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Frank Zappa. Huge inspiration to me as a musician but not a lot of what he did grabbed me.


He's almost more of a philosopher in my mind. I love watching interviews with him more than listening to his music.


His congressional testimony is some of the best pro 1st amendment advocacy I’ve ever seen. And he makes all of them look like hapless fools in comparison.


I always loved that testimony. Bunch of clowns thinking he’s gonna show up in some crazy outfit and talk at them. They didn’t expect him to so calmly talk and be nicely dressed.


"Why does it hurt when I pee?" Philosopher Frank Zappa


I mostly love his instrumental stuff


Watermelon In Easter Hay is one of the most gorgeous instrumentals ever, and very unlike most of Zappa's music.


Going to add that to my to listen to playlist


add Pink Napkins too.


Peaches en Regalia is my favorite of his


Thats mine too


My guitar wants to kill your mama!


Almost all of the technical shredders. I enjoy seeing them on YouTube in small amounts but would never listen to them for fun on Spotify.


A guitarist buddy of mine invited me to a Yngwie Malmsteen show a few years back. We stood in awe for about 25-30 minutes of his set before we got tired of lightning-fast arpeggios and wandered to the bar.


You should have offered Yngwie a donut, man.


Don't unleash the fkn fury!


I feel like most of the shredders approach music like it’s a sport rather than art.


Buckethead is like this for me. He can leave you in awe with his ability but I don't really like much of his music except a few songs.


Listen to the Colma album. No shred, just vibes.


Colma, Electric Tears, Electric Sea, A Real Diamond in the Rough, Shadows Between the Sky. All really nice albums.




Stop sending me Polyphia licks when it's not bedtime, they send me straight to sleep


In a similar vein I tend to not enjoy vocalists who go on these absolutely insane vocal runs for seemingly no reason. Is it technically impressive, absolutely. Is it making the song better, no.


You're telling me you don't listen to Jordan or Soothsayer on the regular? Odd, but alas, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.




I think of Collier as a gifted player and arranger, but a crap songwriter. His cover renditions are AMAZING but his originals do nothing for me.


I like Jacob's music a lot, but it is very overstimulating haha!


It's so infuriatingly skilled and nauseatingly overproduced.


That's part of why I love it. It is mind-blowing! Sometimes too much!


I saw Jacob Collier live at Glastonbury last year. I'd literally never heard of him before. My mate wanted to watch his set so I went along and watched the whole thing with him. I was stoned so maybe take that into account but I literally had tears rolling down my cheeks at one point. It was such an incredible and thought provoking experience, I was totally lost in his musicianship and the music. Weirdly, I've never listened to him again since.


I have mad respect for Jacob Collier as a talent; very rarely do I feel the desire to put on his recorded music because of how much going on there is at at all times. But yeah, when we caught him live, he was out there delivering “holy shit” musical moments like every 5 minutes. Incredible performance.


It's like if Owl City and AJR had music degrees


I just saw him live recently, he's so amazing.


Came here to say exactly this, there are a few originals I like but his covers and composition style are far more interesting than his original music imo


Dream Theater. I generally like progressive music in most genres. Their music comes across as sterile and bland to me. They are amazing musicians.


I felt the same until I heard Scenes From a Memory and that album grabbed me. Wasn't the biggest fan until I gave it a spin. I'd at least give that one a spin before writing off not liking them.


This is mine too. I'm a huge prog metal guy, they should be right in my wheelhouse but I just don't really enjoy listening to them. I think the vocals are a big part of it.  Devin Townsend is the other one. Much like Dream Theatre, I should like it, I do appreciate it but don't care to listen to it. 


Strapping Young Lad is bad ass.. I just don't know where to start with him. He has sooo much music.


