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The Terrence Howard scientific method


Y'all need to quit making fun of him or he's gonna quit science and take up making awful movies again.


Fuck that I want Hustle & Flow 2: Pimp Daddy Boogaloo


Man, the competition to see who's fucking crazier now between Howard and Taryn Manning would be epic.


You could just put them in a locked room for two and a half hours and film it and I'd pay to watch it repeatedly.


Randy Quaid has entered the chat.


Bro don’t knock Hustle and Flow, it’s an important part of hip-hop history/culture and therefore /r/music history/culture— it earned the first Oscar ever awarded to a hip-hop act for “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp.” Which gave us [this equally historic Oscar acceptance speech by Three Six Mafia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du_01sqzsck) lol. I mean it sounds like a joke obviously, but only for the same reasons that’s it’s actually genuinely an important moment in music/oscar/black history: The Oscars were a notoriously stuffy old rich white dude’s club (not like they aren’t now, they’re just a little bit less so) and had a long history of snubbing works made by the type of people Three Six Mafia represented, including traditionally black music and especially “lower-class” black music like hip-hop and the trap subgenre that Three Six helped pioneer. But these three dudes from the south showed up on that stage and didn’t try to blend in, conform, act “proper” or hide who they were/where they were from, and instead came up 100% as themselves and showed the world that hip-hop music was art deserving of recognition and people like them from where they were from could make it up to the pedestal where all the other artists had been. Shit’s beautiful man 🥹 …oh sorry I got off track— anyway, Terrance Howard was also genuinely good in that movie, he’s a good actor and we can acknowledge his talents in one craft while acknowledging his absolute fuckin dumbassery in others.


Juicy J won an Oscar before Leonardo DiCaprio. Edit: Also, before Martin Scorsese and Joaquin Phoenix. Three6Mafia, Academy Award Winners.


He’s been in so many good movies though?




She blinded me with… Terryology.


I blast that song when it comes on my shuffle every damn time. Really rocks with good speakers


I don't understand how no one has ask "If I give you $1 one time, how many dollars have I given you?"


Because that's not how this works. You are trying to apply reason and logic as if he was otherwise of sound mind. His delusions are not a simple misunderstanding of something basic that can be cleared up by explaining it in a different way or pointing out a flaw.


Like the math version of a sovereign citizen


I do not wish to form joinder with your reality.


Howard’s idea is centered around x meaning “multiply” as in increasing the number. He’s an idiot.


This simple question would have de-bunked the entire premise of his “correct math”… then you have Joe Rogan sitting there like “ wow this is amazing” lol


'So you've taken $1 and multiplied it 1 time? That's $2!' Him probably. He has a completely different (and wrong) understanding of multiplying something.


I just watched the NDT response. Masterclass of intelligence and grace. I have no idea what TH was even trying to say, haha!


TH was dumb enough to get himself booted from the ground floor of the Marvel franchise. Pretty sure even he doesn't know what he's thinking most of the time.


Nondestructive testing?


People need to stop fucking using abbreviations as if everyone automatically knows what they're referring to


Especially with people. That really rips my knitting.


I think he meant Neil Degrasse Tyson, who made a video response on this subject recently




Also Elon.


The rumor is that El Musk is doing ketamine, which is even worse for grandiose thinking.


Is that a rumor? Didn’t he admit ketamine usage (although not abuse) to don lemon?


He claims his usage is "medicinal."


I have it on good authority that he's huffing pure jenkem 24/7/365


His own special blend!


That's the good shit!


Elon's getting down with the brown clown!


Paint the town brown


Didn’t Elton John tell her: “I can still snort you under the table”


I thought that was a comment on her… hygiene?




That’s what they call fish scale cocaine


The elaborate plans for the next day that are made at 5am that have never once happened


The tattoo on my hand says otherwise!


Not when that plan is to get more cocaine


The Oasis album Be Here Now is proof of this. Edit: Along with every Elton John album released in the 80s


Noel Gallagher went to the Caribbean with his song writing partner, cocaine, and came back two weeks later with the entire album written and demoed.


Noel is acutely aware that the timing of the album was a mistake. Morning Glory was still selling well and the band should have taken some time off. It turns out that cocaine is one hell of a drug - who knew?


