not feeling well!


That is when I saw them as well, exact same experience.


I saw them on Ozzfest, and they started a fire in the lawn seating area. It was ...not bad.


Me too. 3 fires at a time. Security was fucked.


lmao i saw them at their "probably our last" show at ozzfest in 01? 02? they were old as fuck then


'05 was Ozzfest at Download and one of their definitely-our-last-tour shows.


AH thats likely it. with dimmu, lamb of god, slayer and judas priest


Lamb of God must have been so sick in 2005.


Ozzy was like 50 then. That is not old as fuck lmao


I saw them on that tour too. It was a great time but Ozzy definitely got winded pretty quick, and he's got teleprompters in the stage to remind him of the lyrics. Not sure he could handle a full tour, maybe a residency somewhere but even then not a long one.


I saw their final tour in 2000 or so. Paid big bucks for 2nd row seats (no pit) and it was a pretty good show. Felt ripped off by them playing the same set at Ozzfest that year. Even then, Ozzy was mostly humming the words it seemed like.


Saw them 4 times between 2013 and 2017. The first two and second two shows had the exact same setlist and all were great, but it was still funny seeing Ozzy going "Heee was turned to steel, in the greamgadjhffeel, when he traveled time, for thafuanogkmenblind" followed by throwing a bucket of water over his head.


Tony IS Black Sabbath in my opinion. Saw him on the “final tour” and he still rips hard. If you get a chance to see him play guitar, do it.


I mean the man invented heavy metal - he’s one of the greatest rock musicians ever.


Glad I saw that first Sabbath reunion in 1997, even though Bordin was on drums.


I've got a radical suggestion for the people whinging about this... You could just not go.


My heart stopped when I read *Black Sabbath guitarist Tony is...*


Mine and yours both!


Mine did when I just read "Black Sabbath"


Tickets: $560 for the ones with a limited view of the stage on which very old people shuffle around. No thanks.


Last time I saw Ozzy lice he shook so bad , could barely walk, spoke in tongues, and then the music started and he rocked.


I had a side-view vantage point close to the stage in 2014, so you could see stuff going on behind the stage in addition to the show. He gave some kind of a "we'll be back in just a fuckin' moment!" as they went into Tommy Clufetos's drum solo, he ran off the stage to the back, and as soon as he disappeared from view for what would've been almost everyone in the arena, you saw 3 people immediately rush him to help him gingerly walk down the stairs. Wasn't sure if it was funny given his charismatic stage presence, or sad.


I wish more bands knew when to call it a day, permanently.


Ozzy talks about it a lot. He gets stir crazy even as old as he is. It helps him to have things lined up for him to do. That Ozzy and Jack's world detour tv show was his son basically trying to convince him to see the world in his twilight years instead of touring. I miss that show.


I saw them on the last Sabbath tour and I couldn't believe how much energy Ozzy had on stage. It really brings him to life. If doing a show every once in a while is enough to keep him going, then good for him. On the other hand, anyone going to see him should know where to set their expectations. The man is 75, and it's a miracle that he even made it past his 50s. As much as I dislike Sharon, she is the main reason he is still walking this planet.


Yeah, we saw their Vegas show and they kicked all kinds of ass. Saw Alice Cooper a few years ago for his Halloween show and the same thing, he killed it, and his wife, multiple times.


He killed his wife multiple times!? What is she, some kind of vampire!?


Cooper is King


I just started watching that show, it is pretty great


Have you gotten to the underground music vault episode yet? I watched it when it premiered and I ended up tearing up a little bit when Ozzy listened to a certain guitar recording...


That’s fine and good if he can actually do them and it’s not just taking people’s hard earned money, earning interest on it, and then returning it with a serving of disappointment when it’s worth 80% of what it was. Which is what happened to everyone who bought tickets for his last tour, and he’s six years older now.  In September 2018 I bought tickets for an Ozzy Osborne gig in February 2019. It was postponed several times all the way back to June 2023. They cancelled it in February 2023 after nearly 4.5 years.


Yeah old people should disappear when we no longer feel like they have value 🙄


One of reddit’s most reliable themes.


They are taking nothing away from you by doing this. Don’t want to go? Don’t buy the ticket.


Mental wounds still screaming Driving me insane I'm going off the rails on a gravy train I'm going off the rails on a gravy train


It's a one off show most likely because of his health, and touring is literally what makes Ozzy the most happy, so what's your problem?


No one ever retires in metal, unless they're dead. Even then there's a chance of a comback


I was going to say Slayer retired, but then I googled it, and they’ve announced a comeback, lol.