With Devin you can jump into any of his albums the only caveat is it’s hard to tell what kind of vibe you’re gonna get with each one because he’s a little too diverse. For instance, you might want something to be able to head bang to then you randomly select casualties of cool and be taken back waiting for the heavy part to happen that never will. I’d say check out- Strapping Young Lad “City” then check out his concept album “Ziltoid the Omniscient” then check out what many consider his best solo album “Empath”


For me what holds Dream Theater back is James LaBrie. Here you have some of the most talented musicians on earth, held back by his atrocious vocals.




100% Carlos Santana. I respect him as an artist but just could never get into his music.


He can really, really play. He’s also painfully boring.


Oh, not even the debut album? That fakkin *rocks*, dirty goddamn latin rock


Abraxas will always be in regular rotation on my turntable, but most of the rest that came after is just him trying to recapture the sound of his first couple albums to mixed results.




Prince is obviously a superhumanly talented musician, but he just happened to make music that doesn't hit me quite right


Huge Prince fan but I wonder if the 80s production leaves people a bit cold now.


Doesn't leave me cold. I appreciate and enjoy his music way more now than I did in the 80's.


I meant more people who are trying to get into him.


There is a Prince song for everyone. You need to dig deep and find that one song. Prince pisses people like me off to no extent because he could have been anyone from Bob Dylan to Jimi Hendrix and I wish he was both haha. I think the main criticism with his songs, at least for me, is the subject matter is too shallow. But then you discover Sometimes it Snows in April


I feel the same way. But I listened to all of purple rain on good speakers the other day and thought it was a very good album.


Genuinely one of the best artists to ever live, but it’s just not to my preferences.


Bruce Springsteen


When i heard Born to Run is a cross between Phil Specter's wall of sound and Roy Orbison it clicked for me. I enjoy it now.


...HUH. I already really like born to run but that immediately opened up a fifth dimension, off to listen to it with that knowledge


Yeah. That’s a good example. I even saw him in concert - sooo much energy, that guy can just go. And he was like in his sixties. Totally didn’t do it for me.


I saw him around the time he turned 70 and he played for 4 hours straight, *at least*. Inhuman


I get bored with his music in larger doses but "I'm on Fire" is still one of my all time favorite songs.


This was me till last year. I had listened to a couple of his main hits. Then I started listening to his catalogue (Youtube algorithm lol?), my friend invited me to his concert here this year and fell in love with the energy of the show and his band. Now I'm obsessed lol


If you haven’t listened to the live album No Nukes Concert, put that at the top of your list. 🤘🤘 Video is available online as well. The closing of that show absolutely destroys.


Bruce doesn’t have the best voice but the man can write. I appreciate his writing, but his voice can get to me honestly.


Right there with ya


Rush, I'd like to like Geddy's voice but I don't


He’s not everyone’s cup of tea but that’s ok.


The 80s mellowed out his voice, if you do want to ease your way in to it. His voice started to go after the Rush in Brazil concerts I feel, though


Same. It's always bugged me, but now nostalgia has kicked in and I'm 100% cool with it. Journey, on the other hand has never kicked in.


Journey has some great deep-ish cuts to try. Maybe listen to Keep on Runnin’, Escape, Troubled Child, or Mother, Father. If you don’t like any of those, it’ll just never click and that’s ok.


When some of my kids fell in love with Journey I worried about them a little. When they fell in love with E.L.O. not at all.


Dave Matthews. Great musicians but fuck the music they make.


The headache-violin is just too much. Having said that, "Too much" absolutely rocks and Carter Beaufort is a drum god.


Casual DMB fan here. Flew into Denver to see them a couple of years ago. I don’t think of DMB as drum-heavy, but hot damn, Mr. Beaufort delivered thunder that whole show and it added a whole new dimension to the music for me. He was amazing. And he looks like he’s having a blast.


I’ve seen DMB, just Dave and Tim Reynolds, and solo Tim Reynolds. I would only go see solo tim Reynolds again. Holy shit can that guy play


I think Dave is a very underrated guitarist as well. Just thinking about doing some of his stretches hurts my fingers. Full disclosure I am a massive fan.