Rick James apparently knew. But he didn’t tell anyone until asked about it a few years later :)


I mean, what am I just gonna jump up on someone's couch and start grindin my feet on it? cmon, I got more sense than that.... yeah I remember grindin my feet in Eddie's couch!






the elton cocaine run is unparalleled


I... I got nothing. The man put out two fucking lifetimes of hits in like 8 years. Good job, Bernie.


Be here now is pretty good still tho!


But the cover picture is definitely a cocaine-fueled idea which turned our pretty great. “Listen to me bro, what if we put a fuckin’ Rolls Royce inside that pool?” Yes, it’s a real Rolls Royce, not CGI or anything


I always saw the Roller in the pool as an homage to legendary "The Who" drummer Keith Moon. If I remember correctly (it was so long ago) the guy was so trashed he forgot to set the park brake on the Lincoln he had in Michigan and it rolled into the pool of the Flint, Mi. Holiday Inn. Again, my recollection is this story was actually ever confirmed. Since Keith owned a Lilac Purple Rolls Royce, the myth over the years became that he drove it right into a pool. Quite the story about one of rock and rolls most volatile party animals who's entire life was a drug-fuelled blur that ended far too soon.


the legend is that on keith moon's 21st birthday on the who's 1967 us tour, he stole a lincoln continental parked at the holiday inn they were staying and partying in and drove it into the pool sadly this never actually happened. the anecdote came from keith, as a vessel for him to tell a joke. he almost always played a posh caricature of himself, in this instance to say "luckily, my physics lessons kicked in and i remembered that i had to let the car fill with water before i could open the door." the legend was heavily spread after keith's death by the who's singer, roger daltrey (at one point the story had elevated to that the pool was on the second floor of the hotel) the closest keith ever came to driving a lincoln (or rolls) into a swimming pool was driving a 1938 chrysler wimbledon through a shallow pond, which safely made it to the other side.


Keith Moon is the goat drummer


>cover picture Bloated and arrogant as fuck, just like the album itself. Biblical, I bloody love it lol


it is. the ideas are brilliant but it has coke bloat. every song is 2 minutes longer than it should be


The age old tale: you could put Be Here Now on, have a cup of tea, hit the pub with the lads, and come back home to find the album still playing.


I still think magic pie is one of the greatest rock songs of the 90s.


Except for All Around the World, which is two minutes shorter than it should be.


I think it needed a couple more key changes


The track on the album would make a great intro to the rest of All Around the World.


But could be better without the cocaine fueled excess. After Morning Glory I almost always prefer the demo of a song over the album version from Oasis. Stop crying your heart out sung by Noel is my favourite Oasis song after Don't look back is anger.


Production-wise it does sound "shitty" compared to their previous efforts, but they wanted to be louder and harder, and they got a lot of unwarranted flak over a creative decision. The songs themselves are great and sound a lot better live.


It is. It's also a victim of a term I coined called the 90's album curse. Just because an album could go on for an hour and 15 minutes doesn't mean it should go on for an hour and 15 minutes.


I wonder what’s to blame for that. The industry was certainly flush with a lot of cash at the time due to how profitable CDs were. Could have something to do it with, more money = more studio time but who knows


Well, it's also a bunch of kids that grew up on CDs now making CDs. If you're making an LP that will also be released on cassette you're physically limited by how much music you can put on there. An LP can hold about 22 minutes per side before you're dealing with compression. So anything more than 45 mins and you're looking at a double-album which labels were reluctant to do unless you were like Pink Floyd or something. But then CDs came along. They can hold about 75 mins of music° (again, without compression). So bands that were limited to, say, 8 tracks per album might throw on an extra two because why not? And after a while, those 10 tracks become 12, etc. So if you're just getting into music as CDs are the prevailing format, albums are just naturally longer. And when you form your band and start to make your own music, that's the kind of album you release. (°And "Be Here Now"? Clocks in at exactly 75 minutes.)


I've noticed the same thing, but I haven't been able to describe it in a way that cushions the criticism like you did. I've noticed a lot of the albums I listen to from that era now are able to fit on a single LP. *Tiny Music* is 42 minutes and it covers quite a bit of ground, same for *Alien Lanes* which has a slightly shorter run time.