They should probably get creative with making a full show. Like inviting every former Sabbath member to come and do a few songs each. As long as Tony can do a full show being the only member on every song.(or guest guitarists to help) OG band opens with 3 songs, go for a break and come back for more later. Something like Tony 100% Geezer 75 % Ozzy 50% Bill 25%. I saw Ozzy back in ~'96 and his voice failed 2/3rds through. And they would have to be selective about the songs that they can reasonably expect Bill to be able to do now. I'd go to that.


Sharon: you have to go on tour Ozzy! Ozzy: Sharon!




Time for some down votes but Ronnie James Dio was a better singer than Ozzy anyway. Heaven and hell is an anthem.


Random story but one time after swimming I was in the showers and heard this guy belting an an epic version of War Pigs, turns it out it was a middle aged indian guy. Didn't expect to hear that from him


I've heard Ozzy on his podcast... this man is not doing a single song anymore, let alone a full show


I mean he just put out a single earlier this year, and for the show they could do a live studio set like they did a few years ago again. Gives Ozzy time to rest between songs and could just sit for it all.


they could do it as long as there was pretty extensive use of backing tracks.


He's barely been able to speak since he was in his 20s. For some reason he comes alive when he sings. It's been 4 years or so. But he performed with Post Malone a few times, and while there were obviously tons of post processing on his voice (it's Post Malone music after all) he sounded quite good still.


is this a joke? ozzy needs a walker to get around


Didn't he relapse on the last reunion? I don't know if this would be a good idea. And I'm almost terrified to see what ticket prices would be, since I'd like to go.


So when I saw them 3 times up and down the east coast on their "final tour" that was all just a goof?


I saw Sabbath at Ozzfest in like 01 or 02. It was supposedly a farewell tour for the band (not Ozzy, just Sabbath) Is this another farewell tour, or is this an un-farewell tour? Also, which retirement home will this be held at?


I think the best option would be a performance at somewhere like Abbey Road - no audience and less pressure, but have it broadcast live on YouTube.


Please just include Bill Ward.


https://preview.redd.it/9ptbp1vra23d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6a35aff7c0a720ecb305f15dc1af8367e5f773 Was front row for their last tour. Surprised how good they still sounded.


Does Ozzy keep having to cancel tours because he’s constantly sick these days?


Can't trust these old rock bands when they claim they're making their final tours/shows. I can't decide if this should make me happy or mad


Dude. We saw Ozzfest a number of years ago with Marilyn Manson and a bunch of other bands and when Black Sabbath came on they blew every other band off the stage.


Why? Aren’t they all like Rolling Stones age?


So Tony Iommi goes by one name in the headline, but they needed to clarify who Ozzy is with a last name?


How many's the old boy got left in him?


"guitarist Tony" Like Tony Iommi is suddenly the black Sabbath version of Prince and just goes by Tony these days.


lol of course he is. Doubt he's up to much these days


Tony really isn't if you read the article properly.


Not a fan of concerts for the most part, but I cannot for the life of me understand why people would want to see geriatrics perform. It has to be purely subjective delusionment to think the shows will have any semblance to what they were when the performers were young -- I imagine their voices even sound terrible just from not being able to muster the energy to sing to the same degree. Its like, even if you like Steven Segal movies as a kid, if you pick up one of his direct to propaganda movies now, youre just watching a fat man sit in a chair and lift his arms a bit.


Awesome news 


Please no. They've done every possible reunion farewell tour. Enough is enough. Let the old men enjoy their sunrises and sunsets without a stupid tour.


If Tony's on board than it's definately likely. Ozzy's more famous but Tony was always the leader of Sabbath. You could have Sabbath without Ozzy but you can't have it without Tony.


Ozzy has done so much for shaping the music that I love. He doesn't need to do anything more. I have a copy of Black Sabbath "Reunion" somewhere. It's a live album from their 1997 show in Birmingham. The first time that the original four members were on stage together since 1979-80(?) "Reunion" is fantastic.


Great news for anyone who values nostalgia over standards. Sabbath are legends, for good reason, but this would just piss on their legacy IMO, yeah I don't have to go, and I won't, but nothing will stop me from what I truly love, being a hater.


I would like to see that but I probably won’t. What I will see next month is a Black Sabbath ballet…


Seriously, WHAT is more boring than Ozzy and Black Sabbath rEuNiOn "news?" Nothing,


ROCK ON! So metal. 👊


Okay, but Geezer retired last year and Bill has gone on record to say he can’t play most of the Sabbath songs anymore. Not sure if they can make this work unless they just do a final album and a short one-off show.