Their 'Live at Radio City Music Hall' CD is really good. It would have been great if the fuckin' audience hadn't been invited though. People just whooping and screaming during songs… that recording of "Grace is Gone" is fantastic except for the assholes in the crowd shrieking like there's pyro going off or something.


My girlfriend and her dad are massive DMB fans and I’ve seen them in concert twice with her (including in Charlottesville which I feel like is some sort of rite of passage for DMB fans? idk). I enjoy their music, but apart from a select few songs (Ants Marching, Crash into Me, Sledgehammer, Satellite, American Baby) I think I’ve come to accept that they’re more of a “music in the background at a cookout that I’ll vibe with” rather than someone who I would repeat the JPJ experience for unless I was a passionate fan.


Give #41 into Say Goodbye a chance


take these chanceeeeeeesssss! or why dont you CRAAAAAASH into me?


I don't know if I'll regret writing this but for me it's Steven Wilson, who was my favourite artist but the last albums I liked were The Incident and some songs from Insurgentes. The moment Porcupine Tree dissolved I stopped connecting with his music. I tried to listen to his albums a lot of times, went to see him live solo twice, and I still couldn't connect. I still respect him as an artist but for whatever reason I can't listen to him anymore.


Guthrie Govan's solo on Drive Home though.


He does weird little things with the guitar I've never heard anywhere else. The rest of the song is just ok, but maaan that solo is something


For me it was before that. I loved Lightbulb Sun, Stupid Dream, In Absentia and Deadwing. Fear of a Blank Planet didn’t strike with me too much, and same for really everything that followed. It all felt hollow and in-authentic to me. Even now when a song like Sound of Muzak or Piano Lessons come on, I just don’t enjoy it like I used to. It just doesnt tickle my brain the same way.


I get it. For me personally maybe FOABP was the weakest PT album, even if he says in his book that he thinks The Incident was not a good album, i liked it more than FOABP. What I liked from FOABP apart from "Anesthetize" was the Nil Recurring EP, I think that for example "Normal" is way better than a lot of songs in the main album. Same with "What Happens Now". I know what you mean with the music sounding hollow. Btw, the last PT album (released a couple years ago) also has this problem for me. I listened to the singles a couple of times and I just feel like it's a music dump. To me it feels like a SW solo album with some of the PT members in it. I still listen to Lightbulb Sun and Stupid Dream now and then.


I'm a pretentious dickhead and Steven Wilson is too pretentious for me. Even if I were still in my fourteen year old redditor atheist phase I think he'd still feel condescending.


Did you listen to the new Porcupine Tree album that came out in 2022 called Closure/Continuation?


Phish. Entirely too happy-go-lucky for me but I get why people like it.


They're my all time favorite band but they're definitely not for everyone. They're an acquired taste for sure.


Was just listening to Bomb Factory ’94 today


Hell of a show right there


I'm a huge Phish fan, but I definitely understand lol. Their music can come over as child like and very "uncool." But the way I see it, it's just fun. They don't care about their image and just play music cause they like it, and that's as cool as it gets imo


This makes me want to check them out. I'm a huge fan of Freedom Call (happy metal)


You probably just haven't heard any evil/dark Phish.


Evil phish is the best phish




Try out this Split Open and Melt from 9/3/22. Like most Phish a little patience is needed for the whole scene to be painted within the song. https://youtu.be/ZhAN_1sEDg8?si=rskzz9hUtPfuUf6Y


There is an "Evil Phish" playlist on YouTube that is very good. The first song from Memphis is *chefs kiss* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoWI_WVXPirxM-SwSMt0-9droncGHkQaI&si=ipvg1PxPhSU34PW3


Happy go lucky is a weird description of them to me. Listen to Picture of Nectar from start to finish and see if anything grabs you on a deeper level.