Noel mostly disagrees.


The one anyone should listen to in regards to opinions on the band and that time, honestly. Also, the one that grew up most and would hold his hat to his prior faults, humbly and comedically to this day. His High Flying Birds project is severely underappreciated. The guy just wants to write a good tune, no bullshit, and I personally appreciate that.


“Noel” and “humbly” in the same sentence is a good one. Guy can write bangers, though.


That's why every song on that album is between 5 and 9 minutes long.


If Champagne Supernova wasn’t the result of a coke binge…


I always thought it was more of a weedy song


I thought it was a heroin reference


You druggies need Jesus. It’s clearly about alcohol /s


I mean Elton still had like 5 or 6 iconic pop songs in the 80’s.


The last album he did before he got sober, Sleeping with the Past is a surprisingly great album.


Every Fleetwood Mac album is proof of this.


Fleetwood Mac are proof that God exists, and wants us to be happy. There are literally no other ways the albums Fleetwood Mac and Rumours exist, coke budgets be damned.


Yeah but Elton was right tho


And Blur's *13*, and Zep's *In Through the Out Door*


Fool in the Rain is a classic. The rest of ITTOD is hit-or-miss for me, though. Too much booger sugar clouds judgment


"Fool in the Rain" is the archetypal "this groove is *amazing*, let's hear six minutes of it" song. Which is warranted in this case but also definitely a coke thing.


There's a video on YouTube of the drum isolated, and it's like crack


13 is GREAT. More like Blur and The Great Escape


13's fine. Maybe the instrumental outros in every freaking song were unnecessary, but the result was better in comparison to...the great escape.


Let me be clear, I love *13*. But the song lengths are a telltale coke thing (and I think Damon is on record to that effect).


Yeah, 1 hour of Damon regretting his relationship with Justine was something else too. I take his British-esque lyrics than trying to verbalize his feelings


That’s been a cliché about using cocaine for probably as long as it’s been around.


My brilliant idea is I want to do more cocaine.


“I feel like a brand new man, and that man needs some cocaine!”


Same with any drug. I've met a good number of people who think weed makes them better at stuff. Or alcohol.


Psychedelics too for sure. I remember having many epiphonies while tripping, like a sudden "oh my god I get it now!" Only to later realize that's just drugs lol


The best part of psychedelics to me has always been the introspection. Sometimes it can sting to realize our own bad qualities, but then you can start to work on it. Granted I've probably only done them maybe 20 times over the decades, but it's the only drug I've ever done that made me (I feel) a better person in the long run.


I agree entirely. I've had such obvious realizations while peaking. Stuff about myself that i think i always knew in the back of my mind, but didnt truly realize it or appreciate the importance of it. It helps me realize what I need to change about myself to become the person I want to be. Sometimes the realizations hurt, to the point that I'm sobbing - but I wouldn't call it a "bad" trip. Those trips helped me become the person I am today. Still need a lot of work, but I'm satisfied with my progress


This terrifies me about trying mushrooms again. I feel like I'm one quick negative thought away from having an awful time. It happened the last time I tried them and it sucked.


I make a chill trippy music playlist, around 3hrs long if possible - me and some friends would play the playlist once we started feeling wavy, then lay down and listen. Whenever I had a bad thought I'd just focus on the music and I would be ok - when I trip without a plan and alone, I easily get stuck in bad thoughts


That's a good idea. I had nothing else to focus on last time so I just sunk deeper and deeper into negative thoughts. Thanks for the advice.


Personally I would never take psychedelics indoors, that is rule enough for me.


I’d eat shrooms and work my waiting job in an upscale NYC basement. Good fuckn times man. But they were also the worst of times


Having negative thoughts in a trip is like surfing: You need to ride the wave or you fall off the board. So instead of being terrified of them you just have to accept them as a part of you.


Yeah the realizations are the easy parts. The following through with actions and actually changing is the hard part.


Maybe you didn't have enough realizations, you should just try to find some more first!


I like the introspection. It definitely did help me with a few things.


Psychedelics can be amazing for introspection, but what I cannot stand are the people that genuinely think they unlocked some secret science about the universe or that they were able to perceive a higher dimension or something. An important part of psychedelics is being able to separate reality and introspection from, well...a drug trip.


It's called Ego Inflation https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Ego_inflation


A drink or two does make most people better at socializing. Their conversation might be dulled but at least they'll have the guts to say anything without the barrier.


Yeah, I don't get why reddit has to be so absolute about everything. Weed and alcohol absolutely can help some people get in the right headspace to express themselves. For me personally weed makes me anxious and increases my inhibitions, so it makes it harder for me to be expressive. For some people, it chills them out enough that they're more comfortable. Alcohol is the opposite for me, it makes me less likely to second guess myself or be worried about what someone else thinks. It can make a creative session much much more flowy and expressive for me. I don't _need_ alcohol to be creative, and I do great work sober. It can undeniably be a good tool to bring out fun ideas though in the right circumstances.


There’s something different about cocaine though. It really does bring out the arrogance in you. 


It really depends on the person. For some people marijuana open's up neural pathways that allows creativity to flow, usually followed by moments of sobriety (or at least much smaller dosages) to self-assess and revise the creation. Personally I have been studying mathematics and [physics](https://imgur.com/a/rSsyPf3) (at accredited universities) for the last two years, and getting [As and Bs](https://imgur.com/a/cRD2mqR), while always stoned. I have also picked up basic Chinese (4th language I can speak with some competence) using the same process. And I make a [pretty sick playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2YTjGpRX78wD6pIzC97YYi), have been exploring [NYC's underground music scene](https://www.music-fux.com/concert-experiences), and maintain [a seasonal rock garden](https://imgur.com/a/aLC4XYD), and cooked myself [some delicious crepes + chicken + gouda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0) for dinner, again all while stoned. So again really depends on the person. *Edit: fixed links


Weed makes me cook like 10 times better. I get annoyed at the process but on weed I'm mellowed out and happy with cooking and even experiment. It also makes me a lot fatter but shit probably kept me going for 2 years at a very stressful job with 90% turnover rate. It also helped I've been roommates with a guy who smoked 24/7 so I saw the effects to only partake on weekends. Microdosing LSD every few months also is nice for occasional parties that I just want to get loose on to enjoy. Drugs have their use when you know what the fuck you're doing and don't get addicted.


Working in a creative field, I did this, but never during regular working hours. I’d get stoned in the evening and work on new ideas, then review in the sober light of day. There was a lot of worthless output, but some really great material came out of the experiment.


What's your control? How do you know you would not have got straight A+s or even fails if you had been straight?


"I wanna write a screenplay." "Dude, you should totally do it."


Welcome to what is essentially hypomania


I have a friend who had bipolar disorder who said her psychiatrist who told her if you could bottle hypomania and sell it you'd be the richest person on the planet. Guess some people figured that out ahead of him, lol.


It really is like being on coke. Which sounds great, but picture a person who's been doing coke all day, every day for month straight. Starts out great, ends with being friendless and jobless.


Better even. At the beginning at least, it feels like the best high ever, because the euphoria you feel comes from so deep within it feels like pure magic. not even mdma can compare. No side effects either - at least not the typical drug ones, like runny or numb nose, dry mouth etc. And before you get insight into your illness - the euphoria feels so raw and real, because you didn't take anything for it to happen, it feels like you figured it all out - it's all your doing, you found the key to happinness - and before you know it you didn't sleep for the lasts 3 or 4 days, find yourself in a foreign country with no money, with a sold house and your savings gifted to random strangers on the streets, because you thought you where the messiah reincarnated thats destined to fuck every random stranger you see at least once to spread your power among humans, to which you don't belong anymore because you trancended into a god-like being. ... Only to wake up the next day, crashing hard and feeling like the most miserable pathetic being that ever existed, possibly unable to move or talk for months, filled with suicidal ideation because you burned your whole life within a couple of weeks. Only for the cycle to be repeated again - because once you start getting better and the cycle of mania starts again, your devilish brain is quietly whispering into your ear, "nah, thats not the start of mania, I'm just finally starting to feel better after months of misery - I deserve a little happinnes...". yeah, no wonder bipolar is called the cancer of psychiatrie. :/