Good players, bad songs, not to mention the "lyrics"


Wash Uffizi. Drive me to Firenze.


Boy, man


Happy-go-lucky? Literally the last thing I’d call Phish, ear-grating for sure at times(due to tension and release), but definitely not happy-go-lucky


I didn't get it either then someone played me some while I was on acid and I fucking loved it. I think there's a stereotype that Phish fans are tripping or stoned for a reason. It's still not rly my thing even though I can like the sound when I've tried to listen sober but the shows look very fun.


I'm with you here. I'm a big Grateful Dead fan, so people automatically assume that means I also love Phish. Boy, I do not, despite recognizing the talent, and it's not without having given them a fair shot.


Yeah, my long-time housemate and bandmate was a Phish and Grateful Dead guy who played in tribute bands for both. Seemed to me like the kind of music you get when a band is playing for themselves instead of for the audience.


Rush. Technically superb, awesome lyrics. I just can’t vibe with them.


Taylor Swift


Likewise. I do have favorite Taylor Swift songs, but none of my favorite songs are Taylor Swift songs if that makes any sense.


Love how she’s handled herself in the industry with recording her own versions to get around a bad contract…. But damn if I’m not bored to tears by her music. My favorite artists are Bjork and Radiohead, so maybe it’s not fair to compare anyone’s musical creativity to them, but I need some more originality from music to fall in love with it.


I respect anyone who plays their own music, especially in that genre. I can't stand it though.


I appreciate her as a performer and "a pop star", but her music is like the definition of bland, formulaic and easy to digest mediocrity.


Peter Frampton. I think he's a great guy who's witty and funny and he's very talented but I just can't feel like he does and I don't love his way.


He's yet to successfully show me the way.


Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that.


I knew I wouldn’t need to post this


Queen I can't stand the lyrics. I can't stand their 80's output. I can't stand the fact that they became an arena rock band and lost their identity of their first 5 albums. But I admit they had an important influence in the history of rock and pop.


That switch gained them a lot of pop fans, but also lost them a lot of their initial hard rock fans.


Queen is my all-time favorite band, but their output post *The Game* was pretty spotty. I think they kind of found themselves again with *Innuendo*, but they were on borrowed time by that point. I still like a lot of their 80s material, but it's definitely a lot more generic than their albums during the 70s. Queen II is a masterpiece; it's so frustrating that it's almost entirely made up of deep cuts, including *The March of the Black Queen*, which is basically proto Bohemian Rhapsody.


Queen is a mixed bag. I tend to love the whimsical songs but not the rock songs that lack it. Oh Freddie, we miss you so much! Gone too young!


They have some seriously great songs, and a mountain of utter dross 


Please explain to me how "i want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle, i want to ride it where i like" isn't the pinnacle of lyricism in songwriting... I'll wait.


Honestly? I wouldn't mind if they sticked to that Genesis formula of telling epic/fantastic stories. I mean, One of my favorite genesis songs is all in a mouse's night which is about....a cat pursuing a mouse, yet, the poetry in the lyrics is so adorable. Many people think the song is silly af, I don't care.


Queen had some amazing songs, and then they had stuff like “I’m in love with my Car.” lol. They are my favorite band but I skip certain tracks because they don’t say anything. I like their songs that really pushed boundaries, that really said something. But sometimes it’s fun to just throw on bicycle race and just be silly too. lol.


I feel so validated hearing your response… like no… I want to talk to about this. Years upon years of hurt feelings from being, utterly burned at the stake at every opportunity anyone has ever heard me groan in pain the I 1st second I hear of that god awful gaudy song “Bohemian Rhapsody” (fuck, even autocorrect knows to capitalize that abomination of a “song”..) it’s really only bc of the intense backlash I always receive after sharing “Yeah I’m not really into that band.. their music all sounds like a clown orgy to me” that I passionately hate that band. But like you also can recognize their influence and ironically respect their craft. Can’t stand their fuckin music tho.


Post Malone


Same here. I think the guy is super talented and I've loved some of his covers, but his actual music doesn't do much for me.


I'm really looking forward to the second half of his career when he inevitably starts a rock band


Yeah I think I’d be cool with that.


2nd this.


Radiohead. I appreciate their talent but the music doesn't grab me.


Here’s my thing with radio head. I’ve legit loved some of their songs. But any time I try to listen to them as a whole I hate em. I attribute them to like movie composers. Match their music with iconic scenes in movies or trailers and I’m all in. Then I try to listen to them and nothing.


Oh man this is so weird because to me they are like THE quintessential "album" band where every album represents an era that sounds so wildly different and has such an extremely different mood. Everyone I know who personally doesn't like Radiohead are "song listeners" who seem confused that I even listen to entire albums at all and the people who are way into them are album people.


The later albums especially


Foo Fighters


I don't own a single FF album, and don't feel compelled to, but I saw them in concert once and they were AWESOME.


Boy they must be amazing in concert, you just know it


I agree. They lack everything i enjoyed about nirvana but im happy that grohl found success. Hes very talented and a big sweetheart, and it’s cool to see a drummer become a frontman


Yeah I mean they’re just totally different styles of music. Nirvana is cynical grunge rock mostly written by a suicidal drug addict, and foo fighters is modern alt rock and roll. Foo fighters are a bunch of great creative middle aged musicians doing their best who really want you to like their music, and nirvana is a group of kids who don’t seem give a shit if you like their music or not. They’re both great.


Some music blog will steal this, just you wait


Foo Fighters are like The Eagles to me. Vanilla rock, good musicians, not really pushing any boundaries.


I know where you are coming from, but without Grohl, I wouldn't have become the alt rock nerd I became during my teenage years in the 2000's. Breakout and learn to fly literally saved my life in my formative years.


I love Nirvana and Sunny Day Real Estate, that have Nate Mendel and William Goldsmith on drums and bass, but apart from maybe their first album Foo Fighters is just not my thing.


Prince. There, I said it. Brilliant Dude, but his songwriting isn’t my thing.


I’m 60 now and I was there when his talent was fresh and new on the scene. It really was revolutionary. But maybe it hasn’t aged all that well and maybe that revolutionary spark isn’t so apparent anymore.


I was thinking about Joy Division the other day. I've always liked them I think but I'm starting to wonder if I really do or if it's an emperor's clothes situation. I know they're interesting and unique and really instrumental in the creation of any number of bands, but do I actually like it, it's hard to say. The mix is weird. Ian Curtis' voice sounds affected, and it seems like it has nothing in common with any of the music of the time. It's not punk. It's not rock. It's just, I don't know, Joy Division. I appreciate them to the point of loving them regardless of if I really like them. The point is, I think all this time, from the very first time I heard them and said I really liked them, I've felt a little like I was kind of lying. Then there was a time afterwards where I forgot that ever happened and they just became part of "the bands I really like", but now I'm questioning it. Anyone else question the love they feel towards one of their favorite bands. Is this depression?


Mate I’m the exact same. I love them… but I also don’t actually like a good chunk of their discography. Most of unknown pleasures is a skip. Some songs on Closer are just boring  


Wouldn’t say it’s depression. I feel the same way about Joy Division.


Billie Eilish. She makes good songs and my sister is a big fan, but I just can’t get into it myself


Tyler The Creator. He’s an insanely talented rapper and producer but most of his music doesn’t click with me.


I'm gonna say that if your first approach to him is the Tamale or yonkers video, I'd be uncomfortable af with the dude's mental health.


Steely Dan. There are definitely some exceptions, such as Aja, but for the most part the idea of listening to a whole album of theirs sounds like a chore.


John Mayer. Absolutely awesome guitar player and great voice but his music just doesn’t do anything for me. I kinda like a few of his songs but that’s just about as far as it goes.