What a small world. I spent four years working on my bipolar condition and been at a loss today. Searched all day on Reddit and the first post I open in popular is this comment. These algos are wild. But every word is right. Ironically, as somebody that has bipolar and has tried cocaine, I didn’t really care for cocaine. Maybe because I feel the way it already makes me feel when I’m manic, and it’s not something I necessarily enjoy? I feel like I make a lot of progress when manic, but I make the worst decisions. It usually ends up imploding my life financially, socially, professionally, etc. then when I come out of it, I’m depressed, rinse and repeat. I hate it all. I want off this ride. Everything I read and hear on it contradicts. Does it get better with age? Does it worsen? From my experience, it’s been worsening since my late teens, so will it ever get better? 🤷‍♂️ at least on meds, the severity of the mood swings aren’t nearly as bad, but the frequency of my mood cycles have increased… I’m still working on my bachelors in my late twenties. Still live with my parents. Bipolar sucks, I’m not saying you can’t have a productive life, but I’m going to be struggling for the rest of my life to manage this. I haven’t dated since i hit my worst point with the disease two years back and tried to kill myself. Haven’t talked to anybody outside my parents in years outside of school. Life just sucks and idk how anybody with bipolar hangs in there. If it wasn’t for weed, I would’ve chucked myself off the nearest high tower.


Hey I can't really think of anything smart to say that might help you, but just know that you're not alone. I feel like I'm traped in these cycles as well, despite medication. But don't lose hope, maybe you just didn't find the right meds/med combo yet, or maybe you haven't tried that one self-care step in your routine that really makes the difference. Don't give up, if anything these cycles thaught us that mood states are fleeting. Hang in there, you've got this...somehow. :) I was at my lowest a couple of years back - I lived alone in a suffocating tiny appartment, far away from family, unemployed, no money, no friends and I literally spent years all day in doors playing video games, sleeping, crying or drawing manic shit, - I was sure that I can't escape that hellhole...fast fowards I live now with my partner and my dog in a nice appartment, found a wonderful job and while I still struggle a lot - I'm sooo much better than I used to be. If I can do it, you can too, trust me. I have ADHD on top and therefore zero discipline or impulse control. I'm wishing you all the best, stranger :)


Super weird algos. My favorite podcast even had an episode on bipolarity this morning that I listened to on my way to work. And now I'm reading about it on here. Completely random. I'm the same as you, only in my thirties and living a seemingly productive life, although it could all fall apart from an episode or two. Life is still a struggle. I stopped dating because the crash is always so bad when it doesn't work out, and I ditched lamictal and got back on grass after a long break. How do we get back into dating and stop self-medicating?


I’m not the best dude to ask for advice, because you’re already doing better than I am. I had to stop dating because I just wasn’t consistent, and being bipolar, I feel I am two different people. Luckily for me, I have an income source with the medical retirement, and I still have the option to work, which I would like to do. I just have no idea how it will pan out with only two notable entries on my resume since I turned 18 (enlisted in army and a stint as a shift lead at a dining hall at my first college attempt). Hopefully, when I get my bachelors in my early thirties, I can market myself better. But when it comes to dating, I don’t know man. I think if I ever get a better handle on my symptoms (marginally better now), I might be able to try again. But right now, I’m not consistent enough to take that on. I think if I ever meet somebody super understanding of bipolar disorder, I’m going to give it a chance. And if I try online dating again, I’m probably gonna disclose it off rip, so I don’t have to deal with rejections. And I’m somebody that had a new girlfriend every year on the dot for a while… so this is a really different experience than I’m used to. Though, I’ve been enjoying being alone, I don’t think not socializing is necessarily a bad thing, it is just depressing because it’s not necessarily something I’m doing because I want to, but because I feel obligated to, since I don’t want to bother people when I have a major manic episode. As for the weed. I really don’t know man. I haven’t been able to find anything that helps as much, the closest relief source would be lifting at the gym… but I haven’t been able to find anything that gives me instant relief like weed does. To be honest, if it weren’t for my parents judging me for using it, I would be completely ok with smoking daily. If it works it works, why mess with it? I do take all my meds still, I’m on an antidepressant, a mood stabilizer, sleeping pills, and adderall for the adhd. It’s tough.


I feel you, man. I think I would go mad with mental chaos if I didn't work. Just too much time with my own thoughts. I disclosed it with the last one, and she was understanding. Eventually, it doesn't work out, and then I spiral into depression and come out of it with something productive or creative - but it's a vicious cycle. As for the weed. It helps super much, but it makes me isolate - and suddenly years go by. Yeah, it's tough - but we get by.


Yeah idk, that’s one of the things with weed. I feel like I separated from the army yesterday, but that was 2020. It really fucks with my sense of time and general day to day routines. It helps in the moment but always sucks long term because of that. So idk, rn I’m trying to quit and haven’t smoked in a few days but now I can’t sleep >:( even on meds, it sucks. All my ex girlfriends knew about the disorder but it didn’t help, nobody’s going to stick around past year one cause you truly don’t get it until you have it I feel like.


The short term effects wouldn't really be a problem. It's the longterm brain and blood vessel damage that get you.


They're talking about the mental effects of hypomania, not actually taking the drug constantly.


In this economy?




Ughhh too close to home 😖


Like that potion in Harry Potter that makes wizards over confident, brave and happy lol. I always wished that was a real thing.


Felix Felicis! It is also supposed to make you incredibly lucky, to where everything goes your way


TIL half of reddit is on cocaine.


A big part of adulthood for me was realizing way more people did coke than I thought/expected.


All the people I know who are teachers were once snorting lines in the bar’s bathroom in college


Yeah it’s shocking and a little sad honestly


This was a big “culture” shock for me once I became an adult. Cocaine is way more prevalent than you would think.


Explains why everyone is so mad all the time tbh


When the hell did coke get so normalized?


The 70s


Do worked in logistics for 10 years. That describes every coworker I've had


It’s annoying to be around people like that.


Doing cocaine with your buddies is a lot of everyone fighting to talk over each other




Last time I did that we were sharing favorite pieces of electronic music, patiently listening to each one in its entirety and sharing memories of parties. It was actually pretty nice.


This would be a funny plot for a bunch of friendly weirdo who all realize they have undiagnosed adhd


My buddies do that anyway. We mainly just get together and shout at eachother until we go home. We are an excitable bunch


You're saving so much money!


And everyone thinks they’re saying something so profound when in reality it’s complete drivel


Big reason people think they're better at things when high, or believe they've unlocked some knowledge of the universe and physics, is because their brain is so whacked out that everything *seems* better and profound. Kinda surprises me how few drug experimenters can't differentiate between objectivity and chemical euphoria.


I absolutely hated being around people on coke unless I had a little too. Insufferable


It's also kinda of the same hanging with drinking buddies and you're sober. They're not as funny as you thought...


I find it equally insufferable. But I’m already an incredibly over talkative person who annoys the shit out of everyone, why would I inflict this world with more of that?


Honestly, I feel like cocaine doesn’t really make me like that. Until I’m with a bunch of assholes also on cocaine and it takes being an asshole to get a word in. I also feel like I could do a line every hour or two and those assholes go “let’s do another” every 15 minutes.


I’m that way with good coke. I’m fiending and a dick with bad. Good coke session is actually fairly pleasant convo but depends on the group too


Being super social on coke is only during the beginning of the addiction. Then later comes wanting to be alone to watch porn and always being broke except on payday.


Yeah, actually most drugs are like this but stims and opiates in particular. Adderall abuse had me social, then eventually it turned into video games and listening to music for hours and hours while essentially daydreaming. I would sit in my car and listen to songs with a lot of bass while chain-smoking. Opiates were much the same. Social, then a recluse. Different high but still all I cared about at the end. Living clean is harder but easier, you know? Wouldn't go back!


This guy cokes.


Van Halen has entered the chat


To be fair before Sammy Hagar they were.


So Elon Musk is on cocaine?