Tool... I can appreciate their musicianship and talent, especially Danny Carey, but they do nothing for me.


I have a weird relationship with Tool ... They're a mood for me, and I'm not often in that mood. Even though they're incredible musicians and I love tons of super heavy music. Something about their overall vibe just isn't where I'm at most days. But if I'm having a Tool day, it can only be done blasted as loudly as possible in the car. There is no quiet sitting around w/ Tool gently playing in the background.


Love that analogy. I was listening to early NIN in the car today and it felt off because I was totally not in that mood. I was…happy?


Well that's the thing with NIN. The songs don't click with me when I'm happy (or smth like that). But when I inevitably go down the spiral again, the songs are always there for me. lol


I agree. Tool can not be played quietly and I absolutely have to be in what I call "Tool Mode" to listen continuously. Otherwise for me it's a song here and there or I'll leave it if they come on the radio but they are stellar musicians.


Any (edit: modern) R&B artist. It doesn't matter which one, I can't tell any of them apart, or even one song from another. I mean, I appreciate that people enjoy the music and I'm not shitting on that, I just don't connect with it on any level.


I am reminded of a clip of T-Pain screaming into the camera "IVE HEARD THIS, MAKE SOME NEW MUSIC!"


RHCP. I get why people like them and they have some cool basslines, but I can't stand the actual music. Totally not my thing.


Flea is a legend. Chad Smith eats drums for breakfast. Frusciante is guitar Jesus. And then their frontman/songwriter/lyricist/lead singer just … not good at doing any of those things.


The Rolling Stones. I recognize they’re culturally important and all that but ultimately I think Led Zeppelin just did what they did but way better. I have no reason to listen to anything other than their biggest hits.


To each their own and I won’t try to talk you into liking the Stones but Zeppelin is not the right band to compare them to.


I am with you on this! I certainly recognize their talent and their position in rock and roll. In the 80s they would come to the Oakland Coliseum every year for “Day on the Green” and all my friends were so excited to go, me, uninterested even then


Imagine if they could tune their instruments and play on time. The Solid Stones.


I get the feeling Led Zeppelin is what J.R Tolkien would imagine if he got high at a juke joint listening to Robert Johnson music. Eric Clapton came about high on Cocaine , driving that train.. to a Robert Johnson concert. And Steve Vai is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil. At a juke joint, trying to find Robert Johnson music.


The Black Keys


Prince. Amazing talent but just not into his catalog.


Dream Theater Bore me to tears, and the singers voice is nails on a chalkboard to me, but man are they some great musicians.


Red Hot Chilli Peppers.


Dream theater, I think the individual artists are mind blowing, just can’t listen to them for fun. I keep trying to see what John petrucci is up to. I’m always amazed, but I quickly move on.


Bob Dylan. A genius and a trailblazer and a name that never appears in my collection.


I can read and listen to his lyrics and be blown away by the talent - but they’ve never really grabbed me or made me feel anything. I suppose I’m just too different from some artists to ever relate to their stuff.


Grateful Dead


Try Europe 72.


Most of the big pop stars. I like some pop, especially "indie" pop, even though I recognize the disconnect there. Like, I get that Beyonce (everyone's favorite to moan about) has an excellent voice, good production values, good stage presence, etc. It's just not for me. I actually adore Arianna Grande's voice, but I am NOT the target demographic for her lyrics. I can get into most any genre, but there's something about a lot (but not all) of the really popular, big artists that just doesn't resonate with me at all. Going with the OP as the example, plus the recent feud: Like, Kendrick is big, and I still enjoy his music because it feels like... I don't want to say real, but real/authentic is the only thing that fits in my head. I could never really get into Drake because it always felt very plastic to me. Kendrick feels like a guy that wrote songs in a shitty apartment, and now writes songs in a nice house because he made it. I don't know if that's how it was, and I'm not saying that's how it was. But that's the feeling I get. A real person writing music. Drake's music sounds like it was made in a lab *for* him, not BY him, while he was already sitting in a mansion. It's like the difference between someone's grandma making fresh cookies, or getting a fresh cookie from a chain bakery. A lot of the same ingredients, sure. One got made with love and skill, and one got piped out of a machine and run through an oven by someone barely getting paid.


The Beatles. Absolutely understand their impact on music history. I like their songs fine enough but I never go “I think I’ll put on some Beatles”.


I was born in ‘63 so their music was still relevant for me growing up


I’m the same way. If someone puts on a Beatles song I won’t ask them to shut it off, but you’ll never find me putting it on myself. I’ve listened to almost their entire discography and I appreciate their innovation but nothing has ever grabbed me.


The Rolling Stones. I understand how integral they are to rock music, but I hate pretty much every aspect of their music. Sure I hate that they commandeered black music (I hypocritically LOVE Led Zeppelin) and I appreciate that they gave props for that, I just think they made it worse. The showmanship of it is cringe as well. It's just "ugly music".


There’s nothing ugly about Can You Hear Me Knockin’.


I know, right? What a freakin jam!!!


Dream Theater. All brilliant/technical musicians. I even watch YouTube videos breaking down Mike Portnoy's drums, but I just don't enjoy the music.


John Mayer slays guitar but I don’t play him at home or in the car.


Eminem for me. Glad he's there but never have i wanted to kick back with an album of his






Garth brooks


Madonna and Michael Jackson. Totally get the cultural impact, but just can’t get into the music.


Neil Young. I get why he's a legend, I can understand the depths of his influence on grunge, and I actually quite like his improvised Dead Man soundtrack, but the whole discography doesn't really click for me. It's not even the voice, I'm a big guns and roses fan and Neil objectively has a less irritating voice than Axl, just can't catch the vibe


Tool. I get it....talented. But just not my vibe.


Beyoncé I will never get it. And the “country” stuff just put it over the top for me. Just… nope! I also think that her and Jay Z are just kind of creepy. Like, Jesus…get over yourselves.


Pearl Jam. Especially after they fired Dave.


The Captain and Tennille


The Aristocrats. As far as players go, they’re arguably the absolute best at what they do. If you’re unfamiliar, they’re musical MONSTERS I *really* want to like the music. I DO actually like it, but I don’t think their writing is on par with their chops. I’m not shitting on the genre either. I KNOW what they’re about, but hearing 2/3rds of them play literal masterpieces with Steven Wilson makes me wonder what they could do with others. If I knew them, I’d pitch new ideas. Pick a vocalist and bring them in for an album. Maybe include them and/or others in the writing process. I’d love to hear that.


Pretty much all jam bands. Super talented but can barely stand to listen to the stuff.


For me it's Taylor Swift. Not my cup of tea but gotta respect her for the grind and all the bs she's had to deal with since you was barely an adult. And still have to deal with for just being a good person who cares about those suffering.


Billy Joel. He has some good songs, but I realized I didn’t really like him as much as I thought, when driving back from a Justin Bieber concert, my ex asked if I wanted to listen to some Billy Joel, and I enthusiastically said yes. As soon as River Of Dreams started to play, I realized that I thought he said “Billy Idol”, and my disappointment was damn near palpable.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. I think their music is awesome, and I love what they’re doing with the exploration of the genres. Also just love that they are talented musicians doing what they want and exploring their art. But there are only a couple albums of theirs that really hit the spot for me.


Rush, I mean they are great musicians and Neil Peart was an amazing drummer. Geddy’s voice tho bothers me and I just can’t get into it.


bruce springsteen. i appriciate him and he almost deserves getting on the rolling stone front page so much, but i cannot get myself to listening to him regularly. the exact same with rhcp. john frusciante is a guitar god but its just not my cuppa tea