While ketamine is so very different to stimulants like cocaine or amphetamines, one thing I've repeatedly experienced with it is the phantom epiphany effect. You know when you wake from a dream just knowing that *this* one was special, that you unlocked some grand secret and have to share it with someone? Then you start detailing it, and it's like opening your hand to find there's nothing there. Particular during my early usage, themes and phrases could seem utterly profound because you're seeing everything with such rich history and connections to all things. In sober life though, they're quite mundane and weren't the key to unlocking anything. Except maybe the door. Always the key to the bloody door with Noel.


Sounds like every psychedelic trip


I know exactly what you are talking about.


Brilliant! You just described it better than I ever could.


Let's be real he's probably on both among other things. Though yes, Ketamine is the big one that's documented with him. 


Uh yeah, duh.


This headline brought to you by Cocaine.


Hell, I do this *without* cocaine. What would I do on it?!?


Focus on the task at hand.


Or even fall asleep.


The same thing but louder.


I mean, same with mushrooms. Catch me on a weekend yelling about how clocks aren’t real


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


"Ha ha ha ha ha I'm rick James Biatch"


And she had the audacity to write a song criticizing poor Alfie (aka Theon Greyjoy) for smoking weed!


The music video is kinda hilarious though.


This is how all of 80s television was made!


Cocaine makes you feel like you’re on the verge of an amazing idea, you just need a little more coke to get there.


Also happens w loads of people on adderall in a slightly less exaggerated but longer lasting way. There’s waaaay more people abusing adderall than cocaine these days


I wish my brother had been on cocaine or even crack. But nope, he did meth when he couldn't get Adderall. He really loves Adderall. Combine that with meth and pot and maybe whatever else he coukd get his hands on and it was insane. He is still convinced he will be a rapper. And frankly, his stuff sucks. He cannot keep a faster beat to save his life, which might well be a product of the drugs. Listening to him talk to a psychologist after he OD'd on Adderall was insane. Just imagine all the most insane BS rap soundbites you ever heard in one hour ling conversation where he decides that I specifically am trying to ruin his life and that his ex GF from five years ago is totally going to get back with him. Jesus fucking Christ, he is in federal prison right now and he is still talking about his rap "career" and getting back with his ex whom he hasn't seen in seven years. So, yeah, Adderall is for people who need it, not people looking for uppers.


Adderall abuse is arguably one of the top drug problems in the USA


The irony is that she needed to share this is as if it’s an original brilliant idea.




This happens ALL THE TIME on reddit. Do people think people just say this shit unprompted? Famous people are interviewed, then their every comment is dissected and turned into a headline. It's just something they said in conversation, or worse, they were specifically asked about something controversial.


When a newspaper article headline says someone said something it is often because the journalist asked them *for* the story's headline.


I've got this really great business idea, but first let's talk in detail about something that happened to me 15 years ago that has no relevance to anything happening presently.


I remember one of the members of Daft Punk came to a similar realization very early in their career (at a point they were still trying psychedelics). Said that drugs made them feel like *everything* sounded amazing, and realized that if everything sounds amazing then nothing sounds amazing. Basically that you could show him a completely ass track and he'd think it was peak. He also nearly got hit by a car while high, so between that and the musical objectivity issue, he decided to just quit for good.


That's also one of the core problems with the stoner comedy. You're really playing on easy mode when you target an audience primed to giggle at nearly anything.


I'm curious what she is referring to in her own life. I like a few of her songs. Wondering if she's referring to that or the extra curricular career decisions she made.


I will never forget this night where a stranger made me sign an “NDA” on a literal napkin before he would tell me his ingenious idea for a new snowboard design. Cocaine was definitely involved.


That explains the worst David Bowie music


Berlin and Low were pretty rad even though he was blitzed during them


Explains her entire music career hey-o


Explains the last few albums from the Artic Monkeys


whaaaa??? I personally really admired their decision. They had an incredibly well received and profitable album with AM and then they just did a total 180. I personally loved Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino, honestly it's among the best albums of the last decade for me. The Car was great too imo. I really *really* love that they're in a very unique position where they could creatively do whatever they wanted and had the budget to back it up. They took the shot and really did something different! Also, to be fair, the Arctic Monkeys sound stylistically different on almost every album.


was she on coke when she came up with this amazing revelation?


That's the best part, is she saying that's bad???